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Tucker Carlson was stunned by what he just learned about Mitch McConnell


Millions of Americans like Tucker Carlson because he often calls it like it is. That’s also why D.C. politicians hate him to death.

That’s why Tucker Carlson was flat out stunned by what he just learned about Mitch McConnell.

Republicans in the Senate were well-positioned to seize control of the Upper Chamber during the midterm elections.

But once Republicans failed to unseat even one incumbent Democrat Senator and lost in Pennsylvania, the midterms turned into a nightmare.

Mitch McConnell, the minority leader of the Senate (R-KY), is taking pressure for the terrible outcomes for Senate Republicans.

Republicans had one of their greatest chances to unseat a Democrat incumbent in the Arizona Senate race.

One of the Democrats standing for reelection this year who was thought to be most vulnerable was Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ).

Blake Masters, a political outsider and businessman, who had Donald Trump’s support, was Kelly’s opponent.

Masters ran as a fervent proponent of America First conservatism and threatened to scuttle McConnell’s intentions to give President Joe Biden more legislative victories.

The Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), McConnell’s political action committee, dropped $8 million in television advertising from the Arizona Senate election, leaving Masters high and dry.

One of the strongest supporters of Republican Senate candidates is the SLF.

Masters fell behind in his fundraising for the General Election as a result of a contentious Primary that took place in August.

Kelly outspent Masters in terms of campaign money, and Masters sorely required the SLF’s assistance to keep up.

Kelly was able to win by a slim margin thanks to his enormous cash advantage.

Tucker Carlson featured Blake Masters tonight and said that Mitch McConnell “doesn’t deserve” to be the leader of the Senate Republicans.

He stated that “Arizonans deserve better” after highlighting Arizona’s egregious mistakes in overseeing elections and tallying votes in Maricopa County.

“So, Maricopa County elections, maybe they are working hard, God bless them, it’s at best, just incompetent,” Masters said. “But do you know what else is incompetent, Tucker? The establishment. The people who control the purse strings.”

Despite spending at least $230 million, Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund was unable to gain even one additional Senate seat.

“Senate Leadership Fund, Mitch McConnell, McConnell decided to spend millions of dollars attacking a fellow Republican in Alaska instead of helping me defeat Senator Mark Kelly,” Masters continued. “Had he chosen to spend the money in Arizona, this race would be over and we’d be celebrating a Senate majority right now.”

While McConnell withdrew from Arizona, he was spending millions to support Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, one of the worst RINOs in the Senate.

In Alaska’s four-candidate general election, Murkowski faced a challenge from Republican Kelly Tshibaka, who had received Trump’s endorsement.

Protecting Murkowski came before trying to defeat a Democrat in Arizona, according to McConnell.

McConnell “didn’t deserve” to lead Senate Republicans going ahead, according to Masters.

Mitch McConnell’s position as the Republican Senate Leader is under serious consideration in the wake of the unsatisfactory midterm elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden was given an order from the U.S. Senate that completely blindsided him


The Biden administration has been running like there’s no consequences to their actions. But everyone has had enough of their antics.

That’s why Joe Biden was just given a direct order from the U.S. Senate that completely blindsided him.

With Sens. Ben Sasse (R-NE) and Raphael Warnock (D-GA) abstaining, the Senate ended President Joe Biden’s pandemic emergency on Tuesday night with a bipartisan vote of 62-36.

The emergency was extended last month by the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), and it will now endure at least through January 11.

Less than a month before to the extension, the president declared that “the pandemic is over” in an interview with “60 Minutes.”

With the exception of Sasse, who abstained, every Republican senator voted to end the emergency, as did 12 Democrats and Sen. Angus King (I-ME), a member of the Democratic caucus.

Sen. Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-KS), who proposed the resolution on the Senate floor, cited the president’s statements. However, as the senator stressed in his remarks, the problem is not just hypocrisy.

“It was this government imposed state of emergency that justified their continued lockdowns of small businesses and schools… that justified their mask and vaccine mandates, including a military vaccine mandate that has resulted in the removal of more than 8,000 active-duty troops… that justified President Biden and Congressional Democrats spending binge, increasing the total amount of government spending by more than $9 trillion since February 2021 and lighting the fire for record inflation…” Marshall said.

