Joe Biden makes shocking 2024 announcement

President Biden has raised eyebrows by his refusal to announce his reelection campaign. It has made many question whether he’ll run at all.

And Joe Biden just made a shocking 2024 announcement.

Biden’s poll numbers are in the garbage.

Only one third of the nations thinks he deserves a second term as president according to a recent CNN poll.

And more than half of Democrats would like to see someone else clinch the Democratic nomination in 2024.

With signs only pointing to the fall of Joe Biden’s presidency, many in the media have been asking the question everyone wants to know the answer to: will Joe Biden run for a second term?

Unfortunately, Biden has played his cards close to the chest – but he’s finally opening up.

President Joe Biden indicated on Monday that he intends to run for reelection but is “not prepared” to make the announcement.

“I plan on running, Al, but we’re not prepared to announce it yet,” Biden told NBC’s Al Roker for a short Today interview at the White House Easter egg roll on Monday.

As the president teased about attending up to six more Easter egg rolls at the White House, Biden responded to Roker’s request to “help a brother out” by making some news and addressing if he would be “taking part” in the 2024 race.

Biden, who has yet to officially launch his reelection bid, has been quietly preparing for another statement, but the clock appears to be shrinking.

Advisors initially suggested that the president would make his announcement around the time of the State of the Union address in February, and first lady Jill Biden even told the Associated Press that the president would run for another term and that there’s “pretty much” nothing else to do but figure out a time and place to make the announcement.

But, according to a recent source, he may wait until the fall to announce his candidacy.

Because campaigns must publish fundraising figures every quarter, campaigns can gain a fundraising advantage by announcing it at the start of the quarter.

In this manner, a candidate has three months to demonstrate their fundraising prowess. Nevertheless, by delaying, Biden leaves potential staffers, who must make their own arrangements, in the dark.

Additionally, over the weekend, Axios reported that the White House would rely on a “army” of online “influencers” for his reelection campaign to “boost Biden’s standing among young voters who are crucial to Democrats’ success in elections” and will be used to counter former President Donald Trump’s “massive social media following” if he is the nominee.

So far, Marianne Williamson, an author and “spiritual thought leader” who campaigned for president as a Democrat in 2020, has expressed her intention to seek for the Democratic nomination, while Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has proclaimed his intention to oppose Biden in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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