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Biden administration’s illegal voting scheme has the entire nation terrified


For quite some time, Americans have been concerned regarding the integrity of our elections. But now, concrete proof of a dangerous plan has been brought to light.

And the Biden administration’s illegal voting scheme has the entire nation terrified.

The troubling issue of non-citizens receiving voter registration forms through welfare agencies is a glaring loophole in the American electoral system that threatens the integrity of our democracy.

With the exception of Arizona, all states allow applicants for welfare benefits or driver’s licenses to receive voter registration forms without requiring proof of citizenship.

This alarming situation stems from the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which mandates that states register voters at public benefit agencies and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offices.

Under current law, there is no requirement to provide proof of citizenship on voter registration forms, despite it being illegal for non-citizens to claim citizenship to vote in federal elections.

This oversight has allowed millions of immigrants, both legal and illegal, to access voter registration forms, raising serious concerns about the potential for illegal voting.

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 was designed to increase voter participation by making it easier to register to vote.

It required states to offer voter registration opportunities at various public offices, including those where individuals apply for welfare benefits.

Public offices are required to hand over voter registration forms to anyone who submits an application for certain welfare benefits.

If an applicant claims to be a U.S. citizen, they can obtain a voter registration form and subsequently vote without providing proof of citizenship.

In response to this glaring issue, GOP members in the House Administration Committee have approved the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act.

This legislation aims to ensure that states receive proof of citizenship when anyone registers to vote by mail or at a DMV office. The SAVE Act is a crucial step toward protecting the integrity of our electoral system and preventing illegal voting.

Prominent Republican figures have voiced their concerns over this issue:

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) told the New York Post, “While Biden and radical progressive Democrats give ISIS and criminals an app to literally schedule their illegal entry, Republicans must fight any chance of illegal voter registration until we can mass deport.” Roy’s strong words reflect the urgency felt by many within the GOP to address this issue.

House Speaker Mike Johnson also expressed his support for the SAVE Act, stating, “As President Biden has welcomed millions of illegal aliens through our borders, including sophisticated criminal syndicates and foreign adversaries, it is incumbent upon Congress to implement greater enforcement measures that secure the voter registration process and ensure only American citizens decide the outcome of American elections.”

Johnson’s statement highlights the broader concern within the Republican Party about the potential impact of illegal voting on the nation’s electoral integrity.

Ryan Walker, executive vice president at the Heritage Foundation’s sister group, Heritage Action, emphasized the importance of addressing this issue.

He told the Post, “It is undeniable that the current structure makes it possible for illegal immigrants and non-citizens to vote — and the American people have no way of knowing how widespread the problem may be.”

Walker’s comments underscore the necessity of the SAVE Act in restoring confidence in the electoral process.

He added, “The SAVE Act puts all of these issues to rest and gives Americans confidence that our elections are decided on a more even playing field.”

The report from the New York Post reveals that hundreds of non-citizens have been caught attempting to register to vote in federal elections and casting ballots in various political races.

Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, testified before Congress on May 23, providing numerous examples of non-citizens attempting to vote illegally.

Von Spakovsky’s testimony reinforces the reality of the problem, dispelling any notion that it is merely an imaginary issue.

The revelation that non-citizens are receiving voter registration forms through welfare agencies is a serious threat to the integrity of the American electoral system.

The SAVE Act is a necessary measure to ensure that only American citizens can register to vote, thereby preserving the sanctity of our elections.

Republicans in Congress are right to pursue greater enforcement measures to secure the voter registration process, and it is imperative that this issue is addressed promptly to prevent further erosion of public trust in our democratic institutions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Radical Leftist mob attacks have completely exposed the Left


The Radical Left always preaches its message of unity and inclusion. But recent brutal events tell a completely different story.

And Radical Leftist mob attacks have completely exposed the Left.

On Sunday, chaos erupted outside the Adas Torah Synagogue in Los Angeles as a violent pro-Hamas demonstration escalated into a bloody riot.

The rioters, driven by an extreme anti-Israel agenda, assaulted journalists, used chemical sprays, and obstructed Jews from entering their house of worship.

Several Israel supporters were brutally beaten, with at least one individual left bloodied, as captured on video.

The confrontation began around 1:40 pm when pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside the synagogue, calling for violent revolution.

