Biden suffers devastating loss that massively set his election campaign back

Joe Biden seems to be losing tons of support while campaigning for re-election. But now, this could end it all.

Because Biden has suffered a devastating loss that massively set his election campaign back.

House Republican leaders in Congress swiftly rejected President Joe Biden’s ambitious $7.3 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year (FY) 2025 on Monday after he introduced it.

According to the White House, the $7.3 trillion plan “reduces the deficit by $3 trillion over the next 10 years.”

In agreement with the House Republican leadership, House Speaker Mike Johnson issued a statement dismissing the idea.

“The price tag of President Biden’s proposed budget is yet another glaring reminder of this Administration’s insatiable appetite for reckless spending and the Democrats’ disregard for fiscal responsibility. Biden’s budget doesn’t just miss the mark — it is a roadmap to accelerate America’s decline,” said the statement.

“House Republicans reject Biden’s misguided budget proposal and have taken action to steer our nation back to a path of fiscal sanity. Our efforts to rein in the runaway spending spree from last year’s budget have already yielded results, lowering projected deficits by $2.6 trillion over the next decade. The House’s budget plan for the next fiscal year, preceding the President’s proposal, reflects the values of hardworking Americans who know that in tough economic times, fiscal discipline is non-negotiable. House Republicans understand the American people expect and deserve nothing less from their government.”

According to the New York Times, the new proposed budget is extremely similar to last year’s which also did not make it anywhere in Congress.

In an attempt to show evidence of efforts in cutting expenditure, the White House pointed to declines in the deficit since Biden assumed office in 2021.

However, the deficit levels throughout the Trump administration are smaller than those in fiscal years 2022 and 2023, with the exception of FY 2020 during the pandemic.

Once again, the Radical Left continues to make themselves look better, but the American people see right through their lies.

We cannot and will not allow this administration to keep stealing our money in order to push a Radical agenda.

The obvious rejection of his proposed budget for FY 2025 is a major blow to Biden.

It is clear proof that no one stands behind him and no one believes in him.

The entire nation cannot wait to vote him out of office so that he can spend the rest of his days where he belongs: a mental hospital.

While Joe Biden and the Radical Left think they can get away with this thievery, Republican leaders understand the feelings of the American people, and they are refusing to play any games with Biden.

There will be no compromising as long as Biden continues to destroy this country and leaves its citizens stranded and without hope.

We must join together to support this great nation, because our White House will not.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

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