Senator Tom Cotton sends stark warning to Biden and Democrats that leaves them trapped

Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to push their woke agenda on the world. Thankfully they have people who oppose their ideas.

And now, Senator Tom Cotton has issued a strong warning to Biden and the Democrats.

President Biden recently sent a request for $105 billion in foreign aid that Senator Cotton has declared as “dead on arrival” in the Senate.

Cotton says in a statement that the bill in its current form will not go anywhere and changes will need to be made if Biden hopes for there to be any foreign funding.

Cotton said, “President Biden’s slush fund proposal is dead on arrival, just like his budgets. We will not spend, for example, $3.5 billion to address the ‘potential needs of Gazans,’ essentially functioning as a resupply line for Hamas terrorists.”

He continued saying, “We will also not spend $11.8 billion to fund the Ukrainian government’s own non-war spending, such as funding retirement pensions for Ukrainian government employees.”

And there were even more issues that the Senator had with the proposed bill: “Nor will we spend $4.7 billion for housing, transportation, and ‘services’ for illegal aliens in the United States rather than deporting them.”

Shockingly, these statements are “controversial” in this day and age, and many people are furious over Senator Cotton’s words.

We live in a time where Radical Leftists dominate the media, and they share their harmful and radical ideologies freely.

However, many Americans feel the same way as Cotton, and we demand Biden and Democrats be held accountable for how they spend our money.

Townhall reports that “Biden has requested sending $61 billion to Ukraine, $14 billion for military aid to Israel, and $14 billion to address the border crisis. Another $7.4 billion is slated for Taiwan and Indo-Pacific allies, as well as $10 billion for humanitarian purposes in Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza.”

However, none of the proposed funding in this bill is even slightly helpful nor does it address any real problems that America or the world is facing.

Take for example the funding for the border crisis; instead of using that money to secure the border, Joe Biden instead wants to use the money to encourage more illegal immigration and give out rewards to illegal immigrants.

In his statement, Cotton concluded by saying, “The Biden proposal is going nowhere, and Senate Republicans will take the lead on crafting a funding bill that protects Americans and their interests.”

The sentiments of Cotton and other Republican senators are shared by many across America.

Democrats need to understand the American people will not sit by idly while our taxpayer dollars are being used in such ridiculous ways.

Even after outspoken opposition in the Senate, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has promised to advance the funding as quickly as possible.

He stated that “this legislation is too important to wait for the House to settle their chaos. Senate Democrats will move expeditiously on this request, and we hope that our Republican colleagues across the aisle will join us to pass this much-needed funding.”

However, with strong opposition from a number of Senators, it leaves many Americans hopeful that the ridiculous propositions of the Democrats will not continue on any further.

Americans need to elect officials who will put the needs of the people first and not the needs of foreigners, terrorists, or illegal aliens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

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