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Nancy Pelosi just became a laughing stock after her latest blunder


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one of the oldest politicians in the country at the age of 82. Many have expressed their concern that she’s unfit to lead.

And Nancy Pelosi just became a laughing stock after her latest blunder.

The Left went into a panic when a recent New York Times/Siena poll showed that Republicans have a four-point lead over Democrats on the generic Congressional ballot. This forced the corporate-controlled media to rethink everything they thought they knew about the election.

Last month, the corporate-controlled press was sure that the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade would make left-wing voters more enthusiastic and help Democrats win the Midterms or at least lose less.

Democrats thought that millions of pro-abortion women would go to the polls to get rid of Republicans as revenge for the Supreme Court’s decision to stop abortions on demand up until the moment of birth across the country.

But a poll by The New York Times showed that isn’t true. 44% of voters said the economy was their top concern, while only 5% said abortion was their top concern.

Andrea Mitchell, a host on MSNBC, talked to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) about how the polls have turned against the Democrats.

But Speaker Pelosi, for some reason, refused to accept the reality of the situation. She said she wouldn’t accept polls that show the Democrats are losing ground.

In her answer to Mitchell, Pelosi said that the poll from the New York Times and Siena was an outlier.

“Well, first of all, let me say that I think that much of what you’ve said I don’t agree with, that is to say, the New York Times poll, I think is an outlier poll, you cite one poll, but all the other polls —” Pelosi began.

But Mitchell spoke up and told Speaker Pelosi that the average of the polls on RealClearPolitics also showed that the Republicans were in the lead.

But Pelosi laughed at that idea and kept saying that abortion was the most important issue in the campaign, which was not true.

“No, but that was one that brought down the average, and it was an outlier,” Pelosi claimed “It wasn’t even that big a sample. So I dismiss that. I have been since Congress adjourned, I’ve been in an average of five states a week. And I can tell you that women’s concerns about their freedom are very, very much still very significant in terms of how they will vote.”

Then, in an interview with Punch Bowl News, Speaker Pelosi doubled down on this crazy plan, saying that all the Democrats had to do to win the Midterms was turn out their pro-abortion base.

“This is about turnout,” the Speaker declared. “We know that the public is with us. But it’s about turnout. So I’m excited. We’ve outraised them, except for their big, dark money, which is endless.”

Every poll shows that the economy and inflation are the most important things to voters.

Yet, radical leftists like Nancy Pelosi are forcing Democrats to focus on an issue that only 5% of American voters say is their top priority.

If the Democrats lose big in the midterms, many on the Left will blame their constant focus on abortion and the fact that they didn’t care about what voters cared about most as the main reason.

And Nancy Pelosi will only have herself to blame.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This Republican has a plan to force Biden to build the wall


Joe Biden’s southern border crisis is spiraling out of control. Someone has to step up and do something before it gets worse.

That’s why this Republican came up with a plan to force Biden to build the wall.

As soon as Joe Biden took office, he put a halt to all of Trump’s policies to secure the southern border and build out security to maintain control.

As a result, border crossings are at all-time highs and Texas in particular is being overrun with illegal immigrants crossing the border at will.

Some Republicans are trying to gameplan in advance for if they take back the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate under GOP control.

That’s a distinct possibility as well considering the U.S. House is being heavily favored to go to Republican firm control and the Senate could truly go either way.

One of the critical races involves the Ohio Senate race where the Republican nominee J.D. Vance is taking on Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan.

J.D. Vance is also one of the Republicans thinking of ways to secure the border even under a lethargic Biden rule.

Vance has said that Republicans need to be willing to go to political war with Joe Biden to secure the southern border, at all costs.

One of the ways he’s suggested doing that is by withholding votes on funding the federal government if Joe Biden and the Democrats refuse to include substantial legislation to get the illegal immigration issue under control.

