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Clarence Thomas shot a warning to Democrats that left them shaking in fear


A landmark case is on its way to the Supreme Court. Democrats aren’t going to like how this one ends.

And Clarence Thomas shot a warning to Democrats that left them shaking in fear.

The Supreme Court gave a startling judgment in NYSRP v. Breun last year, overturning restrictions that made it nearly impossible for New Yorkers to obtain a concealed carry permit.

The ruling, however, went far beyond concealed carry permits.

According to the Supreme Court, any gun regulation must be consistent with American history and tradition of upholding Second Amendment rights.

This verdict effectively put a stop to the gun-grab agenda.

In response, the Concealed Carry Improvement Act was passed by New York lawmakers.

Gun grabbers reasoned that while they couldn’t stop New Yorkers from obtaining concealed carry permits, they could severely limit where residents might carry.

The rule made it illegal to carry concealed guns in subway stations, churches, Times Square, and other public places.

A District Court judge overturned the majority of the statute in November.

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals, however, allowed the Act to go into force while the case was being addressed.

Second Amendment supporters filed a lawsuit in response.

While the Supreme Court declined to hear the case immediately away, allowing the statute to go into effect while the challenges were being heard, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito wrote a two-paragraph supplement stating that the defendants were likely to prevail on the merits.

“The New York law at issue in this application presents novel and serious questions under both the First and the Second Amendments. The District Court found, in a thorough opinion, that the applicants were likely to succeed on a number of their claims, and it issued a preliminary injunction as to twelve provisions of the challenged law. With one exception, the Second Circuit issued a stay of the injunction in full, and in doing so did not provide any explanation for its ruling. App. to Emergency Application 2. In parallel cases presenting related issues, the Second Circuit has likewise issued unreasoned summary stay orders, but in those cases it has ordered expedited briefing,” Thomas and Alito wrote.

Thomas and Alito then strongly advised the Second Circuit to reject New York’s gun-control regime, noting that even if the defendants lose at the Appeals Court level, they should be confident in their Supreme Court appeal.

“I understand the Court’s denial today to reflect respect for the Second Circuit’s procedures in managing its own docket, rather than expressing any view on the merits of the case. Applicants should not be deterred by today’s order from again seeking relief if the Second Circuit does not, within a reasonable time, provide an explanation for its stay order or expedite consideration of the appeal,” Alito and Thomas wrote.

The Supreme Court was not going to put this issue on the back burner or rush it through oral arguments.

Nonetheless, the Court’s conservatives are informing the lower courts and the state of New York that they are ready to let the case play out, despite the fact that the gun grabbers’ argument is doomed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris’ decision about the southern border will leave you red with rage


Vice President Kamala Harris has been a major problem for the Biden admin. She’s failing at her job.

And Kamala Harris’ decision about the southern border will leave you red with rage.

More than 250,000 “encounters” with illegal immigrants occurred last month along the southern border, according to the most recent statistics from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol.

The number of illegal immigrants entering the United States during the chilly month of December is at its highest point in recorded history.

There may have also been another 65,000 “gotaways,” bringing the total to around 315,000 illegal immigrants who entered the nation last month.

To put it in perspective, if it happened virtually every month, it would be like the whole population of Orlando moving across the border in a period of 31 days.

With the December figures, at least 200,000 illegal immigrants have entered America for nine months running.

About 6 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States across the southern borders since President Biden took the oath of office through December of this year, creating an unprecedented issue.

Since the beginning of 2022, roughly 3.5 million of such people had entered America illegally.

The announcement follows the President’s first-ever visit to the southern border in his two years in office.

Biden downplayed the situation and blamed Republicans, claiming that giving illegal immigrants a path to citizenship would somehow halt the influx of immigrants into the country.

And now Kamala Harris, Vice President Biden’s “Border Czar” from 2021, is traveling to a border state for the second time in a year.

However, it is not to observe the issues at the border or to speak with border patrol officers.

No, she’s there to witness a groundbreaking for a “green” energy firm.

When you can spend that time pompously celebrating the advancement of the woke agenda, why strive to fix an issue that affects every American either directly or indirectly?

The southern border with Mexico is around 100 miles away from Tonopah, Arizona, where the Veep is headed.

