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Radical protestors in US receive startling endorsement that shocked the nation to the core

Recent radical protests across the US have been shown to have backing from terrorist organizations. But recent developments reveal an even scarier secret.

And radical protestors in the US receive an endorsement that has shocked the nation to the core.

In a startling and deeply concerning development, the Islamic Republic of Iran, widely recognized as the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, has declared its support for the left-wing protests and the radical professors fueling anti-Semitic sentiments on college campuses across the United States.

This endorsement was delivered through a letter from Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, which was broadcast on state-run media.

The protests, which began in earnest in April, have led to the establishment of encampments at numerous prestigious universities across the nation.

Jewish students and law enforcement personnel have been subjected to attacks, while protestors have vehemently called for the destruction of Israel.

In some cases, the calls escalated to advocating for an “Intifada,” a term historically associated with violent uprisings against Israel and Jews.

Various law enforcement officials have reported the involvement of professional agitators in orchestrating the chaos, indicating a coordinated effort to disrupt campus life and spread anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Khamenei’s letter, addressed directly to American university students, expressed empathy and solidarity with their cause.

“Dear university students in the United States of America, this message is an expression of our empathy and solidarity with you. As the page of history is turning, you are standing on the right side of it,” Khamenei wrote.

He continued, “You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure — a government which openly supports the usurper and brutal Zionist regime. The greater Resistance Front which shares the same understandings and feelings that you have today has been engaged in the same struggle for many years in a place far from you.”

Khamenei’s letter was rife with propaganda and false claims about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It painted the Palestinian people as victims of terrorism, ignoring the fact that many Palestinians have joined terrorist organizations that carry out attacks against Israel.

This skewed narrative aims to bolster the anti-Israel sentiments already prevalent among the protesting students and faculty.

“The support and solidarity of your professors is a significant and consequential development,” Khamenei added.

“This can offer some measure of comfort in the face of your government’s police brutality and the pressures it is exerting on you. I too am among those who empathize with you young people and value your perseverance.”

The protests and the radical rhetoric on American campuses have attracted support from a range of extremist groups, including Al Qaeda and Hezbollah.

These endorsements underscore the dangerous intersection of radical left-wing ideologies and Islamist extremism.

The Iranian regime’s support for these protests highlights a growing concern about foreign influence on American soil.

It raises questions about the safety and security of Jewish students and the broader implications of such radical movements being endorsed by a known state sponsor of terrorism.

Moreover, the support from Iran casts a spotlight on the professors who have been instrumental in propagating anti-Israel sentiments.

Their backing from such a controversial and hostile regime brings into question the integrity and motives behind their teachings and actions.

Conservative lawmakers and commentators have been quick to condemn Iran’s interference and the radicalization of American campuses. They argue that this endorsement from Iran is a clear indication of the dangerous path these protests are taking.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated, “The fact that Iran, a regime that sponsors terrorism and calls for the destruction of Israel, is supporting these protests should alarm every American. This is not about free speech or academic freedom; this is about the radicalization of our youth and the spread of anti-Semitic hate.”

The intersection of radical left-wing and Islamist extremist ideologies poses a profound threat to the fabric of American society, demanding a robust response from policymakers, educators, and the public.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Democrats come out with shocking treasonous policy that will destroy America

The Left’s hatred for America has always been evident. But now people are actually scared.

Because Democrats have come out with a shocking treasonous policy that will destroy America.

In a disturbing development, a branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) known as the Red Star Caucus has openly declared their support for Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, in an article posted on their website.

The far-left faction within the DSA has faced significant backlash from moderate Democrats following the brutal October 7 attacks against Israel by Hamas militants.

The Red Star Caucus published an article on Friday calling for the “defeat of the Israeli state” and advocating for the organization to take a firm stance in backing Hamas.

The Marxist-Leninist caucus stated, “We do not condemn Hamas, and neither should you.”

This brazen support for a recognized terrorist group has raised alarms about the DSA’s ideological direction and its implications for American politics.

The article from the Red Star Caucus justifies the October 7 massacre, which saw over 1,200 people killed in Israel, by framing it as a legitimate act of resistance.

They argue that true resistance often faces propaganda and backlash but is vindicated by history.

“Many people support the idea of resistance, and even support real resistance once it is safely in the past and the propaganda has withered away. But in the moment, when the actual resistance is disrupting the status quo, people are dying, and the propaganda machine is in full gear, some people falter, and leave support for the resistance to the historians,” the article states.

On October 8, the Red Star Caucus began organizing protests across the United States in response to the attacks.

Their Palestinian Solidarity Working Group released a “tool kit” to help coordinate pro-Hamas rallies nationwide, further amplifying their controversial stance.

The article criticized mainstream media for labeling the “Palestinian resistance” as “Hamas,” preferring instead to describe it as a “popular front involving several militant organizations.”

The Red Star Caucus glorifies several terrorist organizations, including Hamas, al-Qassam, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP).

