Radical Leftists lose support in stunning display of stupidity

The Left thinks that the whole world supports them. But that could not be farther from the truth.

And now, Radical Leftists have lost massive support in a stunning display of stupidity.

Ever since the horrific terror attacks of October 7, many Radical Leftist Americans have come out in support of Hamas.

They make absurd claims and try to spread lies that have been debunked by numerous sources including the UN.

But still, we have seen a massive uptick in pro-Hamas terror supporters across the entire nation, but especially on liberal college campuses.

The Left think that they are helping the war effort but protesting, chanting, and spreading their hate, and they view themselves as allies to Hamas and Palestine.

However, the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a co-founder of Hamas, recently spoke to Dr. Phil Primetime to call out and laugh at Americans who aid the terrorist group in Palestine’s conflict with Israel, branding them as “useful idiots.”

Mosab Hassan Yousef called American college students “useful idiots” and said that they “need to go to a mental asylum” for merely echoing Hamas talking points in the name of the “free Palestine” cause.

Alongside two pro-Palestinian college students from Michigan, he said in an April 2 interview on the program, “It’s very disappointing to see Americans supporting Hamas and thinking that Hamas is a cool thing.”

He bemoaned the fact that many Americans see Hamas militants as “freedom fighters.”

He continued, “Hamas does not respect any of those followers,” alluding to left-leaning individuals who see the Palestinian cause as intersecting with the LGBTQ and Black Lives Matter movements.

He further stunned the left when he asserted that the terrorist organization would “torture and massacre them with no mercy.”

He went on further saying that people who take to the streets and swarm college campuses to protest the Jewish state “don’t know what they’re supporting.”

Yousef—who spent time in prison alongside Hamas leaders before defecting to Israel to work as a spy for Shin Bet—described Hamas as “a monster that has been hijacking an entire society and endangering the entire Middle East [by] pushing the world toward a global war.”

Yousef, Dr. Phil, and the audience were skeptical of the two college students wearing keffiyehs who sat next to him, even though they insisted they were not just repeating Hamas talking points. They also failed to denounce the October 7 massacre.

Yousef said, “If you were a decent human being, you can say that the thousands who were killed on October 7 was a crime against humanity. It was a genocide.”

“There are some things that are just fundamental human decency,” Dr. Phil also added, “and when I ask you if what happened on October 7 is something you condemn, and you say, ‘Well, you have to look at that by looking at hundreds of years of conflict.’ No, you don’t. That’s either right or it’s wrong, and I don’t need a hundred years of conflict to know it was wrong.”

For months now, the Left has aligned themselves with a terror organization that despises them and everything they stand for.

Yet, the Left continue to show their stupidity and they refuse to budge on their Radical and pro-terror talking points.

We cannot allow this madness to continue any longer. We must stand up for the truth.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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