“Congress must take the responsible action of reigning in this massive expansion of government and restore Americans fundamental rights by terminating the COVID-19 national emergency declaration,” Marshall added.

Beyond just the White House, there were negative responses that turned out to be rather comical. The senators in question received a tweet from state senator Nina Turner (D-OH), who unsuccessfully sought for Congress on many occasions and couldn’t even get beyond the primary. What she intends to do beyond tweeting “we see you” to them is unclear.

Another hilarious response came from Mehdi Hasan of MSNBC, who used an angry face emoji in response to the news that Marshall had proposed the resolution. The Senator responded by using his own emoji to literally sling shade.

This one has to sting if you’re in the Joe Biden corner.

More than a dozen Democrats voted to side with a Republican-originating resolution to end the COVID-19 pandemic panic.

Which just leaves egg on the faces of the Biden administration.

You love to see it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats are losing their minds after this major media shakeup


The mainstream media doesn’t like anyone horning in on their propaganda machine. And they weren’t prepared for what just happened.

Now Democrats are losing their minds after this major media shakeup.

Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic presidential contender, has been hired as an on-air contributor by Fox News.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

One month after leaving the Democratic Party, former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii is joining Fox News as a paid contributor.

A representative for the conservative-leaning cable channel confirmed Gabbard signed a deal Monday and will start appearing on its programs next week.

Gabbard, 41, pursued the 2020 Democratic nomination for president. But she has been distancing herself from the party ever since and has appeared as a frequent guest on Fox News, including its most-watched shows, “The Five” and “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Gabbard made headlines last month when she announced her departure from the Democratic Party owing to the Left’s embrace of awakened ideology and Constitution-shredding agenda.

“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that’s under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers who are driven by cowardly woke-ness, who divide us by radicalizing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms that are enshrined in our Constitution, who are hostile towards people of faith and spirituality,” Gabbard explained as her reasoning for leaving the Party.

Gabbard then endorsed other Republican candidates and campaigned for them on the campaign trail.

Gabbard’s split with the Democratic Party began in 2016, when she refused to back Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The Hawaii Democrat refused to support Clinton because she supported a confrontation with Russia over Syria.

Following her defeat, Clinton vilified Gabbard as a Russian asset.

Gabbard’s role at Fox News will further fuel speculation that if Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination, he may choose her as his running mate in 2024.

Both Trump and Gabbard advocate an America First foreign policy that opposes irresponsible country building and endless conflicts abroad.

And both Trump and Gabbard are critical of Democrats’ treatment of wokeness as a religion.

It remains to be seen whether Donald Trump will be able to secure the Republican nomination in two years.

However, Gabbard will most likely use her position on Fox News to raise her political profile during that time frame.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kellyanne Conway made an appearance on Fox News that completely shook up the GOP


Kellyanne Conway was a major advisor for Donald Trump during his first term in office. She still commands respect within conservative circles.

That’s why when Kellyanne Conway went on Fox News and made just one comment, it shook the whole Republican Party.

Trump was incensed that Fox News, the New York Post, and the Wall Street Journal all blamed him for the Republican Party’s poor performance in the midterm elections and suggested that the GOP could turn to DeSantis’ 19-point victory over Charlie Crist in his reelection bid.

DeSantis’ performance as governor was downplayed by Trump in his message, which also claimed that DeSantis only won in 2018 because of his support.

Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway addressed this conflict during an appearance on Jesse Watters’ Fox News show.

She stated that she believed both men should be proud of their accomplishments and successes, and that she would like to see them both support Herschel Walker in the December 6 Georgia runoff.

“Here’s what I think: I’m glad both men, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, are in the Republican Party and have records of accomplishment that people can point to and want to emulate in their own states and people who want to run for office because they are inspired by candidates, by leaders like them who don’t back down, who get things down, who work with volume and velocity,” Conway began.