They argue that these groups, despite ideological differences, unite against a common enemy: Israel. They commend Palestinian communists for fighting alongside Islamist factions, suggesting that doing so builds support and legitimacy for socialism in Palestine.

The article criticizes efforts to combat terrorism as counterproductive, asserting that supporting the Palestinian resistance inherently means supporting Hamas.

“To support a resistance without Hamas is to support something which does not exist. It is to support no resistance at all,” the article argues, dismissing any attempts to distinguish between militant factions and peaceful protestors.

The Red Star Caucus doesn’t stop at supporting Hamas; they extend their rhetoric to an outright rejection of Israel’s right to exist and criticize any form of American support for Israel.

They claim that distancing from Hamas would only serve Israel’s interests and weaken the overall resistance movement. The group labels all forces allied with Israel, including the United States, as enemies, advocating for an “Axis of Resistance” against what they perceive as imperialist forces.

This open endorsement of Hamas by the DSA has significant implications, and it highlights the growing extremism within the Democratic Party.

This development demands a strong response from both political leaders and the public to ensure that extremist views do not gain a foothold in American politics.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

GOP leader publicly exposed Trump judge, and Democrats are scrambling

Trump’s recent trial is nearing an end. But Americans across the world are even more concerned with the process.

And now, a top GOP leader has publicly exposed Trump’s judge, and Democrats are scrambling.

In a bold move, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) filed a formal complaint on Tuesday questioning the impartiality of the judge presiding over former President Donald Trump’s hush-money trial.

Stefanik raised concerns about whether the selection of Acting Justice Juan Merchan for this high-profile case adhered to the mandated process of random selection.

New York State Trial Court rules stipulate that criminal cases must be assigned to judges through a random selection process overseen by the chief administrator.

In her letter, Stefanik highlighted the unusual circumstance that Merchan not only presides over Trump’s current trial but also managed the criminal trial against the Trump Organization and is slated to oversee the fraud trial of Trump ally Steve Bannon.

Stefanik’s letter, addressed to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, and Kay-Ann Porter Campbell, the inspector general for the New York State Unified Court System Office of Court Administration, urged an investigation into the assignment process.

She pointed to potential conflicts of interest, noting Merchan’s political donations to Democratic causes and his daughter’s role as a political consultant for Democratic candidates.

“One cannot help but suspect that the ‘random selection’ at work in the assignment of Acting Justice Merchan, a Democrat Party donor, to these cases involving prominent Republicans, is in fact not random at all,” Stefanik asserted.

She suggested that Merchan’s consistent assignment to cases involving Trump and his associates might be an intentional effort to increase the likelihood of convictions against them.

Stefanik called for a thorough investigation to ensure that the random selection process was genuinely followed in the assignment of Merchan to these cases.

“If Acting Justice Merchan or any other Justices of the Court are found to have violated these rules, I would hope that the Commission would subject them to the required discipline,” she wrote.

“And if any non-judicial employees of the Court are involved in such a scheme, I would hope that the Inspector General subject them to the appropriate sanction.”

The New York State Office of Court Administration (OCA) responded to Stefanik’s complaint by reiterating its previous statements about Merchan’s role.

OCA spokesperson Al Baker explained that Judge Merchan was assigned to supervise the special grand juries that investigated the Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg, and Donald Trump.

“He was, in turn, assigned the indictments that arose from those investigations, which is common practice since the judge supervising the grand jury investigation already has some familiarity with these often-complex cases and can manage them more efficiently,” Baker stated.

This latest move by Stefanik underscores the deep political divisions surrounding Trump’s legal battles.

Critics of the Biden administration and the New York judicial system argue that these legal actions are politically motivated attempts to undermine Trump’s potential 2024 presidential bid.

Stefanik’s complaint echoes these concerns, suggesting that partisan interests may compromise the judicial process.

The unfolding drama around Trump’s legal issues continues to captivate the nation, with each development feeding into the broader narrative of political strife.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Defense lawyer throws a major lifeline to Trump that will turn everything around


Not all is lost for former President Trump. He’s got a silver bullet that not everyone is aware of.

And a defense lawyer just threw Trump a lifeline that could completely turn around the verdict.

The idea that a jury panel of 12 individuals all agreed that there was no reasonable doubt that Donald Trump was guilty of the criminal charges being brought against him in the hush money trial is mind-blowing. It really makes you wonder if anyone can be accused of anything with hardly any evidence at all.

But it’s not all over. First of all, it isn’t necessarily going to be the case that Trump will even go to prison prior to the election process this November. The judge will likely consider the logistical nightmare it would be to imprison a former president. Most legal experts argue that letting Trump appeal before serving a sentence that’s handed down in July is wise.

Secondly, Trump will obviously appeal, and the appellate court system is going to be considering this case with a higher degree of scrutiny than the lower court system did. If Trump is allowed to appeal before serving a sentence, the Democrats would never get their moment of seeing Donald Trump in a jail cell.

