Donald Trump sent the Supreme Court an urgent message that changes everything

Former President Donald Trump views the Supreme Court as his allies. That’s why he’s making this move.

Because Donald Trump sent the Supreme Court an urgent message that changes everything.

In light of the legal battles Donald Trump is facing, the former President is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to step in to save him from the attacks from the Left.

Trump took to his Truth Social account to share that he’s having to spend less time on the campaign trail and doing rallies while he focuses on trying to defend himself in the courtroom.

“CRAZY! My political opponent has hit me with a barrage of weak lawsuits, including D.A., A.G., and others, which require massive amounts of my time & money to adjudicate,” Trump said on Truth Social.

“Resources that would have gone into Ads and Rallies, will now have to be spent fighting these Radical Left Thugs in numerous courts throughout the Country,” he continued.

He continued on saying that he believes this is election interference because he is leading the polls against the Republican field and against incumbent President Joe Biden, who he calls “Crooked Joe.”

As such, he believes the Supreme Court ought to intercede in the case proceedings.

“I am leading in all Polls, including against Crooked Joe, but this is not a level playing field. It is Election Interference, & the Supreme Court must intercede. MAGA!”

After this, he questioned the constitutionality of bringing charges against a leading Presidential candidate like the DOJ under President Biden are currently doing.

“Biden & Garland file bogus cases against me so it becomes difficult for me to campaign. Nothing like this has every happened before. Must be Unconstitutional? BUT SOMEHOW, WE WILL WIN IT ALL!!!” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

There does not appear to be anything unconstitutional about bringing charges against a presidential candidate, because as far as the law is concerned, someone running for office is no different than a regular citizen.

The sitting-President does have special legal rights such as the ability to pardon anyone in the United States, including him or herself.

But historically, these privileges have not been extended to former Presidents when they are no longer in office.

That being said, former Presidents very rarely ever run for office again like Donald Trump is doing in 2024.

It will be important to keep an eye on the Republican primary polls as these trials for Trump play out to see if he maintains his seemingly dominant position in the race for the Republican nomination.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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