Prudent Politics

1405 POSTS

Biden repeats shocking lies about Trump in order to push Radical propaganda on public

Joe Biden and the Left do not care if the American people know the full story of things. All they seem to care about...

Democrats stabbed in the back by former ally who exposed shocking secrets

The Left wants to hide as much of the truth from America as they can. But the American people will always find out. And now,...

Radical protestors in US receive startling endorsement that shocked the nation to the core

Recent radical protests across the US have been shown to have backing from terrorist organizations. But recent developments reveal an even scarier secret. And radical...

Democrats come out with shocking treasonous policy that will destroy America

The Left’s hatred for America has always been evident. But now people are actually scared. Because Democrats have come out with a shocking treasonous policy...

GOP leader publicly exposed Trump judge, and Democrats are scrambling

Trump’s recent trial is nearing an end. But Americans across the world are even more concerned with the process. And now, a top GOP leader...

Prudent Politics

1405 POSTS