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Liberal reporter makes shocking threat against Trump


The Left does not care about lying or spreading propaganda. But everyone agrees that they have now taken things too far.

Because a liberal reporter has made a shocking threat against Trump.

MSNBC host Joy Reid recently attributed the legal challenges facing former President Donald Trump to the influence of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs, framing the prosecutions as a victory for these initiatives.

Reid highlighted the irony in Trump being prosecuted by individuals that she falsely claims he and his allies have often disparaged.

Specifically, she noted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a Black Harvard graduate, as leading the criminal charges against the former president, describing this as “wonderfully poetic.”

Reid emphasized that the people leading these prosecutions, including Bragg in New York and District Attorney Fani Willis in Georgia, represent a demographic diversity that she (again falsely) claims Trump’s policies and rhetoric have opposed.

She also mentioned New York Attorney General Letitia James, another Black woman, who has played a significant role in legal actions against Trump, including a substantial financial settlement.

She said, “And a black woman is doing that same exact thing in Georgia and a Black woman forced you to pay a $175 million fine.”

According to Reid, these figures symbolize the “multicultural, multiracial democracy” that Trump supposedly tried to undermine during his presidency.

She expressed a strong endorsement of DEI, crediting it with bringing about a form of accountability against Trump, and celebrated these developments as reflective of America’s core values of justice and equality.

Yet, DEI programs have been under scrutiny and even banned in some states like Florida and Texas, where they are viewed as potentially exclusionary and discriminatory.

Despite this, Reid’s comments suggest that DEI values are influencing significant legal challenges against prominent figures like Trump, highlighting that the Left is using their Radical Agenda to target all those who disagree with them.

However, these accusations against Trump are baseless and shocking, and people have been quick to point out that Donald Trump has done more good for minority communities in America than Biden and the Left ever have.

The legal case against Trump in New York involves 34 counts of falsifying business records, centering on allegations that he misrepresented payments made to his attorney, Michael Cohen.

These payments were purportedly used to silence Stormy Daniels, an adult film actress who claims to have had an affair with Trump, an allegation both parties deny. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Adding to the controversy, Trump has also been criticized for his public statements against Judge Juan Merchan, overseeing his trial.

Reid ridiculously pointed out that Trump’s behavior might even surpass that of traditional mobsters, as he aggressively challenges the legal boundaries set during his proceedings.

The former president has been restrained by a gag order, limiting his ability to publicly criticize the judge and witnesses in the case which many have seen as an attack on Trump’s First Amendment rights.

The Left has proven that they care nothing about due process or the legality of their dealings, they only care about weaponizing their agenda to attack anyone who would disagree with them.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH in the news.

Joe Biden’s recent impeachment announcement has people stunned


The Biden family has been under investigation for some time now, and it seems the whole family has been exposed as corrupt. But this newest development could change everything.

And Joe Biden’s recent impeachment announcement has people stunned.

On Monday, President Joe Biden notified the House that he was declining an offer to provide testimony in connection with an impeachment investigation that centered on corruption.

Prior to the suggested hearing date of April 16, his special counsel, Richard Sauber, delivered the message to House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY).

The letter asserted that Biden “has done nothing wrong” and that the oversight group had produced proof that showed the “impeachment investigation is over.”

Sauber wrote that the House should “focus on the issues that matter to the American people rather than continuing to waste time and taxpayer resources on this partisan charade.”

He added that “we decline your invitation for President Biden to testify.”

The letter omitted information concerning Biden’s responses to a series of questions that Comer had asked him to write on.

These questions included whether Biden had met or otherwise engaged with certain foreign business executives and information about the circumstances surrounding those encounters.

However, according to a statement from the House Oversight Committee, Biden declined to respond to the inquiries.

In a recent statement, Comer said, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in the Biden family. Like his son, Hunter Biden, President Biden is refusing to testify in public about the Bidens’ corrupt influence peddling. This comes as no surprise since President Biden continues to lie about his relationships with his son’s business partners, even denying they exist when his son said under oath during a deposition that they did.”

He added, “It is unfortunate President Biden is unwilling to answer questions before the American people and refuses to answer the very simple, straightforward questions we included in the invitation.”

“Why is it so difficult for the White House to answer those questions? The American people deserve transparency from President Biden, not more lies,” Comer continued.