A top defense lawyer appeared on CNN and shared his thoughts on the case, noting how Donald Trump will have several strong arguments to bring to the appellate court system that will highlight how poorly this case has been handled.

Potential for Overturning Trump’s Guilty Verdict in New York Trial, Says Defense Attorney

Criminal defense attorney Michael O’Mara expressed optimism on Friday about the possibility of former President Donald Trump’s legal team overturning the recent guilty verdict from his New York trial.

A Manhattan jury convicted Trump on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in a case led by Democratic District Attorney Alvin Bragg. The trial and conviction have drawn significant attention and sparked debates about the unique legal circumstances surrounding the case.

During an appearance on CNN News Central, CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig and O’Mara discussed the grounds on which Trump’s appeal might be based. Honig highlighted the unprecedented nature of the case, particularly the intersection of state and federal law enforcement.

“So I think the top grounds for appeal is the fact that we had a state court here, a state prosecutor, enforcing in part a federal election crime for the first time actually in U.S. history,” Honig explained. “We’ve never before seen a case where any state or county level prosecutor has charged, as part of their case, or as a sub-part of their case, a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act. So this is the first time that’s happened. It was briefed to Judge Merchan. Judge Merchan said, ‘I find it okay, I find it acceptable under New York state law.’ But that‘s going to be issue 1A on the appeal. We don’t know what the answer will be. It’s unprecedented.”

When host John Berman inquired about the likelihood of a successful appeal, O’Mara was notably optimistic. “I think there’s a great likelihood, and the reason why is there are a number of issues,” he responded. O’Mara specifically criticized the handling of the jury during the trial, arguing that they should have been sequestered due to the high-profile nature of the case.

“I have always complained about the way this jury was or was not handled during the trial. I think with the massive focus on this case that they should have been sequestered. They certainly should have been sequestered during the deliberations. I think they should have been sequestered for the week before,” O’Mara said.

He continued to emphasize the potential for external influence on the jury, given the extensive media coverage and public interest. “At this point, they’ll find out who the jurors are. They will backtrack them to every house that they went to, to watch the billboards they saw, the news stands that passed by, so I have a real concern that the judge who has to ensure the freedom given by the jury process wasn’t because this jury was not well-protected. And that’s only one of one hundred.”

Ahead of the conviction, Trump attorney Will Scharf asserted that the former president’s team would “speedily appeal” if found guilty. The jury reached their verdict on Thursday evening after beginning deliberations on Wednesday. Trump’s charges stemmed from allegations related to reimbursing his former attorney Michael Cohen for a payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

As Trump’s legal team prepares for the appeals process, the unique and unprecedented aspects of the case will be central to their arguments, raising questions about the intersection of state and federal legal authority and the protection of the jury from external influences.

Since appeals can take years, the next major decision will be whether the judge will decide to let Donald Trump wait until the appeal is completed before facing any remaining sentence should the verdict not be overturned in the appellate courts.

You can watch the clip from CNN’s broadcast below:

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Supreme Court Justice drops a bombshell right on Democrats


The Left has been trying to take down the Court for years. But now SCOTUS is fighting back.

And this Supreme Court Justice drops a bombshell right on Democrats.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. has rejected pleas to recuse himself from cases involving the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol demonstration.

In a letter to Congress on Wednesday, he stated that his wife made the decision to fly an upside-down American flag and “An Appeal to Heaven” pennant at his properties, and that he is not biased in any issue.

“My wife is fond of flying flags. I am not. My wife was solely responsible for having flagpoles put up at our residence and our vacation home and has flown a wide variety of flags over the years,” he said in his letter to the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chairman Richard J. Durbin.

“My wife is an independently minded private citizen. She makes her own decisions, and I honor her right to do so,” he added.

“A reasonable person who is not motivated by political or ideological considerations or a desire to affect the outcome of Supreme Court cases would conclude that this event does not meet the applicable standard for recusal. I am therefore duty-bound to reject your recusal request.”

Justice Alito also issued a letter to House Democrats. Rep. Dan Goldman of New York believes Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. should intervene to prevent a “miscarriage of justice.”

“Justice Alito’s refusal to recuse himself from the pending Trump v. United States and Fischer v. United States cases is perhaps the greatest stain yet on the Supreme Court’s legitimacy. Even if fully credited, Justice Alito’s own explanation to Congress for his decision concedes that a political statement related to the underlying facts of those two cases hung from his house, creating the appearance of bias and therefore requiring that he recuse,” Mr. Goldman said.

Justice Alito’s letter comes after The New York Times revealed that he flew two flags outside his houses, one in 2021 at his Alexandria, Virginia home and another in 2023 at his New Jersey beach estate, that were symbols carried by Jan. 6 demonstrators.

