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Supreme Court justice issues chilling warning regarding nationwide attacks

The Radical Left has allowed our great nation to fall far from what it once was. And now they have allowed the unspeakable to happen.

And a Supreme Court justice has issued a chilling warning regarding nationwide attacks.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, in a powerful commencement speech at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio, issued a stark warning about the erosion of fundamental American liberties, particularly highlighting the grave threats to freedom of speech and religious freedom on college campuses across the nation.

Alito described a disturbing trend on these campuses, once the bedrock of free expression and reasoned debate, which now increasingly serve as echo chambers of ideological and Radical conformity.

He noted, “Troubled waters are slamming against some of our most fundamental principles,” underscoring the perilous decline of support for core constitutional values in the very institutions meant to champion them.

“Support for freedom of speech is declining dangerously, especially where it should find deepest acceptance,” Alito lamented, pointing to the irony of institutions of higher learning becoming less tolerant of diverse viewpoints.

The Justice highlighted recent events, such as the widespread anti-Israel protests on campuses, which have not only stifled free speech but also aggressively suppressed any dissenting voices.

These movements, according to Alito, threaten not just the academic integrity of these institutions but also the broader democratic fabric of American society, which relies on open and free discourse to thrive.

Furthermore, Alito expressed deep concern over the state of religious freedom in America, a foundation stone of American identity and liberty.

Addressing the graduates, many of whom hold strong religious convictions, Alito cautioned, “When you venture out into the world, you may well find yourself in a job or a community or a social setting when you will be pressured to endorse ideas you don’t believe or to abandon core beliefs. It will be up to you to stand firm.”

This warning resonates in a culture where religious individuals increasingly find themselves marginalized for their beliefs, especially when those beliefs clash with prevailing secular norms.

Alito criticized the labeling of traditional religious adherents as “bigots,” a tactic that not only silences but also demonizes vital religious perspectives.

He pointed to the societal trend of aggressive secularism that seeks to push religious life to the margins of public discourse, effectively chilling the free exercise of religion through social and sometimes legal pressures.

Justice Alito’s speech at Franciscan University was not merely ceremonial but a clarion call to action for all who value the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution.

His remarks serve as a reminder of the vigilance required to safeguard these liberties against encroaching forces that seek to reshape the foundational principles of American life.

The graduates were left with a solemn charge: to be defenders of freedom, standing courageously against a tide of intolerance and suppression that threatens to undermine the very principles that define and distinguish the United States.

In an era marked by contentious political and cultural battles, Alito’s words underscore the essential role of informed and principled citizens in preserving the liberties we hold dear.

His poignant reflections on the state of the nation’s cherished freedoms are a reminder that the battle for the heart and soul of America continues unabated, requiring each generation to rise to the defense of our constitutional rights.

We must continue fighting for our freedoms even while the Radical Left tries to take them away.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden suffers a devastating betrayal that could change his election chances

Biden and the Left know that they have to win in November. And they need all of the support that they can get if they hope to beat Trump.

But now, Biden has suffered a devastating betrayal that could change his election chances.

CNN host Erin Burnett recently conducted an interview with President Joe Biden, probing him on his administration’s handling of the economy.

The interview, striking in its directness, comes at a critical time, just months before the 2024 presidential election, where Biden’s economic track record has become a central issue.

Burnett opened the interview by laying out the stark realities facing American voters, noting that the economy remains their top concern.

She cited significant economic indicators that paint a grim picture of Biden’s tenure:

“The cost of buying a home in the United States is double what it was, when you look at your monthly costs, from before the pandemic. Real income, when you account for inflation, is actually down since you took office, economic growth last week far short of expectations,” Burnett said.

Additionally, she pointed out that consumer confidence is hovering near a two-year low, questioning Biden on whether he is concerned about his diminishing time to enact meaningful change before voters head to the polls.

President Biden’s response was a false claim of success, asserting that he had already turned the situation around, despite the worsening conditions in the areas Burnett highlighted.

This assertion seemed to disconnect from the economic realities many Americans are currently experiencing, including increased financial strain and a lack of new, sustainable job opportunities post-pandemic.

Significantly, Burnett brought up the Biden administration’s American Rescue Plan, highlighting its role in triggering the highest inflation spike in four decades—a critical point that Biden did not directly address during the interview.

This inflation has profoundly impacted American families and businesses, squeezing budgets and diminishing purchasing power.

