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Joe Biden made a shockingly racist statement in the worst place imaginable

The last thing Biden needs is another scandal on his hands. But it’s almost like he can’t help himself.

Because Joe Biden made a shockingly racist statement in the worst place imaginable.

Many Americans question whether Joe Biden is fit to be the Commander-in-Chief of the United States.

His racist outbursts just add fuel to the fire for the already scandal-ridden president.

Who can forget when he told African American voters “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

And now Joe is back at it again.

During a Black History Month event, President Biden told a White House audience, “I may be a white boy, but I’m not stupid,” in a cringeworthy attempt at self-deprecation.

The unusual remark came after the president, who is 80, joked that House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), who is black, no longer talks to him.

“I may be a white boy, but I’m not stupid. I know where the power is … you think I’m joking. I learned a long time ago about the Divine Nine,” Biden said, referring to a group of African American fraternities and sororities.

Jeffries “is here in spite of the fact that when he ran the first time, I campaigned for him,” the president added before giving a shout-out to Congressional Black Caucus chairman Steven Horsford (D-Nev.).

“I campaigned for him too. You know what this means is, they don’t talk to me anymore,” Biden said. “I’m only kidding.”

The oldest president in history has a history of making embarrassing racial remarks.

In January 2022, Biden informed students at Atlanta’s historically black institutions that he was detained during civil rights marches, despite the lack of evidence.

During the 2020 campaign, the then-Democratic candidate was chastised for stating blacks were less diversified in terms of political thinking than Hispanics — before asking a black journalist if he was a “junkie” after the reporter questioned whether he had passed a cognitive test.

Biden also falsely claimed during the 2020 campaign he “had the great honor of being arrested … trying to get to see [Nelson Mandela] on Robbens [sic] Island.” He then conceded that wasn’t the case and claimed that he was considering being separated during a congressional trip to Lesotho, however a Democratic colleague on the trip contradicted that account as well.

During the 2020 campaign, Biden was again chastised after a 2017 recording surfaced of him reminiscing about young black youngsters messing with his blonde leg hair while he was a lifeguard.

Going further back, to 2007, Biden praised his fellow Democratic presidential candidate (and future boss) Barack Obama as “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean. That’s a storybook, man.”

During his Black History Month remarks on Monday, Biden praised Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) for endorsing him ahead of the 2020 South Carolina primary, saving him from a rout by left-wing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Biden also emphasized that he chose a black woman, Sen. Kamala Harris, as his vice president and another black woman, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, as his first and so far only Supreme Court candidate.

Unfortunately for Biden, his comments only prove that he is a pandering politician, and a bad one at that.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The CNN headquarters is on fire


The far-Left media outlet CNN has had a rough few years. Their demise seems inevitable.

And now the CNN headquarters is on fire after receiving this stunning report.

Ever since Donald Trump left the White House in January 2021, CNN has had a rough time trying to figure out who their audience is now.

Their typical viewers have grown tired of hearing about Donald Trump 24 hours a day, 7 days a week like they did during Trump’s four years in office.

CNN has attempted to turn other conservatives and Republicans into their new punching bag for their network, but it really hasn’t stuck.

As a result, CNN is bleeding cash like no tomorrow and has had to scale back revenue projections quarter after quarter like clockwork.

On top of that, their network personalities are dropping like flies and can’t garner nearly enough viewers to compete with Fox News hosts like Greg Gutfeld and Tucker Carlson.

CNN has been hoping to hit rock bottom soon so they could attempt to rebuild their network back from becoming the laughing stock of cable news.

But the latest reports indicate they are sinking further and further than they ever expected.

The most recent reports show that CNN is on pace to end February with its worst viewing numbers from viewers between the ages 25 and 54 in nearly nine years.

These viewers are considered the most important for the future of a network.

CNN’s “The Situation Room” and “The Lead with Jake Tapper” are reportedly set to be down 40% in February 2023 compared to February 2022.

CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” is also projected to be down 38% in February 2023 compared to February 2022.

Additionally, their “Inside Politics” show will reportedly be down to it’s lowest viewership among 25-54 year olds in any month since the year 2005.

This is why CNN is bleeding cash. They can’t hold on to viewers.

But that’s not all CNN has been dealing with. They’ve also had their personalities in hot water in the eyes of the public.

Their former host Chris Cuomo has been caught in massive scandals covering for his brother, Andrew, in hiding his brother’s political scandals at every opportunity he had.