The New York Times reported this week that Justice Alito flew an “Appeal to Heaven” flag at his Long Beach Island, New Jersey, vacation property in 2023. The publication described the flag, which dates back to the American Revolution, as a symbol of “a more Christian-minded government” and stated that it was carried to the Capitol on January 6.

In his letter to members of Congress, Justice Alito stated that he was unaware of any relationship between the “Stop the Steal Movement” and the “Appeal to Heaven” flag.

It was the paper’s second item in less than a week about Justice Alito flying flags at his properties. According to the site, he flew an upside-down U.S. flag at his Alexandria, Virginia, house following the January 6 demonstration.

Former President Trump praised Justice Alito’s letter in a post on Truth Social on Wednesday, complete with his characteristic all-capital letters.

“Congratulations to United States Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for showing the intelligence, courage, and ‘guts’ to refuse stepping aside from making a decision on anything January 6th related. All U.S. Judges, Justices, and Leaders should have such grit — Our Country would be far more advanced than its current status as a badly failing nation, headed by the Worst President in American History, Crooked Joe Biden!” he wrote.

Democratic legislators have criticized the flag-flying as a public show of political activity that violates judicial ethics. One House Democrat proposed a censure motion demanding that the justice disqualify himself from any cases involving the 2020 election.

It was the latest plea for recusal after Illinois Democrat Richard Durbin said the justice should disqualify himself from Mr. Trump’s case for total immunity over his efforts to reverse the 2020 election results.

Mr. Durbin reiterated those calls for recusal after revelations that “An Appeal to Heaven” flag was also flown.

That flag, also known as the Pine Tree Flag, was used during the American Revolution, originally by a squadron of six frigates commissioned in 1775 by Gen. George Washington.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

President Biden is desperately working to hide what just happened at the southern border


There’s no denying the U.S. southern border is in chaos. But it’s worse than you could’ve imagined.

And now President Biden is desperately working to hide what’s just happened at the southern border.

While all eyes have been on the Trump trial and the jury verdict that Trump was found “guilty” in the hush money case, something very concerning has been going on at the southern border that has border patrol agents sounding the alarm.

In a significant development highlighting the ongoing security concerns at the U.S.-Mexico border, the U.S. Border Patrol announced the arrest of ten foreign nationals linked to a notorious international prison gang during the Memorial Day weekend.

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens confirmed the arrests, revealing that the individuals were members of Tren de Aragua, a formidable criminal organization that originated in Venezuela. This gang has been implicated in numerous high-profile crimes both in Venezuela and internationally. The apprehended individuals are set to be processed for deportation.

“Over the weekend, USBP agents across Texas arrested 10 subjects affiliated with the Venezuelan gang, ‘Tren de Aragua,’” Owens posted on X on Wednesday. “Keep your eye on this gang. Their criminal activities represent a serious threat to our communities! All 10 subjects will be processed for removal from the US.”

Tren de Aragua, initially formed as a prison gang in the northern Venezuelan state of Aragua in 2014, has rapidly expanded its operations. Today, it stands as Venezuela’s largest criminal organization, with an estimated 5,000 members and a significant presence across Latin America and into the United States. The gang’s influence and reach have been described as revolutionary in the realm of Latin American crime.

Federal immigration authorities have long been aware of the threat posed by Tren de Aragua, noting their increasing attempts to establish a stronger foothold within the U.S. The gang’s members have been linked to several high-profile crimes, including the kidnapping and strangulation of a Florida man last year by an illegal immigrant purportedly connected to the gang.

Another alleged member, Diego Ibarra, was arrested for attempting to present a fake green card and has been charged with multiple other offenses. Ibarra is also the brother of the individual accused of k*lling Georgia nursing student Lakin Riley.

The escalating threat from Tren de Aragua has prompted legislative action. Earlier this year, Senate and House Republicans urged the Biden administration to officially designate Tren de Aragua as a transnational criminal organization. They argue that such a designation would enhance the ability to combat the gang’s extensive criminal activities.

“Tren de Aragua is an invading criminal army from a prison in Venezuela that has spread their brutality and chaos to U.S. cities and small towns. If left unchecked, they will unleash an unprecedented reign of terror, mirroring the devastation it has already inflicted in communities throughout Central and South America,” GOP lawmakers stated in March. “The breadth of Tren de Aragua’s operations encompasses m*rder, drug and human tr*fficking, s*x crimes, extortion, and kidnapping, among other brutalities.”

The recent arrests underscore the persistent and evolving challenges at the U.S. border, emphasizing the need for continued vigilance and robust enforcement measures to protect American communities from international criminal elements.

In the fiscal year 2021, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported over 1.7 million encounters with migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, the highest number recorded in a single year. This trend continued into 2022, with over 2 million encounters reported.

Late in 2023, the House Committee on Homeland Security published a report saying that fiscal year of 2023 was the worst year for illegal immigration in America’s history.

