Prudent Politics

1672 POSTS

Arizona GOP head makes a shocking decision that could change the entire election

Elections are complicated events that are influenced by countless factors. But nonetheless, people were still shocked. Because the Arizona GOP chair made a shocking decision...

Ohio Republicans overthrow their governor in this shocking move

The Radical Left will never stop trying to destroy this nation. And America is slowly succumbing. But Ohio Republicans have just overthrown their governor in...

Texas’s response to Supreme Court decision leaves Democrats in tears

Joe Biden has once again weaponized the government in order to take down a political opponent. But this time, things have gone differently than...

Biden gets a shocking wake up call directly from voters

The Radical Left keeps preaching the lie that Americans love Biden. But the truth is much worse. And now Biden got a shocking wake-up call...

Terrifying new CIA report exposes corruption of Biden administration

The corruption in our government right now is something that should scare all Americans. But, now more proof has come out that shows the...

Prudent Politics

1672 POSTS