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Joe Biden hit with staggering report that has left him and Democrats terrified


The Radical Left has been trying to keep their stranglehold over America for years now. But things are not going according to their plan.

And now Joe Biden has been hit with a staggering report that has left him and the Democrats terrified.

Joe Biden and the Left have trapped America under their iron fist and are forcing everyone to obey their Radical Agenda.

But while the Left has been successful in destroying this country, they have quickly found out that most Americans hate what they are doing and are now starting to fight back.

Under Joe Biden’s “leadership,” the economy has gone into the toilet, our border security is nonexistent, crime has skyrocketed, the quality of life for millions of Americans is the worst it has ever been, and yet the Radical Left refuses to act on any of this.

Instead of passing bills that will improve the lives of American citizens, it seems like the Left has been passing only bills that hurt Americans and benefit foreigners.

Many of the recent bills from the Left have given free lodging, food, clothing, etc. to illegal immigrants living in this nation all while the average American family struggles with the same things because of Joe Biden.

Other bills see hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars going into foreign countries instead of re-investing into America’s future.

And now, according to a recent poll, the majority of Americans think that what the US is spending on overseas aid is excessive.

This comes as the US Congress just recently authorized a foreign aid package worth $95 billion that will be paid by taxpayers and given to Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine.

In a recent Rasmussen Reports survey, 57% of prospective US voters expressed the opinion that US government spending on international aid is excessive.

In contrast, 23% of respondents felt that the level of foreign spending was about right, while 10% of respondents indicated that it is not enough.

The question the survey asked was, “In general, does the US government spend too much or not enough for foreign aid? Or is the amount of foreign aid spending about right?”

During the period of April 16–18, 1,126 likely US voters participated in the nationwide survey. The sampling error for the margin is +/- 3.

Following a vote in the House on Saturday morning, the $95 billion foreign aid package was passed, and on Tuesday night, the US Senate followed suit.

Israel will get $26 billion, Taiwan will get $8 billion, and Ukraine will receive $61 billion.

Notably, the poll’s results indicate that the US supports funding Israel more than it does Ukraine.

Three questions were asked: two asked about voters’ opinions on spending money in Israel and Ukraine separately, and one asked about total support to foreign countries.

Republicans in particular have voiced dissatisfaction with Congress’s distribution of billions of taxpayer dollars to foreign nations while the border remains unsecured to halt illegal immigration, making foreign aid a divisive topic among American voters.

Congress came under fire for approving the plan even though it did not include money for US southern border security measures.

This election year, the border has become a major concern for Americans.

Rather than supporting the US border, the package gave $300 million to the police and border officials in Ukraine.

How much longer will we allow the Radical Left to steal our money, neglect our country, and give our resources to countries halfway across the world?

We must elect leaders who will prioritize the health and safety of our own nation first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris’ newest remarks have people disgusted and scratching their heads

Like the president, Kamala Harris cannot help but make some of the most outrageous comments ever. But now, this recent incident takes the cake.

Because Kamala Harris’ newest remarks have people disgusted and confused.

Kamala Harris has reiterated her belief that people should not be imprisoned for merely consuming marijuana; this is a very different stance from the one she took when she was the district attorney for San Francisco.

Mercury News reports that Harris oversaw 1,956 convictions connected to cannabis during her tenure as a prosecutor in the Bay Area.

On Thursday, Harris discussed the measures the Biden administration has done to increase the number of people with criminal histories who can apply for Pell grants and small business loans during a roundtable discussion for Second Chance Month.

She highlighted the federal government’s record on both fronts, particularly with regard to those with marijuana-related criminal histories.

“Many Americans who have served their time still face obstacles to their success, and one way for us to remove some of those other obstacles is to issue pardons and commutations,” she said.

She stated, “We have pardoned all people for federal convictions for simple marijuana possession.”

“I just don’t think people should have to go to jail for smoking weed, and these pardons have been issued as an extension of that approach,” she added.

Harris stated that the US needed to be “smarter” about redemption before handing the reins to special guest Kim Kardashian.

In a post published on X five days prior, Harris marked 4/20 by stating that “we must change our nation’s approach to marijuana while reforming the justice system so it finally lives up to its name.” Many were quick to point out her inconsistency.

