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Maxine Waters has been CAUGHT in this shocking money embezzlement scheme


Politicians have a long history of playing fast and loose with money. But rarely do they get caught like this.

Because Maxine Waters has been CAUGHT red-handed in this shocking money embezzlement scheme.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) has established a political machine in her California district that has rendered her practically untouchable for over 45 years.

That amount of authority has certainly led Rep. Waters to believe she can do whatever she wants, even if it means arranging to have campaign cash appear in the bank accounts of her family members.

For decades, one of the worst-kept secrets in Washington, D.C. has been Rep. Waters’ mastery at utilizing “public service” to make not only herself a millionaire, but also everyone around her.

The Los Angeles Times revealed in 2004 that Waters had channeled more than $1 million to members of her family during the previous eight years.

When the paper asked Rep. Waters about the money, she simply said “We don’t have to answer your questions. We are not bad people.”

Even though the corporate-controlled media briefly mentions the pretty obvious ethics infractions in passing, the story is usually always swept out of sight as soon as it appears.

It appears that it is now time for the annual check-in on the Waters Crime Family’s enrichment program.

According to a Fox Business story based on a Federal Elections Commission filing by Citizens for Waters, Rep. Maxine Waters’ campaign paid her daughter, Karen, and her company, Progressive Connections, an additional $8,000 in September.

This $8,000 payment takes the total amount channeled to Karen Waters and her company via her mother’s campaign this year to almost $50,000.

And the total amount paid to the Congresswoman’s daughter by the Waters campaign since 2003 has now surpassed $1 million.

The report went on to explain that the payments to Karen Waters are apparently recompense for coordinating “slate-mailing operations” for her mother’s campaigns.

The only difficulty, as Fox Business pointed out, is that slate-mailing campaigns are extremely uncommon in federal elections.

The practice is so uncommon that Maxine Waters was the only federal candidate to use slate mailing in the 2020 general election.

“Slate-mailing is an uncommon practice in federal elections, where a consulting firm is hired to create a pamphlet of sorts that contains a list of candidates or policy measures and advises voters how to cast their ballots,” Fox Business reports. “Rep. Waters, the U.S. House Financial Services Committee chairwoman, was reportedly the only federal politician to use a slate-mailer operation during the 2020 general election.”

So, obviously, these payments – and all the others Maxine Waters has routed to family members for nearly two decades – are completely legal.

Why else would Maxine Waters be the only federal candidate in the 2020 election to use slate mailing, which her daughter has provided for more than a million dollars over the last two decades?

She is far from the only member of Congress who gives money to family members.

“Both Democrats and Republicans have paid relatives with campaign contributions over the years,” Fox Business added. “In 2020, OpenSecrets published a piece showing incumbent politicians in Congress on both sides of the aisle lavishing their family members with campaign cash. While it is legal for federal lawmakers to employ family members on campaigns, the practice is generally frowned upon by ethics experts.”

“House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., also has a history of shelling out campaign money to his family members, including his daughters and grandson, who received thousands in campaign cash this election cycle,” the article stated.

Clearly, the House and Senate Ethics Committees need to get their hands dirty and begin conducting investigations.

But it’s probably better not to hang your breath on that given that we’re talking about the Washington, D.C. Swamp.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

You won’t believe how Democrats are trying to derail Trump’s campaign this time


Democrats love to throw around the label “election denier”. The reality is that they never got over the fact that Trump won in 2016.

And now you won’t believe how Democrats are trying to end Trump’s campaign this time.

Former President Donald Trump has been banned from social media since immediately after the protests on January 6, 2021.

Big Tech banded together and banned the then-President of the United States from Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.

Meanwhile, Trump has amassed a big following on the YouTube alternative Rumble, with 1.63 million subscribers.

In addition, the 45th President of the United States launched his own social media network, Truth Social.

Trump is the centerpiece and key engine of traffic on Truth Social – with 4.75 million followers.
Trump’s reappearance?