“Republicans, we need to have a fight over the border wall,” he told supporters at a rally. “And we need to be willing to say to Joe Biden: ‘You don’t get another dime for your priorities unless you do your job and enforce and secure the southern border.'”

“We have to be willing to use the leverage that we will have with congressional majorities to actually force Joe Biden to do some of the core functions of the federal government,” Vance added.

“One of the things we have to be willing to do as Republicans is force the conversation on border security. It’s killing way too many people.”

Vance doesn’t appear to be alone in this fight either.

Kari Lake, the Republican running for Arizona’s governor’s office, has said that she would use her authority to declare an invasion on the AZ southern border and complete what Donald Trump started to do by building the wall.

Polls show that Democrats carry next to zero trust from American voters on handling immigration issues and the security of the southern border.

With that being a major concern this election season, it could see Republicans take back total control of Congress.

Biden will be forced to play ball with Republicans on this issue of securing the border, or the Democrat’s chances of winning in 2024 would be thrown out the window.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden could step down as President after he was slapped with this massive truth bomb


Joe Biden keeps telling everyone who will listen that he will run for office again in 2024. But there’s a good reason to think that won’t happen.

And Joe Biden could step down as President after he was slapped with this massive truth bomb.

Joe Biden has to say that he wants to be president again.

Biden’s Presidency would be over as soon as he said he wouldn’t run for re-election. This would make him the biggest “lame duck” President in U.S. history.

Americans do not, however, want Biden to run for re-election, according to polls.

According to a CNN poll, 75% of Democrats want the party to choose a different nominee.

Biden will be 86 at the end of a probable second term, and Democrats believe that his advanced age makes him more likely to lose to Donald Trump or the GOP nominee in 2024.

On Monday, Bloomberg revealed that according to its economic model, there is a 100% possibility that the United States would experience a recession over the next 12 months. This was more bad news for Biden.

According to Breitbart:

The U.S. economy is effectively certain to enter a recession in the next 12 months, according to model projections from Bloomberg Economics.

Bloomberg News described this as “a blow to President Joe Biden’s economic messaging ahead of the November elections.”

The probability models maintained by Bloomberg economists Anna Wong and Eliza Winger had earlier shown just a 65 percent chance of a recession over the coming 12 months.

A separate Bloomberg survey of 42 economists predicts the probability of a recession over the next 12 months rose to 60 percent recently, up from 50 percent a month earlier.

Many Americans think that a recession is already underway.

Technically, a recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of declining gross domestic product for the economy.

But Biden and the Democrats can say that the economy is not in a downturn by pointing to the fact that economists have not proclaimed a recession.

That fig leaf will vanish the next year as real-world circumstances compel even left-wing economists to acknowledge that America is in a recession.

The parameters of the 2024 election will be set by a recession that begins in earnest in 2023.

Additionally, Joe Biden won’t be able to compete for reelection if Democrats suffer a heavy defeat in the midterm elections, even if there will be a severe recession.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went into a rage after this Democrat made this enormous mistake


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Squad will go to any length to push their radical agenda on every single American. But one crazy decision is coming back to bite them.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went into a rage after this Democrat made this enormous mistake.

After George Floyd’s passing, Democrats waged a full-scale attack against the police for carrying out their duties.

The Democrat Party’s top supporters of the defund the cops movement were Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her squad.

One prominent member of the Squad was exposed for engaging in a jaw-dropping act of hypocrisy while the Squad is advocating for the defunding of the police.

Cori Bush (D-MO), although coming from the violent St. Louis, is the newest addition to the Squad and a maniacal anti-cop.

She has been one of the most vocal advocates for cutting police funding.

Bush wants to cut funding for the police, while she spends a substantial fortune on personal security.

Bush has spent roughly $500,000 on private protection for the 2022 election season, according to federal campaign finance reports.

For “security services,” Bush spent over $100,000 in the third quarter of 2022.

Her campaign gave $71,201.06 to Peace Security, a private security firm based in St. Louis.