Despite being roughly an hour and a half away by car, there isn’t a scheduled stop at the border.

According to Fox News, Harris will spend her day at the groundbreaking for a 125-mile transmission line that will move wind and solar energy around the region.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, and National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi will be present with her.

The goal is to tout the Biden administration’s investment in purportedly “clean energy” as a whole.

Regarding the border, Harris has recently maintained to her stance of “nothing to see here, folks,” saying there is no issue while also blaming Republicans for the issue she claims doesn’t exist.

In a recent interview with NBC News’ Chuck Todd, Harris said, “The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, particularly over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed.”

“We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation.”

Harris claims that the system was broken under President Donald Trump, although the worst month of his four years in office saw only 144,000 border interactions, which was significantly fewer than the average month under Vice President Joe Biden.

However, Harris is willing to shift responsibility since she is aware of the widespread discontent among Americans regarding the problem on the southern border of the country.

Harris told NPR that Republicans in Congress have shown a “unfortunate unwillingness to engage in any meaningful reform that could actually fix a lot of what we are witnessing.”

Amnesty for the estimated 15 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States, who, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, cost the country $132 billion annually, won’t in any way serve as a magnet luring more migrants to cross our border illegally in the future.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This Biden ally made a shocking confession that left Biden pale as a ghost


Joe Biden’s presidency is hanging by his thread. His list of friends is growing thinner by the day.

And this Biden ally made a shocking confession that left Biden pale as a ghost.

Joe Biden’s administration will go down as one of the most scandal-ridden in American history.

Under his watch, the FBI has targeted Americans for their political views, raided Donald Trump’s home, and attempted to influence political opinions through social media.

The border is the most porous it has ever been, with over 6 million illegal immigrants flooding over since Biden took office.

Worst of all, Biden is embroiled in a classified documents scandal that seems to be growing by the day.

It’s common knowledge now that Joe Biden possessed Top Secret information in multiple locations, including a think tank and his home’s garage in Wilmington, Delaware where his son Hunter Biden had access.

Biden came down with an iron fist on Donald Trump for supposedly bringing classified information to Mar-a-Lago only to have an even worse scandal blow-up in his face.

And now major allies in the Democrat Party are jumping for life from Biden’s sinking ship.

According to the Associated Press, Democratic senators scheduled to appear on Sunday television shows were grilled about the newest developments in Biden’s presidency.

Most were discovered less than 24 hours after the FBI raided Biden’s house in Wilmington, Delaware, on Friday, discovering more documents with classified markings and seizing some of his handwritten notes, according to Breitbart News.

Biden should be “embarrassed by the situation,” said Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the Senate’s second-ranking Democrat, telling CNN that the president has given up the moral high ground on an issue that has already implicated former President Donald Trump.

Durbin went on to argue that blame for the litany of lies and half-truths ultimately falls on Biden’s shoulders:

“Well, of course. Let’s be honest about it. When that information is found, it diminishes the stature of any person who is in possession of it because it’s not supposed to happen. … The elected official bears ultimate responsibility,” Durbin said.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has assigned special counsels to investigate the most recent cases.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va said the president “should have a lot of regrets. … You just might as well say, ‘Listen, it’s irresponsible.’” 

The president told reporters on Thursday he had “no regrets” over how and when the public learned about the documents and that there was “no there there.”

The US Justice Department is not convinced by that statement and has stated that it will continue to look for more classified intel.

The new chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., who was interviewed on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” said he took Biden “at his word when the first set of documents were found. … But now this is gone from just simply being irresponsible to downright scary.”

White House officials are reportedly skeptical about how Biden’s classified document problem was released to the press so rapidly after only a small group of White House and DOJ officials were aware of the initial transgression(s).

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A RINO went on MSNBC and completely sold out conservatives


There’s a RINO epidemic. So-called Republicans are selling out to the Left.

And a RINO just went on MSNBC and completely sold out conservatives.

It’s amazing to see MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace make the transition from former President George W. Bush’s press secretary to a rabid Never-Trumper.

Wallace wants to use the War on Terror against Republicans after serving as its spokesperson.

She also suggested using drones to attack the Republicans she referred to as “terrorists.”