Things have changed in the nearly two years afterward, with Elon Musk now controlling Twitter.

One of the world’s richest men has greenlit the return of Trump to the Big Tech giant – nevertheless, the entertainment and real estate billionaire so far has decided to remain exclusive to his Truth Social platform.

With Trump running for president a third time, many political experts believe he would ultimately return to Twitter, where he has about 89 million followers — roughly 20 times his Truth Social following.

Rep. Adam Schiff of California and a few of his Democratic colleagues in Congress are now working to ensure that Trump does not have the same opportunity with Facebook.

According to Newsmax, Schiff is begging with Meta/Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg, along with Democrats Rep. André Carson of Indiana, Rep. Kathy Castor of Florida, and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, to keep Trump off the site.

“His (Trump’s) rhetoric can only be used to incite violence,” the four Democrats wrote to Zuckerberg. “It is Meta’s responsibility to keep such vitriol off its platforms.”

Meta/Facebook just referenced to an old blog post from Meta’s President of Global Affairs, Kick Clegg, in response to the letter.

According to Clegg’s tweet, the business will reconsider Trump’s indefinite suspension in January 2023.

According to Clegg, Meta/Facebook would contact “experts” to determine whether Trump is a “risk to public safety.”

To do so, the “experts” will examine “incidents of violence, restrictions on peaceful assembly, and other indicators of civil unrest.”

Clegg stated that if “experts” believe Trump’s mere presence on Facebook constitutes a “serious risk to public safety,” the ban will be extended for “a set period of time” and re-evaluated “until that risk has receded.”

Of course, radical leftists calling for the stalking and assassination of Republican-appointed Supreme Court Justices remain active on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, because words are only violent if they do not match the Left’s desired narrative.

Joe Biden is losing sleep over this poll that means disaster for his future


The past two years have been rough for many Americans. Millions are waking up to the Biden admin’s failures.

And now Joe Biden is losing sleep over this poll that means disaster for his future.

The Deep State, Big Tech, and the corporate-controlled media were all determined to derail Donald Trump in 2020.

To defeat him, they conspired and lied to the American people.

According to a new poll, most Americans now believe they were deceived by the Deep State in 2020.

More evidence is emerging about the extent to which Big Tech has collaborated with Deep State agents to conceal information.

One of the worst incidents was the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal only weeks ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.

With the release of the Twitter Files by Elon Musk, it has been established that Twitter collaborated with federal agencies to suppress the news.

And Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that Facebook withheld the story when the FBI labeled it “Russian disinformation.”

A recent poll reveals what Americans believe about this, and it does not bode well for Joe Biden.

According to TIPP Insights’ research, 71% of Americans feel the 2020 election would have turned out differently if the Hunter Biden laptop incident had received fair publicity.

Three-quarters of respondents felt that any conspiracy between senior Democrats, the FBI, intelligence officials, and the Biden campaign in suppressing the news would have denied voters access to crucial information during the election campaign.

One-half of respondents claimed that if they had known the truth, they would have cast a different ballot.

Two-thirds of Americans now believe Hunter Biden’s laptop contents are genuine.

Obviously, the figure should be considerably higher.

It is an objective reality that the contents are genuine.

The fact that one-third of Americans still believe the laptop story was “Russian disinformation” demonstrates how detrimental corporate-controlled media’s false narratives are to our democracy.

“It is easy to fool people, but difficult to convince them they have been fooled,” Elon Musk stated.

With Republicans preparing to seize control of the House, Hunter Biden’s international business dealings will be investigated by Congress.

Representative James Comer (R-KY) revealed that the probe will look into nine alleged offenses, including tax evasion, money laundering, and wire fraud.

According to the study, 62% of people support the inquiry, with 42% strongly supporting it.

In light of these discoveries, Donald Trump has called for a re-election in 2020.

While that isn’t conceivable, what Americans should do is learn their lesson from this case, namely that the so-called “mainstream” media cannot be trusted and that the Deep State and Big Tech will work together to deceive them any chance they get.

