Prudent Politics

1672 POSTS

Democrats just put the lives of countless Americans on the line

The Radical Left prioritizes their absurd and dangerous agendas over the safety of Americans. But now the consequences of their policies are being felt. And...

Horrific attacks left Democrats pointing fingers at the worst possible time

The Radical Left cannot take the blame for anything at all. And they are destroying America. And now horrific attacks left Democrats pointing fingers at...

Trump’s newest comments could turn the 2024 election on its head

Election season is upon us. And the Radical Left is becoming more and more concerned that they will lose again. And now, Trump’s newest comments...

Governor Newsom attacked and now Democrats are paralyzed with fear

Politics can be a dangerous profession, especially for someone as hated as Newsom. But still, no one saw this coming. And Governor Newsom was...

Congressional Republicans made one move that sent Democrats spiraling in anger

The Radical Left is doing everything in their power to allow terrorism into this nation. But American patriots are fighting back. And Congressional Republicans made...

Prudent Politics

1672 POSTS