Frontlines contributor Savanah Hernandez took to X to write, “Kamala posting this like she didn’t build her entire career off of jailing people for this very thing.”

Another user pointed out that Kamala Harris “sent them there.”

Though it’s unclear when a decision will be made, Forbes reports that the Drug Enforcement Agency is reportedly thinking of moving marijuana from its current Schedule I status as a controlled narcotic to Schedule III status.

The American people have been quick to point out the hypocrisy of Harris and they are frustrated with her incompetence and lack of honesty.

Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made comments that make no sense or are completely hypocritical to their past views and beliefs.

How much longer will America keep electing leaders who refuse to abide by the values and morals that this great nation was founded on?

We must hold these politicians accountable for their actions, and we cannot sit idly by as they push their Radical agendas on the world.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Attack on US forces in Middle East has Biden scrambling to protect our troops

Joe Biden’s horrible foreign policies have left US forces open to attack. And now people are rushing to help.

Because an attack on US forces in the Middle East has left Biden scrambling to protect our troops.

This week, terrorists from Palestine opened fire on a pier that American forces are building in the Mediterranean Sea to help transport supplies into the Gaza Strip.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and representatives of the UN were visiting the project off the shore of central Gaza on Wednesday when the mortar attack took place.

While the attack happened, UN officials “entered protected spaces following the instructions of IDF soldiers in the area.”

The IDF said, “The terrorist organizations continue to systematically harm humanitarian efforts while risking the lives of UN workers, while Israel allows the supply of aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip.”

According to The Times of Israel, the U.N. verified that there had been a terrorist incident at the location while they were examining the pier.

Despite the fact that Gaza is home to several Palestinian terrorist organizations, none of them has taken official credit for the attack.

According to the Associated Press, a Hamas representative informed the newspaper that the organization would “resist any foreign military presence involved with the port project.”

According to the report, relief organizations have voiced grave concerns regarding their safety in light of the area’s ongoing hostilities and the existence of terrorist organizations.

Following reports that the attack had partially damaged the area used for the marshaling yard for US humanitarian aid deliveries off the shore of Gaza, the US Department of Defense made a signal on Thursday that it was keeping an eye on the situation.

According to ABC News, President Joe Biden’s proposed pier project in Gaza is anticipated to come at a cost to US taxpayers of about $200 million for a limited period of time.

When the project was announced last month, Biden claimed, “No U.S. boots will be on the ground.”

He added, “A temporary pier will enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day.”

And while getting aid to people who need it is certainly an important thing to do, Biden’s failed foreign policies have left humanitarian workers open to attacks in the process.

One US official, a member of the US military, said that a “number of mortars” caused “damage” in the area of the “marshaling yard area for humanitarian assistance that will soon be delivered by sea.”

This attack once again highlights the danger these terrorist organizations in the Middle East pose to the US and her allies.

The leading Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Roger Wicker (Miss.), reiterated his earlier condemnation of the mission, stating that it was “ill-conceived from the start” as soon as word of the mortar bombardment spread.

Wicker “The risks to Americans will only intensify. President Biden should never have put our men and women in this position, and he should abandon this project immediately before any U.S. troops are injured.”

We must demand our elected leaders take action to ensure the safety of US troops and citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis makes a bold announcement that has supporters celebrating


Ever since Ron DeSantis announced he would be stepping back from the presidential race, DeSantis has been quiet. But he is still one of the greatest conservative leaders in this nation.

And now, DeSantis has made a bold announcement that has his supporters celebrating.

For years now, under the direction and leadership of Ron DeSantis, Florida has held fast to American principles and been a staunch opponent to the agenda of the Radical Left.

And in the midst of a Radical Biden administration, Governor DeSantis has led the charge against the oppression of the Left.

While the nation crumbles around them and gives in to Radical demands, Florida has refused to turn its back on America.

And now, while countless young adults across the nation have started leading mass protests and spewing anti-American rhetoric, Florida has a response.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared this week at a press conference that his state will not put up with demonstrators blocking roads and anti-Semites abusing Jews on college campuses, as some of the photographs that have gone viral this week have shown.