During the interview, Burnett also pressed Biden on the disappointing GDP growth, a point which Biden contested.

However, he did not address the concern that many of the jobs counted in his administration’s success stats were not new opportunities but rather positions that people returned to as pandemic restrictions eased.

The conversation turned tense when discussing the sharp rise in grocery prices under Biden’s watch, which has translated into real day-to-day pain for average Americans.

Biden attributed these price hikes to “corporate greed,” a stance he reiterated as the cause of economic distress.

“That’s corporate greed. That’s corporate greed,” Biden repeated. “And we have got to deal with it. And that’s what I’m working on.”

This explanation does not satisfy voters who are experiencing daily financial pressures and looking for immediate and effective relief that extends beyond regulatory measures.

Erin Burnett’s pointed questions during the CNN interview brought to the forefront the critical challenges and discrepancies in the Biden administration’s economic policies.

The discussion highlighted a significant gap between the administration’s assessment of the economic situation and the palpable realities faced by the electorate.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the economy is set to be a battleground issue.

Biden’s assertions of success in the face of widespread economic discontent may play a crucial role in shaping voter perceptions and confidence in his leadership.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New report details terrifying FBI secret

The Radical Left has many secrets that they try to keep from the American people. But this might just be one of the worst.

And a new report has detailed a chilling FBI secret.

A recent report spearheaded by former assistant FBI director Mark Morgan and attorney Sean Kennedy reveals significant discrepancies in the FBI’s reporting of violent crime statistics for the year 2023, suggesting a potential crisis in public safety and flaws in the criminal justice system in the United States.

Titled “Assessing America’s Crime Crises: Trends, Causes, and Consequences,” the report argues that crime in the US has not only risen but is considerably worse than official statistics suggest.

According to the findings, despite preliminary data from the FBI indicating a decrease in crime over the past few years, the reality is starkly different.

The authors of the report use a compelling metaphor to describe the misleading nature of current crime statistics:

“To say crime is down is like descending from a tall peak and standing on a high bluff, saying you are closer to the ground – a true but misleading statement.”

This underreporting of crime figures has major implications for public perception and policy.

A Gallup poll from March 2024 underscores the severity of public concern, showing that nearly 80 percent of Americans worry about crime and violence to a significant extent, placing it on par with other major concerns like inflation and immigration.

Kennedy, in an interview with Fox News Digital, pointed out critical issues with the FBI’s data collection methods, particularly following the George Floyd protests in 2020.

Many police departments, he noted, began reclassifying certain violent crimes, effectively reducing the reported rates of serious offenses.

“If you classify something as an aggravated assault, it’s a violent crime or a felony, but if you classify it as a simple assault, it’s then a misdemeanor and a non-violent crime,” Kennedy explained.

This change in classification significantly impacts how crime data is perceived by the public and portrayed in the media.

Furthermore, the report highlights a growing reluctance among businesses and individuals to report criminal activities.

Many believe that police response times are too slow to justify the effort of reporting, leading to an even greater underestimation of true crime rates.

Kennedy criticized the uncritical acceptance of FBI crime data, which often comes with numerous caveats that are not adequately communicated to the public.

“FBI data is taken as gospel truth when the FBI itself puts a series of footnotes all over their own data,” he stated.

The report also blames the rise in crime on “soft-on-crime” policies implemented in many Democrat-led cities.

These initiatives, according to the report, have contributed to a deterioration of law and order, prompting calls from the public for enhanced law enforcement and stricter criminal penalties.

The researchers point out that these policy failures not only exacerbate the crime situation but also erode public trust in the ability of local governments and law enforcement agencies to protect their citizens.

The “Assessing America’s Crime Crises” report serves as a critical examination of the current state of crime and public safety in the United States.

It calls for a reassessment of how crime data is collected, reported, and understood by policymakers and the public.

As the 2024 election approaches, the findings of this report could play a significant role in shaping discussions around national security and criminal justice reforms, potentially influencing voter sentiment and public policy at both the state and federal levels.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New discovery in Stormy Daniels case could completely change the outcome

The Radical Left will use anything they can to prosecute Trump even if it is bogus. But now something is happening that has Democrats worried.

Because a new discovery in the Stormy Daniels case could completely change the outcome.

Michael Avenatti, the former attorney for adult film actress Stormy Daniels, has made serious allegations against Daniels, accusing her of falsifying business records and engaging in fraud.

