Prudent Politics

1375 POSTS

This video of Hillary Clinton is causing utter chaos

Hillary Clinton has been making her rounds in the media lately. Many believe she might be trying to stage a comeback for her political...

Ted Cruz put the fear of God in Biden’s DOJ with one word

The DOJ and FBI under Joe Biden's watch have been out of control. They've been accused of abusing their power for political ploys. But Ted...

Sean Hannity just shocked conservatives with this one election truth

The Midterms are just a couple of weeks away. Everyone thought it was going to be a boon for Republicans. But Sean Hannity just...

A Hillary Clinton advisor delivered a shocking truth that left Nancy Pelosi stunned

Nancy Pelosi was already panicking about the November midterms. But things just got so much worse for the aging Speaker of the House. That's...

Barack Obama declares war on Ron DeSantis in this stunning video

There was no way Barack Obama was going to fade into the background after he left office. His ego wasn't going to let him...

Prudent Politics

1375 POSTS