In response, Jewish congregants formed a protective line in front of the synagogue.

The situation quickly deteriorated, prompting the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to deploy crowd control measures, including munitions and mace, to disperse the unruly crowd.

The clashes intensified as the pro-Palestinian mob actively prevented Jews from accessing the synagogue.

Multiple physical altercations broke out, with pro-Israel supporters bearing the brunt of the violence.

One supporter was viciously attacked, knocked to the ground, and left with visible injuries.

Independent journalist Cam Higby of Today is America was among those targeted.

While filming the protest, Higby was attacked with bear mace by a male suspect wearing a keffiyeh scarf, a tactic that underscores the dangerous and aggressive nature of the rioters.

Despite the LAPD’s efforts to restore order, the violence continued, highlighting the volatile and hostile environment surrounding the protest.

The LAPD has yet to release a formal statement, and it remains unclear if any arrests were made.

This violent incident follows a broader context of heightened tensions and conflict in the Middle East.

The recent escalation began on October 7 when the Palestinian Hamas terror group launched a brutal attack on Israel, killing over a thousand Israelis, including children, women, men, and servicemembers.

The attack has intensified the global discourse and protests around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, often spilling over into violent confrontations like the one witnessed in Los Angeles.

The recent events also come in the wake of Hamas rejecting a ceasefire agreement proposed by the United States, further fueling the conflict and violence.

The pro-Palestinian demonstration in Los Angeles, ostensibly aimed at expressing solidarity with Palestinians, devolved into an assault on American citizens exercising their religious freedom.

The situation serves as a stark reminder of the growing threat of anti-Semitism and the need for vigilant law enforcement and community protection.

It also raises critical questions about the balance between free speech and public safety, especially when demonstrations turn violent and target specific religious or ethnic groups.

In conclusion, the violent riot outside the Adas Torah Synagogue is a disturbing manifestation of the broader conflict and anti-Semitic sentiment.

It underscores the urgent need for effective measures to protect communities and uphold the principles of religious freedom and public safety in the face of growing extremism and violence.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Alarming video gets released of Biden, and the White House is completely freaking out


The Radical Left has been covering for Biden’s crimes, failures, and more for years. But now, they won’t be able to hide this truth.

Because an alarming video got released of Biden, and the White House is completely freaking out.

The legacy media’s narrative regarding President Joe Biden’s mental acuity and fitness for office is clear: trust their reassurances over your own observations.

This narrative has become increasingly aggressive, especially since the White House introduced the term “cheap fakes” to discredit videos portraying Biden in an unflattering light, labeling them as deceptively edited or taken out of context without substantial evidence.

Tom S. Elliott, founder of Grabien Media, released a supercut over the weekend juxtaposing video footage of Biden with audio from his most ardent media defenders.

This striking contrast highlights the dissonance between the media’s portrayal and Biden’s apparent cognitive struggles.

The supercut opens with MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough declaring, “Start your tape right now, because I’m about to tell you the truth, and f-you if you can’t handle the truth.”

The footage then cuts to Biden looking lost during the D-Day 80th anniversary events, while Scarborough insists, “This version of Biden is the best Biden ever. In fact, I think he’s better than he’s ever been.”

The supercut continues with clips of Biden appearing disoriented at various public events. For instance, during the G-7 meetings, Biden is seen wandering away from other world leaders, only to be guided back by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Despite such instances, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) claims, “President Biden has a photographic memory. His understanding and mastery of a complicated geopolitical situation. Remarkable.”

As the video plays on, CNN’s Anderson Cooper describes Biden as “intense,” while David Axelrod asserts that he is “sharp in meetings.”

This stark contrast between Biden’s visible behavior and the media’s verbal defense raises questions about the authenticity of their claims.

Several media personalities attribute criticism of Biden’s mental state to “ageism,” dismissing legitimate concerns about his cognitive health.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) goes as far as to assert, “He’s showed exactly how with it he is,” even as clips of Biden struggling to maintain composure and coherence continue to play.

The media’s steadfast narrative seems increasingly detached from the reality observed by the public.

Public concern over Biden’s mental acuity is not unfounded. Incidents where he appears confused or disoriented are not isolated.

For instance, during a recent public appearance, Biden seemed unsure of his surroundings and required assistance to navigate back to his place.