The next time there is a huge effort to bury a story like this, Americans should take attention.

Fortunately, with Elon Musk now in charge of Twitter, the Left, and its supporters will find it much more difficult to suppress articles like these to the amount they did in 2020.

Joe Biden is red with rage after being thrown this curveball by Republicans


Joe Biden is attempting to deceive the public. He’s breaking the law through one devious scheme.

And Joe Biden is red with rage after being thrown this curveball by Republicans.

Democrats are in disarray following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Court prohibited abortion-on-demand, relegating the subject of abortion to state legislatures.

Democrats were enraged when red states pushed to ban or severely limit abortion.

President Joe Biden devised an illegal strategy to circumvent the abortion restrictions that had been imposed.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) established a new regulation in September that permitted the government to provide abortions to veterans and beneficiaries, citing the decision as a “patient safety decision.”

This is a plot by the Biden administration to circumvent state laws in order to keep the abortion-on-demand industry afloat.

Because the VA is on federal land, it has no legal power to violate state abortion laws.

Pro-abortion campaigners are putting pressure on President Biden to convert federal buildings into abortion clinics in order to circumvent abortion laws in red states.

Republicans in Congress are responding with a new Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution that would repeal the VA’s new abortion rule.

Reps. Michael Cloud (R-TX) and Michael Bost (R-IL) introduced the resolution, which has garnered more than 60 cosponsors.

“No American should be forced by our government to pay for someone else’s abortion,” Cloud told The Daily Caller. “The Biden administration is abusing its authority and ignoring the law to enforce a radical anti-life agenda. The VA should remain committed to providing care to support the lives of our veterans, not be used as a political tool by the Biden administration to illegally provide taxpayer-funded abortions.”

The CRA empowers Congress to approve a resolution blocking federal agency rules.

The Senate version of the CRA was introduced by Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL).

“It’s shameful to see the Biden administration continue to find ways to blatantly undermine our laws,” Tuberville told The Daily Caller. “The interim final rule from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide taxpayer-funded abortions at its facilities is the latest subversion in a long line of actions from this administration that points to complete contempt for the law. It betrays the convictions of many Americans who value the sanctity of life and don’t want their tax dollars paying for abortions.”

Joe Biden is determined to find ways to circumvent state abortion regulations.

Keep an eye on Conservative Underground News for any developments on this developing story.

Chuck Schumer is shaking with fear after a leading Democrat exposed this 2024 secret


For the 2024 election, Democrats face a terrible scenario. This move has the potential to make or shatter the Party’s hopes.

And Chuck Schumer is shaking with fear after a leading Democrat exposed this 2024 secret.

Democrats won 51 Senate seats after an unexpectedly strong showing in the midterm elections.

The Democrats gained some breathing room in the next session of Congress after gaining control of the Pennsylvania Senate seat.

Democrats will face an uphill battle to maintain Senate power following the 2024 elections.

The Senate map for Democrats in 2024 is cruel with three vulnerable Democrats running for re-election in the deep red states of West Virginia, Ohio, and Montana.

To have any chance of retaining the seats, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) requires all three incumbent Democratic Senators to seek re-election.

Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) survived two close campaigns in 2012 and 2018, both of which were favorable to Democrats.

Montana is rapidly becoming a deep red state, having been carried by former President Donald Trump by 16 points in the 2020 election.

Senator Tester is Montana’s final Democrat in a statewide post, and he is likely the sole Democrat in the race in 2024.

During an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, Tester stated that his political future is uncertain.

“If I decide to run in this thing, and it’ll be a discussion that I have with my family over the holidays because it is a big undertaking, I feel good about my chances,” Tester said.

Senator Tester’s retirement would be a huge setback to Democrats’ chances of retaining Senate power after the 2024 election.

If he retires, Democrats will be rushing to find a candidate to run in a state that is expected to vote decisively for the Republican nominee for President that year.

While Tester is optimistic about his chances, Republican strategists believe he will be in big danger if he runs again.