“I would love to see the two of them up on the stage in Georgia with, I don’t know, throw Brian Kemp and Mike Pence in there, too.”

Conway stated that in order to ensure Herschel Walker wins the Senate runoff election, all Republicans—including Trump—must put their differences aside.

“I think we need more unity and less divisiveness in the Republican Party. Because guess what? We have the best policies and messages, we don’t have unity right now,” Conway continued.

“The Democrats have no good policies and no aspirational, hopeful, forward-looking messages but they showed a lot of unity last week ginning up their base and it paid off in some of these elections.”

However, it appears like the GOP Presidential primary is already in full swing, and Conway’s call for unity will not last long regardless of the outcome of the Georgia Senate runoff.

Kellyanne Conway is making a ton of sense here, however.

There’s no real point in DeSantis or Trump fighting it out in the public eye.

What the GOP needs to do if they want to make major political strides in the future, it’s all about exposing the radicalism of the modern Democrat Party, as Conway noted.

Everyone knows the Democrats’ policies don’t work.

And if a strong conservative can lead by example, like DeSantis, then it would completely change the political landscape.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A Clinton advisor has a dark prediction for the future of the White House


In the eyes of millions of Americans, Joe Biden has been an unmitigated disaster during his nearly two years in office. But apparently it could get way worse.

That’s because a Clinton advisor just gave this grim prediction about the future of the White House.

In a news conference at the White House on Wednesday, Joe Biden discussed his opinions of the Midterm election results with the media.

Biden expressed his optimism over the election results during the hour-long press conference, saying they demonstrated that the American people had rejected radicalism because “democracy is who we are.”

According to exit surveys conducted on Tuesday, two-thirds of Americans think Joe Biden should retire in 2024.

“Two-thirds of Americans say that they don’t think you should run for reelection,” one reporter told President Biden. “How does that factor into your decision?” the reporter questioned Biden.

It doesn’t, Biden answered quickly.

“What’s your message to them?” the reporter asked of Biden.

“Watch me!” he cried.

However, Joe Biden will struggle to persuade Democrats to support his reelection.

On Wednesday, the left-leaning campaign “Don’t Run Joe” released digital ads pleading with Democrats not to nominate Joe Biden in 2024.

Since Kamala Harris is so unpopular, names like California Governor Gavin Newsom and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg have been mentioned as possible successors.

However, Joy Reid was informed by James Carville, a former senior advisor to Bill Clinton, that another Democrat governor is “a very, very serious Presidential candidate if she runs.”

Joy Reid, the host, questioned Carville on Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s victory on Tuesday in a contest that some had predicted she would lose.

“I feel the media has overplayed the importance of DeSantis and underplayed the victory for Whitmer,” Reid said. “Your thoughts?”

Carville concurred that Whitmer was a high candidate.

“First of all, for 2024, 2028, she’s already in the talk of being a very serious Presidential candidate if she runs,” Carville said. “I think people really understand what she’s done and how tough she is.”

Due of their unexpected triumphs, Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman were also recognized by Carville as rising stars.

Whitmer, however, is undoubtedly a front-runner for the nomination, according to Carville.

“I think Gretchen Whitmer is at the top of any conversation about any national figure of the Democratic Party,” Carville said. “That is just a fact.”

Whitmer is an extreme lefty who backs vaccination requirements, mandatory mask use, prenatal abortion, and the socialist green agenda.

For Americans who value freedom, the idea of President Gretchen Whitmer gives them nightmares.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden is in utter shock after Nancy Pelosi said these three words


A majority of Democratic voters want anyone other than Joe Biden to run in 2024. But Joe Biden has made it clear that he will run again.

And Joe Biden is in utter shock after Nancy Pelosi said these three words.

Democrats were on edge during the 2022 midterm elections due to President Joe Biden’s dismal support ratings and failures on the economy, inflation, crime, and the border situation.

Democrats were anticipating to lose control of both the House and Senate on Tuesday, as Midterm elections have historically been a referendum on the party of the sitting President.

The anticipated “Red Wave” never made it to shore, as Democrats preserved their Senate majority.