Such moments have become more frequent, intensifying the scrutiny of his cognitive abilities.

Critics argue that the media’s unwavering defense and the White House’s dismissal of critical footage as “cheap fakes” undermine transparency and accountability.

Instead of addressing these concerns head-on, the administration and its media allies appear to be deflecting and minimizing them, further eroding public trust.

The implications of Biden’s perceived cognitive decline extend beyond his personal fitness for office.

As the leader of the free world, his ability to effectively govern and represent the United States on the global stage is paramount.

Allies and adversaries alike closely monitor his performance, and any signs of weakness could have significant geopolitical ramifications. Domestically, Biden’s mental acuity is likely to be a focal point in the upcoming election.

The legacy media’s attempts to shield President Biden from scrutiny regarding his mental fitness have created a troubling disconnect between their narrative and observable reality.

Tom S. Elliott’s supercut underscores this disparity, highlighting the media’s role in perpetuating a potentially misleading portrayal of Biden’s cognitive health.

The American public deserves a leader who is not only fit for office but also forthright about their capabilities.

As the 2024 election approaches, the debate over Biden’s mental fitness is poised to become a central issue, with significant implications for the future of American leadership.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Shocking DEI report reveals terrifying new direction the Left is taking


Americans know that the Radical Left has been prioritizing DEI over taking care of American citizens. But now details uncover just how bad things are.

And a shocking DEI report has revealed a terrifying new direction the left is taking this great nation.

In a striking move reflecting the relentless march of political correctness, the world’s largest pilot union, Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), is pushing to eliminate gender-specific terms like “manpower” and “cockpit” from aviation terminology.

This decision is part of a broader effort to promote gender equity and inclusivity within the industry.

However, this initiative has ignited a fierce debate about the priorities of the aviation sector and the implications for traditional language and practices.

ALPA, representing over 63,000 pilots, has made it clear that the current terminology in aviation is outdated and perpetuates gender biases.

Terms like “manpower,” “cockpit,” and others are deemed exclusionary and are being targeted for replacement with gender-neutral alternatives such as “staffing” and “flight deck.”

The union argues that these changes are necessary to foster an inclusive environment that encourages diversity and removes barriers for women and non-binary individuals pursuing careers in aviation.

While some within the industry support ALPA’s initiative, arguing that modernizing language is a step towards a more inclusive and welcoming environment, a significant portion of the aviation community is pushing back.

Critics argue that the focus on changing terminology is misplaced and detracts from more pressing issues facing the sector, such as pilot shortages, safety concerns, and the need for technological advancements.

Many industry veterans and conservative commentators see this move as an example of political correctness run amok, arguing that the focus should be on skill, experience, and safety rather than language adjustments.

They contend that aviation has far more critical challenges to address and that the rebranding of traditional terms does little to improve the operational efficiency or safety of flights.

Terms like “cockpit” have been in use for decades and are deeply ingrained in the culture and history of aviation.

The cockpit, originally a naval term referring to a place where cocks were held during fights, has been used to describe the pilot’s compartment in an aircraft since the early days of aviation.

For many, these terms are part of the rich heritage of flying and hold significant historical value.

Opponents of the terminology change argue that these terms have evolved beyond their original meanings and are now neutral in the context of aviation.

They believe that attempting to alter such established language is unnecessary and fails to recognize the progress that has already been made in promoting gender equality within the industry.

The push for gender-neutral language in aviation is part of a broader trend seen across various sectors where social justice and inclusivity initiatives are increasingly influencing corporate policies and practices.

However, this trend often meets resistance from those who view such changes as superficial and driven more by ideological agendas than practical necessity.

Many Americans argue that these initiatives overshadow more substantive issues and can lead to unnecessary division.

They claim that true equality and inclusion are achieved through meritocracy and ensuring equal opportunities for all, rather than altering language that has long been understood and accepted within the professional community.

ALPA’s initiative, regardless of its reception, has sparked important conversations about the Radical Left’s dangerous push to force the world to conform to their agenda

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump attorneys hand him major win in NY case


The Radical Left is clearly doing everything they can to get at Trump. But Trump is not giving up so easily.

And his attorneys have handed him a major win in the NY case.