Peace Security claims that their “security operators have military or law enforcement experience.”

Cori Bush is spending tens of thousands of dollars on former law enforcement to provide her with personal security even as she is advocating for the defunding of the police, which would render Americans defenseless against crime.

Last year, when she was questioned about her extravagant spending on personal protection, Bush showed utter disregard for her evident hypocrisy.

“I’m going to make sure I have security because I know I have had attempts on my life, and I have too much work to do,” Bush said in July of 2021. “So if I end up spending $200,000, if I spend … Ten more dollars on it, you know what? I get to be here to do the work.”

Bush feels entitled to safety, despite the fact that St. Louis has the highest murder rate in the nation as a result of the city’s defunding of the police.

“So, suck it up, and defunding the police has to happen” Bush continued. “We need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets because we’re trying to save lives.”

Bush isn’t changing her position on defunding the cops despite her blatant contradiction.

Democrats are frantically trying to reinvent themselves as pro-law enforcement after realizing that cutting police budget is a significant political problem.

When questioned about whether the movement was harming Democrats politically during a recent interview on ABC’s Good Morning America, Bush reiterated her support for cutting money to the police.

“We can’t get caught up on the words,” Bush said. “People spend more time focusing on the word ‘defund’ than they spend on caring and addressing the problem of police violence in this country.”

Cori Bush is yet another socialist who does not put her words into action.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Mike Pence shocked the world with one comment about Donald Trump


The relationship between Mike Pence and Donald Trump is a curious one. Everyone wants to know what Mike Pence truly thinks about Donald Trump.

Now we know because Mike Pence shocked the world with this one comment about Donald Trump.

At the conclusion of Donald Trump’s term as President, there was a ton of strain between Donald Trump and his Vice President Mike Pence.

Conservatives were split over how Mike Pence should approach the controversy surrounding the 2020 election and certifying the results in the U.S. Senate.

Regardless, the Fake News Media outlets tried to spin the truth to make it seem like Mike Pence hated Donald Trump all along, which is completely untrue.

Pence has certainly distanced himself from the circle of Donald Trump since then, though.

He’s even been aligning himself with an ilk of old-guard RINOs like Liz Cheney.

He even said he appreciates the “conservative stance Congresswoman Cheney has taken over the years,” which is a stark difference to how Donald Trump has criticized Liz Cheney for years.

And now millions of Americans want to know if Mike Pence and/or Donald Trump will be running in 2024 for the Republican nomination for President.

Pence was recently asked about that possibility at an event at Georgetown University for a Young America’s Foundation event.

He was asked if he would vote for Donald Trump in 2024 if Trump won the nomination when all is said and done.

His response indicated that he intends to run himself.

“Well, there might be somebody else I’d prefer more,” Pence responded.

Pence then cracked a smile and the crowd laughed and applauded the former Vice President.

He then went on to say he is confident that the Republican party will have strong leadership in the years ahead, but that he’s focusing on the midterms that are right around the corner.

That certainly sounds like a man who plans on running in 2024, and he seems to not have Trump in his vision at all.

That could definitely be a mistake too. Polls indicate that the vast majority of attention from conservative voters is on Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump.

Mike Pence lost some favorability in the eyes of conservatives as he’s aligned himself with the Liz Cheneys of the world rather than no-nonsense conservatives like DeSantis.

So if he expects to run in the 2024 and win just because he was Vice President at one point, he might have another thing coming.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

An FBI agent admitted one thing about 9/11 that blindsided the White House


The FBI has been coming under intense heat lately. More keeps coming out about their coverups, from the Hunter Biden laptop to their raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.

And now An FBI agent admitted one thing about 9/11 that blindsided Joe Biden and the White House.

The FBI’s unconstitutional raid on Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago was only the beginning of their woes to come.

There have been leaks coming out about how the FBI sought to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 election cycle, almost certainly impacting the outcome.