“If the last two election cycles are any indication, running as a Democrat in 2024 statewide in Montana is a bleak endeavor,” Montana native and Republican strategist AshLee Strong said. “Republicans now hold all constitutional offices, have a supermajority in the state legislature, and hold three of the four federal offices. Retiring would allow Sen. Tester to leave on his own terms.”

In 2024, incumbent Democratic Senators in seven states won by Donald Trump in 2016 or 2020 will be up for re-election.

Don Kaltschmidt, chairman of the Montana Republican Party, said Fox News that Tester’s interview “sounds like Sen. Tester is trying to decide whether to retire or lose.”

Whatever decision Jon Tester makes, Montana’s Senate race will be one of the most contentious in the 2024 election.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This RINO Republican just betrayed conservatives with this one shocking move


RINO’s still can’t stand that Donald Trump won in 2016. They’re determined to be a thorn in conservatives’ sides.

And this RINO Republican just betrayed conservatives with this one shocking move.

With Republicans reclaiming control of the House in the midterm elections, substantial investigations targeting President Joe Biden are expected to begin next year.

Hunter Biden’s questionable international business ventures, in which he used his father’s political status to gain access, will be scrutinized by the GOP.

The President’s son’s issues continue to mount as more embarrassing details emerge from his infamous “laptop from hell.”

After initially stating that Hunter’s laptop contained “Russian misinformation,” the corporate-controlled media is now reluctantly recognizing that the laptop and its contents are genuine.

Republicans will be able to subpoena witnesses and documents as part of an inquiry into Hunter now that they control the House.

The coming Hunter Biden inquiry has the potential to expose the Biden crime family’s crimes.

Republicans are on the verge of exposing more of the Biden crime family’s corruption, but RINO Senator Mitt Romney is dismissing the next inquiry as a “waste of time.”

Romney took to the never-Trump publication The Bulwark to criticize the GOP for looking into Hunter Biden.

The Bulwark characterized the ongoing Hunter inquiry as a political farce, noting that Romney is the only elected Republican who opposes it.

Despite the bogus accusations made by the outlet, federal investigators told the Washington Post that there is more than enough evidence to charge Hunter with various felonies.

“I think it’s really hard to know what the politics of a course of action might be in this day and age, to know where our Party stands, what our base wants, what Independent voters want,” Romney said.

Romney is totally disconnected from the Republican Party and its conservative base.

“But I think you have to do what you think is right and I think the American people want us to tackle some of the big challenges we have—immigration, inflation, and so forth—and the other things that divert from those priorities I think are a waste of time,” Romney claimed.

With Democrats controlling the Senate, any Republican solution to immigration or inflation is doomed from the start.

One of the most critical jobs that House Republicans may complete in the next Congress is investigations.

Romney, on the other hand, believes they are a waste of time.

Romney’s newest step is to speak out against a possible inquiry against Hunter Biden.

In 2020, he had to choose between voting with Democrats and complying with a subpoena related to Hunter’s work with Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

“I would prefer that investigations are done by an independent, non-political body,” Romney said. “I think people are tired of these kinds of political investigations.”

Romney eventually changed his mind and voted in favor of the subpoena.

Mitt Romney’s assaults on the GOP’s Hunter inquiry are an attempt to provide cover for Joe Biden.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Tucker Carlson got the last laugh against this radical Leftist who tried to put him in prison


Leftists will stoop to any low to deplatform their ideological opponents. That includes lobbing false accusations.

But Tucker Carlson is the last one laughing after this radical Leftist tried to put him in prison.

Cathay Areu began appearing regularly on Fox News programming such as Tucker Carlson Tonight, Hannity, and The O’Reilly Factor in 2018.

She was such a regular guest on Tucker Carlson’s show that he dubbed her the “Liberal Sherpa,” as he disputed her on topics such as whether or not parents should obtain “consent” from their young children before changing their diapers.