Their report released in October reads:

In the final month of FY2023, CBP recorded 269,735 encounters at the Southwest border, marking another unprecedented milestone under Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and President Joe Biden’s open-borders policies. This monthly number also represents an 86% increase from June 2023, when the Biden administration celebrated a short-lived drop in illegal crossings following the end of Title 42.

One of the key facts noted in their report is since Joe Biden has taken office, there have been 6.2 million encounters will illegal immigrants at the southern border with 1.7 million known “gotaways”.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Trump verdict news makes top U.S. Senate Democrat SWITCH parties


Anyone with respect for the rule of law is disgusted after the Trump verdict news. Even one high profile Democrat.

Because the Trump verdict news just caused a U.S. Senate Democrat to throw in the towel on the Democrat Party.

Millions of Americans are disgusted after the jury decision was handed down, ruling that Donald Trump was found “guilty” on all 34 counts of supposed “crimes” that he was charged with. Everyone knows just how groundbreaking that jury ruling was. Many believe it represented a moment when the American justice system’s integrity took a major blow.

Despite what the Leftist media outlets will be telling you right now, it’s not just those “crazy MAGA Republicans” decrying this attack on the integrity of America’s justice system either. Plenty of Democrat voters, progressives, and independents are admitting that this trial was simply unfair from the beginning.

This is evident by the fact that a number of polls have already demonstrated that Donald Trump’s favor with Americans is improving after he was found “guilty” at the conclusion of the trial.

Now even a top U.S. Senate Democrat is throwing in the towel after the stunning Trump verdict news. That would be none other than West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, a long-time Democrat.

Joe Manchin Departs Democratic Party, Registers as Independent

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, renowned for his moderate political stance, announced on Friday that he is leaving the Democratic Party and has registered as an independent. This significant move marks a pivotal moment in his political career, which has been characterized by a commitment to bipartisanship and common sense governance.

In his announcement at the West Virginia State Capitol, Manchin, who has decided not to seek re-election, explained his decision. “From my first day in public service in 1982, I have always focused on doing what’s best for my state and my country, without regard to party or politics,” Manchin stated. “Throughout my days in elected office, I have always been proud of my commitment to common sense, bipartisanship, and my desire to bring people together. It’s who I am. It’s who I will always be. I have never seen America through a partisan lens.”

Manchin expressed his disillusionment with the current state of national politics. “Since becoming a United States Senator in 2010, I have seen both the Democrat and Republican parties leave West Virginia and our country behind for partisan extremism while jeopardizing our democracy. Today, our national politics are broken, and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground. To stay true to myself and remain committed to putting country before party, I have decided to register as an independent with no party affiliation and continue to fight for America’s sensible majority.”

Manchin’s unexpected decision has sparked speculation and reports that he is being encouraged to run for governor of West Virginia. Moderate Republicans, dissatisfied with their current nominee, state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, are reportedly urging Manchin to consider a gubernatorial bid.

When questioned about these reports, Manchin downplayed the rumors but did not entirely dismiss them. He acknowledged his friendship with the Democratic nominee, Huntington Mayor Steve Williams. “I heard that this morning, the rumors. I’ve supported my friend Steve Williams, we’ve known each other for 40 years, got him involved. He’s a good person. I don’t know what’s going on. So basically, I’ll just wait until I go home,” Manchin remarked.

A report from West Virginia MetroNews cited sources close to the senator who indicated that at least 20 Republicans with substantial financial resources have encouraged Manchin to run for governor.

Following the publication of this report, Manchin was reportedly inundated with appeals to run for governor at an event at the Greenbrier resort in White Sulphur Springs. The Greenbrier is notably owned by the state’s current governor, Jim Justice, a Democrat-turned-Republican who is term-limited and now the GOP’s Senate nominee aiming to replace Manchin.

Hoppy Kercheval, a prominent news anchor and one of West Virginia’s most recognizable media figures, noted, “The talk about the possibility of Joe Manchin running for West Virginia governor again is real.”

Although the Democratic primary has concluded, barring Manchin from running as a Democrat, his shift to an independent status potentially opens the door for a gubernatorial bid or even a re-election campaign for the Senate. Manchin’s move has undoubtedly stirred the political landscape, leaving both his supporters and critics eager to see his next steps.

The timing of the announcement can’t be ignored. He made this announcement the morning after Donald Trump’s “guilty” verdict was reached, which is no coincidence. Joe Manchin is an example of one of a number of Democrats who have left the Democrat Party because of just how insane they have become today.

Watching your party go after their number one political opponent who happens to be leading the presidential election certainly played a factor in his decision to finally ditch the radical Democrat Party of America today.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Joe Biden is trying to stop the bleeding with one harebrained plot


No one ever accused Joe of being a rational guy. Now his incompetence is on full display.

Because he’s trying to stop the bleeding with one harebrained plot.

President Biden is starting a new outreach drive to Black voters, as polls suggest he is losing ground to his adversary, former President Donald Trump, among that critical Democratic group.