Avenatti’s allegations center on Daniels’ efforts to evade paying legal fees owed to former President Donald Trump, following a court ruling.

These claims raise questions about potential legal action by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is currently prosecuting Trump in a high-profile case.

In a detailed statement posted on social media platform X, Avenatti claimed that Daniels colluded with documentary producers to obscure payments she received for her participation in a film that he described as a “puff piece” aimed to disparage both him and Trump.

Avenatti stated, “Will DA Bragg pursue charges against her for falsification of business records, fraud, etc.?”

Avenatti recounted an interaction with Sarah Gibson, a producer for the documentary, alleging that Gibson openly admitted to devising a payment scheme to help Daniels avoid making court-ordered payments to Trump.

“To say that I was shocked when I was told this would be an understatement,” Avenatti expressed, recounting his surprise upon learning that the producers and Daniels had allegedly engaged in criminal acts including wire fraud and fraudulent transfers, purportedly to defraud Trump and dodge legal financial obligations.

The backdrop to these accusations includes a 2023 court order requiring Daniels to pay $120,000 in legal fees to Trump following an unsuccessful defamation suit she filed against him.

Daniels publicly stated she would rather face jail than comply with the payment order, highlighting her defiance and the contentious nature of her legal battles with Trump.

Currently, Daniels is involved in another legal drama as she testifies in New York City in a case initiated by DA Bragg.

The case concerns payments made by Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, which were allegedly intended to prevent Daniels from disclosing details of an affair with Trump—a claim she has previously denied but has now, according to her testimony, rehearsed for the trial.

Avenatti’s call for Bragg to prosecute Daniels for similar crimes to those alleged against Trump points to potential inconsistencies in legal accountability.

This situation raises broader questions about the fairness and impartiality of the judicial process, particularly in high-profile cases entangled with political implications.

The allegations by Avenatti suggest a misuse of legal and financial maneuvers to sidestep judicial rulings, which could undermine public trust in the legal system if not addressed.

The implication that documentary producers might also be involved in these schemes adds another layer of complexity, suggesting that the manipulation of business records could be part of a broader strategy to influence public perception and legal outcomes.

The direct call out to DA Bragg to pursue charges underscores the polarized nature of these legal entanglements and the high stakes for all parties involved.

Will the Radical Left justice system pursue charges against Stormy Daniels the same way they are prosecuting Trump?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Republican AG makes shocking demand of Biden administration that has Democrats scared

While the Radical Left has been doing everything they can to attack Trump, America has been fighting back. And now, things are not going so well for the Left.

And a Republican AG has made a shocking demand of the Biden administration that has Democrats scared.

In a shocking move highlighting concerns about potential political motivations behind the legal challenges facing former President Donald Trump, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has taken a significant step toward scrutinizing the involvement of the Biden Administration’s Justice Department.

On Thursday, Bailey filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request aimed at uncovering any communications that might suggest coordination between the Biden DOJ and the prosecutors who have brought charges against Trump.

This FOIA request specifically targets correspondence related to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General Letitia James, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

These figures have been central in various legal actions against Trump, actions that many people argue reflect a broader strategy of politically motivated prosecution rather than a pursuit of justice based on evidence.

Andrew Bailey’s initiative stems from mounting evidence suggesting that these prosecutions could be part of a coordinated effort led by the Biden Administration to sideline Trump, particularly poignant given Trump’s active campaign for a return to the presidency in 2024.

Bailey articulated these concerns in a series of posts on X, stating, “Thanks to evidence that has come to light, my office has reason to believe Biden’s corrupt Department of Justice is the headquarters of the illicit prosecutions against President Trump.”

One of the most striking examples Bailey cited is the transition of Matthew Colangelo, the third-highest-ranking member of the Department of Justice, to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in December 2022.

This move is seen by many as a direct effort to bolster legal actions against Trump, leveraging federal experience and authority in a local prosecutorial role.

Bailey pointed out, “During his campaign, Bragg promised ‘if elected, [he] would go after Trump.’ Once elected, he pledged ‘to personally focus on the high-profile probe into former President Donald Trump’s business practices.'”

These statements, according to Bailey, suggest a preconceived plan to target Trump, irrespective of the underlying legal merits.

The Missouri Attorney General’s request includes a broad spectrum of documents: emails, calendar entries, meeting notes, and other communications that could shed light on the extent of coordination between the DOJ and the offices of the aforementioned prosecutors.