In late March, Comer extended a formal invitation to Biden. He proposed April 16 as the hearing date and stated that his panel was willing to work with the president’s schedule.

$24 million that “flowed” toward Biden, his family, and their business partners from other nations like China and Ukraine was traced by House investigators, according to Comer. He claimed his panel had found “no legitimate services to merit such lucrative payments.”

Biden’s statement about being involved in his family’s economic ventures is “wholly contradicted” by evidence, Comer said, citing bank records and witness testimony.

According to the chairman, the White House “refuses to release certain information or make available witnesses to testify regarding issues” and has adopted a “position hostile” to his panel’s probe.

Comer highlighted that the public needs to know the truth and that the current narrative is confusing at best.

“The public is left with two irreconcilable narratives,” said Comer. “The first — asserted by you — is that you did not engage in influence peddling in exchange for payments to your family.”

“The second asserted by witnesses and a body of evidence … is that you were indeed involved in these pay-for-influence schemes and that you have been repeatedly untruthful regarding a matter relevant to national security and your own fitness to serve.” he continued.

Even though it is still uncertain if the Republicans will eventually file articles of impeachment or even have the necessary votes in the sharply divided House, Comer has hinted that there will be criminal referrals from the investigation.

The American people demand the truth, and the fact that Biden is running away and refusing to testify is yet another indicator that something isn’t right…

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Radical Left leaders propose blatant stealing in order to fund anti-American agenda


Liberal leaders in this country hate America, so no one should be surprised when they act like it. But now, they have proposed something so extreme that even Democrats are shocked.

Because Radical Left leaders have proposed blatant stealing in order to fund their anti-American agenda.

Radical Left politicians in America have been pushing their agenda for so long, that there is no longer any attempt to hide their disdain for Americans.

Their ideologies are so anti-America that people are shocked at how they are allowed to be politicians in this great nation.

But one major issue that exposes the Left is the United States border crisis.

Over the course of the past few years, Joe Biden and the Left have completely destroyed everything that Trump built in regard to border security and safe immigration policies.

They have completely opened the border wide open and are letting in all sorts of terrorists, criminals, and other illegal aliens.

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, these illegal immigrants are getting treated better than many American citizens are.

Because of Joe Biden and the Left, our own citizens are struggling in this economy to provide for their families and afford basic necessities; many Americans have even been forced out of their own homes and jobs because of the Left.

And while this is all taking place and while millions of Americans are suffering, the Left is stealing our hard-earned tax-payer dollars and they are using them to improve illegal aliens’ lives.

And now, the administration of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has suggested allocating $8 million to pay for legal assistance for undocumented immigrants requesting asylum in the United States.

The funds allocated for the next fiscal year will be used to partially cover the cost of hiring lawyers to defend undocumented individuals in immigration court.

According to the planned budget, asylum seekers could contribute to increasing Michigan’s population and economy.

The Executive Budget Recommendation for Fiscal Year 2025, which was made public in February, allots $8 million to “New Michigander Immigration and Legal Services.”

It would “expand and improve immigrant integration efforts in Michigan through grants for wraparound supports that will facilitate the success of newcomers. Services may include case management, transportation, legal services, language access supports, digital literacy, and learning.”

The proposal claims that “growing the state’s population is a key factor in boosting the economy and building shared prosperity across the state.”

It also said that these funds were included as part of the “Governor’s population growth goals.”

Elizabeth Orozco-Vasquez, chief executive officer of Freedom House in Detroit, told Capital News Service “You’re twice as likely to get asylum if you have some type of representation.”

32% of all immigration cases in the state received legal representation as of December 2023.

This is in addition to Whitmer’s administration’s $500 monthly “newcomer rental subsidy” offer to landlords who wish to lodge undocumented immigrants in the state for a maximum of 12 months.

While the Left continues to make it clear that their last priority is American citizens, we cannot allow this madness to continue any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Republicans receive support from major Democrat ally, and the Left is worried


The Radical Left has been losing support, especially among undecided voters recently. But everyone was shocked at this recent massive loss.

Because Republicans received support from a major Democrat ally, and the Left is extremely worried.

In America, both political parties are usually able to count on major support from certain key demographics that have always supported them in the past.

But as the Radical Left continues to make it clear that they hate America and American citizens, it seems that they are losing much of that support.

