Top Democrat leader caught on camera plotting to overthrow Trump

The Radical left knows that a Trump election is inevitable. But they are terrified at the prospect.

And now, a top Democrat leader has been caught on camera plotting to overthrow Trump.

In a recently resurfaced video from a February 2024 panel discussion, Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) speculated that Congress might have to invalidate a potential election victory by former President Donald Trump, even at the risk of inciting “civil war.”

Raskin’s comments have raised serious concerns among Trump supporters, Americans, and advocates of democratic fairness, highlighting a disturbing trend of political maneuvering aimed at undermining Trump’s candidacy.

The video, recorded at the Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C., captures Raskin predicting that the Supreme Court would block efforts by Democrats to exclude Trump from the ballot in several states using Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

This section was originally adopted after the Civil War to prevent former Confederates from holding federal office. Radicals have tried to argue that Trump’s actions constituted “insurrection” under this section, barring him from running for president again.

In March, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled against these exclusion attempts, stating that it is Congress, not the states, responsible for enforcing Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

This ruling prompted Raskin to suggest that Congress would need to act if Trump won the election, a notion that raises the specter of “civil war conditions” due to potential backlash from Trump supporters.

Raskin’s history of political opposition to Trump is well-documented. He led the House impeachment managers during Trump’s second impeachment trial and served on the January 6 Committee.

Yet, Raskin himself objected to the 2017 election results, showcasing a blatant double standard. His willingness to entertain the idea of invalidating an election result if Trump wins is deeply troubling and suggests a disregard for democratic principles.

In his remarks, Raskin criticized the Supreme Court for what he perceived as its failure to support progressive causes. He pointed to historical decisions like Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson to argue that the Court has often been on the wrong side of justice.

However, his comments ignore the Court’s crucial role in upholding the Constitution and providing checks and balances within the government.

Raskin’s suggestion that the Supreme Court justices are shirking their duties is both misleading and dangerous. His reference to the justices having “great protection” is particularly disingenuous, given the assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh in June 2022 and the continued protests outside his home.

The Department of Justice’s refusal to enforce laws prohibiting protests outside justices’ residences only adds to the concerning climate of intimidation against the judiciary.

Raskin’s comments reveal a broader strategy among some Democrats to use every possible tactic to prevent Trump from returning to office. By invoking the threat of “civil war” and suggesting that Congress might need to invalidate an election result, Raskin is undermining the democratic process and the rule of law. This approach is not only reckless but also a direct assault on the fundamental principles of American democracy.

Trump supporters see these moves as a desperate attempt to silence a candidate who has consistently challenged the political establishment.

The attempts to bar Trump from the ballot and the discussions of invalidating his potential victory are viewed as transparent efforts to rig the 2024 election. Instead of engaging in a fair electoral contest, some Democrats are resorting to underhanded tactics that threaten the integrity of the democratic process.

In response to Raskin’s alarming comments, it is crucial for Americans to stand up for the principles of democracy and ensure that every candidate has a fair chance to run for office.

This means rejecting efforts to exclude candidates from the ballot based on politically motivated interpretations of the law and standing against any moves to invalidate election results.

The American people deserve a transparent and fair electoral process, free from interference and manipulation. It is vital that Congress respects the Supreme Court’s rulings and upholds the Constitution, rather than succumbing to partisan pressures.

Raskin’s remarks are a stark reminder of the lengths to which some will go to undermine Trump and disrupt the democratic process.

As the 2024 election approaches, it is essential to remain vigilant and defend the principles of democracy. Trump supporters and advocates for electoral fairness must continue to demand justice and ensure that the American people can participate in a free and fair election.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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