Prudent Politics

1683 POSTS

US soldiers’ lives are on the line after what the US Senate just approved

The American government has turned its back on our military. They don't appreciate the sacrifice they make. And now US soldiers' lives are on the...

Biden lined the pockets of terrorists according to this bombshell report

We knew the Left didn't love this country. But this goes beyond the pale. And now Biden lined the pockets of terrorists according to this...

Karine Kean-Pierre ducked behind the podium after being asked this one question

Being Biden's press secretary has to be hard. Lying through your teeth can get exhausting. And now Karine Jean-Pierre ducked behind the podium after being...

Top Democrats announce they are jumping ship after this despicable act from Joe Biden

The Democrat party may be heading towards a schism. It doesn't look like there is any reconciling anymore. And now Top Democrats announced they are...

Bernie Sanders shocks all with sudden team-up with Donald Trump

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has never been accused of being conservative. But he's making new allies no one saw coming. And now Bernie Sanders shocked...

Prudent Politics

1683 POSTS