

The Democrat Party’s traitorous gift to Communist China revealed

The issue of Chinese international dominance is getting worse. Now they've made allies from within the U.S. Because the Democrat Party's traitorous gift to Communist...

President Biden’s heart stopped when he heard this news

Biden's ability to serve as Commander-in-Chief has come into question lately. Now we suddenly have our answer. Because President Biden's heart stopped when he heard...

Joe Biden raises DEFCON level after receiving this warning from China

Communist China has been raising eyebrows as of late. Their "cold war" against the USA is heating up.

And Joe Biden just raised the DEFCON level after receiving this warning from China.

Biden’s plans to sell American out to China exposed

Many have suggested that President Biden might be compromised. Now we know how. Because Joe Biden's plans to sell America out to China have been...

Kayleigh McEnany asked Joe Biden one question he isn’t going to like

Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany took time away from the network to enjoy motherhood. But she's back fiery than ever.

And Kayleigh McEnany asked Joe Biden one question he isn't going to like.

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