Prudent Politics

1686 POSTS

Joe Biden’s world was just rocked by the last person he expected

Joe Biden is majorly losing in the polls to Donald Trump. And people are starting to doubt his ability to defeat Trump in a...

Chilling accident leaves Biden’s motorcade in ruin

The office of President is one that is very dangerous. And with as many enemies as Joe Biden has, it certainly has been scary. And...

Landmark Supreme Court decision completely unravels our very Democracy

The Radical Left claims they are the party of “Democracy.” However, their recent actions have shown the truth. And this landmark Supreme Court decision has...

Gavin Newsom is reeling after being hit with a career-ending attack

Politics can be dangerous for those who are not prepared. And Gov. Newsom certainly wasn’t. And now Gavin Newsom is reeling after being hit with...

Newest allegation against Biden has the president terrified

Joe Biden’s impeachment inquiry is finally official. And experts are already showing just how serious things are. And this newest allegation against Biden has the...

Prudent Politics

1686 POSTS