At the press conference, DeSantis said, “You think about what happened when you have these Hamas demonstrators out. They’re taking over bridges and they’re taking over roads.”

“First of all, you don’t have a right to do that. You have someone get stuck in traffic … someone may need to get to a hospital, someone may need to pick up a child somewhere, and you’re just gonna commandeer the road because you have this ideological predilection?” he added.

He then pointed out how his state had addressed these protests in the past, “They tried to do that in Miami and what happened? In 10 minutes, they got dragged off the road where they belong. And we are not gonna tolerate that.”

The governor then spoke about the anti-Semitic demonstrators who this week on college campuses had perpetrated violent crimes against Jews and proclaimed support for terrorist organizations.

DeSantis said, “Some of the stuff with the Hamas, I think, is absurd that someone would go out and demonstrate on that.”

He added, “But when you’re chasing Jewish students around when you’re not letting a Jewish professor enter a building when you’re targeting people like that, that’s not free speech. I mean, that’s harassment, that violates appropriate conduct.”

“And yet at Columbia, at Yale, all these places, those guys, those folks rule the roost,” he continued.

“They do whatever they want, and these administrators and the presidents of these universities are weak, they’re scared, and they don’t do anything.”

However, DeSantis pivoted to highlight what exactly would happen if any radical student tried that in his state:

“You know, you do that in Florida at our universities, we’re showing you the door, you’re gonna be expelled when you’re doing that stuff. And you know what? The minute people start to face consequences, you are not gonna see this nonsense going on,” he emphatically stated.

DeSantis will not put up with the harmful and destructive anti-America agenda of the Radical Left, and he will not tolerate that sort of dangerous behavior in his state.

America needs more leaders like DeSantis who won’t be scared of the Left, and who will fight to protect the American values that this nation was built on.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Radical leader makes horrific anti-American statements that called for death and war


The Left hates America and they have proved that many times. But now, they have crossed a violent and dangerous line.

And a Radical leftist leader has made horrific anti-America statements and called for death and war.

Khymani James, one of the most outspoken student activists spearheading Columbia University’s anti-Israel Gaza Solidarity Encampment, publicly declared in a January live-stream of an official university inquiry that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.”

Live-streaming his appointment with Columbia’s Center for Student Success and Intervention, James—who claims in the hearing that he uses the pronouns “he/she/they”—doubled down on an Instagram post that prompted the investigation.

At the beginning of the meeting, James read aloud from the report, warning Zionists that he “fights to kill” and that they might want to “meet up and fight.”

A Columbia employee asked James during the hearing, “Do you see why that’s problematic in any way?” to which he replied “No.”

James, a junior, has been the outward face of the demonstrations that have drawn attention from across the country as the spokesperson for the Columbia University Apartheid Divestment group.

He was a major organizer of the encampment and seems to still be a student at the institution.

During a press conference on Wednesday, he was among the students who asserted that the school had acknowledged it would not be calling the police to the camp.

James defended his opinion that all Zionists should perish in the social media video he shared of his January encounter with school administrators.

James said, “I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die. And with that being said, Khymani is signed out.”

James said that he “carries that tool” and that he is “moving like I’m in an open carry state” in another post on his publicly accessible social media profile.

James responded that sometimes it is essential to murder people when asked about the seriousness of taking someone’s life.

He said, “I think that taking someone’s life in certain case scenarios is necessary and better for the overall world. I personally have never killed anyone.”

According to James, killing Zionists is akin to killing Hitler or the Haitian rebels who had to “kill their masters in order to gain their independence.”

James said, “These were masters who were white supremacists. What is a Zionist? A white supremacist. So let’s be very clear here, I’m not saying that I’m going to go out and start killing Zionists. What I am saying is that if an individual who identifies as a Zionist threatens my physical safety in person, i.e., puts their hands on me, I am going to defend myself and in that case scenario, it may come to a point where I don’t know when to stop.”

A Columbia employee asked James “I understand what you are saying. What resources do you think you have to make sure that you feel protected as a student here?”

James replied, “My hands and my brains are my resources,” and then later called the meeting “institutional violence.”

At one point during a break in the meeting, James looked at the camera and called the meeting a “joke.”

He was informed he would hear from their office once more when the staff members came back from their break.