And just recently, Don Lemon was put on blast by just about everyone for his obviously gross comments about Nikki Haley being “past her prime” even though she’s extremely young for a presidential candidate in her early fifties.

Don Lemon has since returned to CNN, but for a while it was unsure if he should even return. It’s obvious now that he’s walking on thin ice.

And a quick look at the rest of the CNN roster and it’s clear that they have a pretty bad personality problem.

This is the bed CNN is lying in because they doubled down on their Trump Derangement Syndrome for years, and now their viewers have grown tired of it.

We may yet see a day not too far off in the distance when CNN shuts down the network for good.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s face went white when he saw these mental competency results


Many have questioned whether Joe Biden is fit for office. It may be even worse than anyone ever thought.

And Joe Biden’s face went white when he saw these mental competency results.

Joe Biden shows Americans every day that he is not as spry as he used to be.

Just recently, he tripped up the stairs of Air Force One, making this the second time it’s been caught on camera.

Couple that with his constant rambling stories that go nowhere and stumbling through simple sentences, and any rational person would ask if he’s competent.

In response to these events, Republicans like Nikki Haley have called for anyone over the age of 75 who runs for office to take a mental competency test.

And her idea is gaining steam.

Americans tend to approve Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s plan to demand mental fitness testing for legislators over the age of 75.

According to a Fox News poll conducted from February 19-22, 77% of the 1,006 registered voters polled support the plan, while only 20% oppose it.

Haley’s idea appears to be aimed at President Joe Biden, 80, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, 76, who are the only major presidential candidates over the age of 75.

Trump has endorsed the concept, saying that anyone running for president should be required to complete a mental competency exam.

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a former Democratic presidential contender, called the proposal “absurd” and stated that “we should also be fighting ageism.”

It’s any wonder why Sanders, 81, would oppose a test of his mental competency.

The concept of mental fitness tests for senior politicians is part of Haley’s larger demand for a new generation of government leaders, believing that many politicians in positions of power are past their prime.

“America is not past our prime. It’s just that our politicians are past theirs,” Haley told supporters at a rally earlier this month.

“We won’t win the fight for the 21st century if we keep trusting politicians from the 20th century.”

So far, Haley and Trump are two of three declared Republican presidential contenders, along with novelist and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

Numerous other Republican officials, including Gov. Ron DeSantis, are anticipated to make choices about their 2024 plans in the coming months.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s plans to sell American out to China exposed


Many have suggested that President Biden might be compromised. Now we know how.

Because Joe Biden’s plans to sell America out to China have been exposed.

President Joe Biden is getting ready to take a step that would subject American citizens to the whims of the World Health Organization (WHO), which is effectively run by China.

The Biden administration wants to establish “strategic dialogue” with the WHO in order to strengthen their bond.

The strategy has been in place at least since September 2022, when WHO Director-General Tedros and Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra unveiled their “platform to maximize the longstanding U.S.-WHO partnership.”

The decision was made in the midst of widespread criticism of how the WHO handled the COVID outbreak.

Their organization strongly supported governmental required vaccines and lockdowns, which have been shown to have had a negative influence on millions of people’s mental health while having no discernible effect on the virus’s spread.

They both claim that the goal is to “protect and promote the health of all people around the globe, including the American people,” but in reality, they intend to sign a “legally binding” health agreement that will give the WHO control over American health in times of public health crisis.

The release of the “zero draft” was the most recent development in this international effort.

This agreement would grant the WHO the authority to declare and address pandemics in the 194 WHO member countries.

The International Negotiating Committee of the WHO will convene on February 27 to finalize the treaty’s provisions before it is time for world leaders to sign.

The globalists in charge of the WHO, according to a former employee who spoke to the Epoch Times, “want to see a centralized, vaccine- and medication-based response and a very restrictive response in terms of controlling populations.”

They “get to decide what is a health emergency, and they are putting in place a surveillance mechanism that will ensure that there are potential emergencies to declare,” he said.

The World Health Assembly’s (WHA) effort to establish new rules for pandemic response that would supersede local legislation in member states would be the foundation for the WHO’s pandemic treaty.

Both of these initiatives, according to University of Illinois professor of international law Francis Boyle, “would set up a worldwide medical police state under the control of the WHO, and in particular WHO Director-General Tedros.”

Boyle stated,“If either one or both of these go through, Tedros or his successor will be able to issue orders that will go all the way down the pipe to your primary care physicians,”

He continued by saying that it appeared as though these efforts were created to take advantage of supposed flaws in the US Constitution.

According to Boyle, the treaty was “deliberately drafted… to circumvent the power of the Senate.”

