Prudent Politics

1397 POSTS

Top Senator just told the world a major secret and it’s terrifying

Politics these days seems to be all about secrets and lies. But no one saw this coming. And a top Senator just told the...

Top official caught in treasonous act that exposes the Radical Left

It is no secret that the Radical Left hates America. But now they have taken it too far. And a top official has been caught...

Biden suffers devastating loss that massively set his election campaign back

Joe Biden seems to be losing tons of support while campaigning for re-election. But now, this could end it all. Because Biden has suffered a...

Joe Biden makes disgusting statement that has Republicans red with rage

Joe Biden seems to be adamantly against America. And even though the Left tries to cover for him, it is all too obvious. And...

The federal government just abandoned American citizens in an alarming display of incompetence

The federal government has a way of making problems worse. But no one expected things to get this bad. And now, the federal government...

Prudent Politics

1397 POSTS