There have also been reports that they’ve been targeting conservative agents for harassment, forcing some of them to quit.

The last thing they need is attention brought their way to make matters only worse.

But that’s exactly what they’re getting now as disgraced former FBI agent, Peter Strzok is making headlines yet again.

Strzok was fired by the FBI after he was found out to be conspiring with the FBI lawyer Lisa Page to “stop” Trump from winning the 2016 election.

It was a bombshell that proved there were forces from the feds who were legitimately doing everything they could to prevent Trump from making his way into the White House.

Now he’s come out of the woodwork to make insane claims about 9/11. Strzok is claiming that 9/11 is “nothing” compared to what took place on January 6, 2021.

He’s also calling on the Biden administration to treat Jan. 6 like a war to be waged as we did against the terrorists in the Middle East after 9/11.

“I think that’s right and I think if you look at the scale in terms of a threat to democracy. 9/11 was a tragedy,” Strzok told MSNBC in an interview. “We lost thousands of lives in a horrific way. We still mourn to this day.

“But when you look at something that is an attack on democracy, something that could bring about a fundamental change to American governance, 9/11 is nothing compared to Jan. 6.”

He continued saying that the entire government needs to be on “war footing” concerning January 6.

“The fact that the FBI and the rest of the government, if they are not on the same sort of war footing that we were on in the weeks and months and years after 9/11, shame on everyone,” Strzok added.

The disgraced former FBI agent went on to say that is was by far the “greatest” threat to our constitutional democracy than anything in the recent decades.

It doesn’t take a genius to see how ridiculous his comments sound.

9/11 resulted in the death of thousands of Americans at the hands of deadly terrorists from the Middle East, who continue to terrorize the region and the world to this day.

While some of the actions taken by individuals on Jan. 6 were uncalled for and unnecessary and even criminal, let’s make one thing very clear.

Jan. 6 does not compare in any way whatsoever to the tragedy and heartbreak Americans went through on 9/11.

Democrats, Deep State agents, and the Fake News Media just want to use the Jan. 6 nonsense to blow it out of proportion and silence their political opposition.

That’s exactly why Biden has been demonizing Trump voters and “MAGA Republicans” at every opportunity he gets.

Because they don’t care about 9/11 or Jan. 6 at all. They only care to use it for political warfare.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden has nowhere to hide from this looming catastrophe


The Biden administration has been a complete failure. But it’s about to get so much worse for the aging president.

And Joe Biden has nowhere to hide from this looming catastrophe.

Following President Joe Biden’s declaration of war on American energy production, the nation is currently experiencing its worst energy crisis in decades.

President Biden believed that the issue of the rising cost of energy was resolved.

Because of Biden’s failing left-wing policies, Americans are currently experiencing a difficult winter.

According to a recent analysis from the Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), customers will spend over $14 billion more on heating and electricity this winter than they did last year.

Under President Biden, energy prices have skyrocketed, and he’s about to give Americans who are already struggling with growing living expenses another stomach hit.

The CEA cited a report about the growing cost of electricity from Biden’s own Energy Information Administration (EIA).

“Forecasting months-long weather and energy trends is not an exact science, but it’s highly likely that global dynamics affecting energy commodities will lead to higher U.S. prices for heat this winter,” EIA Administrator Joe DeCarolis said.

The EIA estimates that homes that use natural gas for heating would spend $930 this winter, a 28% increase from the previous year.

Electricity is predicted to climb by 10% in winter, heating oil by 27%, and propane by 5%.

Simply said, in Joe Biden’s America, heating will cost more regardless of the energy source you choose.

Energy providers are already already cautioning customers to be ready for skyrocketing heating costs this winter.

Consolidated Edison, which supplies energy to 10 million New Yorkers, is “urging customers to take actions now that can help them manage costs this winter as market prices for electricity and natural gas are expected to be substantially higher.”

According to the CEA, the Biden administration’s “bad policy decisions” were to responsible for increased heating expenses.