What came out of the procedure is unknown. A Columbia University spokesman suggested that there might have been “disciplinary measures” for his behavior after this story’s publication.

The spokesperson said, “While we do not comment on individual cases when there are violations of student conduct policies, they are reviewed and disciplinary measures are applied.”

We cannot tolerate this hatred any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden makes major mistake during recent speech and everyone is concerned


Joe Biden’s mental health has been a topic of great discussion in recent days. And many Americans are worried about his ability to lead this nation.

But now, Joe Biden has made a massive mistake during a recent speech and everyone is concerned.

Over the past few years, Joe Biden has made some extremely bizarre comments that have people scratching their heads to figure out.

But more recently, the comments have either been completely random mumblings or flat-out lies.

From claiming to have met with dead world leaders, to making up ridiculous stories that have been proven countless times to be lies, Joe Biden cannot help but worry people with his remarks.

One issue in particular that Joe Biden seems to have is that he cannot read off of a teleprompter well if at all.

He reads all of the prompts for himself as if they were part of the speech, and says words out loud that are simply meant as cues for himself.

And recently, President Biden committed yet another teleprompter blunder on Wednesday while giving a speech at the Building Trade Union National Legislative Conference in North America.

The president aloud read out cue phrases like “pause,” as if they were meant to be said out loud.

Biden also declared that he felt the urge to physically attack former President Donald J. Trump and urged Americans to reject democracy.

This caused mass outrage especially since the Democratic party claims to support democracy, which is criticized by Republicans because the US was founded as a Constitutional Republic.

The mistake with the teleprompter happened when it seemed to tell Biden to lead a chant of “Four more years.”

Biden addressed the assembly, reading from the teleprompter, “Four more years.” but he said the cue word “pause” immediately after.

In response to Biden, the audience chanted, “Four more years,” as captured on camera.

Social media users shared videos of the president making a teleprompter gaffe, prompting new concerns about Joe Biden’s mental state and suitability for another term in office.

“I’m not confident this guy can last four more months, much less four more years,” a user said on X.

Another used chimed in saying, “Chanting for 4 more years of a dementia patient as your president. How propagandized and brainwashed into the cult do you have to be to do that?”

Unfortunately, this was not the only error made by President Biden in his speech on Wednesday. “Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy?” he posed to the assembled union workers.

Subsequently, Biden informed the gathering that he experienced a strong want to physically attack Donald Trump, his primary political opponent.

“Think about the guys you grew up with that you’d like to get in the corner and just give them a straight left,” Biden said. However, he added, “I’m not suggesting we hit the president.”

Moreover, according to President Biden, “Donald Trump’s vision of America is one of revenge and retribution.”

As a result of Biden’s use of the Department of Justice as a weapon against Trump, the former president has been threatened with jail time and has received over 90 criminal indictments.

The Radical Left is using Joe Biden as a puppet to ensure that they can get away with their Radical actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Department of Homeland Security issues chilling warning amidst massive protests


Joe Biden cannot control the Radical Left no matter what he tries. So other people are stepping up to do what Biden refuses to.

And now, the Department of Homeland Security has issued a chilling warning amidst massive protests.

Joe Biden has fully given in to the demands of the Radical Left, and he is merely a puppet that they can use to force their Radical agendas on the world.

As soon as Joe Biden took office a few years ago, he undid almost every positive thing that Donald Trump did.

One of the biggest was the complete reversal of many of the border security and immigration policies that Trump had in place.

Instead of realizing that these actions by Trump were pro-America, kept us safe, and encouraged legal immigration, Joe Biden tried to frame Trump as a xenophobe and a racist for not letting just anyone into the country.

Because of Joe Biden’s Radical open border policies, the nation has seen record illegal immigration, and violent crime by illegal immigrants has skyrocketed.

Along with this record influx of illegal immigrants, there has also been a huge amount of anti-American young adults that have flooded the country.

Across many college campuses in the United States, there have been mass anti-America protests and many elite-level college campuses have done nothing about these students chanting “death to America.”

However, now the DHS has taken things into their own hands and has issued a chilling warning to these Radical students.

Foreign college students who are suspended on campus while in possession of a student visa may be deported, according to a statement released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Wednesday.