Her stint at the network, however, came to an end when she filed a federal complaint against Fox News, Carlson, Sean Hannity, and numerous other Fox News employees for sexual harassment and assault.

Areu alleged that on December 10, 2018, the night of the Tucker Carlson Tonight Christmas party, Carlson’s production staff held her in the studio and refused to remove her earpiece so the host could invite her to travel to a hotel where he was staying after the party without his family.

The only issue was that December 10 was the night of Fox News’ company-wide Christmas party; Carlson was in Washington, D.C. rather than New York City that day, as well as the next day for The Daily Caller Christmas party; and his wife was supposedly with him the entire time for both.

Areu also claimed that she wanted to bring a friend to the taping of a Hannity appearance, only to have Hannity offer her and her friend $100 to have dinner and drinks with him after the taping.

According to Areu, this constituted sexual harassment on Hannity’s behalf, even though her own emails proved that she emailed the host a photo of a drink she’d had at the restaurant he recommended the night before the next morning.

Needless to say, after a judge evaluated Areu’s claim against the Fox News hosts, her allegations were immediately dismissed, and despite the fact that the judge allowed her the opportunity to re-file the lawsuit, she missed two deadlines to do so, resulting in the suit being “dismissed, with prejudice.”

But it may now be evident why she filed the false case in the first place: money.

Cathay Areu was arrested and charged with several offenses on Friday, including kidnapping, elderly exploitation, and an organized conspiracy to deceive her own elderly mother.

According to The Miami Herald, investigators believe Areu has been exploiting her mother since at least 2019, and law enforcement has reportedly been attempting to arrest her since June, but believe she has tried to elude authorities, even fleeing to Mexico at one time.

Areu is accused of using a quit claim deed to take over her mother’s home, making several bank withdrawals from her mother’s account, and opening numerous credit cards in her mother’s name, among other things.

Worse, Areu is accused of forcing her mother into assisted living facilities against her choice in order to “gain control over her mother’s financial assets.”

The Herald further reported that investigators suspect the “Liberal Sherpa” practically dragged her mother to assisted living after neighbors saw the elderly woman’s shoe on the driveway.

Given that Areu was reportedly manipulating her mother for financial benefit while also creating charges for a lawsuit against many Fox News personalities, it’s impossible to argue that this wasn’t a money grab.

Areu was either desperate for money and performed both horrible acts for a payday, or she was a sick, money-hungry insane lefty who committed both heinous acts for a paycheck – there is no in-between here.

Whatever way you slice it, the “Liberal Sherpa” will be wearing an orange jumpsuit in the near future.

Documents just leaked that prove the Left was trying to overturn the 2016 election


For two years, Democrats have accused conservatives of being “election deniers” and threats to democracy. But they were just projecting.

Because documents just leaked that prove that the Left was trying to overturn the 2016 election.

Washington, D.C. is the most shameful and sinful location on God’s green planet.

Our nation’s capital has devolved into a sewer and a crime-infested hellhole.

And the worst criminals in the United States are the politicians who sit in the halls of Congress and the bureaucrats who populate our government’s departments.

There’s a reason why Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. President Trump dubbed it the Swamp.

Swamp monsters are filthy and repulsive, and they will go to any length to maintain their rank and influence over our country.

They also have no allegiance to either party’s base or the American people.

It’s no surprise that both parties in Washington, D.C. rather than protecting the American people, are concerned with destroying the American ideal.

And Trump discovered this truth the hard way.

Trump traveled to Washington, D.C. to fix our nation’s difficulties.

He truly felt that by hard effort and determination, he could erase decades of damage done by Washington, D.C.’s entrenched establishment.

He had no idea that the establishment extended far beyond the Swamp of Washington, D.C., and has permeated almost every institution in our society.

As most reporters are little more than mouthpieces for the Swamp, nearly every major news network on cable news brutally criticized Trump for sticking up for the American people.

“Community leaders” from the pulpit to the editorial boards targeted Donald Trump because he was standing out for the American people and the American dream.