This information is crucial for assessing whether the legal actions against Trump are being driven by legitimate legal concerns or are a manifestation of political bias and targeting.

Bailey’s pursuit of this information is not merely a bureaucratic exercise; it speaks to the heart of American principles of justice and the need for transparency in actions taken by governmental authorities, especially when such actions have deep political and personal implications.

The timing of the charges against Trump, their nature, and the potential impact on his presidential campaign raise questions about the fairness and independence of the prosecutorial process.

The implications of Bailey’s FOIA request are profound.

Should evidence of undue coordination or political motivations behind the prosecutions come to light, it could significantly impact public trust in the impartiality of the Justice Department and the integrity of the legal processes at play.

Moreover, it could provide crucial ammunition for Trump’s defense, potentially influencing the outcomes of his legal battles and his political future.

As this situation unfolds, the responses to the FOIA request and any resulting disclosures will be closely watched by politicians, legal experts, and the general public.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Biden’s newest debate comments have Americans shocked

Donald Trump has been trying to get Biden to debate him for months now, but the corrupt and senile President has refused. But now, people cannot believe what Biden just said.

And Biden’s newest debate comments have Americans shocked.

In a recent development that has sparked considerable discussion among political circles, a spokesperson for President Joe Biden has confirmed that Biden will face former President Donald Trump in a debate.

This confirmation comes after prolonged hesitation and widespread speculation about Biden’s willingness to engage directly with Trump, who has been actively challenging Biden to justify his policies and record on the national stage.

Speaking on MSNBC, Biden’s spokesperson, Adrienne Elrod, stated, “President Biden has made it very clear he will be debating Donald Trump.”

This statement was seen as a long-overdue acknowledgment given Biden’s previous avoidance of firm commitments to debate Trump, who has been a vocal critic of Biden’s administration and its policies.

Elrod attempted to contrast Biden’s presidency against Trump’s legal engagements, suggesting that while Trump was “sitting in a courtroom all week,” Biden was busy “delivering on promises.”

However, this portrayal overlooks the substantial achievements of Trump’s administration, particularly in areas like the economy, immigration, and foreign policy—sectors where many Americans feel Biden has faltered or failed to maintain Trump’s momentum.

The necessity of the debate is underscored by polling in key swing states, where Biden’s performance lags as voters compare his tenure unfavorably against Trump’s proactive and more successful policies.

Trump’s administration is frequently cited by his supporters as having had a clear and effective approach to governance, particularly in handling economic growth and international relations, areas where Biden has faced significant criticism.

The strategic approach of the Biden campaign, as outlined by Elrod, involves using Trump’s own words against him in a paid media strategy.

However, this tactic may prove to be a double-edged sword, as Trump’s straightforward, often blunt rhetoric is what endears him to his base, who view his speech not as divisive but as refreshingly candid.

Trump has expressed a robust eagerness to debate Biden, stating, “ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE!”

This readiness highlights Trump’s proactive stance and contrasts sharply with Biden’s more reserved and reactive approach.

Trump’s statement emphasized the importance of debating critical issues, saying, “It is important, for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate Issues that are so vital to America, and the American People.”

The timing of the debate is problematic, with the first debate scheduled after early voting begins, a scenario that Trump and many Americans find unacceptable.

They argue it deprives voters of the opportunity to make an informed decision based on a direct comparison of the candidates’ platforms.

As the Biden administration finally moves forward with debate preparations, there is a palpable sense of urgency and anticipation.

Many Americans are keen to see Trump challenge Biden on various fronts, expecting that a direct debate will expose weaknesses in Biden’s policies and underscore what they see as a leadership deficit in the current administration.

The upcoming debate is more than a political event; it is a pivotal moment that could define the trajectory of the next presidential election.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

FBI makes bold move amidst election interference claims, and Dems are scared

During a time when election integrity is of utmost importance, many people have become skeptical of the Left. But now, they are being held accountable.

And the FBI has made a bold move in the middle of election interference claims, and Democrats are scared.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has restarted its communications with major social media companies, focusing on countering ‘disinformation’ as the United States gears up for the 2024 presidential election.

This move, revealed by Senator Mark Warner during a briefing at the RSA Conference, comes amidst a backdrop of heightened scrutiny over the interactions between federal agencies and social media platforms, especially in light of the ongoing Supreme Court case, Murthy v. Missouri.

