Trump just made one comment that is boiling Biden’s blood

Trump is not known for holding back when it comes to his speeches. But still, people were surprised recently.

And Trump just made one comment that is boiling Biden’s blood.

Former President Donald Trump held a fiery rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa, on Saturday as he gears up for his 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump used the event to blast his Democratic and Republican rivals, but he particularly went after Joe Biden.

Trump accused Biden of being “owned by China” and having a “weak” foreign policy. He also criticized Biden’s handling of the economy, immigration, and the war in Ukraine.

In particular, Trump slammed Biden’s plan to revive the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, which he himself withdrew from in 2017.

Trump said that the TPP would “pulverize” American farmers and manufacturers.

Trump also went after his Republican rival, Ron DeSantis, accusing him of being a “raging opponent” of Iowa Ethanol.

Trump said that DeSantis spent his entire time in Congress “angrily railing against the Renewable Fuel Standard,” which mandates the use of renewable fuels, such as ethanol.

Trump also vowed to repeal Biden’s “ethanol-crushing Electric Vehicle Mandate” and to “stand up for Iowa Ethanol like no president in history.”

Trump also touted his record as president. He said that he achieved the “most secure border in US history,” appointed “nearly 300 federal judges and 3 great Supreme Court justices,” and “kept America safe.”

Trump also said that he would “prevent World War Three” if he were elected president. He said that he is the “only candidate who can make this promise.”

The former president also pledged to “stop the invasion on our southern border” and to “begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

He also said that he would “immediately restore and expand the Trump Travel Ban” and implement “strong ideological screening for all immigrants.”

In terms of the economy, Trump said that he would “deliver tax cuts, regulation cuts, energy price cuts, and interest rate cuts like you’ve never seen before.” He also said that he would “protect Social Security and Medicare for our great seniors.”

Trump concluded his speech by saying that it is “far more than a campaign” and that he and his supporters are “all involved in a great political movement, the greatest in the history of our country.”

Trump’s speech was a clear message to voters that he is the only candidate who can restore America to greatness.

He laid out a clear and concise plan for how he would do this, and he did not shy away from attacking his opponents.

Trump’s supporters were clearly energized by his speech, and they are likely to be even more motivated to support him in the 2024 election.

Trump’s speech was a powerful reminder of why he was elected president in the first place. He is a strong leader who is not afraid to take on tough challenges.

If he is elected president again, he will make America great again which is exactly what this nation needs.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

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