Even if Democrats look to have lost the House, Republicans will only have a razor-thin majority if they do wind up in power once all ballots are counted.

However, most Democrats are still skeptical that President Biden will run for re-election in 2024.

Many people believe that because of his advanced age and rapidly deteriorating mental and physical capacities, he should step down sooner rather than later.

During an interview on ABC’s This Week on Sunday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) expressed her opposition to Joe Biden seeking a second term.

“Do you think President Biden should run again?” George Stephanopoulos of ABC inquired.

“Yes, I do,” Pelosi responded. “President Biden has been a great President for our country. He has accomplished so much.”

Speaker Pelosi then went through a list of Biden’s supposed “accomplishments,” many of which most Americans would consider a catastrophic failure.

“Over 10 million jobs under his leadership, working with the private sector, of course,” Pelosi said. “He has just done so many things that are so great we would need a lot more show to talk about it.”

Speaker Pelosi praised Biden, saying “he’s put money in people’s pockets, vaccines in their arms, children back to school, people back to work, for starters, creating 10 million jobs.”

She also complimented his socialist spending on “green energy,” claiming that it provides “clean air and clean water for our children.”

In closing, the Speaker added that Joe Biden “has been a great President” and “has a great record to run on” in 2024.

After the election, President Biden told reporters that he will do “nothing” different with his program going ahead.

The economy is already on the verge of a serious downturn.

Biden promises to put the accelerator on the same policies that will throw the economy into free decline.

And that’s not a strong track record for him to run on in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

CNN just went off script with its latest attack on Joe Biden


Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency is collapsing around him. Even the corporate-owned media is turning against him.

And CNN just went off script with its latest attack on Joe Biden.

These days, President Joe Biden’s pals are few and far between.

After a poor start to his presidency, Democrats are increasingly considering ousting him in 2024.

The corporate-controlled media was Biden’s biggest fan during his presidential campaign and for the most of his presidency.

They diligently hid his repeated lies and failures in order to prop up his collapsing rule.

But CNN has just flipped on President Biden in a stunning fashion.

The network’s “fact-checkers” savaged him for a string of lies he told leading up to the midterm elections.

CNN reporter Daniel Dale called Biden out on nine false claims he made concerning business taxes, Trump tax cuts, the debt and deficit, the unemployment rate, his student loan giveaway, gas costs, his friendship with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, and two lies about Social Security.

After years of providing cover for Joe Biden, CNN is now calling him out on his lies.

In an unprecedented effort, CNN fact-checkers deconstructed Biden’s lies one by one for their audience.

The most stunning correction came on Trump’s tax cuts, which have long been portrayed as a “tax cut for the rich” by CNN and the Left.

Biden wrongly claimed that the Trump tax cut “affected only the top 1% of the American public,” but CNN showed out that the plan benefited the vast majority of taxpayers.

CNN’s decision to reverse its treatment of Biden indicates that they are done with him.

This is one more indication that the corporate-controlled media is attempting to derail Biden’s candidacy for President in 2024.

The New York Times and Washington Post both published articles recently urging for someone other than Joe Biden to be President in 2024.

Democrats recognize that Biden’s advanced age, rapidly deteriorating mental faculties, and terrible support ratings will be a major issue for voters in two years.

With the economy on the verge of a terrible recession, the Left is attempting to clear the way for Democrats in the 2024 Presidential election.

And as he considers running for President a second time, Joe Biden is running low on allies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Police made this surprising arrest after viewing a shocking video of Ted Cruz


Ted Cruz was the subject of a criminal inquiry. The proof was overwhelming.

And police made this surprising arrest after viewing a shocking video of Ted Cruz.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is a huge Houston Astros fan.

Senator Cruz attended several playoff games during the Astros’ quest to their second World Series title in five years.

Cruz is a big Astros fan, so the organization invited him to ride in their celebratory parade after their World Series triumph over the Philadelphia Phillies.

During the march, another terrifying incident of violence against a politician occurred when a member of the audience threw a full beer at Cruz and struck him in the upper torso.