Senator Warner, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, highlighted that these resumed discussions are part of a broader initiative to safeguard the upcoming election from foreign interference and misinformation campaigns.

The timing of these renewed communications coincides with judicial developments that suggest a potential endorsement of the executive branch’s ability to engage in voluntary communications with these platforms.

The Murthy v. Missouri case, currently under consideration by the Supreme Court, centers on allegations that prior to the 2020 presidential election, federal agencies exerted undue pressure on social media platforms to censor content related to COVID-19 vaccines.

The outcome of this case is likely to have significant implications for the boundaries of government interaction with private companies regarding content moderation.

During the briefing, Warner expressed concerns that White House lawyers have been overly cautious in their interpretations of the Supreme Court’s stance, potentially hampering necessary actions against disinformation.

He emphasized the importance of the Biden administration taking a proactive stance in calling out foreign entities suspected of attempting to meddle in U.S. elections.

Looking forward, Senator Warner announced that his committee would be holding a hearing on election security in two weeks.

This hearing is expected to address not only the traditional aspects of election security but also the emerging threats posed by advancements in artificial intelligence.

Warner warned of potential AI-driven tools that could be used to threaten election officials in key communities, categorizing such actions as foreign interference.

In response to inquiries from The Federalist, the FBI confirmed the renewed engagement with social media firms.

An FBI spokesperson stated, “The FBI remains committed to combatting foreign malign influence operations, including in connection with our elections. That effort includes sharing specific foreign threat information with state and local election officials and private sector companies when appropriate and rigorously consistent with the law.”

The spokesperson further clarified, “In coordination with the Department of Justice, the FBI recently implemented procedures to facilitate sharing information about foreign malign influence with social media companies in a way that reinforces that private companies are free to decide on their own whether and how to take action on that information.”

These developments signal the increase in caution regarding election interference during a time when the Radical Left is doing everything they can to control the narrative and push their propaganda.

The engagement between government agencies and social media platforms is pivotal in ensuring a secure electoral process, yet it must be conducted transparently and within the bounds of the law to maintain public trust and the integrity of democratic institutions.

As the 2024 election approaches, the actions taken by federal agencies, the decisions of the Supreme Court, and the policies adopted by social media companies will be critical in shaping the information environment in which voters will make their decisions.

We must demand fair and honesty elections in which the American people can decide who will become the next President regardless of what the Liberal media and Radical Left try to force on us.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Updates in Trump’s Fulton County case could see corrupt DA removed

The Radical Left thinks that they can do whatever they want to silence and oppose Trump. But it is proving to be much more difficult than they thought.

And updates in Trump’s Fulton County case could see the corrupt DA removed.

The Georgia Court of Appeals has taken up former President Donald Trump’s challenge to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from overseeing his election interference case.

In March, Judge Scott McAfee ruled against Trump’s initial motion to have Willis removed from the case, stating that while there was an “appearance of impropriety” due to Willis’s past relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, there wasn’t sufficient evidence of a conflict of interest directly affecting the case.

Trump’s legal team, however, has raised serious concerns about Willis’s impartiality, suggesting that her previous romantic and financial interactions with Wade might have compromised her judgment.

The issue began when allegations surfaced that Willis and Wade were involved romantically prior to his appointment as a special prosecutor in 2021, and that they had taken vacations together, which were financially intertwined.

Both Willis and Wade have denied these allegations, asserting that their relationship started only after Wade’s hiring and that they equally shared the costs of their travels.

Despite these denials, the optics of reimbursing travel expenses in cash and the lack of documentary evidence raised eyebrows in the courtroom and beyond.

Trump’s attorney, Steve Sadow, expressed optimism about the appeal, stating, “President Trump looks forward to presenting interlocutory arguments to the Georgia Court of Appeals as to why the case should be dismissed and Fulton County DA Willis should be disqualified for her misconduct in this unjustified, unwarranted political persecution.”

The timing for the court’s review has not yet been established.

The core of the controversy rests on whether Willis’s actions, particularly her past personal relationship with Wade, who resigned after the allegations came to light, might influence her prosecutorial decisions.

During a two-day evidentiary hearing in February, Trump’s defense aimed to establish a financial motive that could indicate a conflict of interest, suggesting that the financial benefits flowing from her relationship with Wade could be construed as a motivating factor in the decision to prosecute.

Judge McAfee’s order from March highlighted the challenge in proving such a conflict, noting that while Willis’s practice of reimbursing travel expenses was unusual and concerning, there was not enough evidence to demonstrate that expenses weren’t split fairly.

