Prudent Politics

1365 POSTS

Biden gets slapped with an ultimatum he can’t afford to ignore

President Biden is in no position to be making demands anymore. He's been cornered and has a huge decision to make. Because Biden got slapped...

Liberal fact checker proves Kamala Harris’ surprising claim wrong

Kamala Harris is known for making absurd statements with no truth or validity. But no one expected her to make this statement. And...

Biden caught in lie that opens door for impeachment

President Biden’s story on his knowledge of Hunter Biden’s dealings has always been suspicious. Many doubt he's telling the truth. Now he has...

Biden’s allies are jumping ship after he made this brainless blunder

President Biden's incompetency knows no bounds. Even his closest friends want out. And Biden's allies are jumping ship after he made this brainless blunder. The ailing...

Prudent Politics

1365 POSTS