In actuality, the action would constitute a “international executive agreement.”

Even Supreme Court precedent has backed it up.

The court determined that these “executive agreements” can have legal force in the case of United States v. Belmont.

In the event that the Biden administration signs on, the pact would go into “provisional” effect.

It will engage in a challenging legal struggle, but it’s difficult to predict how it will turn out.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden could be barred from the presidency thanks to this top Republican


The presidential election for 2024 is currently ongoing. Democrats are still awaiting Joe Biden’s announcement.

But Joe Biden could be barred from the presidency thanks to this top Republican.

President Joe Biden will be 86 years old at the end of his second term if re-elected.

According to polls, the majority of Americans do not feel Biden is physically or intellectually fit to be President.

Even Democrats recognize that if President Biden seeks a second term, his age will be a major issue in the election.

Biden embarrasses himself every time he goes in public.

He recently forgot the name of Martin Luther King III’s wife when singing Happy Birthday to her.

According to polls, the majority of Americans feel the President should take a cognitive test and make the findings public.

Of course, Biden recently claimed to take a test when he went in for a three-hour physical evaluation that did not include any cognitive or mental aptitude exams.

And now, one Republican member of Congress is attempting to force President Biden to take a cognitive test if he wishes to compete for re-election.

Representative Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), a former doctor, today advocated for an amendment to the Constitution that would require candidates to demonstrate proof of “cognitive competence” to run for President and Vice President.

“No person shall be eligible to hold the office of President or Vice President unless the person demonstrates cognitive competence,” the short amendment reads.

According to Rep. DesJarlais, the amendment has bipartisan support among the American people.

“This should be a completely nonpartisan issue and all Americans deserve leaders that are mentally competent,” DesJarlais told the Washington Examiner. “How this is not already a requirement codified in law defies logic.”

The House Republican Doctors Caucus is assisting the Tennessee Congressman in developing the words, which describe the types of testing that would be required to assess whether or not a candidate is “cognitively competent.”

Of course, with Democrats controlling the Senate and Biden in the White House, DesJarlais’ proposal has little chance of passing.

Doctors would almost probably not consider President Biden to have “cognitive competence” if it became law.

Nevertheless, Scott DesJarlais highlights the most significant challenge Joe Biden will confront in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden nearly fainted when he got this bad news


President Biden was hoping the worst was over. But he was dead wrong.

And Joe Biden nearly fainted when he got this bad news.

A liberal Democrat named Marianne Williamson will run for president again in 2024, taking on Vice President Joe Biden.

If Biden decides to seek re-election, Williamson declared on Thursday that she will challenge him in the Democratic primary elections in 2024.

Williamson stated in an exclusive interview with Medill News Service, “I wouldn’t be running for president if I didn’t believe I could contribute to harnessing the collective sensibility that I feel is our greatest hope at this moment.

The first Democrat to take on Biden in the primary elections is Williamson.

The Democrat hinted at a potential 2024 presidential bid two weeks ago, opening the door for fresh leadership in the White House.

She attempted to run for president in 2020 but was unsuccessful in gathering enough money to be eligible for most Democratic presidential debates.

After terminating the majority of her team, she eventually decided to withdraw from the race in January 2020.

During her campaign, Williamson pushed for “six pillars for a season of moral repair,” which included economic fairness.

She also campaigned for unnatural actions like restitution for the offspring of enslaved African-Americans and the establishment of a Department of Children and Youths and a Department of Peace.

Williamson stated that she intended to spend a significant portion of her campaign tour in New Hampshire, where political analysts anticipate that the majority of the primary action will take place.

In Washington, D.C., she intends to publicly introduce her campaign on March 4 at 2:00 pm.

Williamson has a number of failed attempts at running for the White House and for congressional seats, but she shouldn’t be overlooked.

While it’s not in anyway believable that Williamson would win the Democrat nomination for 2024 against Joe Biden, if Joe Biden doesn’t run, she could be an outsider the Democrats turn to.

The American people will overwhelmingly reject a candidate like Kamala Harris because of how much she lacks genuine character.

Williamson is an outsider without that political toxicity.

Even if Williamson were by some miracle able to win the Democrat nomination, there’s no way she’d be able to beat one of the three GOP frontrunners in Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, and Nikki Haley in a general election.

From Williamson’s perspective, though, she has a chance to take the lead position in the potentially open Democrat field should Joe Biden not run, and it makes sense.

