Kevin McCarthy’s secret attack plan for Biden exposed by top Republican

Republicans are tired of putting up with Joe Biden’s corruption. Now they’re ready to act.

And Kevin McCarthy’s secret attack plan for Biden exposed by top Republican.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) indicated House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) will be among the first members of Congress to vote to launch an impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden.

Greene stated on American Sunrise on Real America’s Voice that she is optimistic McCarthy would begin the process by September, saying, “The reason why I’m confident is we had a house GOP call yesterday and that was his big push on the call.”

“An impeachment inquiry is just asking the question,” Greene said, wondering why some House Republicans are unwilling to take the first steps.

“We’re just asking members of Congress, do you think we should inquire about impeachment? It’s not saying, ‘Do you want to impeach?’

“And at this point right now, I’m like, what the hell is wrong with Republicans?” Greene went on.

The Republican congresswoman, who is serving her second two-year term, said she is currently “hanging out with all of the great, wonderful normal people that actually have a brain and have common sense and are asking me every day, ‘Marjorie, when is Congress going to move on with this impeachment inquiry?'”

Since Biden took office in January 2021, Greene has supported three articles of impeachment against him.

Several Republicans, including Greene, have introduced impeachment articles against him during his first two years in office.

Greene ignited impeachment talks in May by attempting to impeach Biden over his management of border crossings after Title 42 expired.

Greene renewed her calls for Biden’s impeachment in July, citing his alleged involvement in his son Hunter Biden’s international business transactions.

McCarthy has suggested that he will initiate an impeachment investigation into Biden.

Republicans, who hold a thin majority in the House, are attempting to collect bank and credit card statements from members of the Biden family and threatening impeachment if they are not provided.

McCarthy told Fox News this weekend that an impeachment investigation is a “natural step forward.”

Greene said the member holding back the impeachment inquiry is not McCarthy, rather “some of these few remaining Republicans that maybe won a Biden district,” but believes the GOP “conference is coming together and we should be voting on this in September.”

But isn’t it sad how much effort Republicans have to spend to impeach someone who has committed actual crimes.

Compare that to Democrats who impeached Trump multiple times on a whim.

Republicans need to unify and smack Democrats with what they deserve.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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