This announcement is made against the backdrop of anti-Israel demonstrations that have broken out on college campuses around the country.

On Sunday, Senator Marsha Blackburn turned to social media to call for the immediate deportation of any international students studying in the United States who participate in demonstrations in favor of Hamas.

She also suggested canceling federal student loans for any American students detained for providing support to the terrorist organization in Palestine.

As to the report published by Fox News, international students are deemed to be “in status” by DHS’s Homeland Security Investigations, provided that they demonstrate progress in their academic studies.

On the other hand, suspension may put a student’s standing in jeopardy and trigger removal procedures.

A DHS spokesperson said, “A temporary suspension, even if that were a final determination for a student, does not necessarily mean that the student would fall below ‘normal progress’ in his/her course of study.”

“If a student were to be suspended, DHS would need reason to believe that the student would not be able to make normal progress in his/her course of study,” the spokesperson continued. “And if it believed a suspension merited that type of decision, it would have to initiate removal proceedings, which would be done on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA).”

An immigration judge has the final say over whether to deport a foreign national, and the Department of Homeland Security is powerless to cancel visas.

Revocations of visas are usually handled by the State Department; they do not always result in deportation procedures, but they do bar access into the country in the future.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

FBI director reveals chilling truth that has Democrats scrambling to hide


The government under the Joe Biden administration seems to have lost all credibility with the American people. But now, people are starting to listen again.

Because the FBI director has revealed the chilling truth that has Democrats scrambling to hide.

In a recent interview, FBI Director Christopher Wray issued a warning, stating that the United States is dealing with an unprecedented level of threat on all fronts.

In an extensive interview with NBC News that aired on Tuesday, Wray discussed the anti-Semitic protests occurring on college campuses and asked Americans who use TikTok to stop using the app.

On a segment of NBC with Lester Holt, Wray said, “As I look back over my career in law enforcement, I’m hard-pressed to come up with a time where I’ve seen so many different threats all elevated all at the same time, whether it’s the threats from China, Russia, Iran, the terrorism threats, both foreign terrorist threats and domestic terrorist threats.”

He stated, “So we thought that even before October 7, if you and I were having this conversation then, we would have said that the terrorism threat was already elevated.”

He then added, “But post October 7, it’s gone to a whole other level.”

In response to a question concerning the recent uprisings on American college campuses, Wray stated that the FBI has observed a “significant increase, especially in anti-Semitic threats and anti-Semitic violence.”

According to him, the FBI usually stays out of the demonstrations.

“We keep no track of protests,” he declared. “However, we do exchange intelligence regarding specific violent threats.”

Wray then issued a strong warning to Americans about using TikTok, a well-known social media platform under the control of the communist regime in China.

Holt said, “Congress is on the verge of passing legislation that would essentially ban TikTok if it’s not sold.”

He then asked Wray, “You’ve talked about this, many in the government have talked about the threat of TikTok, can you be specific about what your fear is?”

“TikTok, for us, represents a national security concern. And the reason I say that is that TikTok’s parent company is beholden to the Chinese government,” answered the FBI director.

“So that for us manifests itself in three specific ways: it has to do with the data, it has to do with the recommendation algorithm, it has to deal with the software.”

“The data, that we’re talking about the ability to control or collect data on millions and millions of users and to use it for all sorts of influence operations, like driving their AI efforts, which are not remotely constrained by the rule of law,” he added.

Holt then asked whether or not this was actively happening or if it was merely a warning: “Are they doing that now or that’s simply, they have the capability to do that?”

And Wray’s response was chilling. “What I would say to you is that they are currently attempting to steal our AI and hack American technology every day.”

“My message is you need to take into account who the Chinese government is, who the Chinese Communist Party is, even if for some reason, you don’t care about that, which I would argue you should,” he continued.

“What about all of your friends, family members, classmates, co-workers, neighbors, etc, who are also participating and are connected to you through all those same things? Maybe they would care about the ability of the Chinese government and the Chinese intelligence services to access all that.”

The idea that the Chinese government is attempting to spy on Americans is not a new idea, but the fact that they have access via TikTok into all of our lives is terrifying.