And, as a result of the establishment’s attempts to attack, smear, and censor Trump during his presidency, President Trump was almost non-existent on every communication platform once he departed the White House.

Few corporate-owned media channels would even mention the previous President.

And he was restricted from using social media platforms in the future.

This was especially true of Twitter, which has done everything it can to discredit Trump since he announced his candidacy.

The social media company claimed they had sufficient proof and logic to remove the President of the United States from one of the web’s largest social media platforms.

According to an analysis of internal Twitter files purposefully published by Elon Musk, President Trump did not breach Twitter policy when he was permanently banned on January 8, 2021.

But Twitter was bound and determined to expatriate the President of the United States from the site.

Employees were looking for a justification to ban Trump from Twitter throughout the meeting, even though he had committed no infraction.

And they finally had a reason: he’s inciting violence.

As one employee put it, “I am still struggling to understand the decision not to ban Trump altogether, given he is inciting people to violence that has to led to people being killed. And I think we owe people an explanation externally.”

Another employee reported that there were internal employees who demanded action against the President even though he had broken no written rules.

Thank heavens for Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter.

It is one of the most important theaters of political discourse in our country and having the platform’s officials simply make rules as they go to censor the President is a frightening, heavy-handed totalitarian move that undermines the fundamental underpinnings of our frail republic.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,” Ronald Reagan once stated.

We now have a better understanding of how close that moment may be if nothing changes.

Adam Schiff has egg on his face after being caught in this embarrassing lie


Democrat Representative Adam Schiff is one of the most insane Democrats in Congress. He has no integrity whatsoever.

But Schiff has egg on his face after being caught in this embarrassing lie.

Today’s radical leftists despise free speech and most other American ideals.

With that in mind, it’s no surprise that folks on the Left are going insane about Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter.

One such communist who is spreading lies and misconceptions about Elon musk is Adam Schiff, who represents California’s 28th District in the United States House of Representatives.

“On Elon Musk’s Twitter:- Slurs against Black people have tripled – Slurs against women are up 33% – Slurs against Jewish people are up 61% – And slurs against gay men are up 58%,” Schiff wrote last Thursday. “These numbers are abysmal – and unacceptable. Today, @RepMarkTakano and I are demanding action.”

Elon Musk quickly responded, claiming, “False, hate speech impressions are actually down by 1/3 for Twitter now vs prior to acquisition @CommunityNotes.”

Elon Musk, however, was not the only one who was outraged by Schiff’s ludicrous assertions.

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald replied to Schiff’s tweet with “Aside from these made-up numbers: do you see how — to Democratic Party politicians — dictating to social media companies what they can and can’t platform, how they must censor, the role Democratic politicians play in all this, is just assumed as normal?”

Schiff’s tweet demonstrates that Democrats are willing to go to any length to stifle free expression on the Internet.

Overall, Adam Schiff is one of the most dishonest and despicable members of the House of Representatives.

Lying openly about “hate speech” is a standard tactic for the Left, which labels everyone who disagrees with them as “racist.”

Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter is a significant triumph for free expression.

For far too long, Big Tech has been a platform that has catered to liberals while repressing conservative voices.

Companies like Google, Twitter (before Musk’s purchase), Facebook, and Amazon have gone to tremendous lengths to support Democrats politically while punishing conservatives, often for no reason at all.

Elon Musk must continue to expose the Left for what they are: petty tyrants.

Other platforms, such as Facebook, should take note of Musk’s adjustments, or they will continue to lose value.

Freedom of expression is one of the most vital human rights, and the fact that Democrats are so determined to eliminate it demonstrates how dangerous they truly are.

This RINO used one word to describe Donald Trump that will leave your jaw on the ground


Some Republicans smell blood in the water around Donald Trump. They think it’s their turn to swoop in and steal the 2024 nomination.

And now this fake conservative RINO used one word to describe Trump that will leave your jaw on the ground.