In a significant move, attorneys representing former President Donald Trump have filed a motion to remove New York State Judge Arthur Engoron from overseeing the ongoing civil case brought against Trump by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

This development marks another chapter in the contentious legal battle between Trump and the state of New York, a case that has drawn national attention and scrutiny.

The motion, submitted on Monday, alleges that Judge Engoron has demonstrated clear bias against Trump throughout the proceedings.

Trump’s legal team contends that Engoron’s rulings and comments during the case have consistently favored the prosecution, raising serious concerns about his impartiality.

The attorneys argue that Engoron’s behavior has compromised Trump’s right to a fair trial, a cornerstone of the American justice system.

According to the motion, Engoron has made several prejudicial statements, both in court and in written opinions, that indicate a preconceived notion of Trump’s guilt.

Trump’s lawyers highlight instances where Engoron allegedly disregarded standard legal procedures and exhibited a hostile attitude towards the defense.

They claim these actions reflect a deep-seated bias that disqualifies Engoron from continuing to preside over the case.

The civil case against Trump, initiated by Attorney General Letitia James, accuses him of inflating the value of his assets on financial statements provided to banks and insurance companies.

These allegations, if proven, could result in severe financial penalties and restrictions on Trump’s business operations in New York.

James’ investigation, which has been ongoing for several years, has been a point of contention for many Americans, who view it as a politically motivated witch hunt.

The former president has consistently denied any wrongdoing, characterizing the case as an attempt by Democratic officials to undermine his political influence and legacy.

The motion to remove Judge Engoron adds another layer of complexity to the already high-stakes legal battle.

If successful, it could delay proceedings and potentially lead to a more favorable outcome for Trump.

However, the motion itself is not guaranteed to succeed, as it requires convincing evidence of bias and misconduct.

From a political perspective, the motion underscores the deeply polarized nature of the case.

Trump’s supporters see the legal actions against him as part of a broader effort by the left to discredit and destroy his political career.

They argue that the legal system is being weaponized against him, a claim that resonates with a significant portion of the Republican base.

In a statement, Trump’s legal team emphasized their commitment to ensuring a fair trial for their client.

“We believe that Judge Engoron’s conduct has demonstrated a clear and unacceptable bias against President Trump,” the statement read.

“We are seeking his removal to uphold the fundamental principles of justice and ensure that President Trump receives a fair and impartial trial.”

The attorneys also expressed confidence in their case, asserting that the allegations brought by the Attorney General are baseless and politically motivated.

They vowed to continue fighting vigorously to defend Trump’s rights and reputation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

US citizens make desperate plea as Biden administration leaves them to suffer


The Radical Left has done so much harm to America and its citizens. And there seems to be no way forward for Americans.

Because US citizens have made a desperate plea as the Biden administration has left them to suffer.

Massachusetts is spending an eye-popping $5,400 per month per room to house migrants, overwhelming small towns and cities outside of Boston.

This shocking expenditure is causing frustration and anger among residents and conservative leaders who see this as a gross misuse of taxpayer money and an unsustainable burden on local communities.

Savanah Hernandez, reporting for The Post Millennial, exposed the staggering costs and the impact on these communities.

The state’s decision to allocate such exorbitant funds to migrant housing has strained local resources and infrastructure, sparking a heated debate about priorities and fiscal responsibility.

The financial burden of $5,400 per month per room is exorbitant, especially when considering that this amount exceeds the monthly rent of many working-class families in Massachusetts.

This spending decision is viewed as a slap in the face to American citizens struggling with high living costs and economic uncertainty.

Citizens argue that this money could be better spent on improving infrastructure, education, and services for taxpaying citizens.

They point out that many veterans and homeless Americans are in dire need of support, yet are seemingly overlooked in favor of migrants.

The influx of migrants and the state’s financial commitment to housing them have placed significant stress on smaller towns and cities.

Local schools, healthcare facilities, and public services are overwhelmed, struggling to accommodate the sudden increase in population.

Residents are facing longer wait times for medical care and other essential services, further fueling resentment.

Many small-town officials have expressed frustration with the lack of consultation and support from the state government.

They argue that their communities are being forced to bear the brunt of a federal issue, without adequate resources or input into how to manage the situation.

The backlash from local residents has been intense. Many feel that their communities are being unfairly targeted and burdened by the state’s policies.

Protests and town hall meetings have seen heated debates, with citizens demanding that their voices be heard and their concerns addressed.

