Prudent Politics

1344 POSTS

New Biden-Harris proposal sees more money stolen from American taxpayers

The Biden administration claims it cares about the American people. But their actions clearly prove otherwise. Because a new Biden-Harris proposal sees more money stolen...

Chilling new DoD report shows massive new threat to United States because of Biden

Joe Biden’s foreign policies and defense policies are atrocious. But even then, people didn’t think things could get this bad. But a chilling new DoD...

Donald Trump’s VP pick makes a bold warning that has worried millions of Democrats

Since being picked as Donald Trump’s VP, JD Vance has been making Democrats nervous. With his powerful pro-America speeches, the Left knows they are...

Harris campaign spreads horrific and false claims about Donald Trump

The Radical Left loves fake news. But even many Democrats have to admit, they’ve taken it too far. Because the Harris campaign is spreading horrific...

Biden administration caught bringing terrorists into the United States

The Biden administration has made it clear that they do not care about the US. But no one thought they would go this far. And...

Prudent Politics

1344 POSTS