These warnings show that the stability of the entire world has crumbled under Joe Biden’s administration, and the peace that we all enjoyed under Trump is long gone.

We must remain cautious, especially during times like this.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Witness in Trump trial reveals the shocking truth that Democrats were trying to cover up


The Left has been pushing charges against Trump in order to stop him from taking back the White House. But now, it seems their plan has backfired.

Because a major witness in the Trump trial has revealed the shocking truth that Democrats are trying to cover up.

Tuesday marked the start of witness David Pecker’s second day on the stand in Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump for falsifying corporate documents.

American Media Inc. is the company that publishes the National Enquirer.

Before the court adjourned for the day, Pecker started his testimony on Monday afternoon and spoke for less than thirty minutes.

In his testimony, Pecker claimed that in order to stop a report about an alleged out-of-wedlock child Trump had from being published, he had paid a doorman.

Pecker stated, “We found that it was absolutely, 1000% untrue,” as reported by Reuters.

Pecker was also questioned regarding the history of a picture and narrative purporting to depict Rafael Cruz, Ted Cruz’s father, and Lee Harvey Oswald.

According to NBC News, the two were in New Orleans in 1963 distributing pro-Fidel Castro leaflets, shortly before Oswald would assassinate President John F. Kennedy.

Cruz was a Republican primary contender in 2016 at the time.

“We mashed the photos and the different pictures with Lee Harvey Oswald. And mashed the two together. And that’s how that story was prepared — created I would say,” Pecker stated in court.

In his testimony, he further stated after receiving a story from Michael Cohen on, say, Ted Cruz, the National Enquirer “would embellish it from there.”

Pecker, who identified Trump in the courtroom as “sitting, wearing, I think, a dark blue suit,” said in his testimony on Tuesday that he had known the president since the 1980s.

Before Pecker bought the National Enquirer in 1999, he claimed to have “had a great relationship with Mr. Trump over the years” and to have “had a lot of dealing and discussion with Mr. Trump as a celebrity in his own right.”

Pecker claimed to have seen Trump “more frequently” after he declared his candidacy for president, and that he had thought of him as a friend at least until 2017.

He used to see Trump every three months or so before that.

He said in court that he witnessed Trump go over and sign checks and bills, and he called Trump “very knowledgeable.”

I would describe him as very detail-oriented. I would describe him, almost, as a micromanager — he looked at all aspects of whatever the issue was.” Trump, he added, was “very cautious, very frugal.”

Pecker claimed that in 2000, he had first met Cohen at a bar mitzvah, and in 2007, Trump had presented Cohen to Pecker as his new employee.

He claimed to have been informed by Trump “that my contacts should now go through Michael Cohen.”

He testified, “If there was any rumors in the marketplace about Mr. Trump or his family or any negative stories that were coming out or things that I heard overall that I would go through, I would call Michael Cohen directly.”

Pecker said that he did promise to print favorable stories about Trump, bad pieces about his opponents, and alert to any possibly damaging information when Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass questioned him on a number of issues.

Pecker stated in his deposition that he would alert Cohen to a negative story, which Cohen would investigate to determine its veracity before getting in touch with the specific media to try to prevent the piece from being published.

In his testimony, he further stated that he refrained from buying a piece about Trump to ensure that it hadn’t been released before August 2015.

Additionally, he said that because “it was just an agreement among friends,” the agreements he made with Trump were not recorded and that he had informed Dylan Howard, the National Enquirer’s then-editor-in-chief, that “the agreement that I made has to be highly, highly confidential.”

This testimony of Pecker is one that will play a major role in the case moving forward, but as was revealed, it also highlights that people were paid to publish false stories against Trump.

The Left can try to hide the truth all they want, but the American people will find out.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New report details election concerns since 2008


The Left claims that they have never interfered in elections, but everyone knows that isn’t true. And now, there is definitive proof.

Because a new report has detailed election concerns since 2008.

The Radical Left has tried to claim that conservatives and Republicans have been interfering in elections for years now.

They have even gone so far as to bring charges against Donald Trump for election interference, yet they refuse to admit that they are the ones tampering with elections.

And while they try to hide the truth, there is nowhere they can run now because undeniable proof has been brought forth against the Left.