“By enacting a moratorium on oil and gas development on federal lands, canceling future federal lease sales, blocking pipelines, and restricting energy infrastructure development, the strategic advantage the United States enjoyed after becoming the world’s largest oil and natural gas producer two years ago has all but faded,” the CEA said.

The great majority of heat in the country is produced by fossil fuels, and Joe Biden’s attack on American energy production drove up prices.

The struggling Biden Presidency will face yet another significant issue this winter: rising heating costs.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden caught scamming Americans in this massive scandal


President Biden thought he would get away with his plot to scam the American people. But the truth is coming out.

Because now Joe Biden’s been caught scamming Americans in this massive scandal.

In March 2021, Americans saw gas prices soar to levels not seen in decades. And in some areas, they reached new all-time highs.

Americans paying upwards of 2-3 times more at the gas pump than they were under the Trump administration absolutely tanked Biden’s approval ratings.

And his ratings were already under the water before gas prices skyrocketed, thanks to his fumbling of the Afghanistan and rampant inflation on all consumer goods.

So when his approval ratings flirted with the low 30s, Biden and his administration knew they had to do something drastic before the 2022 midterms to prevent a massive red wave that has been predicted by analysts.

Biden’s solution? Drain the U.S. strategic reserve of oil to bring gas prices down to hedge against the insane gas prices that Americans were struggling with.

It’s obvious he’s doing it to save himself and the Democrats from completely falling apart at the seams.

And now Biden will be announcing a release of 15 million more barrels of oil from the U.S. reserves, just before Americans head to the ballot boxes.

What makes this particularly scammy, is that the release of the 180 million barrels of oil was only supposed to last six months. Instead, it’s stretched eight months from March to now October, conveniently during election season.

Newsmax reports:

President Joe Biden will announce the release of 15 million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserve Wednesday as part of a response to recent production cuts announced by OPEC+ nations, and he will say more oil sales are possible this winter, as his administration rushes to be seen as pulling out all the stops ahead of next month’s midterm elections.

Biden will deliver remarks Wednesday to announce the drawdown from the strategic reserve, senior administration officials said Tuesday on the condition of anonymity to outline Biden’s plans. It completes the release of 180 million barrels authorized by Biden in March that was initially supposed to occur over six months. That has sent the strategic reserve to its lowest level since 1984 in what the administration called a “bridge” until domestic production could be increased. The reserve now contains roughly 400 million barrels of oil.

Newsmax also notes that Biden apparently plans to keep the idea of more releases of oil during the winter on the table.

The U.S. strategic oil reserves are at 40-year lows with just 400 million barrels of oil on tap.

While Biden says that the federal government will restock the reserves when prices come down, there are currently no plans in the pipeline to do so.

And it sounds like there could be more draining of the reserves this winter, presumably if the Democrats are still coming under heat for high gas prices.

The reality is that there are oil sources that are untapped in areas like Alaska that Joe Biden and the Democrats are refusing to harvest.

Promising federal leases are being denied by the Biden administration, likely in an attempt of the Biden team to keep their campaign promise to block any new drilling on federal land.

But apparently, supply and demand are too difficult for the Biden administration to understand.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This major Democrat’s career could come to an end after this startling footage dropped


The Midterm elections are in the final stretch. Any error can change the outcome of a race since there is so little time to recover.

Now this major Democrat’s career could come to an end after this startling footage dropped.

John Fetterman, a Democrat running for the Pennsylvania Senate, suffers from cognitive impairment as a result of a near-fatal stroke in May.

The fact that Fetterman needed specialized translation software to get through an interview on NBC and that the reporter claimed he couldn’t understand simple small chat despite the use of computer transcription convinced voters that Fetterman is both intellectually and physically unfit to be a senator.

In the final three weeks of a campaign, Fetterman’s brief and infrequent appearances are scrutinized, so a video of him meandering through a stump speech incoherently while his astonished fans watched in silence took on new significance.