Nevertheless, he acknowledged the public perception issue, stating, “reasonable members of the public could easily be left to wonder whether the financial exchanges have continued resulting in some form of benefit to the District Attorney, or even whether the romantic relationship has resumed.”

This perception of potential bias is critical in legal proceedings, where the integrity of the judicial process must be beyond reproach.

McAfee expressed concern that as long as Wade remained involved, the perception of impropriety would persist, potentially undermining public confidence in the fairness of the prosecution.

Further complicating matters, testimony from Robin Yeartie, a former close associate of Willis and past employee at the DA’s office, contradicted the timeline Willis and Wade presented, claiming their relationship began in 2019.

This testimony suggests a deeper timeline of involvement which could influence the appeals court’s review.

The case against Trump and 18 co-defendants led by Willis’s office involves serious charges under sweeping racketeering statutes, highlighting the high stakes of the legal and ethical questions at play.

The outcome of the appeal could have profound implications not only for Trump and his co-defendants but also for the future of the legal system in America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat appointee under Biden faces serious criminal probe

The Radical Left likes to act like only their political opponents ever do anything wrong. But now, they are caught in a serious scandal.

Because a Democrat appointee under Biden is facing a serious criminal probe.

Top Republican members of Congress this week disclosed concerning allegations against President Joe Biden’s now-suspended special envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, who is under federal criminal investigation.

These allegations claim Malley mishandled classified documents and may have been involved with an Iranian spy ring, raising serious national security concerns.

Malley, who has been a central figure in U.S. negotiations with Iran under both the Obama and Biden administrations, is accused of transferring sensitive material to his personal email and cellphone.

This misconduct led to his security clearance being suspended, as noted in a letter from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member James Risch (R-ID) and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The letter criticized the State Department’s responsiveness and stressed the need for thorough oversight.

The Republicans’ letter revealed, “Specifically, we understand that Mr. Malley’s security clearance was suspended because he allegedly transferred classified documents to his personal email account and downloaded these documents to his personal cell phone.”

The letter further suggested that these documents were potentially accessed by hostile foreign actors, although it did not specify the intended recipients of the classified materials.

This situation was brought to light following a report by Tablet Magazine last October, which connected Malley to an alleged Iranian spy ring.

The article claimed this ring was actively trying to shift U.S. policy to favor Iran, starting as far back as 2014 with the creation of the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI).

This group, reportedly linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)—a terrorist organization—and Iran’s then-Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, aimed to recruit Iranians living abroad to influence U.S. policy favorably towards Iran, particularly concerning the nuclear deal.

The Tablet report described how Iranian American academics were recruited by the Iranian regime, met in foreign countries to receive instructions from top regime officials, and pledged their loyalty to the regime.

The report implicated Malley in supporting and advancing the efforts of these operatives, both inside and outside of government.

Retired CIA analyst Peter Theroux, cited in the Tablet article, emphasized the depth of this alleged spy network’s integration into U.S. policy-making.

“This is how recruited assets speak to their handling officers,” Theroux noted, highlighting the strategic placement of these assets within the U.S. government.

Further complicating matters, in January 2022, three U.S. officials resigned from the team negotiating with Iran, citing disagreements with Malley’s approach to sanctions.

According to Gabriel Noronha, a former official in the State Department, Malley and his team allegedly funneled billions of dollars to Iran through relaxed sanctions enforcement, estimating the financial benefit to Iran to be between $50 and $80 billion over two and a half years.

These revelations have led to calls for a rigorous investigation, with McCaul suggesting last summer that Malley may have committed treason.

The implications of these allegations are profound, not only for U.S. foreign policy and national security but also for the integrity of diplomatic negotiations.

As the House Judiciary Committee launches its investigation into Malley’s actions, the scrutiny will focus on how classified information was handled and the extent of any foreign influence on American policy-making.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Newest Trump case development has Democrats panicking

The Radical Left is continuing to do everything they can to take down Trump. But things aren’t going according to their plan.

And now, the newest Trump case development has Democrats panicking.

In a significant development that has sent ripples through political and legal circles, the House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan, has announced plans to investigate allegations of evidence manipulation by the FBI in the case concerning classified documents found at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.

This investigation comes on the heels of startling admissions from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution team regarding the mishandling of crucial evidence.