A study by the Media Research Center claims that since 2008, Facebook, a major player in the tech industry, has “interfered” with elections at least 39 times.

In March, MRC conducted research on the impact of Google’s election meddling and discovered that the internet behemoth “interfered” in elections no less than 41 times.

After that, the MRC turned their attention to Facebook to determine the number of times the social media site “interfered” in elections.

Around 2020, when Joe Biden and then-President Donald Trump were competing for the White House, there was an increase in the reported meddling.

MRC President Brent Bozell told Fox News reporters, “Like Google, Facebook has an extensive history of interfering in U.S. elections. But it’s not completely fair to compare the two companies. I believe some part of Mark Zuckerberg believes in free speech. Google management clearly does not.”

He added, “But regardless of what Mr. Zuckerberg believes, his company’s policies and practices have resulted in a great deal of censorship that always seems to target the same side of the political spectrum, and it needs to stop.”

The report details the number of times Meta has gotten involved in elections since Barack Obama’s election as president.

Among the many instances the tech giant is accused of meddling in US elections is the suspension of a veterans’ advocacy group over a meme depicting the Benghazi assault, which many associate with Hillary Clinton.

It also blocked news and “conservative topics,” including then-Democratic Party candidate Bernie Sanders.
Facebook tracked news during this time period via a trending section on its website that was hand-picked by contractors.

Gizmodo was informed by the feed curators in 2014 and 2015 that the articles included in the trending area were subject to the prejudices of the curators and the content Facebook desired to be popular.

According to the research, there were multiple more occasions where censorship on the social media site reportedly increased throughout the 2020 presidential campaign of Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

The report claims that the platform would filter advertisements featuring President Trump when he was in office, and it did so at least four times.

A month before the election, one campaign ad was allegedly taken off of the platform.

Users’ access to political content on Meta’s Facebook and Instagram apps was restricted starting in 2024.

By default, Threads, the X substitute, does not suggest any political content.

This sort of meddling and interfering with elections are exactly what Americans have been worried about for years. And while the Left can deny the truth all they want, the American people have the proof.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Trump lawyer reveals shocking secret about Democrats that they tried to keep hidden


The Left is always doing everything they can to hide the truth. Because they know they would never get elected again if Americans found out what’s really going on.

And now a Trump lawyer has revealed a shocking secret the Democrats tried to keep hidden.

This week, one of the top attorneys for former President Donald Trump emphasized his belief that Democrats had brought criminal charges against Trump in an attempt to keep him off the campaign road.

When asked what he thought was going on by host Jesse Watters during a Fox News interview, attorney Chris Kise responded as follows.

“Well, I think, you know, the Democrats claim that Trump is a threat to democracy,” he answered Watters.

“The real threat to democracy is the willingness to abuse the power of your office to influence what should otherwise be a free and fair election. And that’s exactly what’s going on downtown in the courtroom. I mean, look at just this week.”

He added, “You’ve got a hearing in a civil case about essentially nothing. You’ve got a criminal trial starting. And later this week, there’ll be a Supreme Court argument. All in cases that were made up specifically for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election.”

According to Kise, Trump’s trials have all followed a “similar pattern,” and he questions whether the Democrats really care that much about Trump winning them.

He said, “I’m not even sure that they really care what the outcome was.”

He then pointed many instances that seem to point to the Left merely stalling for time and doing everything they can to keep Trump from the campaign trail.

“We went downtown and had a hearing to determine that $175 million of President Trump’s cash that he posted, is actually worth $175 million. And a bond form that has been in use for 100 years in the State of New York is actually valid, but we wasted time, money, and resources. And I think that’s the goal,” he said.

He then added that the Left wants to merely waste time: “Let’s drain the President’s time. Let’s drain his focus. Let’s drain his resources. All while now President Biden is somehow magically out of the basement campaigning. He’s on the campaign.”

Kise then emphasized the drain that the courtroom can have on a person and highlighted that “it does take a toll.”

He added, “I think that President Trump will withstand that toll, because he’s an extraordinarily resilient individual.”

Kise said that “it’s demonstrative of exactly what they want. The Democrats have President Trump where they want him: Trump on trial, President Biden on the campaign trail. That’s what they’re looking to do. “

Nonetheless, the Left is still trying everything they can to drain, exhaust, distract, and slow down Donald Trump.