“HPD made one arrest during today’s victory parade. A male, 33, threw a beer can at U.S. Senator Ted Cruz as the Senator was on a float in the 2400 block of Smith St. The beer can struck the Senator in the chest/neck area. The Senator did not require medical attention,” a tweet from the Houston Police Department read.

Cruz later thanked Houston Police and Capitol Police for making an arrest fast and criticized the perpetrator for having a poor throwing arm.

“As always I’m thankful for the Houston Police and Capitol Police for their quick action. I’m also thankful that the clown who threw his White Claw had a noodle for an arm,” Cruz posted on social media.

Joseph Halm Arcidiacono, 33, was arrested for allegedly tossing the beer can at Cruz.

“I know, I’m an idiot. “I’m sorry,” Arcidiacono allegedly stated when he was arrested.

Later, Arcidiacono’s lawyer claimed that he meant no damage and was merely trying to throw a beer can to someone in the parade so they could gulp it while riding on one of the floats.

“The night before the parade, Joey texted a friend, ‘My dream would be to throw one of the players a beer. Doubt it would happen haha but that would be epic,” one of Arcidiacono’s text messages from the night before the parade supposedly read.

“This was stupid, good fun. This ended up as not fun,” a statement from Arcidiacono’s lawyer read. “Joey apologizes for how his actions alarmed Senator Cruz, his family, and his security detail and put a damper on an otherwise beautiful celebration for millions of Houstonians. With this fuller context, we ask for grace and hope Senator Cruz declines to maintain charges.”

This episode happened just days before the midterm elections, when Joe Biden erroneously asserted that Trump supporters were a domestic terrorist threat responsible for political violence in America.

Biden was unconcerned about someone tossing a beer can at Cruz, just as he was unconcerned about one of his followers attempting to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Biden’s actions demonstrate that his warnings about political violence were partisan nonsense.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden has nowhere to hide after he was thrown this Hunter Biden curveball


Hunter Biden is becoming a tremendous headache for his father. The walls may be closing in on the Biden family.

And Joe Biden has nowhere to hide after he was thrown this Hunter Biden curveball.

Hunter Biden’s issues continue to mount, with no end in sight.

However, according to a shocking story from The Daily Mail, the Biden family is now experiencing another huge issue.

An unidentified former business associate approached Senate Republicans with new charges that President Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s shady foreign business dealings.

For the time being, the whistleblower is remaining anonymous for fear of retaliation for exposing the Biden criminal family’s secrets.

Hunter Biden, then-Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter’s business associate Jeff Cooper, the late Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), and Reid’s son Key all participated in a conference call in 2012, according to the whistleblower.

The group addressed a new Latin American gambling website being launched by Hunter Biden, Key Reid, and Jeff Cooper during the conversation.

According to the whistleblower, Joe Biden discussed details of the business enterprise and looked to be a “silent partner” during the discussion.

“He wasn’t passive, he was talking about it. If I had to describe him, he was like a member of the Board of Directors,” the whistleblower said.

Joe Biden has frequently denied discussing business matters with Hunter.

During the discussion, Joe allegedly inquired about the gambling venture’s revenue estimates, the timeline for the website’s completion, and the process for obtaining a gaming license from the Peruvian government.

“One of the things [Joe] centered on a lot was when the company would become profitable,” the whistleblower said. “Joe, in particular, was centered on the returns that would be expected in the family coffers.”

“With the direct observations I had, it’s obvious Joe was participating in the business,” the whistleblower added.

Jeff Cooper appeared to have used political contacts to obtain the gambling license from the Peruvian government.

“Jeff Cooper was talking about the fact that his team had made contact at the highest levels of the Peruvian government and they believed they had secured the rights that they needed for a gambling license in Peru,” the whistleblower explained.

The Daily Mail independently confirmed that the whistleblower was associated with Jeff Cooper’s business ventures, including at the time of the claimed call in 2012.

The whistleblower produced documents, emails, and images to demonstrate his ties to Hunter and Jeff Cooper’s company.

Emails from Hunter’s infamous “laptop from hell” revealed that Cooper and Key Reid discussed rolling out the gambling site throughout Latin America with the President’s son.

