Prudent Politics

1384 POSTS

What Chris Christie announced on NBC will shock you to your core

Christie is failing in every GOP poll you look at. The only people that respect him are Democrats. And now what Chris Christie announced on...

Extreme terror threat puts the Capitol building on lockdown

Joe Biden has opened up the US to all sorts of attacks. But this most recent warning is chilling. And this extreme terror threat...

Trump just made one comment that is boiling Biden’s blood

Trump is not known for holding back when it comes to his speeches. But still, people were surprised recently. And Trump just made one comment...

NBC spells out bad news for Democrat Party that could mean the end of Biden

The Democrat party is struggling to stay relevant, and they cannot seem to understand their voter base. They have done nothing but destroy America...

Terrifying new report shows what’s really going on at the border

Everyone knows that Joe Biden’s border is terrible. He is letting in illegal immigrants and terrorists into our country left and right. But now,...

Prudent Politics

1384 POSTS