The political ramifications of this situation could be significant.

With the 2024 elections approaching, this issue is likely to be a focal point for conservative candidates who are advocating for stricter immigration policies and more prudent use of taxpayer money.

They argue that the current administration’s policies are failing to prioritize American citizens and are instead creating chaos and financial strain.

Massachusetts’ decision to spend $5,400 per month per room to house migrants is facing intense scrutiny and criticism.

The impact on small towns and cities, coupled with the outrage from local residents and conservative leaders, highlights the urgent need for a reassessment of the state’s priorities and spending.

As the political debate intensifies, the focus remains on finding sustainable and fiscally responsible solutions that prioritize the needs and concerns of American citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden caught doing the unspeakable to federal agencies ahead of upcoming elections


For many years Americans have been worried about the integrity of our elections. But now, new developments have people even more concerned.

Because Biden was caught doing the unspeakable to federal agencies ahead of the upcoming elections.

In a shocking and disgusting move, the Biden administration has directed federal agencies to install signage across the country that prominently praises President Joe Biden.

The directive, which has been described by critics as an attempt to promote the president ahead of the upcoming election, mandates that these signs be placed in highly visible locations.

The decision has been met with widespread criticism from all sorts of circles, who argue that this is a blatant misuse of taxpayer money for political gain.

This action is seen as an attempt by the Biden administration to bolster the president’s image in the lead-up to the election, raising concerns about the politicization of federal agencies.

Many people view this move as a desperate attempt by the Biden administration to shore up support in light of the president’s declining approval ratings.

The president’s approval has been slipping due to various issues, including economic concerns, foreign policy challenges, and handling of domestic affairs.

Critics argue that instead of focusing on substantive policy changes to address these issues, the administration is resorting to superficial tactics to enhance the president’s public image.

Prominent figures have condemned the move, with accusations that the administration is using federal resources for what they describe as a “propaganda campaign.”

They argue that federal agencies should remain neutral and not be used as tools for political campaigning.

The directive raises significant legal and ethical questions. There are concerns about whether this action violates any laws related to the use of federal resources for political purposes.

Legal experts are debating whether the directive could be challenged in court, potentially leading to legal battles over the appropriateness of such a directive.

Moreover, the ethical implications of this decision are being scrutinized.

The use of federal agencies to promote a sitting president in an election year blurs the lines between governance and campaigning, potentially undermining public trust in federal institutions.

Critics, particularly those from conservative backgrounds, view this as a wasteful and inappropriate use of federal funds.

Media coverage of the directive has been extensive, with many outlets highlighting the controversy and the potential implications for the upcoming election.

Conservative media, in particular, has been vocal in its criticism, framing the directive as an example of government overreach and misuse of taxpayer money.

As the Biden administration moves forward with this directive, it faces mounting criticism from conservatives who view it as a political maneuver rather than a legitimate governmental action.

The legal and ethical debates surrounding the use of federal resources for what appears to be political promotion are likely to continue, with potential ramifications for the administration and its approach to governance.

In the coming weeks, it will be crucial to monitor how this directive is implemented and whether it faces any legal challenges.

The public’s response and the ongoing media coverage will also play significant roles in shaping the narrative around this controversial decision.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this story and more.

Mayorkas’s massive border mistake has opened the US up to a whole new kind of attack


DHS Secretary Mayorkas has been an absolute failure in his position. And the US has only gotten weaker.

Because Mayorkas’s massive border mistake has opened the US up to a whole new kind of attack.

House Republicans are demanding answers from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas regarding the entry of migrants with alleged ISIS links into the United States.

This inquiry follows alarming reports that these individuals managed to cross the border undetected.

During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing, GOP members grilled Mayorkas on the security lapses that allowed such dangerous individuals into the country.

They questioned the effectiveness of the Biden administration’s border policies, highlighting the risks posed to national security.

The Republican lawmakers are particularly concerned about the screening processes and the overall management of border security under the current administration.

Representative Mark Green (R-TN), the committee chairman, spearheaded the questioning, emphasizing the necessity for transparent answers and accountability.

The scrutiny follows reports that individuals with connections to the Islamic State (ISIS) were apprehended after illegally entering the U.S.

This revelation has intensified the debate over the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis and its broader immigration policies.