The controversy began following an FBI raid on Trump’s property in August 2022, during which several classified documents were seized.

Initially, Smith’s team asserted that the evidence was preserved in its original state post-seizure.

However, it was later disclosed that the documents had been altered, with their original order changed, leading to accusations of evidence tampering.

Chairman Jim Jordan has expressed profound concerns regarding the integrity of the Department of Justice, citing what he describes as a lack of commitment to impartial judgment.

In a strongly worded letter to the DOJ, which was obtained by the Daily Mail, Jordan went as far as to accuse the FBI of engaging in actions tantamount to “witness tampering.”

This accusation is anchored in the recent revelations about the condition of the seized documents and is compounded by allegations involving a member of Smith’s team.

According to Jordan’s letter, this team member improperly suggested favorable treatment for Trump aide Walt Nauta’s lawyers in exchange for cooperation with federal authorities.

Jordan’s letter articulates a broader critique of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s handling of the case against the former president, suggesting that these are not isolated incidents but part of a “broader trend of attorneys for Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team violating ethical norms in the persecution of President Trump.”

This statement reflects a growing sentiment among many Republicans that the proceedings against Trump are politically motivated and legally flawed.

In light of these revelations, Jordan has formally requested that the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) at the DOJ brief the Judiciary Committee on the steps being taken to investigate the alleged ethical lapses within Smith’s team.

Furthermore, he has demanded access to documents and communications related to any potential ethics investigations into Smith, as well as explanations for why the evidence in question was manipulated.

The impact of these developments on Trump’s trial, originally scheduled to commence on May 20, has been immediate.

The trial is now postponed, with no new date set by the presiding judge.

This delay underscores the potential ramifications of the evidence handling issues on the legal proceedings.

The unfolding scenario raises significant questions about the fairness and integrity of the prosecution’s case against Trump.

The manipulation of evidence and suggestions of unethical behavior within the Special Counsel’s office not only threatens to undermine the legitimacy of the trial but also fuel concerns about a possible erosion of trust in federal law enforcement and the justice system.

For many Americans, these developments validate longstanding claims of a politicized justice system working against the former president.

As the House Judiciary Committee embarks on its investigation, the stakes are incredibly high, not just for Donald Trump and those directly involved in the case, but for the broader perceptions of justice and political impartiality in America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s newest foreign policy moves are so anti-America even Democrats are furious

Joe Biden seems to hate America. And if it wasn’t clear before, it certainly is now.

Because Biden’s newest foreign policy moves are so anti-America that even Democrats are furious.

The Biden administration released guidelines on Friday for its electric vehicle (EV) tax credit program, which have drawn sharp criticism for loopholes that benefit Chinese car manufacturers.

The program includes exemptions that allow significant use of Chinese materials, despite earlier assurances that the policy would limit dependence on “foreign entities of concern,” particularly China.

Initially, the Biden administration promised that the EV tax credit, part of a broader push to force their climate agenda on everyone, would bolster domestic manufacturing and reduce America’s reliance on adversarial nations for critical supply chain components.

However, the final guidelines reveal carve-outs that many see as a backtrack on these commitments.

Under the new policy, consumers can receive up to $7,500 in tax credits for purchasing a new electric vehicle.

Yet, due to stringent restrictions on where parts like batteries can be sourced, only about 20% of current electric models qualify for this incentive.

Critics argue that these limitations not only stifle consumer choice but also hinder the broader adoption of electric vehicles.

One of the most contentious aspects of the guidelines is a temporary exemption for graphite and synthetic graphite, essential components of lithium-ion batteries.

Since the majority of graphite is sourced from China, this exemption effectively allows Chinese companies to continue supplying American car manufacturers with minimal restrictions.

This decision has sparked outrage among policymakers and the public alike, with accusations that it undermines national security and economic interests in favor of short-term industry gains.

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) expressed his frustration with these guidelines, accusing the Treasury of creating a “long-term pathway” for Chinese involvement in the U.S. supply chain.

“It’s outrageous and illegal,” he stated, reflecting a growing dissatisfaction within his own party and beyond about the administration’s handling of the issue.

This policy not only contradicts the Biden administration’s stated goals of reducing reliance on foreign components but also raises concerns about the influence of lobbying by major automakers like Tesla, General Motors, and Toyota.

These companies have been vocal about the challenges posed by stringent sourcing restrictions, arguing that American suppliers of battery materials are years, if not decades, behind their Chinese counterparts.