One key voting block that Democrats have been able to rely on in the past is unions.

Unions across the nation that are made up of hard-working blue-collar Americans have typically supported Democrat candidates in the past, and the Left has gotten used to their support.

But because of the Left’s radical agenda that seems to stand for everything that the average American stands against, Democrats may not be able to rely on the support from unions anymore.

While campaigning, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump have spent a considerable amount of time with unions in order to receive their backing and support.

But while Joe Biden has been touting his green deals that will effectively destroy the lives and jobs of countless Americans, Trump has been promising to put America first.

This has been a major issue that Democrats have been bracing for, but up until now, nothing major has actually happened.

But now, the Teamsters union, which has generally backed Democrats, contributed $5,000 to Sen. Josh Hawley’s reelection campaign in yet another show of GOP support.

The contribution coincides with the long-standing blue-collar union’s efforts to build rapport with the GOP after making a sizable financial commitment in February.

The Teamsters have historically donated a large portion of their proceeds to Democrats.

Nevertheless, Hawley has made it a point to stand with the union by joining them in picket lines and the United Auto Workers as well, according to Axios reporting.

According to Hawley’s first-quarter fundraising report, his campaign raised $2.56 million in total as of the beginning of April, and he currently has roughly $5.5 million in cash on hand for the reelection campaign.

The Teamster’s donations have primarily benefited the Democratic Party, but Trump has tried to shift it to the Republican Party.

In January, the ex-president had a meeting with Sean O’Brien, President of the Teamsters Union.

Following the meeting, Trump said he had a “good shot” of receiving the union’s endorsement. Blue-collar workers make up the majority of Teamsters’ 1.3 million members.

Gaining support from union leaders is just one more step in the process that Trump and the GOP are taking to win over more working-class voters.

During recent rallies in the Rust Belt and upper Midwest, Trump has made multiple remarks endorsing the autoworkers.

Additionally, truck drivers around the nation called for the suspension of shipments to New York City in protest of a February court ruling against Trump.

While the Left continuously attacks American principles and values, Trump and the GOP have made it clear that America will always come first.

Because of this, many American unions are shifting their support to back Republican candidates in an effort to protect their jobs and livelihoods.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Supreme Court makes a shocking ruling that could completely alter the future of politics


The US Supreme Court has an extreme amount of power that the Left has been trying to weaponize against conservatives. Many people are worried that the Left will completely change everything if they are able to control the Supreme Court.

And now, the Supreme Court has made a shocking ruling that could completely alter the future of politics.

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation, and they have an immense amount of influence over the law in this nation.

The Radical Left understands that, and they have been doing everything they can to turn the Supreme Court against Conservatives, Americans, Republicans, Trump, and basically anyone that disagrees with them politically.

Being able to control the Supreme Court would mean that the weaponization of the Justice system by the Radical Left would be complete.

However, under Donald Trump, the Supreme Court got stronger and more justices who defended the Constitution were added.

When this happened, the Left had to resort to other ways of taking down Trump and attacking American Constitutional rights.

However, recently the Supreme Court delivered a major blow to the Radical Left and took a major step forward in protecting American lives and values.

The US Supreme Court decided on Monday that Idaho may continue to prohibit minors from getting s*x changes while an appeal is ongoing.

As per NBC News, Idaho officials filed an emergency plea with the court declaring that the law passed in 2023 would take effect statewide but would not apply to the two plaintiffs who had challenged it.

The Supreme Court ruled 6-3, and the court’s three liberal justices declared that the legislation ought to have stayed completely banned.

Judge Lynn Winmill of the US District Court decided in December that the state could not implement the statute while the case was pending.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals received an appeal from Idaho, but it hasn’t issued a decision.

In his decision, Winmill stated that the use of “generally accepted medical treatment” for children, such as irreversible operations and puberty blockers, was prohibited by law.

State representatives contended before the Supreme Court that the statute should only be halted for the two plaintiffs and that the injunction was overly wide.

However, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of protecting children and dealt a massive blow to the Radical Left who want to force their harmful agenda on us all.

Americans will not let the Radical Left destroy this nation, and we will certainly not let them harm our children.

With a strong Supreme Court, it has become increasingly difficult for the Left to be able to force their rules on Americans, and it will continue to be difficult as long as pro-Constitution justices sit on the court.