For more than a year, political experts and GOP hacks have predicted a “red wave” or “red tsunami” that will sweep the GOP to power.

While Republicans barely retook the House, they fared poorly in the Senate, where Democrats retained control.

And, following the failure of a large red wave to materialize, the same pundits who predicted the wave in the first place are now attempting to assign blame.

As a result, they are understandably blaming Donald Trump.

Some, such as former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, believe Trump is “toxic.”

But none of these RINO pundits will accept that they were the ones who incorrectly projected a large red wave, and they are just as much to responsible as anyone else.

In fact, they absolutely missed the mark when it came to predicting a red tidal wave.

It was never going to happen in the first place.

While Christie and others may be correct that Trump is unpopular with specific groups, such as suburban women, the GOP establishment has a poor track record of victory (see Liz Cheney).

The plain fact is that having candidates who run on and fight for conservative ideals is the best-case scenario for Republicans.

And to have party leadership that isn’t continuously betraying the party’s base and the Constitution for petty political “gains.”

This was evident in Florida this year, as Governor Ron DeSantis and his allies successfully formed winning alliances based on issues and conservative beliefs.

In fact, a glance of Trump’s presidency reveals a successful one.

He kept more commitments to his followers and all voters than many Republican candidates could or would want to.

Donald Trump demonstrated that causes and principles are important.

At the same time, most commentators agree that it’s time to move on since Trump’s brand may be too tarnished for him to continue as the party’s leader.

If such is the case, who will carry the banner of the winning Republican coalitions?

Chris Christie seemed to believe it should be him.

That’s why he’s started making the rounds on chat shows.

The former governor recently appeared on ABC’s This Week and claimed that former President Donald Trump is the reason Democrats continue to win, not Republicans.

Christie said, “Bad candidates lose. Good candidates have a chance to win. And Herschel Walker was not a good candidate. And, you know, he wasn’t a good candidate because of a whole variety of issues that we saw that came out during the campaign.”

Christie added, “And on the Donald Trump side, I mean, you know, we all remember, in 2016, he said, if he got elected, there was going to be so much winning and winning and winning and winning, they’d get sick of winning. None of us knew at the time he was actually talking about the Democrats were going to do all that winning, not the Republicans. And that’s what he’s wrought. And Herschel Walker is his creation. And so he’s got to own the fact that Herschel Walker so vastly underperformed in a state as — as we saw earlier, every other Republican running statewide won, except for Herschel Walker. You know what that tells you? Bad candidate.”

While many feel Christie is criticizing his former ally in order to position himself as the GOP’s “heir apparent,” the reality is that he would be a disaster for the party.

If not Trump, the best option for a GOP flag bearer is someone like Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul, or Kristi Noem.

In other words, someone who has demonstrated the ability to stand on principle and fight for it when it matters most.

Merrick Garland is terrified after an FBI agent exposed this enormous scandal


The FBI is steeped in controversy. Details are seeping out that show the Bureau specifically targeted conservatives.

And Merrick Garland is terrified after an FBI agent exposed this enormous scandal.

After a game-changing lawsuit against Big Tech and the government, the FBI’s role in another significant scandal has come to light.

Missouri Attorney General Erich Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry launched a complaint against the Biden administration, accusing officials of breaching the First Amendment by collaborating with Big Tech to restrict issues such as the pandemic and the 2020 election.

A federal judge ordered that the Republican Attorneys General could proceed with their case by subpoenaing Biden officials and Big Tech employees to testify in depositions as part of pre-trial discovery.

Elvis Chan, the FBI’s assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Cyber Branch in San Francisco, was one of the officials deposed in the case.

Chan informed lawyers that he managed a “command post” for the FBI in San Francisco during the fall of 2020 to coordinate the Bureau’s nationwide censorship activities against disinformation.

Disinformation is the Left’s buzzword for communication that they dislike and believe should be banned by Big Tech.

According to Chan, the censoring effort included FBI field offices, federal prosecutors, and FBI and Justice Department lawyers.