Wallace’s claim that conservatives generally approved of political violence was thus doubly ironic.

“I guess the broader landscape also includes this when Paul Pelosi was attacked, Elon Musk and Donald Trump, two Republicans or conservatives or whoever wants to claim them today with the biggest megaphones perpetuated conspiracy theories about both Paul Pelosi and the nature of the brutal attack against him, which was an assassination attempt against Speaker Pelosi who was in the Presidential line of succession,” Wallace began.

First off, information regarding the Paul Pelosi incident is still hazy; the assailant was a drug-addicted nudist who produced hemp bracelets and was a registered Green Party member on the left.

“When Congressman Scalise was tragically shot and wounded, and I remember this at the time, and I’ve gone back and checked, there was universal condemnation of political violence and a genuine rejection of anyone who would resort to violence,” Wallace continued. “That doesn’t happen on the Right, full stop. They do not reject violence. In some instances, they cheer it. In many, they instigate it.”

Propaganda and projection in the classic way.

There were undoubtedly left-wing extremists who rejoiced online and claimed that Scalise deserved what he received; in fact, the offender was a Democrat who backed Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Democrats complain about “overheated rhetoric,” but in the days before the massacre at the charity baseball game for Congress, Senator Sanders worked up a ruckus by warning that Republicans would “kill” Americans over their stance on healthcare.

Democrats supported the nearly seven-month-long riots in 2020.

Other well-known people, like Vice President Kamala Harris, contributed to a bail fund to release rioters from custody.

An author of the book “In Defense of Looting” was featured on NPR.

The “punch a Nazi” cliché was also made famous by the Left, who also promoted the notion that anyone who disagrees with RINO Senator Mitt Romney qualifies as a “Nazi” (R-UT).

For claiming that rioting hindered Democrats’ chances of winning the election, a former Obama data analyst was reprimanded and fired.

When Senator Rand Paul was brutally attacked by a rabid left-wing neighbor who was spurred by Democrats’ rhetoric, leaving him with broken ribs and a punctured lung that almost took his life, many individuals on the Left, including Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) daughter, laughed.

Jeb Bush, a former governor of Florida, should have “punched [Trump] in the face,” according to Wallace.

Politics-related violence is entirely acceptable to Democrats.

If Nicolle Wallace and Democrats are serious about denouncing political violence, they must examine themselves.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s been caught in a HUGE lie he can’t get out of


There’s only one thing you can rely on from the Biden administration. And it’s that they will always try to deceive the American people.

But now Joe Biden’s been caught in a huge lie that he can’t wiggle his way out of.

The Biden administration has lied more than any other Presidential admin in recent history.

Joe Biden claimed that gas was “over $5” when he took office. But that was a lie as it was about half of that at $2.46 when he took office.

He lied about student loan forgiveness saying it was “passed” by a “vote or two” and that it was “in effect.”

The truth is that mass student loan forgiveness hasn’t passed Congress and has not been “in effect” as he says.

He lied when he claimed that gun manufacturers are “the only industry in the country” that are immune from lawsuits due to the products they make.

He’s lied about being “in and out” of Iraq over “40 times.”

He’s also lied about weird things about his past like claiming he was “arrested” for protesting for civil rights and that he used to drive a tractor trailer as a summer job.

This weekend, he added to his legacy of gross lies to the American people.

Joe Biden took to Twitter to wack Republicans for trying to abolish the IRS and the income tax by replacing it with a national consumption tax that is more fair for everyone.

He claimed “House “House Republicans have proposed a new 23% national sales tax on American families, increasing the prices of everything from groceries and gas to food and medicine.”

He’s leaving out one critical truth, though.

House Republicans want to completely get rid of the income tax entirely.

Meaning, Republicans aren’t just trying to out of the blue implement a giant national sales tax to intentionally hurt families, as Joe Biden would have you believe.

Furthermore, there are rebates built into the proposal that would prevent medium to low income households from having to pay any sales tax at all.

Additionally, certain necessities would be tax free under the Fair Tax plan.

So no, Republicans aren’t trying to drive up taxes on low income households that are struggling.