These bogus charges are nothing more than distraction attempts to keep Trump from campaigning.

The Left knows that the American people are sick and tired of Joe Biden and the Radical agenda of the Left. They also know that Trump has the support to take back the White House.

So, instead of letting Democracy reign, the Left is using anything they can to ensure that Trump never sees public office again.

The Left will not stop until they control every aspect of this nation and turn it into their Radical playground.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Newly discovered motion reveals shocking Biden collaboration against Trump


Everyone knows that the Radical Left hates Trump and that they are willing to do anything to stop him from taking back the White House. But people were still shocked at how far they took things.

Because a newly discovered motion has revealed a shocking Biden collaboration against Trump.

Judge Aileen Cannon made public a version of Donald Trump’s application to compel discovery in the Mar-a-Lago records case on Monday, revealing that many of the details that Jack Smith, the special counsel for Biden, had previously redacted had been removed.

One section, “Early Indications of NARA Bias,” which was severely redacted in its first, January 16 version, now claims that NARA General Counsel Gary Stern gave President Trump’s [Presidential Records Act] representatives an internal email with a draft letter attached.

Stern reported having ‘many talks’ with [redacted] from the [White House Office of Records Management] and that [redacted] had ‘directly brought up some of these concerns with David [Ferriero, NARA’s Archivist].’

“Stern’s draft concluded that ‘things were very chaotic, as they always are in the course of a one-term transition,’ and he acknowledged that ‘the transfer of the Trump electronic records is still ongoing and won’t be complete for several more months.’”

Most of this section was redacted in the original version, including an exhibit note stating that a “NARA employee explained to the FBI that ‘it is not uncommon that PRA material collection extends past the close of any presidential administration,’ sometimes,’ well after the close of any given presidential administration.'”

In a separate section titled “The Biden Administration Weaponizes the PRA,” it is stated that “Deputy White House Counsel Jonathan Su asked one of President Trump’s PRA representatives to permit [redacted] to access notes from the Trump administration related to records handling in late September 2021, without disclosing that NARA had already drafted a referral letter and contacted DOJ.”

Su then stepped in, saying, “Could we discuss the process before anything is provided to him?” in response to Stern’s promise to provide President Trump’s PRA representative a copy of the notes.

The portion was censored following the name Jonathan Su.

This entire section was completely redacted: “Stern agreed to coordinate on this issue with the Biden Administration, but informed Su that the request was atypical; ‘normally, we would have to provide the records to him per the notification/review process, before we could provide anything to you.’ Two days later, Stern assured Su that the PRA representative ‘had not asked to see these records.’”

It continues, “On October 5, 2021, Stern sent an internal email describing a strategy to ‘time’ NARA’s public communications with Congress in order to prejudice President Trump. Stern’s email attached a ‘draft letter to the Hill re social media records,’ which he proposed to ‘run … past WH Counsel’ before notifying President Trump.”

“Three days later, the Biden Administration instructed NARA to reject President Trump’s assertion of executive privilege and to disclose records to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (the ‘J6 Committee’),” it adds.

The second part of the piece was substantially classified and was included in a different section headed The White House Instructs NARA to Contact Prosecutors.

The statement started out by saying that the office of the special counsel “falsely claimed that NARA independently referred this matter to DOJ on February 9, 2022.”

The subsection now states, “However, the evidence demonstrates that Su—on behalf of the Biden Administration—referred NARA to DOJ on January 21, 2022.”

Judge Cannon’s order from early April led to the release of the far less redacted version of the motion.

The parties in the case were directed to cooperate with regard to the redaction of materials that could identify a potential witness, and the special counsel was required to file an index identifying potential government witnesses identified in the materials included in the motion to compel.

These redacted documents prove that Joe Biden and the Left’s weaponized justice system worked together to fabricate the criminal case against Trump.

And although the Left tried to cover up the truth, the American people have found out the truth, and the Left cannot deceive us with their lies any longer.

We must not allow this sort of madness to continue. If the Left can use the justice system to attack their political rivals, what is to stop them from going after other Americans?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.