The corporate-controlled media is likewise making every effort to keep the public in the dark about Fetterman’s condition.

In an article she wrote, activist Kara Voght of Rolling Stone claimed that Giselle Fetterman was the “de facto candidate,” although she later withdrew that claim from a tweet.

However, Voght left the wording about Giselle Fetterman adopting the position of candidate because her husband is disabled in her story.

“Then her husband had a stroke four days before the primary for the U.S. Senate. Suddenly, the reluctant political spouse became the de facto candidate. ‘I just had to survive, I just had to go,’ she says of that time. Did she consider asking John to step out of the race? ‘It wasn’t my decision to make,’ she says. ‘If you have the ability to make lives better, then it’s your duty to do so.’ And if he has the green light from every doctor, then I support that,” Voght wrote.

Following his stroke, Fetterman was hidden for months by his handlers, who included his wife.

The reason is clear.

He is unable to string a sentence together, constantly fumbling through speeches and interviews.

But it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Democrat Party would prop up a candidate who would be better off recovering from illness.

Just take a look at Joe Biden.

We’re supposed to believe he is a clear-headed thinker at the helm of this country, despite every indecipherable sentence that comes out of his mouth.

Fetterman is ill, too, and in all likelihood, it won’t bode well for him come November.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump made an election announcement that will change everything


Democrats thought Donald Trump was long gone from politics. But he’s just getting started.

Because Donald Trump made an election announcement that will change everything.

When Biden assumed office in January 2021, Democrats thought it was the final nail in the coffin for Donald Trump.

That hasn’t been the case.

Even though the radical Left, the Fake News Media, and the Democrats have all done everything in their power to silence Donald Trump, he’s still making waves.

One of the major ways he’s been impacting politics has been his endorsements for conservative GOP candidates running for office all across the nation.

Candidates endorsed by Donald Trump have an incredible record compared to their counterparts who are not endorsed by the former President.

Which goes to show you how many Americans still have a ton of respect for Donald Trump and his opinion about the political landscape, even though the Democrats and the Fake News Media would have you believe otherwise.

An important race that’s been in everyone’s view is the race for New York governor between Republican Representative Lee Zeldin and Democrat incumbent Kathy Hochul.

Kathy Hochul has made an outright mess as the governor of New York, and Lee Zeldin has been able to find his way into a fairly tight race with her in an extremely deep blue region.

Zeldin just got a huge boost that he never saw coming as well. Donald Trump went on his Truth Social page to publicly endorse Lee Zeldin in his race against Hochul.

Trump said Zeldin is a “brilliant lawyer” who will be strong on the border, crime, and the second amendment.

He ended his endorsement saying he will be a great governor for New York and that he has his “total” endorsement.

Check out the full post below:

Everyone knows that Republicans are going to have a huge election season in November with massive red wave incoming.

The Joe Biden administration has been the perfect storm for the Republicans to make major ground in local, state, and national level races.

All this has lead to the race for the New York governor’s mansion being way tighter than anyone ever imagined it.

Outlets have even recently upgraded the race to a tossup between Hochul and Zeldin.

Donald Trump’s endorsement just might be enough to get voters to turn out for Zeldin and stun everyone in beating Hochul.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on any developments in this story.

You won’t believe who Joe Biden recruited to tip the scales in the 2022 election


Joe Biden and the Democrats can see the writing on the walls. The American people are ready to vote for Republicans in droves.

But you won’t believe who Joe Biden recruited to tip the scales in the 2022 election

Joe Biden went to Saudi Arabia to encourage the Crown Prince to maintain high oil output and fist-bumped him.

On the other hand, during the 2020 election, Biden advocated for labeling Saudi Arabia a “pariah” because of the suspicions that the Saudi Crown Prince ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Kashoggi in 2018.