That’s a lie from Democrats that are trying to hide the fact that they’re out-of-control spending is what’s causing Americans to foot the bill for it all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

You have to see Tucker Carlson simply demolish this RINO traitor


There’s one thing you can’t take away from Tucker Carlson. That’s his courage to speak his mind.

And you simply have to see Tucker Carlson utterly demolish this RINO traitor.

Maria Salazar, a RINO congresswoman from Florida, is a strong proponent of amnesty and open borders within the Republican Party.

Salazar conveyed her message to the World Economic Forum in Davos, where she called for the amnesty of up to 15,000,000 illegal immigrants.

The congresswoman from Miami stated that providing “dignity” to illegal immigrants was her top priority.

“Let’s see who comes in and who doesn’t. And then turn around and give dignity – that doesn’t mean a path to citizenship – that means to include them and make them dignified members of our community,” Salazar stated.

Then Salazar asserted that because illegal aliens “look like me,” it is her duty as a member of Congress to champion their concerns.

“Those are the people that I represent,” Salazar continued.

“We’re talking about 13 to 15 million people, who are, most of them, Hispanics—I would say 85 percent—who speak my language, look like me and sound like me, that are contributing with the economy of this country and they live in the shadows.”

Tucker Carlson found it incomprehensible that an American legislator would travel abroad and acknowledge that their primary responsibility in Congress was to advocate for foreigners who had entered the country illegally and sought welfare benefits.

Salazar attempted to enact a broad amnesty during the previous Congress, but it failed because the Senate refused to consider it.

Thom Tillis, a RINO who supports open borders, was appointed by Mitch McConnell to negotiate with Democrats on an amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants during this Congress.

Salazar will be in the spotlight in the House leading the campaign to send amnesty to Joe Biden’s desk on behalf of the illegal aliens she claims to represent if the legislation passes the Senate.

As long as crooked politicians are calling for any sort of amnesty, we are never going to get anywhere with securing our border.

Calls for amnesty embolden individuals to illegally cross our border and falsely seek Asylum here in the United States.

Furthermore, as much as the Democrats want you to believe that amnesty is a one-time deal, it isn’t.

They will absolutely do it more if they find it politically expedient for them.

No matter which way you cut it, amnesty and anything of the sort is an awful idea.

Maybe we should try just securing our border first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Fox News utterly DEMOLISHED the radical Left’s lies once and for all


There’s a reason Fox News is the most popular cable news network. Americans trust them more than other big media outlets.

And now Fox News has utterly demolished the radical Left’s lies once and for all.

Geraldo Rivera once was a reputable investigative journalist.

Nobody can discount the work he made on the Willowbrook film, which altered American attitudes, legislation, and perceptions of how to care for and treat developmentally handicapped people.

But that was in 1972, and since then Geraldo has turned into a parody of himself.

He may currently be best known for divulging top-secret locations of American soldiers during a live broadcast.

And in his more than 20 years with Fox News, he has experienced embarrassing meltdowns, including odd outbursts directed at people like Sean Hannity and Dan Bongino.

As one of the co-hosts of Fox’s daily roundtable news debate program, The Five, Rivera’s successes just keep on coming.

The former presenter of a daytime talk program recently made a mistake about a rather simple aspect of firearms that quickly went viral.

The Never-Trump “journalist” claims that the acronym “AR” stands for “automatic rifle.”

“What does ‘AR’ stand for?” Gutfeld asked Geraldo while arguing about AR-15s, which Rivera says men only own to show off how “macho” they are.

“Automatic rifle,” said Rivera.

Gutfeld shrugged his shoulders mockingly and remarked, “No, that’s not what it is.”

AR simply doesn’t mean “automatic rifle” as the Leftist lies would say.

The term “AR” actually stands for the ArmaLite rifle, whose original development was made possible by ArmaLite.

Geraldo, though, isn’t going to let the truth stand in the way of his story about how he got the guns.

After Gutfeld corrected him, Rivera nervously said, “All I know is, AR-15s have no place in American society.” “Except for sports clubs.”

If AR-15s are banned, as many anti-Second Amendment progressives want, Rivera didn’t go into detail about how Americans will still be able to own and use them at sporting events.

The AR-15 has developed into something of a bogeyman in the discussion of gun rights.

