Prudent Politics

1600 POSTS

Top Democrat goes back on promise and outrages millions

The Radical Left has no integrity. And they cannot help but lie to the American people. But now, a top Democrat goes back on promise...

Terror threat from within US has the whole country gripped with fear

Since Joe Biden took office, it seems as if terror threats have become more and more common. And our already weak border has opened...

Attack on the US Constitution has set the Supreme Court on edge

The Constitution of the United States is a crucial document in this nation. But people have no respect for it. And an attack on...

Terrifying radical policy in school system has infuriated parents

The Radical Left has been going after our children with more intensity recently. But this has gone too far. And a terrifying new radical policy...

New Democrat hypocrisy has been exposed, and people can’t believe what they’re hearing

Democrats hate America, yet they demand to be politicians. They hate Americans yet pretend to serve us. But now, new Democrat hypocrisy has been...

Prudent Politics

1600 POSTS