CNN confirms devastating Joe Biden news

Joe Biden’s advancing age was going to be a problem at some point. That time has come.

And CNN just confirmed the devastating Joe Biden news.

The likelihood of President Joseph Biden being reelected has been seriously questioned by recent polling.

Just one-third of Americans believe that the Democrat should be given another term in office, and some of Joe Biden’s most ardent supporters are now dissatisfied with his job performance.

In a CNN poll conducted on Thursday, a staggering 67% of respondents said that Biden, who is 80 years old, doesn’t deserve to be re-elected in 2024.

John King of CNN was open about the lack of interest in a second term for Biden.

In an interview with David Chalian of the leftist network, King remarked, “The numbers are beyond sobering for President Biden.”

The president considerably underperforms in terms of his approval ratings when it comes to crucial political issues like immigration (35%) and the economy (37%), while Biden retains a middling overall approval rating of 42%.

Only 26% of those under the age of 35 believe that Biden deserves a second term in office; these are appalling percentages among a group that Democrats have relied on for voting participation.

Even the majority of Democrats favor having a second nominee for their party.

According to the study, 54% of Democrats or independents leaning Democratic want someone other than Biden.

Nevertheless, party members don’t seem to be able to think of a viable replacement for the career politician.

No other Democrat in the poll garnered the backing of more than 5% of Democratic voters, potentially locking the party into keeping the president in office.

If Biden were to win re-election, he would significantly extend his lead for the title of oldest president in American history.

At the time of his inauguration, Biden was 78 years old, making him older than his oldest predecessor, Ronald Reagan, who left office in 1989 at the age of 77.

Even though he has expressed his readiness and overall purpose to run, Biden has not yet made a definitive decision regarding the possibility of a re-election effort.

Biden would outlive his nearest predecessor by roughly ten years if he were to complete a second term as president, retiring at age 86.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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