With this major ruling, the Left has been forced to understand that they will not win.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden loses massive ally and it has destroyed all chances of winning the election


Joe Biden’s supporters are bailing on him faster than he can keep up. But up until now, the Biden team thought they still had a chance.

But now, Biden has lost a massive ally that has destroyed all chances of winning the election.

Over the weekend, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) attacked President Joe Biden for “not standing firmly with Israel” following Iran’s historic attack on the nation on Saturday.

In an interview with CNN on Sunday, Fetterman made these statements in reference to Iran’s 185 one-way suicide drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles aimed towards Israel.

Fetterman said that it was “astonishing that we are not standing firmly with Israel, and there should never be any kinds of conditions and all that.”

He added, “When a nation can launch hundreds of drones towards Israel, I’m not going to be talking about conditions — ever.”

He later added that he fully supported Israel when they killed a terrorist general in Syria a few weeks ago.

According to reports, President Biden informed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday that the US would not back an Israeli counteroffensive against Iran.

When Fetterman heard the news he said, “I don’t agree with that.”

“And I just think we should follow and have Israel’s back in this situation,” he added.

Fetterman then reiterated that Biden no longer has his support saying “I don’t agree with the president.”

Fetterman declared he would “never capitulate to the fringe,” referring to the Democratic Party’s far left.

“I will never pander to that as well. In fact, that helps, that empowers Hamas. And Hamas is actually convinced that they are winning the PR war, and they’re never going to negotiate at this point.”

He added, “They think they’re going to hold on to the very end. And I know why they’re not willing to provide any kind of proof of life. And I don’t know why there’s not more of that conversation in the media.”

“Like, what about the hostages? What’s happened to them? Where are they now? And let’s just bring them home,” Fetterman continued.

This is the state of the Democrat party: the President of the United States continues to try to appeal to the Radical Left, but he has lost their support.

And now, he is losing the support of the more “moderate” Left in his party as well.

If the President cannot even unite his supporters, how is supposed to unite the nation or the world?

Joe Biden is a failure who has lost the support of every American. We cannot allow the Left to continue using him as a puppet to take down America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump makes a shocking promise during recent rally, and Democrats are terrified


The Left hates Donald Trump, and they have been opposing him as much as they can for years. But now, things have taken a turn.

Because Donald Trump has made a shocking promise during a recent rally that has left Democrats terrified.

Everyone knows that under Joe Biden’s leadership, our once strong and great nation has been reduced to the laughing stock of the world.

The United States used to be feared and respected, and the security of our borders was never in question under the leadership of Donald Trump.

But now that the Radical Left has overrun the nation, our borders are wide open, terrorists roam freely, crime has skyrocketed, and foreign nations no longer care about the US or its allies.

The world enjoyed relative peace under Donald Trump, but as soon as Joe Biden entered office, the peace crumbled.

It started with Biden’s disastrous exit from Afghanistan, then various conflicts across the Middle East, then Biden reversed crucial policies and pulled out of important deals. And now, the entire Middle East is at war.

But Trump has promised that all of this would change if he gets re-elected.

At a rally in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania on Saturday, President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden for his most recent missteps in foreign policy.

That same day, Iran launched a drone strike against Israel.

According to their UN counsel, Iran launched its attack in retaliation for airstrikes that targeted the Iranian Embassy in Damascus earlier in April.

Drones were sent in waves from Iran to execute the operation.

Trump asserted that the attack never would have occurred if he had been elected president and pledged to bring peace back via strength.

“Israel is under attack! This should never have been allowed to happen – This would NEVER have happened if I were President,” he said on Truth Social after the attack.

Trump told his supporters at the rally, “We will return the world to peace through strength. I will revive American strength abroad and we will restore American strength at home.”

Trump then continued and said, “America prays for Israel. We send our absolute support to everyone in harm’s way. This is an attack that would not have happened.”

Trump also brought up a number of issues regarding Biden’s actions while in office, including the “Green New Scam,” which alludes to the number of green energy schemes the Biden administration has implemented, and soft border security measures.

Trump recalled as well how when he was President, enemies of the US respected him and the nation because they were afraid.

He vowed to bring back that strength and make America’s enemies fear us once more.

Trump made a strong promise claiming “I will prevent World War III.”

This promise appeals to millions across the world as the entire globe is seemingly at war and desires to be at peace again like it once was under Trump.