The Biden-Harris campaign unveiled an eight-figure spending blitz on Wednesday to increase engagement with Black student organizations, community groups, and church centers around the country and in battleground states as the president looks to mobilize support for reelection.

Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris appeared at the first official “Black Voters for Biden-Harris” rally in Philadelphia on Wednesday afternoon.

“Today’s launch of the Black Voters for Biden-Harris coalition is yet another example of our campaign working diligently to earn every single vote. This coalition and the newly announced summer outreach and engagement programming serve as the next phase of our campaign’s ongoing historic investments in outreach to the backbone of the Biden-Harris coalition – Black voters,” said Quentin Fulks, the Biden-Harris campaign’s principal deputy campaign manager.

“While we are busy putting in the work to earn Black America’s support — Donald Trump continues to show just how ignorant he is. Hosting janky rap concerts to hide the fact that he lacks the resources and competence to genuinely engage our community,” Fulks said.

The Biden rally comes only days after Trump staged a rally in the Bronx, which attracted up to 10,000 people in the bluest region of deep blue New York City, according to local authorities.

In his speech, Trump underlined that rising inflation during Biden’s first time in office disproportionately affected Black and Hispanic families, and vowed to turn the economy around if voters returned him to the White House.

Trump’s plan to target minority voters in states like New York, where Republicans haven’t won in decades, shows the Trump campaign’s perception that Biden is weak with important Democratic populations.

Polls support that theory. A recent Fox News poll shows Biden at 72% support among Black voters, up from 66% in February but still falling short of his 79% before the 2020 race. The November 2020 Fox News Voter Analysis indicated that 91% of Black voters supported Biden.

According to a New York Times/Siena poll of six battleground states, 76% of Black voters believe the economy is “fair” or “poor,” with only 22% saying it is “excellent” or “good.” According to the research, Black Americans, like other Americans, rate the economy as their most important problem.

The Biden-Harris campaign commits to increase contact to Black voters in the coming months to avoid this from occurring.

In addition to Wednesday’s rally in Philadelphia, Biden will attend an event with Black-owned small companies in the city, and the campaign will have a meeting with national organizations and local community members “focused on direct voter contact.”

Throughout the summer, the Biden campaign will collaborate with Black organizations to contact Black voters, expand the campaign’s presence in swing states, and register voters.

“Our campaign believes that Black voters deserve to hear from Team Biden-Harris, and they deserve to have their vote earned, not assumed,” the campaign for Biden stated.

“That’s exactly what we are doing through historic investments in Black media and outreach, creative engagement efforts, culturally competent content and innovative organizing initiatives. No campaign has valued Black voters like we have, including through investing earlier and with more money than ever before talking to Black voters.”

The Biden campaign also claims Trump is “running on an anti-Black agenda” and “talking down to Black voters.”

The Trump campaign did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Jill Biden exposes Democrats’ secret plan on live television

It is no secret that the Democrats are up to something. But no one expected them to show the world.

But now, Jill Biden has exposed the Democrats’ secret plan on live TV.

First Lady Jill Biden took center stage on ABC’s “The View,” using her appearance to fan the flames of fear over what might happen if her husband, President Joe Biden, were to lose his re-election bid in November.

The visit highlighted the left’s ongoing anxiety about a potential return of former President Donald Trump to the White House.

Cohost Joy Behar initiated the discussion by dismissing concerns about President Biden’s competency, echoing a familiar defense from the left.

Behar praised Biden, asserting that he was “right on top of it” and “alert” when they met, pushing back against claims that the President is not fit to continue in office.

Jill Biden, echoing Behar’s sentiments, defended her husband’s physical and mental fitness, noting that he works out daily.

She countered the criticism of his age by pointing out that Trump, nearly the same age as Biden, does not face the same scrutiny despite some public figures, like comedian Bill Maher, suggesting that Trump presents as much younger than Biden.

Behar, known for her disdain for Trump, took a jab at the former president, describing him as “doddering” and incapable of forming coherent sentences. This comment drew laughter from the audience and highlighted the left’s continuing effort to undermine Trump’s credibility.

The discussion then turned to the importance of debates. Cohost Sara Haines emphasized their significance, suggesting that guardrails should be in place to manage Trump’s conduct.

Notably absent from her remarks was any acknowledgment of the fact that during the first 2020 presidential debate, Biden was the first to interrupt and engage in name-calling, setting a combative tone for the encounter.

The First Lady’s most striking comments came as she expressed deep concerns about the potential implications of a Trump victory, particularly regarding the Supreme Court.

She warned of dire consequences if Trump were able to appoint another justice, reflecting the Democratic Party’s fear of a conservative-majority court reshaping the country’s legal landscape.

“Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court?” Biden asked with palpable alarm. “No! We will lose all of our rights! So we’re talking about women’s rights, gay rights … we will lose all our rights and freedoms.”

Her remarks underscore a broader strategy by Democrats to use fear as a tool to rally their base.