Democrats are furious that President Trump tore up former President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal and negotiated with Saudi Arabia to keep Tehran in check in the Middle East.

The foreign policy establishment, including Vice President Joe Biden, wanted to go back to the way things were before Obama, when Iran was the dominant actor in the Gulf.

There was no way the Saudi government would get Joe Biden out.

Joe Biden then threatened that the Saudis and OPEC would face “consequences” if they reduced oil output by two million barrels per day.

The Saudis were not going to sit back and accept it.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia released a surprising statement revealing Joe Biden asked a foreign government for help in the elections by asking them to suspend a cut in oil output until after the Midterms.

In an interview, Vice President Biden expressed concern that a cut in oil production by OPEC would be the biggest “October surprise” of all, driving up gas prices just before Election Day.

A statement from Pentagon spokesman John Kirby acknowledged that the administration had urged the Saudis to delay announcing a production decrease until after the Midterm elections.

“In recent weeks, the Saudis conveyed to us – privately and publicly – their intention to reduce oil production, which they knew would increase Russian revenues and blunt the effectiveness of sanctions. That is the wrong direction,” Kirby stated. “We presented Saudi Arabia with analysis to show that there was no market basis to cut production targets, and that they could easily wait for the next OPEC meeting to see how things developed.”

It was also confirmed by Kirby that the Biden administration could withhold arms to the Saudis as punishment for failing to enhance the Democrats’ chances in the Midterms.

“Other OPEC nations communicated to us privately that they also disagreed with the Saudi decision, but felt coerced to support Saudi’s direction,” Kirby continued. “As the President has said, we are reevaluating our relationship with Saudi Arabia in light of these actions, and will continue to look for signs about where they stand in combating Russian aggression.”

It sure sounds like you’re getting what you give out here.

The topic of impeachment will come up again.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics

Joe Biden was handed one report that could kick him out of office


The economy is a key concern for voters, according to polls. Voters worry that the US may soon enter a recession.

Now Joe Biden’s been handed one report that could kick him out of office.

According to the government’s September inflation report, prices have been rising faster than expected by economists.

Contrary to expectations, prices increased by 0.4 percent from August.

CNBC reports:

The producer price index, a measure of prices that U.S. businesses get for the goods and services they produce, increased 0.4% for the month, compared with the Dow Jones estimate for a 0.2% gain. On a 12-month basis, PPI rose 8.5%, which was a slight deceleration from the 8.7% in August.

Excluding food, energy, and trade services, the index increased 0.4% for the month and 5.6% from a year ago, the latter matching the August increase.

The inflation report, in the opinion of Jim Cramer of CNBC, was a total failure that portended worse economic hardship.

“It was just plain bad. There’s absolutely nothing to say about it other than it was bad. A lot of people were hoping this number’s going to be good, maybe accepting that tomorrow’s going to be bad,” Cramer said.

“The only thing that’s actually even remotely positive about it is that there’s nothing that’s really shocking to the upside, it’s just kind of as bad as it’s been.”

There is simply nothing positive about this place, Cramer continued.

To combat inflation, the covert Federal Reserve is expected to keep raising interest rates.

The Fed’s constant interest rate increases to combat Joe Biden’s inflation threaten to throw an already-recessionary economy into a full-blown depression as the economy has already experienced two straight quarters of shrinkage.

And Joe Biden is responsible for this situation with inflation.

Joe Biden directed Congress to pass new socialist spending measures totaling trillions of dollars.

Even former Obama economic adviser Lawrence Summers, who warned that the $1.9 trillion Blue-state rescue measure would lead to extremely high inflation, was disregarded by Democrats.

Inflation quickly rose to its highest level in 40 years as Biden and the Democrats moved forward at full speed.

As prices rose, Biden exacerbated the situation by insisting that Democrats pass trillions more in socialist spending that would increase inflation.

All Americans are currently bearing the cost of Biden’s error, which has the potential to cause the economy to completely collapse.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.