The Left understands that they have lost the support of the people and that Donald Trump is rallying millions around his cause.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Major media corporations turn on Biden in stunning fashion, and it could spell the end of his campaign


Joe Biden and the Radical Left have had the media squarely in their pocket for quite some time now. But has all of that changed?

Because now, major media corporations have turned on Biden in stunning fashion, and it could mean the end of Biden’s campaign.

ABC News says that many prominent mainstream media news organizations have written an open letter to presidential candidates requesting that they take part in televised debates prior to the general election.

President Joe Biden has refused to participate in a debate that President Donald Trump has consistently asked for.

The Trump team has repeatedly asked Joe Biden’s campaign to debate the presumed GOP nominee, Donald Trump, but Biden doesn’t seem to care and will not comply.

Each of the two men participated in two debates during the 2020 presidential contest.

ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, CNN, NBC Universal, NewsNation, USA Today, C-SPAN, Noticias Univision, NPR, PBS NewsHour, and the Associated Press released the following letter on Sunday.

“With the contours of the 2024 general election now coming into clear focus, we—the undersigned national news organizations—urge the presumptive presidential nominees to publicly commit to participating in general election debates before November’s election,” they wrote.

“General election debates have a rich tradition in our American democracy, having played a vital role in every presidential election of the past 50 years, dating to 1976,” the letter continued.

“In each of those elections, tens of millions have tuned in to watch the candidates debating side by side, in a competition of ideas for the votes of American citizens.”

“If there is one thing Americans can agree on during this polarized time, it is that the stakes of this election are exceptionally high. Amidst that backdrop, there is simply no substitute for the candidates debating with each other, and before the American people, their visions for the future of our nation,” the letter concluded.

This fall, there are three general election debates planned; however, President Biden has not yet confirmed that he will take part in them.

The Commission on Presidential Debates received a letter from senior campaign aides to Trump on Thursday, urging “much earlier” and “more” presidential debates than were initially proposed and noting that voting is beginning “earlier.”

Some of Trump’s campaign advisors emphasized that “Voting is beginning earlier and earlier, and as we saw in 2020, tens of millions of Americans had already voted by the time of the first debate.”

According to NBC, advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles wrote, “specific to the Commission’s proposed 2024 calendar, it simply comes too late.”

At his rally in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, President Trump opened an empty podium next to him and invited Vice President Joe Biden to a debate.

Trump said, “I’m calling on Crooked Joe Biden to debate. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE!”

The Biden campaign has expressed displeasure with the Commission on Presidential Debates’ scheduling of the debates, suggesting that the unbiased organization that has sponsored the events since the 1980s is unsure of its ability to have a “fair” conversation with Trump.

Biden stated to ABC News in March that a debate with Trump “depends on his behavior.”

However, the American people are demanding a debate, and now even the sold-out media which are squarely in the Left’s pocket are joining in on the calls for Biden to step up.

Stunning new report uncovers shocking Hunter Biden secret and Americans can’t believe it


Hunter Biden has been facing heavy pressure because of alleged corruption. And people who know the truth about him are outraged.

But now, a shocking new report has uncovered a Hunter Biden secret that Americans cannot believe.

According to a recent report, the Secret Service had to spend over $4.5 million in 2021 and 2022 to safeguard Hunter Biden at his $6 million residence in Malibu, California.

Financial records that the Daily Mail obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show that the agency was paying close to $30,000 per month in rent for the property next to the president’s son.

The department also spent $632,071 on rental cars, $1.12 million on hotel rooms, and more than $2.8 million on government credit cards, according to the study.

Not counting the expense of paying the agents, the agency spent a total of $4,596,747 protecting the president’s son during that period.

It was made public in April 2022 that the Secret Service pays $30,000 a month to rent Hunter’s neighbor’s house.

Retired agent Don Mihalek told ABC that the agency pays this rent because it is “the cost of doing business for the Secret Service.”

He said, “Typically, wherever a protectee sets up their residence, the Secret Service is forced to find someplace to rent nearby at market value.”

“The Service has had to do this in past administrations, and unfortunately, the housing market right now has driven the prices up substantially,” added Mihalek.

This revelation comes as Hunter faces substantial criminal charges that have exposed him and his family for the corrupt people that they are.