But she is ultimately a so-called “progressive” Democrat at-heart who would almost certainly be wildly damaging for the country as a whole.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Chris Cuomo made a shockingly violent statement that has Democrats jumping ship


Former CNN host Chris Cuomo is a complete disgrace. But he’s just adding fuel to the fire.

And Chris Cuomo made a shockingly violent statement that has Democrats jumping ship.

The fake news media has never given the conservative movement a fair shake.

Whether it was Donald Trump or any other conservative, they’ve decided that politicians must bow to their ideology or face the sword.

This has caused many Republicans to cower in fear, compromising on their principles and selling out the American people to score political brownie points with the media.

RINOs and their ilk are a major reason Donald Trump was able to cruise to victory in 2016, and one of the biggest reasons he was assaulted from all sides throughout his term.

One of the major players, at the time, was Chris Cuomo who used to host over at CNN.

During is time at the agency, he played cover for even the most violent of leftists, even going so far as to defend BLM rioters saying: “Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful.”

But even he couldn’t withstand the cancel culture mob after he was exposed for corruption.

When his brother, then New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, was rife with scandals, Chris was accused of showing preferable treatment to him and was fired.

Now we’re learning that Chris didn’t take it too well, even threatening to kill others and himself.

Chris Cuomo said that he intended to “kill everybody including myself.” after being dismissed from CNN in humiliation for showing partiality to his brother, Andrew Cuomo, in attempting to help the then-governor manage the public relations for his alleged transgressions.

“I have learned to accept that,” he said of his firing on podcast Open Book with Anthony Scaramucci, “I had to accept because I was going to kill everybody, including myself. Things can consume you.”

Cuomo, who currently works as an anchor for NewsNation, continued, “Italians are so passionate and I really had to fight against that because… I got too many people counting on me.”

That’s right, contemplating a mass murder and suicide is just “passion” and part of his Italian heritage – sounds more like a mental problem.

Cuomo will join NewsNation in July 2022. According to Sean Compton, an executive at Nexstar, NewsNation’s parent company, adding Cuomo “will further our efforts to continue to ensure fairness and transparency in our news reporting and talk shows.”

“I’m going to come to NewsNation and I want to build something special here,” Cuomo stated in July.

CNN stated at the time of his brother’s sexual harassment controversy that the former Cuomo Prime Time star had broken its journalistic standards, which resulted in his dismissal.

Cuomo, on the other hand, denied all impropriety at the time. “I never lied and there were no secrets,” he claimed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A Fox News host just said the most insane thing about Joe Biden


Fox News has become the number one cable news outlet in America. But one Fox employee is destroying that single-handedly.

Because a Fox News host just said the most insane thing about Joe Biden.

Those who are politically astute have criticized President Joe Biden’s weekend decision to visit Ukraine while ignoring Ohioans who are suffering with a toxic waste crisis.

East Palestine’s mayor referred to Biden’s actions as a “slap in the face” on a Fox News broadcast on Monday.

That was described as an illustration of “politicians not caring about the disenfranchised” by a Boston Herald columnist on Tuesday.

There’s also Geraldo Rivera.

The contributor to Fox News felt it was wonderful. And as a result, he is getting put on blast.

Here is Rivera’s Presidents Day tweet saluting Biden: “Bravo Biden stand and deliver.”

What precisely has Biden accomplished? increased tensions between the United States and Russia for unclear reasons (the proxy war is already evident on the global stage, and drama isn’t made better by becoming melodrama). Ersatz air raid sirens emphasize a photo op visit for television.

Yet, it did very little to assist Ukraine and absolutely nothing to assist Americans in East Palestine, Ohio.

Regular people could recognize Biden’s extravagant stagecraft for what it was—a show—but evidently not Geraldo Rivera, who in 1986 embarrassed himself on national television by delving into mobster Al Capone’s hidden vaults. Geraldo Rivera has since done very little to repair his reputation.

However, Rivera serves mostly as a foil for Fox News, where he plays the liberal pinata that is routinely smacked by his Fox colleagues.

But, following his tweet criticizing Biden, Rivera too came under fire from Twitter users, with some of them demanding for his dismissal.

It’s crucial to note that no sane person is advocating that the president should entirely ignore the conflict in Ukraine.

It goes without saying that the United States should pay attention to a revanchist Russia and its potential victims.

In the face of Chinese aggression, Taiwan also merits the president’s attention. Likewise do the countries bordering the South China Sea.

But, Americans like those in Ohio are the ones who are first in line for that attention.

And the focus should be on the issues in the United States.