The instrument has been used as a scapegoat by radical gun-grabbing Democrats and even feeble-minded RINOs.

But once more, the facts don’t support the story.

The CDC estimates that between 2007 and 2017, there were 13,657 killings annually on average.

At that time, mass shootings utilizing AR-15s were responsible for about 0.10% of all homicides.

In fact, the CDC reports that during that time period, annually, close to 1,700 individuals were killed with knives or other sharp objects.

That’s roughly four times as many as a gunman with any kind of rifle has killed.

So, when it comes to knife control, will Democrats speak out?

Or is this really more false information that they purport to want to control?

Geraldo saw it as just another unpleasant situation in which he is made fun of.

This leading Democrat just shattered Joe Biden’s world with this truth bomb


Joe Biden’s presidency is shaping out to be one of the worst in history. His allies are losing patience.

And this leading Democrat just shattered Joe Biden’s world with this truth bomb.

Even Democrats are realizing that President Joe Biden’s border crisis is causing havoc across the United States.

To draw attention to the Biden border problem, Texas Governor Greg Abbott began hauling illegal aliens from his wounded border state to Democrat-controlled “sanctuary cities” around the country, such as New York City, last year.

New York, which purports to love illegal aliens, has seen over 40,000 illegal aliens flood the city, generating chaos.

The city’s Democrat Mayor, Eric Adams, is losing it over the potentially fatal repercussions of having the Biden border issue land on his doorstep for the first time.

Mayor Adams has sought for enormous sums of federal funding to deal with illegal aliens, and recently stated that there was suddenly no longer a place for them in New York, even though the city’s vacancy rate has skyrocketed to nearly 8%, a full 6% higher than the pre-COVID figure.

Recently, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg followed in the footsteps of President Joe Biden and visited the border city of El Paso, Texas.

President Biden visited the border for the first time in his 50-year political career less than two weeks ago, in what was clearly a political stunt.

The President avoided seeing any illegal aliens because the Biden government cleared out the city before he arrived in a huge cover-up effort.

Mayor Adams took direct aim at Biden and his disastrous management of the border issue he created during his visit to El Paso.

Adams said that the increasing number of illegal immigrants entering the country is a “national crisis” that requires a “national solution,” blaming President Biden.

Unlike Biden’s visit to El Paso, Mayor Adams went to a part of town that is under siege from illegal immigration crossings.

The Mayor of New York also visited a Border Patrol processing facility that has been overwhelmed by the recent surge of illegal aliens, as well as an area of the city that has been converted into a homeless encampment by illegal aliens.

El Paso’s Democrat mayor proclaimed a state of emergency after the city was overrun by tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, forcing many to sleep under bridges or even in dumpsters.

During the trip, Adams said that he and El Paso Democrat Mayor Oscar Leeser are “on the front lines, and we need federal support.”

The anticipated cost of dealing with illegal aliens in New York City is $2 billion, and the Democrat Mayor is asking President Joe Biden and his administration to help foot the tab.

According to Adam’s press secretary, Fabien Levy, the Mayor was visiting local officials to discover what they were hearing from illegal immigrants.

“The reality of the situation is these migrants are being promised things before they cross the border that are just not available,” Levy said.

President Biden and Democrats told illegal aliens that if they could simply get into the nation, they would be granted every taxpayer-funded benefit under the sun.

They are now forced to face the unpleasant fact that the Left’s free borders policy has resulted in the biggest border catastrophe in American history.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis is driving Democrats insane after taking on this Leftist company


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has waged a war against woke corporations. He has put some of the most powerful corporate titans in their place.

Now Ron DeSantis is driving Democrats insane after taking on this Leftist company.

Corporate America is being taken over by wokeness at an alarming rate.

Major firms have embraced radical left-wing notions such as Critical Race Theory and awakened gender views.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is fighting back against woke businesses that are running amok in the state.

After the company’s left-wing lobbying against his Parental Rights in Education Bill, DeSantis stood up to Disney, the most powerful corporation in Florida, and deprived them of their unique tax privileges.

Now, DeSantis has won another battle against the National Hockey League (NHL), which sought to hold a major employment fair in Florida.

The NHL, like the rest of professional sports, is being pushed to become more “inclusive.”