Recently, Biden attempted to have the gun charges dropped, but a US District Judge rejected his argument that the case was driven by political motivations.

In January, the president’s son entered a not-guilty plea in a federal court in Los Angeles after being charged with nine federal tax offenses.

A federal grand jury in California accused him of filing a false or fraudulent tax return, failing to file and pay taxes, and evading a tax assessment.

His years of drug misuse, lavish spending, and tax offenses against the federal government were detailed in the indictment.

The indictment claimed that Hunter “engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019, from in or about January 2017 through in or about October 15, 2020, and to evade the assessment of taxes for the tax year 2018 when he filed false returns in or about February 2020.”

The American people are sick and tired of the corruption coming from the Biden family, and many people are worried about the extent of this corruption.

Even more than that, the American people are footing the bill for Hunter Biden to receive protection because the funding comes from our tax-payer dollars.

The idea that Hunter and his family can do whatever they want, never get punished, and we are supposed to pay for them to be protected during it all is outrageous.

We must demand that the Biden family be held accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Biden receives shocking betrayal that could completely end his re-election chances


Joe Biden needs all the support he can get if he has any hope of defeating Trump. And while the Left tries to paint a sunny picture, the truth is very different.

And Biden receives a shocking betrayal that could completely end his re-election chances.

Joe Biden and the Left are terrified of what will happen if Donald Trump wins the election in November and takes back the White House.

They know that all chances of pushing their Radical Agenda will be opposed, and they know that they will not be able to destroy this great nation any longer.

Because of that, the Left has been campaigning as hard as they can because they understand that they must have the full support of American voters… especially the undecided.

However, they seem to have miscalculated the support they would receive from that voter base.

During a recent interview with “undecided” voters, it was made extremely clear that Joe Biden and the Left do not have their votes.

One Michigan voter told MSNBC that he had had enough with President Joe Biden’s inability to address the actual economic problems that affect the American people on a daily basis after casting his ballot for him in the past.

The individual, only known as “Omar,” was invited to a focus group of “undecideds” to talk about the 2024 election and other topics that might influence him.

He seemed to share the other members of the group’s opinions on Biden and the economy.

When asked at one point if they thought they would be better off individually under former President Donald Trump’s economy or under Joe Biden’s, all the voters said Trump.

The group was then asked a follow-up, “Is there anything Joe Biden could do or say between now and the time you vote that would make you feel differently about feeling that his policies would not be as good for your family on the economy, or are you pretty much decided that Trump’s policies would be better for the economy?”

The first to speak was a woman who expressed her opinion that Biden wasn’t really even addressing the economy at all.

She said, “I feel like he doesn’t even take accountability for what’s — at all, with what’s going on. And not even accountability, like he’s in denial that it’s happening!”

Omar chimed in to say, “The point is Biden needs to hear the people.”

“Because when he’s talking about the economy doing stellar, he’s talking about the stock market, he’s not looking at homelessness or joblessness, he’s not … thinking about how much it costs to go to the grocery store. And he’s gaslighting literally everyone in the process,” Omar added.

The moderator asked in response, “And Omar, you voted for Joe Biden last time?” Omar replied that he had.

This has terrified the Left, and they know that any chance they had to get Sleepy Joe re-elected is gone unless something drastic changes.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden administration releases terrorist into US and already things have escalated


Joe Biden and his administration have destroyed all sense of security that our nation had. And they blame Republicans for the crisis they have caused.

But now, the Biden administration has released a dangerous terrorist into the US and things have already escalated.

After entering the nation illegally over the southern border, the Biden administration let an Afghani member of an Islamic terrorist organization wander free on American streets.

After being freed by border officials in 2023, 48-year-old Mohammed Kharwin reportedly roamed the streets of America for a year, according to NBC News.

Because he “is a member of Hezb-e-Islami, or HIG, a political and paramilitary organization that the U.S. has designated as a terrorist organization,” the FBI has Kharwin on its national terrorist watchlist.

Hezb-e-Islami, often known as the “Party of Islam,” is described by the Director of National Intelligence as a “virulently anti-Western insurgent group whose goal is to replace the Western-backed Afghan Government with an Islamic state rooted in sharia.”

The terror suspect was detained last month, but an immigration judge in the Department of Justice under the Biden administration freed him once more without disclosing his terrorist affiliations.

