Top Democrat figure reveals the real Biden replacement plan

With rumors circulating regarding if the Democrats will replace Biden, people are trying to find out the truth. But now, people won’t need to look anymore.

Because a top Democrat has just revealed the real Biden replacement plan.

In a move that has exposed the Democrats’ secret plans, former Ohio Representative and 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidate Tim Ryan has declared that Vice President Kamala Harris should replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for the 2024 election. This announcement comes amid increasing calls for Biden to step aside following his lackluster debate performance in late June.

Ryan, a vocal advocate for generational change within the Democratic Party, articulated his concerns and suggestions in a recent op-ed published in Newsweek.

“I ran for President in 2020. I was the first Presidential candidate to endorse Joe Biden in 2020. I love America. I love our Party. I love Joe Biden. The Democratic Nominee in 2024 should be Kamala Harris,” Ryan wrote, highlighting his loyalty to the party and his previous support for Biden.

Ryan described Biden’s debate performance as “deeply troubling,” adding that his concerns extend beyond a single debate.

“It isn’t just about a 90-minute debate and a terrible performance,” he stated, emphasizing that the upcoming election should focus on generational change—something he has been advocating for more than a year.

While Ryan acknowledged Biden’s accomplishments, particularly his pro-union and pro-manufacturing stance, he stressed the need for a new path forward.

“He also promised to be a bridge President to the next generation. I liked that idea,” Ryan noted, lamenting that the metaphorical bridge had collapsed after Biden’s recent debate performance.

Ryan’s call for Harris to be the Democratic nominee is rooted in his belief that she represents the best path forward for the party. He praised Harris’s performance during the debate and her subsequent media appearances, describing her as “a ray of light in the darkness” and “stellar.”

Harris, according to Ryan, has honed her raw talent and intelligence through a tough national campaign and three and a half years of experience, making her ready for the job.

Ryan’s endorsement of Harris is not merely based on her debate performance. He believes Harris has the ability to energize the electorate and govern effectively as the next president.

“She should be the Democratic nominee because she can energize the electorate and govern effectively as our next president,” Ryan argued.

He highlighted her ability to connect with diverse communities and energize youth voters, suggesting that a Harris candidacy could pull dispirited young voters back into the Democratic fold.

Ryan also dismissed the notion that a Harris candidacy would be riskier than Biden’s continued campaign. “It is insulting to say that a Harris candidacy is a greater risk than the Joe Biden we saw the other night,” Ryan stated, advocating for a bold and aspirational campaign that showcases Harris’s strength, personality, and intelligence.

He believes Harris could carry a more convincing Democratic message than Biden, particularly on issues such as women’s rights and reproductive healthcare.

The former representative emphasized the need for the Democratic Party to embrace upward mobility and fresh leadership. He pointed to past successes with young leaders like Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and John F. Kennedy Jr., arguing that a fresh, charismatic candidate could once again lead the party to victory.

“America is craving this generational change. You can feel it in the air,” Ryan asserted, calling on the Democratic Party to give the American people what they want—a sense of excitement about the future and the opportunity for renewal and reform.

Ryan’s bold statements come at a time when President Biden faces increasing scrutiny over his age and cognitive abilities.

Despite the White House and Democratic leaders dismissing the notion of replacing Biden on the ticket, Ryan’s op-ed adds to the growing chorus of voices calling for a change in leadership.

The Democratic Party now faces a critical decision as it prepares for the 2024 election. Will it continue to support Biden, or will it heed calls for generational change and embrace a new candidate like Kamala Harris?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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