Many critics suggest that the administration’s capitulation to industry pressure could compromise national security and economic independence.

John Podesta, senior White House advisor for climate change, defended the administration’s strategy, emphasizing a commitment to transitioning toward electric vehicles as a key component of its climate agenda.

“The direction we’re headed is clear—toward a future where many more Americans drive an EV or a plug-in hybrid and where those vehicles are affordable and made here in America,” Podesta stated.

However, this vision seems compromised by the current policy’s allowances for continued Chinese involvement.

The implications of these guidelines extend beyond environmental and economic concerns, touching on broader geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China.

By allowing Chinese materials to dominate the EV battery market, the Biden administration may bolster China’s strategic position in global supply chains at a time when reducing this dependence should be a priority.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Newest Biden administration plan unveils just how scared they really are

The Radical Left likes to act like they are not scared of Trump. But the truth is very different.

And the Biden administration’s newest plan unveils just how scared they really are.

The Biden administration is on a nationwide tour to convince Americans that the President’s economic policies, branded as “Bidenomics,” are working.

Vice President Kamala Harris is leading the charge in this public relations effort, focusing on key battleground states like Georgia and Michigan, as the economy remains a top concern for voters in the upcoming November elections.

Ken Kollman, director of the University of Michigan’s Center for Political Studies, noted, “The Biden campaign has to be very nervous about turnout problems among potential Democratic voters in Michigan and Georgia.”

Both states were crucial for Biden’s victory in 2020 when he narrowly defeated former President Donald Trump. “It’s likely that every sliver of turnout will matter in these states,” Kollman added.

The administration’s tour is a clear attempt to galvanize Democratic voters, particularly in critical swing states.

“It’s nothing new to quote James Carville’s ‘It’s the economy, stupid’ line, but the economy really consistently does play a major role in determining presidential outcomes,” explained Democratic strategist Kaivan Shroff.

Earlier this week, the White House officially announced the tour, starting with an event in Atlanta and another scheduled for Detroit.

“President Biden and I are committed to creating an economy in which every person has the freedom to thrive,” Harris said in a statement about the tour.

However, Harris’ remarks in Georgia, which targeted primarily Black entrepreneurs and lawmakers, seemed disconnected from the real economic concerns facing most Americans.

While the Biden administration touts legislation on infrastructure and manufacturing, average citizens are struggling with rising costs and economic instability.

Recent polling shows that Trump leads Biden in Georgia, 51% to 45%, highlighting the erosion of support for Biden, even among key Democratic demographics.

“The vice president’s economic opportunity tour is a way for the administration to highlight their actions to promote economic opportunity, especially for minority communities who will play a big role in this year’s election in swing states,” stated David Darmofal, a political scientist at the University of South Carolina.

Despite such attempts, the administration has faced criticism for not addressing the real issues impacting Americans, such as inflation, high gas prices, and diminished take-home pay.

Harris’ tour is also seen as an effort to shore up support in areas where Biden has faced challenges, such as Detroit, where recent polling indicates Trump holds an edge over the President, 49% to 46%.

“The big keys for Biden in Michigan and Georgia are to solidify the base and hold onto one key demographic: educated suburban voters,” said Anthony Michael Kreis, an assistant professor at Georgia State University College of Law.

However, even these traditionally Democratic voters are feeling the pinch of the Biden economy, with concerns over inflation and rising costs.

Michigan Republican strategist Jason Cabel Roe pointed out, “You can’t really dispute how much money Biden has spent trying to prop up the economy, which is why we have a $1.8 trillion deficit, a $35 trillion national debt, and record inflation.”

Roe emphasized that voters are dissatisfied with the current economic climate, criticizing the President for being “a feckless leader who can’t seem to manage anything competently.”

Kyle Kondik, managing editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics, noted that Trump is relying on “nostalgia for the pre-COVID economy,” which resonates with many Americans.

Democratic strategist Max Burns acknowledged that while economic improvements are crucial, positive developments aren’t being felt by average voters.

He highlighted the importance of Biden’s retail politics, but even that may not be enough to sway voters.

In a statement, Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt highlighted the contrast between Biden and Trump’s economic policies, stating, “Under President Trump, inflation was nonexistent, gasoline was cheap, groceries were affordable, and the American Dream was alive and well.”

Leavitt concluded that Michigan and Georgia’s families “cannot afford four more years of Joe Biden.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.