The Biden crime family will face yet another huge problem as a result of the whistleblower’s allegations against Hunter.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Mitch McConnell lost his mind after being hit with these words from a leading Republican


Mitch McConnell is a major reason the GOP fared so poorly in the midterms. But the fallout from his blunders is just getting started.

And Mitch McConnell lost his mind after being hit with these words from a leading Republican.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is attempting to retain his position as the country’s top Republican. Senate.

Control of the Senate remains uncertain following a disastrous midterm election.

Senator McConnell is losing what little support he has among conservatives, whether he serves as Minority Leader or Majority Leader.

Senate conservatives are growing increasingly dissatisfied with McConnell’s failing leadership of the Senate GOP.

Now, two Republicans are saying it’s time to move on from Mitch McConnell.

Missouri Republicans Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Senator-elect Eric Schmitt (R-MO) have spoken out against Senator McConnell’s re-election as Senate Majority Leader.

Senator Hawley informed a group of reporters at a Schmitt campaign rally in Springfield, Missouri, before the midterm elections, that he will not vote for the Kentucky Senator to continue as Senate Republicans leader.

“I don’t imagine I will, no,” Hawley said of supporting McConnell in Senate Republicans’ upcoming leadership elections.

At the moment, no Republican Senator has formally declared a frontal challenge to McConnell’s leadership.

“I’m not sure if any other Senator will run or not,” Hawley said. “Nobody’s indicated they would. But my view is that we need new leadership in that position.”

When asked who should be the next Republican Senate leader, Senator Hawley simply stated, “Not Mitch McConnell.”

Eric Schmitt, a fellow Missouri Republican and now Senator-elect, campaigned on the promise that he would challenge McConnell for leadership.

When asked who he would back instead, Senator-elect Schmitt suggested Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) or Mike Lee (R-UT), both conservative Senate champions, would be better choices.

“Mitch McConnell hasn’t endorsed me and I don’t endorse him for leadership,” Schmitt said in July.

Schmitt held firm on his words when asked how he would vote in the next leadership race.

Schmitt told reporters, “I said what I said, and I stand by those comments.”

While no official challenger to Senator McConnell has emerged, Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), who served as Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and was credited with playing a significant role in boosting Republican Senate candidates McConnell abandoned in the Midterms to avoid further GOP losses, could be poised to do so.

During an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, Senator Scott declined to endorse Senator McConnell for leadership.

Before Election Day, Chuck Todd, the host, asked Scott if he planned to seek for leader if Republicans secured a majority.

“I’m not focused on anything except getting a majority Tuesday night,” Scott replied.

Todd called Scott’s response a “non-answer.”

“It’s a possibility,” Todd speculated, and Scott agreed.

For months, rumors have circulated that Senator Scott has a good chance of unseating McConnell as Republican Senate leader.

Donald Trump has spoken out vehemently against McConnell being re-elected as Senate Majority Leader, even suggesting that Rick Scott would be a better choice.

“This guy does not deserve to continue to be a leader and hopefully somebody’s going to challenge him,” Trump said in a radio interview. “But I’ll tell you, if I run, and if I win, he will not be leader.”

Following a disastrous midterm election, Republican resistance to Mitch McConnell’s continued control of Senate Republicans is mounting.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump is furious after Kayleigh McEnany’s massive betrayal


Kayleigh McEnany made a name for herself as President Donald Trump’s Press Secretary. And now McEnany is a major Fox News host.

But Donald Trump is furious after Kayleigh McEnany’s massive betrayal.

Former President Donald Trump had a bad Election Night, as the U.S. Senate candidates he endorsed, as well as Congressional and Gubernatorial candidates, missed expectations in important contests around the country.

Dr. Mehmet Oz and Don Bolduc, both Trump-backed Republican Senate hopefuls, lost winnable elections in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, respectively.

And, because neither candidate received at least 50% of the vote, Herschel Walker is now in a runoff against incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA) in Georgia.

The runoff election is scheduled for the first week of December.