His office would make the final decision on contacting Big Tech companies to delete anything that was purportedly misinformation or broke a company’s ambiguous terms of service agreement.

“We would receive some responses from the social media companies,” Chan said. “I remember in some cases they would relay that they had taken down the posts. In other cases, they would say that this did not violate their terms of service.”

Chan’s deposition is the most damning evidence yet that the FBI was collaborating with Big Tech to intervene in the 2020 election.

The activities of the FBI, according to the incoming Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer (R-KY), are troubling.

“Should be very concerning to everyone who cares about the First Amendment, who cares about civil liberties,” Comer told Just the News. “This is wrong.”

Comer stated that the FBI’s meddling in elections might be stopped by closing a loophole in the Hatch Act.

The Hatch Act prohibits government employees from engaging in most sorts of partisan political action.

“This should be a violation of the Hatch Act,” Comer said. “Apparently, there’s a loophole in the Hatch Act that doesn’t impact social media. We’re going to change that legislation next year.”

In court records, Republican Attorneys General revealed that Chan and another FBI agent implicated in the censoring operation made political contributions to various Democratic candidates.

Comer stated that censorship will be a top issue for his Committee in the coming year.

“We’re going to do everything we can to hold people accountable, because there’s no excuse for what the FBI has done with respect to limiting speech,” Comer said.

Elvis Chan’s testimony is yet another blot on the FBI’s reputation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden flew into a rage after being backstabbed by his own administration


The presidency of Joe Biden is a blazing dumpster fire. Even his own officials are beginning to realize this.

And Joe Biden flew into a rage after being backstabbed by his own administration.

President Joe Biden stunned everyone when he traded the dangerous Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, dubbed “The Merchant of Death,” for the progressive WNBA player Brittney Griner.

Griner was caught in February at a Russian airport for possessing marijuana vaping paraphernalia and sentenced to nine years in prison.

Bout was jailed in 2011 on terrorism and conspiracy to kill Americans charges after selling anti-aircraft missiles to a Marxist terrorist group in Colombia.

His actions, which included selling weapons all over the world and violating international sanctions, made him one of the world’s most sought men at the time of his arrest in 2008.

Because of her status as a black, lesbian, America-hating social justice activist and basketball star, Griner’s homecoming became a crusade for Democrats.

During the radical left-wing George Floyd protests in 2020, she previously advocated for the WNBA to discontinue playing the National Anthem before games.

According to The Washington Post, the prisoner trade is attracting significant condemnation from all sides, including officials within Biden’s Department of Justice.

“If she were my relative, I would want to do the swap,” an anonymous Justice Department official said. “But trading a notorious international arms dealer for a basketball player is madness.”

According to the Post, Biden Justice Department officials believed the trade was a bad bargain due of the gap in crimes committed by Griner and Bout.

Federal law enforcement has long advocated for “like for like” prisoner exchanges, in which people of equivalent rank or offenses are swapped.

Former DEA agent Robert Zachariasiewicz, who worked the Bout investigation, believes the exchange will further empower the Russians.

“We just showed that it is really useful to have an American in your back pocket because you never know when you need them to trade,” Zachariasiewicz said.

The precedent has now been set that unfriendly countries can use American citizens to pressure President Biden into releasing their most vicious prisoners.

The Biden administration is also under fire for failing to return US Marine Paul Whelan, who has been imprisoned in Russia on espionage allegations since 2018.

David Whelan, Paul’s brother, said he “can’t fathom” how his brother feels about not being included in the Griner prisoner exchange.

“Despite the possibility that there might be an exchange without Paul, our family is still devastated,” David said. “I can’t even fathom how Paul will feel when he learns. Paul has worked so hard to survive nearly 4 years of this injustice.”

According to multiple reports, the Kremlin gave Biden the option, but he selected Griner over Whelan in the Bout swap.

Giving over one of the world’s most dangerous men for a woke basketball player will only incite unfriendly countries to kidnap more Americans.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.