Mayorkas, in response, defended the administration’s efforts, stating that DHS employs rigorous screening and vetting procedures to prevent terrorists from entering the country.

However, his assurances did little to placate the Republican members, who are demanding more concrete actions and answers.

The issue of border security and immigration has been a contentious topic, with Republicans accusing the Biden administration of being too lenient and compromising national safety.

The recent incidents involving ISIS-linked migrants have only exacerbated these concerns, prompting calls for stricter measures and more robust enforcement at the borders.

House Republicans are also pushing for increased funding and resources for border security to address the growing challenges and threats.

They argue that without significant improvements, the U.S. remains vulnerable to potential terrorist infiltrations and other security breaches.

As the debate continues, the pressure mounts on Mayorkas and the Biden administration to take decisive steps to bolster border security and reassure the American public of their safety.

The coming weeks are likely to see intensified scrutiny and possibly more legislative actions aimed at addressing these critical security issues.

The situation underscores the complex and urgent nature of border security in the context of global terrorism and the ongoing immigration crisis.

With national security at stake, the responses and policies implemented by the DHS and the Biden administration will be crucial in shaping the country’s approach to border management and immigration control.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden administration found responsible for lives of hundreds of thousands of children


The Biden administration has done some pretty horrific things. But it seems nothing comes close to this.

Because the Biden administration has been found responsible for the lives of hundreds of thousands of children.

In a shocking revelation, the Biden administration has reportedly lost track of 600,000 illegal immigrant children within the United States, according to a former Deputy Border Patrol Agent.

This alarming figure underscores the severe mismanagement and lack of accountability in the current administration’s handling of the border crisis, drawing significant criticism from conservative circles and raising serious concerns about the safety and well-being of these vulnerable minors.

The report comes amid ongoing scrutiny of President Biden’s border policies, which have exacerbated the crisis by encouraging illegal immigration without adequate preparation or enforcement mechanisms.

Since Biden took office, the southern border has seen an unprecedented surge in illegal crossings, overwhelming border facilities and resources.

This situation has created chaotic conditions that make it difficult to track and care for the vast number of children entering the country.

The former Deputy Border Patrol Agent, who disclosed this information, emphasized the dangerous implications of losing track of such a large number of minors.

These children, often unaccompanied, are at a heightened risk of falling victim to human trafficking, exploitation, and other forms of abuse.

The failure to monitor and ensure their safety reflects poorly on the administration’s ability to handle the humanitarian aspects of the immigration crisis.

Conservative lawmakers argue that the administration’s approach has not only compromised national security but also endangered the lives of countless children.

The lack of a robust system to track and protect these minors is seen as a direct result of the administration’s prioritization of lenient immigration policies over effective enforcement and child welfare.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated, “This is an inexcusable failure of leadership. The Biden administration’s reckless open-border policies have created a humanitarian disaster, and now we learn that 600,000 children are unaccounted for. This is a national disgrace, and those responsible must be held accountable.”

The administration has defended its immigration policies, claiming that they are designed to be more humane and orderly than those of the previous administration.

However, the sheer number of missing children calls into question the effectiveness of these policies.

Critics argue that the administration’s focus on reversing Trump-era policies without a clear plan to manage the influx of migrants has led to the current crisis.

Former President Donald Trump weighed in on the issue, stating, “Under my administration, we had the border under control. Biden’s open-border policies have not only failed to secure our nation but have also endangered the lives of thousands of innocent children. This is a catastrophe of their own making.”

The controversy over the missing children adds to the growing list of challenges facing the Biden administration regarding immigration.

With the 2024 elections approaching, Republicans are likely to use this issue as a key talking point to rally their base and highlight what they see as the administration’s incompetence.

Furthermore, the humanitarian aspect of this crisis cannot be overstated.

Organizations dedicated to child welfare and anti-trafficking efforts have expressed deep concern over the fate of these children.

They urge the administration to take immediate action to locate and protect these minors, ensuring they receive the care and support they need.

In response to the criticism, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has pledged to improve its tracking systems and coordination with other agencies to prevent such losses in the future.

However, many remain skeptical of these promises, given the current administration’s track record.

The revelation that the Biden administration has lost track of 600,000 illegal immigrant children is a damning indictment of its border policies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Biden administration comes under heavy fire for its recently discovered crimes


The Biden administration likes to act like they do what is right all the time. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

And now the Biden administration has come under heavy fire for its recently discovered crimes.

Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) has publicly criticized President Joe Biden’s administration for withholding arms from Israel during a critical time of conflict with Hamas terrorists.

Hagerty’s comments come amid heightened tensions and violence in the region, with Israel defending itself against relentless rocket attacks from Hamas.

In a statement released on Tuesday, Hagerty emphasized the importance of supporting Israel, America’s closest ally in the Middle East.

He accused the Biden administration of undermining Israel’s ability to defend itself by delaying arms shipments that are crucial for the country’s defense.

“Get out of Israel’s way,” Hagerty demanded, highlighting the Biden administration’s reluctance to provide Israel with the necessary military support.

“Withholding arms from Israel while they are under attack is not only irresponsible but also dangerous. It sends a message to our adversaries that America is not committed to defending its allies.”

Hagerty’s criticism focuses on the Biden administration’s decision to withhold certain arms sales, including precision-guided munitions, that Israel needs to effectively counter Hamas’ rocket attacks.

The delay in arms shipments, according to Hagerty, is a significant deviation from the strong support Israel received under the Trump administration.

Under former President Donald Trump, the U.S. and Israel enjoyed a robust partnership, with the Trump administration facilitating several arms deals to bolster Israel’s defense capabilities.

This included the transfer of advanced military technology and significant financial support for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.

Hagerty argued that the Biden administration’s approach is a departure from this strong support and could have severe consequences for Israel’s security.

He pointed out that Israel is facing a well-armed and relentless adversary in Hamas, which continues to receive backing from Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism.

“President Biden’s hesitation to support Israel militarily is emboldening Hamas and its supporters,” Hagerty stated.

“It is imperative that the United States stands firmly with Israel, providing them with the necessary tools to protect their citizens and maintain stability in the region.”

The senator’s comments resonate with a significant portion of Americans, who have long advocated for unwavering support for Israel.

Many people view Israel as a critical ally in the fight against terrorism and a beacon of democracy in the Middle East.

Hagerty’s stance is also reflective of broader criticism of the Biden administration’s foreign policy.

Many people have accused the administration of being weak on Iran, citing the ongoing negotiations to revive the Iran nuclear deal, which they argue would embolden Tehran and its proxies, including Hamas.

Furthermore, Hagerty’s criticism aligns with the sentiment of many American Jews and pro-Israel organizations, who have expressed concern over the Biden administration’s perceived lack of support for Israel.

These groups argue that a strong U.S.-Israel relationship is essential for regional stability and countering the influence of Iran.

As the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, the debate over U.S. support for Israel is likely to intensify.

For Americans like Hagerty, ensuring Israel’s security is a top priority, and they will continue to press the Biden administration to provide the necessary military support without delay.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New report details devastating economic future because of new Biden plans


Everyone can feel the effects of Biden’s economic failures. But now it seems things are only going to get worse.

And a new report details a devastating economic future because of Biden’s new plans.

A new survey has revealed that nearly 3,200 retail stores are set to close their doors in 2024, marking a significant increase from the previous year.

This alarming trend underscores the severe challenges facing the retail industry and highlights the broader economic issues plaguing the nation under the Biden administration.

According to the survey, the number of store closures has risen sharply, with major retailers such as Bed Bath & Beyond, Foot Locker, Tuesday Morning, Bath & Body Works, and Walgreens announcing multiple shutdowns.

This trend is indicative of deeper systemic problems that have been exacerbated by current economic policies.

One of the primary factors contributing to the surge in store closures is the rampant inflation that has crippled the purchasing power of American consumers.

Under President Biden’s leadership, inflation has soared to levels not seen in decades, making everyday goods and services unaffordable for many families.

As prices continue to rise, consumers are tightening their belts, leading to a decline in retail sales and, consequently, store closures.

Moreover, the administration’s failure to address supply chain disruptions has only compounded the problem.

The ongoing supply chain crisis has led to empty shelves and increased costs for retailers, who are struggling to keep their doors open.

This has forced many businesses to make the difficult decision to shut down, resulting in job losses and economic instability.

The rise in crime rates, particularly in major urban areas, has also played a significant role in the retail apocalypse.