It would be OK for the White House to delegate everything to, example, Pete Buttigieg, the current secretary of transportation, and travel abroad if Biden had a top-tier team to act independently.

But, the members of Biden’s cabinet are graspers and climbers who share his ignorance and incompetence.

Since sensible people are aware of this, it is being minimized by the mainstream media. Because of this, Republicans are always criticizing Biden online.

Geraldo Rivera, though, has lost all sense.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Nancy Pelosi started screaming after Tucker Carlson revealed this surveillance video


Nancy Pelosi’s worst nightmare is coming true. Democrats were scared this day would come.

And Nancy Pelosi started screaming after Tucker Carlson revealed this surveillance video.

Democrats and the corporate-controlled media have been spreading the false narrative that President Trump incited an insurgency on January 6 for almost two years.

Democrats and the media expected the American people to believe this claim based on shaky evidence.

Nancy Pelosi used her position as Speaker of the House to conceal all 41,000 hours of security footage from January 6.

Nevertheless, things are changing now that Republicans control the House.

Kevin McCarthy, the new Speaker of the House, granted Tucker Carlson access to the entire collection of 41,000 hours of surveillance film.

According to Axios:

According to McCarthy sources, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol security footage from the Jan. 6 incident.

Carlson TV producers were on Capitol Hill last week to begin sorting through the collection, which includes several camera views from all across the grounds of the Capitol. In the following weeks, excerpts will begin to air.

Carlson slammed the concept of withholding the footage from the public in an interview with Axios.

“There was never any legitimate reason for this footage to remain secret,” Carlson stated.

Carlson added that releasing the video footage would clear up any doubts regarding the involvement of federal informants in the events and would also reveal whether this was a violent insurgency to overthrow the federal government.

“If there was ever a question that’s in the public’s interest to know, it’s what actually happened on January 6. By definition, this video will reveal it. It’s impossible for me to understand why any honest person would be bothered by that,” Carlson added.

One of the most controversial occurrences in recent American history occurred on January 6.

But, the American people were expected to take Democrats’ and the media’s word for it.

As Carlson pointed out, if the official explanation is correct, no one should object to the full release of all 41,000 hours of security video.

Nancy Pelosi is clearly concerned about what the film will reveal, which is why she has kept 41,000 hours of material under lock and key.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

CNN is freaking out over this employee gone missing


The Leftist media outlet CNN has been going down in flames. And it’s only getting worse.

Because now CNN is totally freaking out over this employee that’s gone missing.

The days of CNN’s Don Lemon might be numbered.

According to Fox News, an insider at the mainstream media network claimed that Lemon is taking a “holiday” from his duties in the wake of the controversy surrounding a sexist remark he made last week.

The insider said that Lemon’s return to his on-air duties at some point will depend on “where his head is at.”

Following a program on “CNN This Morning” on Thursday in which he questioned the age of Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, Lemon left the show.

Lemon alleged that 51-year-old Haley “isn’t in her prime,” seemingly conflating having children with pursuing a political career.

In a later Twitter post on Thursday afternoon, Lemon took back the “prime” remark, but he did not specifically apologize to Haley.

CNN’s executives criticized Lemon for the odd speech; CEO Chris Licht reportedly expressed his displeasure with the liberal media star on a Friday editorial conference call.

In light of Licht’s reorganization of the media company’s staff, the controversy may potentially result in Lemon’s termination.

According to a CNN source quoted in a Sunday article by The Daily Beast, the situation had sparked “ongoing conversations about Don’s future.” “Don Lemon Benched on Monday Over Sexist Remark Scandal, Insiders Say,” was the report’s headline in The Daily Beast.

The New York Post reported that Lemon was going to return to “CNN This Morning” on Monday.

Since being demoted from his nighttime program, Lemon has frequently argued with Penny Harlow and Kaitlin Collins, his co-hosts on “CNN This Morning.”

Lemon sped through Harlow earlier this month to disparage Collins’ line of questioning during an interview with Republican Rep. James Comer, the head of the House Oversight Committee.

To lecture Harlow in a monologue that referenced QAnon and Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lemon even postponed a commercial break.

Lemon frequently interrupts his coworkers while they are live on air.

The Daily Beast was informed by a CNN insider that “he is a constant distraction.”

Former CNN President Jeff Zucker, who was fired from the network following a misbehavior controversy, elevated Lemon.

The political media outlet CNN has been rebranded by its new leadership as a neutral news source, forsaking the progressive opinion content that individuals like Don Lemon are renowned for.

