

Biden proves he’s lost his mind with one TV appearance

Voters are concerned that Biden's mental acuity could be compromised. This leaves no room for doubt. And Biden proved he's lost his mind with one...

Serious test results made Biden go pale as a ghost

Joe Biden's future is uncertain. And the picture is even more grim now. And these Serious test results made Biden go pale as a ghost. Joe...

Gavin Newsom got exposed as a moron with this one comment on Fox News

California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom isn't the brightest guy around. But he's reached new levels of idiocy. Because Gavin Newsom went on Fox News and...

CNN confirms devastating Joe Biden news

Joe Biden's advancing age was going to be a problem at some point. That time has come. And CNN just confirmed the devastating Joe Biden...

Joe Biden is fighting back tears after he was smacked with this devastating report

The Biden presidency has failed. Never before has an administration shown such terrible incompetency.

And now Joe Biden is fighting back tears after he was smacked with this devastating report.

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