Cities like San Francisco, Chicago, and New York have seen a dramatic increase in shoplifting and other retail crimes, making it increasingly difficult for stores to operate profitably.

The Biden administration’s lax stance on crime and its failure to support law enforcement have emboldened criminals, further hurting the retail sector.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also left a lasting impact on the retail industry. While the pandemic initially accelerated the shift towards e-commerce, the continued emphasis on lockdowns and restrictions by Democratic leaders has hindered the recovery of brick-and-mortar stores.

Many small businesses, in particular, have been unable to bounce back from the prolonged closures and reduced foot traffic, leading to a wave of permanent shutdowns.

Additionally, the administration’s push for higher minimum wages has put further strain on retailers.

While the intention behind raising the minimum wage is to improve the standard of living for workers, the reality is that many businesses cannot afford the increased labor costs.

This has led to layoffs, reduced hours, and, ultimately, store closures as businesses struggle to stay afloat.

The Biden administration’s economic policies have also failed to provide adequate support for small businesses.

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was a lifeline for many businesses during the Trump administration, has been poorly managed under the current leadership.

The lack of targeted relief and support for struggling businesses has left many retailers with no choice but to close their doors.

The impact of these store closures extends beyond the retail sector.

The loss of jobs and the decline in retail spaces have a ripple effect on the broader economy.

Communities are left with vacant storefronts, reduced tax revenue, and fewer employment opportunities. This further exacerbates the economic divide and hampers the recovery of local economies.

The retail apocalypse is a clear indication that the Biden administration’s approach is not working.

It is time for a change in leadership that prioritizes economic growth, supports small businesses, and addresses the real issues facing the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Liberal squad member’s shocking foreign policy comments have sparked outrage from all


The Radical Left’s understanding of foreign policy seems to be nonexistent. But now people are worried they’ve taken things too far.

Because a liberal squad member’s foreign policy comments have sparked mass outrage.

In a recent and horrifying move, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has labeled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a war criminal, asserting that he should not be permitted to address the U.S. Congress.

Her remarks have ignited a fierce debate, highlighting the deep divisions within American politics regarding U.S. support for Israel.

During an interview on “The Mehdi Hasan Show,” Ocasio-Cortez did not mince words, stating, “Netanyahu is a war criminal. I believe that Netanyahu should not be invited to address Congress and should not be given an audience.”

Her comments come at a time when Netanyahu is scheduled to speak before Congress, a move that has been both welcomed and criticized by various political factions.

Ocasio-Cortez, known for her progressive stance, has been a vocal critic of Netanyahu and his policies toward Palestinians.

She argues that his actions in Gaza and the West Bank amount to war crimes under international law. “We should not be endorsing or legitimizing his behavior by allowing him to speak in such a prestigious forum,” she added.

This is not the first time Netanyahu’s potential address to Congress has sparked controversy.

In 2015, he addressed Congress without the prior approval of the Obama administration, leading to significant backlash.

This latest invitation has once again brought to the fore the contentious issue of U.S.-Israel relations and the influence of the Israeli lobby in American politics.

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments have been met with mixed reactions.

Supporters of Israel, including many Republicans and some centrist Democrats, have condemned her statements as inflammatory and disrespectful.

They argue that Netanyahu is a democratically elected leader of a key U.S. ally and should be afforded the respect and platform that comes with such a position.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) responded to Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks by saying, “Prime Minister Netanyahu has been a steadfast ally of the United States and a defender of democracy in the Middle East. It is deeply troubling to hear such inflammatory rhetoric from a sitting member of Congress.”

McCarthy went on to emphasize the importance of maintaining strong U.S.-Israel relations and cautioned against the potential fallout from Ocasio-Cortez’s comments.

The divide over Netanyahu’s address to Congress reflects broader tensions within the Democratic Party, particularly between its progressive and establishment wings.

Progressive Democrats have increasingly criticized the U.S.’s unwavering support for Israel, calling for more balanced policies that also consider Palestinian rights and aspirations.

Netanyahu’s upcoming address to Congress, if it proceeds as planned, is likely to be a focal point for these debates.

It will test the Biden administration’s handling of U.S.-Israel relations and its approach to managing the differing views within the Democratic Party.

The administration’s response to Ocasio-Cortez’s comments and the broader progressive critique will be closely watched by both domestic and international observers.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.