The message is clear: a Trump victory would spell disaster for progressive causes and roll back rights that the left holds dear.

This rhetoric is designed to energize Democratic voters by painting a picture of an America on the brink of losing fundamental freedoms if Republicans gain more power.

However, this strategy also reveals a significant weakness. By focusing on fear and negativity, the Biden campaign risks alienating moderate voters who are tired of the hyper-partisan atmosphere and are looking for a positive vision for the future.

Instead of offering concrete solutions to pressing issues like inflation, crime, and border security, the campaign appears to be doubling down on the narrative that a Trump presidency is the ultimate threat to American democracy.

This fear-mongering approach is a diversion from the administration’s failures.

Under Biden’s leadership, the country has faced numerous challenges, from a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan to rising crime rates in major cities, to a border crisis that shows no signs of abating.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Shocking Democrat betrayal has shattered Biden’s chances

The Radical Left knows that Joe Biden’s White House chances are slim. And they cannot afford to lose any support.

But now, a shocking Democrat betrayal has shattered Biden’s chances.

In a surprising development, President Joe Biden will not have the backing of a key Democrat official in a critical Michigan battleground county as he campaigns for reelection.

This underscores the growing problems Biden faces within his own party just six months before the 2024 presidential election.

Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel, a prominent Democrat in Michigan, revealed to Detroit News columnist Noal Finley on Monday that he does not intend to vote in the upcoming presidential election.

Hackel expressed his dissatisfaction with both Biden and former President Donald Trump, saying he cannot support either candidate.

“I don’t have an interest in voting for president, and I feel disappointed by that,” Hackel stated. “I dislike both candidates. All they do is talk negatively about each other, instead of talking about themselves and their ideas.”

Hackel made it clear that he would not campaign for Biden, leaving the decision to the voters of Macomb County.

“I won’t work for him. I’ll let the people of Macomb make their own choice. I’m not voting for anyone just because a political party tells me I have to,” he added.

This revelation from Hackel is particularly concerning for the Biden campaign.

Democrat consultant Adolph Mongo told Finley that Hackel’s decision “hurts Biden” and means “Democrats will have to put a lot more resources” into Macomb County.

Mongo noted Hackel’s moderate stance as a reason for his lack of support for either major party candidate.

Macomb County, located in the southeastern part of Michigan, is the state’s third-largest county by population, with close to 900,000 residents.

It has been a pivotal region in recent elections, with the presidential candidate winning the county in three of the last four elections also winning the state and the White House.

In 2016, Trump won Macomb County by double digits, after former President Barack Obama had secured it in 2008 and 2012 by margins of 8.6 percent and 4 percent, respectively.

However, in 2020, despite Trump carrying the county by eight points, Biden won the state and the electoral college.

Hackel’s refusal to support Biden comes amid increasing dissatisfaction among Democrat voters in Michigan and other critical states. The “uncommitted” movement, which began with the Listen to Michigan campaign, reflects growing discontent with Biden’s handling of key issues like the Israel-Hamas conflict.

This movement has seen over 500,000 Democratic primary voters nationally cast protest votes against Biden, with more than 100,000 of these coming from Michigan alone.

This significant number of uncommitted votes poses a considerable threat to Biden’s reelection prospects.

For context, the 101,430 uncommitted votes in Michigan are approaching the 154,188-vote margin that separated Trump and Biden in the state in 2020.

The potential for these uncommitted voters to stay home in the general election could severely impact Biden’s chances in crucial swing states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Adding to Biden’s challenges, a Muslim activist group called Abandon Biden has been organizing efforts in Michigan and eight other swing states to prevent Biden from securing a second term.

This group is driven by what they describe as Biden’s enabling of mass civilian casualties in Gaza, reflecting broader dissatisfaction with his foreign policy among certain voter blocs.

The Biden administration faces mounting pressure to address these internal party fractures and regain the support of disillusioned Democrats.

The upcoming months will be critical as the president attempts to unify his base and present a compelling case for his reelection amidst growing dissent and dissatisfaction.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump prosecutor sued over attacks on Americans

The Left claims that the DOJ has not been weaponized against Americans. But the facts show otherwise.

And now a top trump prosecutor has been sued for attacking Americans.

New York Attorney General Letitia James faces a new legal challenge this month as she is being sued for her aggressive targeting of pro-life organizations in the state.

The lawsuit, brought forth by the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA), Gianna’s House, and Options Care Center, accuses James of violating the First Amendment through her legal actions against 11 crisis pregnancy centers and Heartbeat International. These pro-life groups are represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

The crux of the lawsuit revolves around James’ ongoing efforts to suppress the dissemination of information regarding the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) protocol, which pro-life advocates argue is a critical option for women who regret initiating a chemical abortion.

“Many women regret their abortions, and some seek to stop the effects of chemical abortion drugs before taking the second drug in the abortion drug process. Taking supplemental progesterone at that time can often save their baby’s life,” said ADF Legal Counsel Gabriella McIntyre.

