Radical liberal leader makes comments so violent and extreme that even the Left shuddered

The Left tries to brand themselves as the party of the people, but they have made it clear how much they hate people. And their radical agenda is so dangerous that people cannot believe it.

And now, a Radical liberal leader has made comments so violent and extreme that even the Left shuddered.

A history teacher at Seattle Public Schools with a criminal history is being investigated for her statements that “Hamas didn’t behead anyone.”

After pressing down on the absurd allegations in a recent interview, the district is reviewing the assertions that “Hamas didn’t r*pe anyone” and that the Israel Defense Forces were truly responsible for the horrors perpetrated out by Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023.

Accuracy In Media (AIM) displayed a mobile billboard at Chief Sealth International High School earlier this week, of a 10th-grade teacher, for remarks he made that were considered antisemitic.

The teacher, Ian Golash, is the department chair for social studies and has shown pictures of terrorists in his classroom.

“Your post said that the oppressors don’t get to choose the form of resistance used against them,” AIM President Adam Guillette questioned Golash, who teaches “Ethnic Studies World History,” when he stepped out to speak to the group.

Golash answered, “That is accurate.”

“So, was what happened to Israel on October 7th justified?” Guillette then questioned. Golash responded with a “Yes.”

“The r*pe of women at a music festival was justified?” Guillette questioned, incredulous. Golash responded, “Where’s the evidence that there was r*pe?” in spite of video footage that was live streamed by Hamas, reports from Israel, the US, and the UN recognizing the r*pes, as well as testimony from the Israeli prisoners who had returned home.

This is what tax-payer dollars are funding: the push of harmful and destructive lies in order to further the agenda of the Left.

In a statement sent to KOMO News on Friday, Seattle Public Schools said that they are looking into Golash’s remarks and that they would not comment on personnel issues pertaining to the subject while their investigation was ongoing.

“While our review is in process, we will not comment on personnel matters related to this topic. Creating high-quality and inclusive educational environments for our students is a top priority for SPS. SPS does not tolerate Antisemitic or Islamophobic speech or acts in our schools or offices.”

In response to prior grievances against Golash, principal Ray Garcia Morales of the school informed parents via email in December that numerous “inquiries related to content that may have been covered in one of our classes” had been received and that they were “looking into the situation.” But since then, there have been no developments.

Golash represents the Seattle Education Association teachers’ union at the school, and the organization recently approved a resolution that supports Hamas.

His social media accounts also feature images linked to the anti-police movement and Antifa.

Golash has posted posters of Hamas militants in his classroom and throughout the school’s hallways, along with statements such as “Free Gaza” and “Long Live Palestine.”

The Left will never stop their propaganda and lies until the entire world is forced to preach their agenda.

America has suffered under the oppression of the Radical Left for far too long.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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