The NHL promoted a job fair in Fort Lauderdale on the social networking website LinkedIn, clearly stating that heterosexual, white males are not permitted to attend.

“Participants must be 18 years of age or older, based in the U.S., and identify as female, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and/or a person with a disability. Veterans are also welcome and encouraged to attend,” the post read.

The NHL, which is becoming more progressive, organized a discriminating employment fair in Florida to promote its left-wing political beliefs.

The NHL was targeted by Ron DeSantis and his administration, who termed the job fair “discriminatory.”

“Discrimination of any sort is not welcome in the state of Florida, and we do not abide by the woke notion that discrimination should be overlooked if applied in a politically popular manner or against a politically unpopular demographic,” DeSantis Press Secretary Bryan Griffin said.

“We are fighting all discrimination in our schools and our workplaces, and we will fight it in publicly accessible places of meeting or activity.”

DeSantis ordered that the NHL discontinue its discriminatory hiring practices at the employment fair.

“NHL: You are officially on notice about your planned events in Florida. Unlawful discrimination will not be tolerated,” DeSantis campaign spokeswoman Christina Pushaw said.

After feeling the heat from DeSantis and his administration, the NHL raised the white flag of surrender.

The LinkedIn article was removed, and the league abandoned its woke employment fair.

The NHL issued a statement to Fox News saying that the “original wording of the LinkedIn post associated with the event was not accurate.”

This assertion contradicts the original LinkedIn post, which was approved by the league.

DeSantis, who routinely says that “Florida is where woke goes to die,” just shut down another woke corporate scheme in the Sunshine State.

Ron DeSantis is laying out a plan for conservatives to rein in out-of-control woke companies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump made an announcement that’s making leftists lose their minds


If there’s one thing Trump is good at, it’s angering the radical Left. It’s why so many Americans like him.

And the announcement Donald Trump just made is making leftists lose their minds.

Donald Trump, the former president, announced that his renowned “giant rallies” would soon return.

Since announcing his bid for the presidency in November, Trump has primarily released statements via his Truth Social platform and participated in a few interviews.

“Making a big political speech today at TRUMP DORAL, in Miami,” Trump posted Thursday morning on his social media platform.

“The Fake News says I am not campaigning very hard. I say they are stupid and corrupt, with the Election still a long time away.

“But do not fear, MANY GIANT RALLIES and other events coming up soon. It will all be wild and exciting. We will save our Country from DOOM and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Trump is anticipated to host his first public campaign rally of the new year this month in Columbia, South Carolina, according to a Politico article from last week.

Trump’s advisers confirmed that the event, which marks the beginning of a more visible phase of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, will not be a rally. It will be more “intimate” in contrast.

Trump has started to outline the policies he intends to put into effect if he wins the presidency again.

Trump promised to prohibit Chinese people from purchasing farms or owning telecommunications, energy, technology, and medical supply businesses in the United States, according to a report published by The New York Post on Wednesday.

Without an update from Ron DeSantis on whether he plans to run in 2024 for President, Donald Trump should be the assumed frontrunner for the GOP.

No one other than Ron DeSantis matches up well against him in the primaries.

As such, this should scare the living daylights out of Joe Biden and the radical Left.

Americans are already fed up with the Biden economy and the progressive nonsense being peddled by the radicals within his administration.

Should Donald Trump come along and win the GOP nomination for President, then Biden will find himself in a tough election against a former President that had a much stronger economy.

Expect Donald Trump to harp on these facts at his rallies.

Donald Trump knows that Americans want the economy that America had under his Presidency back.

And the economy has historically been the biggest factor for the outcomes of elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump is grinning ear to ear after Kevin McCarthy dropped this truth bomb


Donald Trump is running for re-election and has re-established himself as the focal point of American politics. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has long been a Trump supporter.

And Donald Trump is grinning ear to ear after Kevin McCarthy dropped this truth bomb.

The corporate-controlled media is attempting to justify Joe Biden’s theft of sensitive data by drawing a misleading analogy between the FBI invading Mar-a-Lago and a librarian having a meltdown over a Presidential Records Act disagreement.

A reporter attempted to press McCarthy on this point.