“The New York attorney general, however, is doing everything she can to deny women the freedom to make that choice.”

James’ legal actions target a dozen pro-life ministries over their support and promotion of the APR protocol.

This protocol involves administering a prescribed dose of bioidentical progesterone to potentially counteract the effects of mifepristone, the first drug in the abortion pill regimen, thereby saving the unborn child if a woman decides to continue her pregnancy.

Pro-life groups argue that this method is a vital lifeline for women who have second thoughts after starting a chemical abortion.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York, highlights the story of a woman who was able to save her baby thanks to the APR protocol after beginning an abortion.

The complaint asserts that despite James’ claims of supporting women’s choice, her actions effectively deprive women of the opportunity to reverse their decision and continue their pregnancies.

“Despite saying that she supports women’s choice, the Attorney General seeks to deprive women who change their mind and want to continue their pregnancies, or who are coerced or tricked into a chemical abortion, of truthful information about progesterone treatment, a safe option that has been used by obstetrician-gynecologists to help maintain pregnancies for decades,” the lawsuit states.

The suit demands that James be barred from applying New York business law in a way that targets pro-life groups advocating for the APR protocol.

“New York is intentionally denying women the freedom to continue their pregnancies by censoring those who promote it. They are forcing women to follow through with an abortion—even if they don’t want to,” said Thomas Glessner, president and founder of NIFLA.

“How does it even remotely make sense to trust women with their medical decisions if you are actively trying to hide scientifically-based information from them? It makes no sense, nor is it legal.”

This lawsuit is the latest in a series of legal and political battles that have ensued since the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

In the aftermath of this landmark ruling, pregnancy centers across the nation have faced increased scrutiny and attacks from Democrat lawmakers and pro-abortion activists.

Attorney General Letitia James has been particularly vocal and active in her efforts to clamp down on pro-life organizations, arguing that they engage in deceptive practices.

However, many people argue that her actions amount to a politically motivated crusade against groups that provide vital services and information to women in crisis.

James’ aggressive stance against pro-life groups raises significant concerns about the suppression of free speech and the right of organizations to provide alternative information and support to women.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

The Biden White House got caught selling secrets and now all hell is breaking loose


The D.C. Swamp runs deeper than you could ever imagine. And next to no one cares about this country.

Now the Biden White House got caught selling secrets and all hell is breaking loose.

The problem with Washington is that it doesn’t matter what you do, it’s who you know.

You could commit terrible crimes, but if you’re part of the “in crowd,” then you’re good to go.

This is blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain, but sometimes lower level bureaucrats think they’re untouchable.

What they don’t realize is their superiors are willing to sacrifice them on the altar to cover their own tracks.

And one Biden lackey is learning that the hard way.

A congressional investigation into President Biden’s suspended special envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, has turned up evidence that the State Department official may have communicated sensitive information with others outside the U.S. government.

According to people briefed on the investigation, Malley, who was quietly placed on unpaid leave in June and had his security clearance suspended two months prior, shared sensitive documents with allies in order to “advance his diplomatic efforts” in Tehran.

According to the publication, Republican legislators have uncovered that Malley downloaded approximately a dozen papers, including some marked “sensitive” and “classified,” to his personal devices while leading the Biden administration’s diplomatic relations with the U.S. foe.

The records apparently included “detailed notes” of his interactions with Iranian officials in the months leading up to his suspension, as well as information about the U.S. government’s response to the 2022 Mahsa Amini demonstrations in Iran.

Earlier this month, the top Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees pressed the State Department to confirm “troubling allegations” that Malley kept classified information on his personal email account and cellphone, which was later accessed by a “hostile cyber actor.”

“Specifically, we understand that Mr. Malley’s security clearance was suspended because he allegedly transferred classified documents to his personal email account and downloaded these documents to his personal cell phone,” Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranking member James Risch (R-Idaho) and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) wrote in a May 6 letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

“It is unclear to whom he intended to provide these documents, but it is believed that a hostile cyber actor was able to gain access to his email and/or phone and obtain the downloaded information,” the legislators stated at the time.

A State agency official told The Post at the time that Malley is still on leave and that the agency has provided Congress with information on personnel inquiries about Iran policy, but declined to comment on the particular charges made by Risch and McCaul.

In 2015, the FBI launched a criminal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for similar actions to the claims against Malley.

Clinton was discovered to have stored tens of thousands of emails from her time at the State Department on various unsecured private servers, including 81 email chains that discussed classified information and seven that referred to classified material determined to be Top Secret/Special Access Program level.

The FBI concluded that Clinton was “extremely careless” and that hostile actors may have gotten access to her personal email account, but she was not charged with a crime.

Malley is currently being investigated by the FBI, according to McCaul and Risch.

The FBI and State Department did not immediately return requests for comment.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.