But it seems CNN is now seeing that no one will ever trust the network again after it spent years becoming an arm of the radical Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A major witch hunt just collapsed in on Democrats


Democrats know they can’t win the argument over their most radical policies. Instead, they go on campaigns of character assassination.

But a major witch hunt just collapsed in on Democrats.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) symbolizes the Republican Party’s upstart side, which is less interested in endless wars overseas and more interested in focusing on popular conservative programs at home.

That is why the ruling class establishment in Washington, D.C. despises him.

Establishment politicians thought they had rid themselves of him after he was caught in a sex scandal, but Rep. Gaetz was re-elected, and the Department of Justice has now dropped its investigation into the alleged affair.

“The Department of Justice has confirmed to Congressman Gaetz’s attorneys that their investigation has concluded and that he will not be charged with any crimes,” Gaetz’s office wrote in a statement.

The Department of Justice investigated Gaetz for sex trafficking with a 17-year-old girl, a claim the Congressman adamantly disputed.

In addition to the charges against Gaetz, his family was the focus of a $25 million extortion attempt relating to the claims.

Joel Greenberg, a former Congressman’s associate, pleaded guilty to similar charges and was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

CBS News reported that “federal investigators were trying to determine whether Gaetz had sex with a 17-year-old.

According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, the woman was introduced to Gaetz by Joel Greenberg, a former Florida county tax collector and associate of Gaetz who pleaded guilty in May 2021 to six federal charges, including trafficking of a minor.”

The DOJ, however, discontinued the case of Gaetz because there was insufficient evidence to back up the claims.

Congressman Gaetz’s survival in the scandal is likely to irritate the ruling class establishment, as he has proven to be a thorn in their side.

Gaetz and a few other Republicans prevented Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from being sworn in as Speaker of the House until he agreed to concessions that reduced the establishment’s authority and returned it to the people’s elected Representatives.

Rep. McCarthy has a reputation as an establishment hack, so conservative holdouts needed reassurance that he would not betray Republican supporters.

McCarthy subsequently won the Speaker’s gavel on the 15th vote, and with Republicans regaining control of the House, Rep. Gaetz may have an opportunity to turn the tables on the DOJ.

GOP members are pushing for the FBI to be investigated in connection with various recent incidents, such as the Bureau sitting on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” for a year and then insinuating to social media sites that the tale was phony when it wasn’t.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Don Lemon’s getting roasted for saying the most disgusting thing on TV


CNN’s Don Lemon is no stranger to controversy. But he’s really stepped in it this time.

And Don Lemon’s getting roasted for saying this disgusting thing on TV.

CNN host Don Lemon has come under fire after saying on Thursday that former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley “isn’t in her prime” after she called for mental competency tests for politicians over 75.

Lemon, during a panel on “CNN This Morning” with Poppy Harlow and Kaitlan Collins, said that “a woman is in their prime in 20s, 30s, and maybe 40s,” and added, “just Google it,” when pressed for more information.

The CNN host got blasted on social media for making obviously gross comments about Nikki Haley, implying she is somehow not fit to run for office because she’s past her “physical prime.”

Nick Gillespie with The Reason Magazine quoted Lemon and proceeded to ask “prime for what?”

A Republican from New York, Joe Borelli, also asked if people are just now catching up to how offensive Lemon can be on CNN.

Even a member from the Washington Post, Josh Dawsey, came to Nikki Haley’s defense saying that she is “quite young by presidential standards” which is completely true.

Of course, Don Lemon would eventually apologize after being blasted on social media and by his colleagues for making such a gross comment about Nikki Haley.

“The reference I made to a woman’s ‘prime’ this morning was inartful and irrelevant, as colleagues and loved ones have pointed out, and I regret it. A woman’s age doesn’t define her either personally or professionally. I have countless women in my life who prove that every day,” he said on Twitter.

It’s not like he said anything like this about Joe Biden, however. And Joe Biden will be in his 80s seeking a second term in 2024.

The truth is he just took this as an opportunity as a low blow on Nikki Haley because she is a Republican and holds some conservative values. That’s evidenced by the fact that he would not say anything of the sort about a young Democrat in their 40s or 50s.

This also exposes the hypocrisy of Don Lemon and the so-called “progressive” movement as well. They want to put themselves on a pedestal and act like they are the moral and ethical authority on all matters of society.

But then they just don’t realize all of the horrible things they say and do as well. Like how Joe Biden said to black people that if they wanted to vote for Donald Trump rather than himself, that they weren’t black at all.

Or like how Don Lemon is apparently supremely prejudiced against conservative women for some odd reason.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.