However, Trump previously stated that he would make a “major announcement” regarding his future on November 15, which many believe will be the start of a presidential campaign in 2024.

Former Trump Press Secretary turned Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany stated on Outnumbered the day after the election that the former President should hold off on announcing his candidacy before the Georgia runoff.

According to McEnany, with Senate power still up in the air, Republicans should focus all of their efforts on winning the runoff, and avoid anything that can distract them.

“I know there’s a temptation to talk about 2024,” McEnany began. “No, no, no. 2022 is not over. Every [bit of] Republican energy needs to go to grinding the Biden agenda to a halt.”

McEnany feels Trump should delay his announcement until after the December 6 runoff election, but he will most certainly make his own decision.

“I think he needs to put it on pause, absolutely,” McEnany stated. “He will make his own decision.”

Republicans are haunted by the 2020 Georgia Senate runoff.

Following Election Day 2020, conventional wisdom predicted that Republican Kelly Loeffler would defeat Warnock in the runoff, giving Republicans a Senate majority.

Despite the instability that followed Trump’s defeat, Senator Warnock and fellow Senator Jon Ossoff (D-GA) won the January 2021 runoff, giving Democrats control.

If Republicans win in either the Nevada or Arizona Senate races, where votes are still being tabulated for some reason, control of the United States Senate will very certainly come down to a Georgia runoff once again.

On Election Day, both the Republican establishment and Donald Trump face-planted, turning what should have been a “Red Wave” into a “Red Fizzle” and jeopardizing Republicans’ hopes of securing a Senate majority.

And, now that the Republicans have been given a second shot to recapture the Senate majority, conservatives want to make sure that all Republicans keep their eyes on the prize.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis just exposed a disturbing plot that has Democrats panicking


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is not afraid to take on difficult battles. But he might have gotten himself into his largest one yet.

That’s because Ron DeSantis just exposed a disturbing plot that has Democrats panicking.

China has been secretly purchasing land all throughout the United States at an alarming rate.

Chinese nationals and companies linked to the Communist Chinese government have purchased billions of dollars in American real estate.

According to state records, JOINN Laboratories CA Inc. paid $5.5 million for 1,400 acres of farmland in Levy County, Florida.

The company is a subsidiary of JOINN Laboratories, a Chinese medicine company whose founders have close ties to the Communist Chinese military.

The transaction quickly became one of the largest Chinese purchases of American land in recent memory.

JOINN Laboratories CA Inc. claims it will use the newly acquired funds to build a primate breeding and quarantine facility.

However, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is seeking to prevent Communist China and other hostile nations from purchasing land in Florida.

According to DeSantis’ office, the proposed primate facility is the type of procurement that the Florida Governor opposes.

“The Governor has been consistently opposed to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) growing influence in Florida, and this proposed facility is a prime example of the type of activity that we are acting to prohibit,” the Governor’s office stated.

Governor DeSantis unveiled a slew of legislative ideas and executive steps aimed at preventing Communist China and other “countries of concern” from acquiring a foothold in Florida.

The measure “will curtail the nefarious intentions” of hostile foreign governments in Florida real estate, cyberspace, and academics, and will prevent hostile countries, like as Communist China, from purchasing farms – or any land – near military stations.

Chinese corporations have come under fire for making large land purchases near military bases that may be used for espionage.

“[Chinese companies] pay a lot more than [the land is] worth; that’s why people are doing it,” DeSantis said at a press conference announcing the legislation. “From a national security perspective, is that something that we wanna see?”

For years, the Chinese Communist government has utilized Chinese enterprises to enhance its spy operations abroad.

“A lot of times, there’ll be companies that will put themselves out as private, but if you peel back the onion a little bit, they’re basically controlled by the Chinese government,” Governor DeSantis added. “We think that’s something that the U.S. as a whole needs to take much more seriously.”

JOINN Laboratories’ founders graduated from China’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences, which was blacklisted from US trade in 2021 for funneling biotechnology to the Chinese Communist military.

Ron DeSantis is leading the way nationally by laying out a strategy for countering Communist China’s expanding influence.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.