“Do you see a difference in that former President Trump denied repeated requests for all of his classified documents for more than a year? And President Biden’s lawyers turned in documents after finding them?” the liberal reporter asked McCarthy.

McCarthy rejected the premise, adding that federal authorities were aware of Trump’s possession of the documents – which Trump claimed he declassified – at Mar-a-Lago and requested that a strong lock be installed in the room where Trump kept the records.

“No, because from one standpoint, they knew the documents were there. They actually asked President Trump to put another lock on, so they were locked,” McCarthy responded.

McCarthy then emphasized the preposterous double standard in which Biden used the FBI to raid Mar-a-Lago while Biden’s own lawyers hunted for Biden’s stolen sensitive documents and kept the knowledge of Biden’s theft hidden until after the Midterm elections.

“Did he utilize the Justice Department to raid President Trump? Do you think that was right? They knew this had happened to President Biden before the election, but they kept it a secret from the American public. He goes on 60 Minutes, criticizes President Trump even, knowing what he has done. And he wasn’t President at the time,” McCarthy added.

McCarthy went on, hitting Biden over his lawyers, now admitting Biden stored stolen sensitive information in a variety of locations, including a box next to his car in his Delaware home’s garage.

“Now we find another location that it’s at, but he refused to answer. His Press Secretary won’t answer the questions. You watched them leak photos of sitting out files of President Trump. Where is the photos of President Biden’s documents? Where are those photos at? He knowingly knew this happened going into election, going into interviews,” McCarthy stated.

Finally, McCarthy demonstrated how this fits into Joe Biden’s pattern of deception dating back to the 2020 campaign and the Hunter Biden laptop episode, in which Biden lied about the laptop containing Russian disinformation.

“And what I’m finding what’s happened with President Biden time and again, you go from a laptop saying it not only that it wasn’t true, but utilizing your own friends to go into companies, to tell them to say the same thing, to try to knock down information, to try to make sure the New York Post story couldn’t be printed,” McCarthy declared.

The problem surrounding Joe Biden’s stolen documents is not going away anytime soon.

Many on the Left, including Adam Schiff, are turning on Biden and applauding the appointment of a special counsel to investigate.

Not only that, but media personalities are starting to ask tough questions, like Don Lemon just did to Chuck Schumer, questioning why Democrats are having a reserved response to Biden’s document revelations.

Though, some in the corporate-controlled media are still trying equate Joe Biden to Donald Trump.

But unless you’re a die-hard Democrat, this attempt has largely failed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This is the beginning of the end for CNN


The major cable news network CNN has been struggling to say the least. It’s in desperation mode to stay above water.

But this one move from CNN is now the beginning of the end for CNN.

Ever since Donald Trump left the White House, CNN has been struggling to keep its viewership from bleeding out.

CNN has had to readjust its profit targets several times, indicating that the network is certainly on the downhill for now.

There’s been little the network has been able to do to change that reality, though.

They’ve tried letting go of poor-performing hosts like Brian Stelter and switching hosts to new time slots like Don Lemon’s move to the morning shows.

But that hasn’t made much of a difference, as Fox News continues to dominate.

Now CNN seems to see the writing on the wall.

In a stunning move, CNN will be completely moving out of Atlanta, GA, where it has maintained offices for more than 35 years.

Newsmax reports:

The closing of the CNN Center will remove the network’s logo from the downtown skyline, where it’s been a fixture for years, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution said.

CNN had occupied the building for more than 35 years.

This is a move to save the cable network cash, according to the parent company AT&T who is ultimately responsible for the fall of CNN.

Newsmax adds:

The news networks’ former parent company, AT&T, had sold the downtown CNN Center in 2021 for nearly $164 million as a cost-cutting move.

Companies moving office buildings is very normal these days as the real estate market is constantly changing.

But CNN is in a very particular position.

It’s obvious that the network is desperate to figure something out to stop the network’s profits from going down the gutter.

They’ve already had to adjust profit projections to below $1 billion for the first time in ages.

Fox News, on the other hand, has been experiencing continued success as the number one trusted source according to viewership amongst the cable news networks.

It probably doesn’t help CNN that the sitting U.S. President who they largely choose to defend is one of the most incapable Presidents in modern history.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.