According to the article, he was freed after posting his $12,000 bond and has “no restrictions on his movements” within the United States.

The Biden administration purportedly “lacked corroborating information” establishing his terrorist connections, but they would not say what they were missing. As a result, they freed him.

Since then, according to the report, Kharwin has requested “asylum and work authorization” and has taken domestic flights within the United States.

The report also stated that his next court date is not until next year.

The story was brought to light only a few months after another shocking allegation about an Islamic terrorist affiliated with al-Shabaab roaming free in the United States for almost a year surfaced.

An internal government report from March 2023 states that after apprehending a terrorist who was breaking the law by entering the country illegally, federal authorities released him.

The terrorist remained in the country until his latest detention in Minnesota.

The terrorist was first deemed a “mismatch” when his name was run through the terror watchlist, but in mid-January 2024, the Terrorist Screening Center decided that he was a “confirmed member of al-Shabaab,” according to The Daily Caller.

He was apprehended in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on January 20.

The U.S. State Department designated Al-Shabaab as a terrorist group in March 2008. In 2012, the group swore allegiance to al-Qaeda.

As per the Director of National Intelligence’s Counter-Terrorism Guide, “As of 2022, al-Shabaab was the wealthiest component of al Qa’ida and has killed more US citizens than any other affiliate since 2014.”

This is the reality under the leadership of Joe Biden and the Radical Left.

No one is safe even in our own country, and Joe Biden will continue to allow terrorists and dangerous criminals into our country.

The agenda of the Left is costing American citizens their lives like Laken Riley and others. We must stop this madness.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden hit with devastating loss that put his future in politics in jeopardy


The Left is scrambling right now because they know that they must if they have any chance of defeating Trump in November. And they cannot afford to lose even one small step.

But now, Joe Biden has been hit with a devastating loss that put his future in politics in jeopardy.

A hotter-than-expected inflation report that showed a 3.5% increase over the previous 12 months—the largest year-over-year increase since last September—destroyed President Joe Biden’s economy on Wednesday.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics just issued its Consumer Price Index data, which indicates that gas, food, car insurance, and electricity are the main causes of the increased prices.

With the price of pet food rising by 23.7% and baby food rising by over 30% since 2021, new parents and pet owners are also feeling the squeeze.

The unexpectedly high inflation figures may significantly scuttle any attempts to start lowering interest rates because they were released only one day after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen declared that consumer finances were “quite strong” overall.

In response to the revelation, detractors of Biden’s economics pointed out that the inflation problem was obviously not temporary as had been claimed.

Senator Markwayne Mullin from Oklahoma said, “Remember when the admin said inflation was transitory? Overall prices are still up 19.4% since Biden entered office. Oklahomans are paying nearly double at the grocery store. Rent, transportation, and energy costs are still way too high. Americans can’t afford the Biden economy.”

Rep. Wesley Hunt from Texas also took the opportunity to attack Biden’s handling of the economy saying, “Prices RISE by 3.5% in March over last year. But don’t believe your lying eyes. Biden told us it would be temporary, it would be transitory, and that costs were under control. It’s NEVER been more expensive to live in this economy.”

Economist Stephen Moore provided side-by-side comparisons in three crucial areas to shed light on why Americans’ enthusiasm for the economy has declined since Biden assumed office:

Jan ’21: 1.4%
March ’24: 3.5%

𝟑𝟎-𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞
Jan ’21: 2.65%
March ’24: 6.82%

𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞
Jan ’21: $2.39
March ’24: $3.39”

Additionally, a comparison graphic comparing the rates of inflation for several items under President Biden and previous President Donald Trump was released by the Republican National Committee (@RNCResearch).

A twist was also provided by Fox Business host Dagen McDowell, who pointed out that families already struggling with inflation will suffer more as a result of President Biden’s persistent insistence on unilaterally canceling student loans, even in defiance of the Supreme Court.

McDowell said, “Food, energy, car insurance (+22% y/y)! This is an unavoidable hardship and anxiety for working Americans.”

He added, “So Joe Biden again screws them + the nearly 90% of Americans with NO STUDENT LOAN DEBT and then hands them the bill for bailing out college graduates who didn’t feel like paying off their own debts.”

Even Biden’s own former chief of staff in the White House, Ron Klain, told Politico that Biden was mishandling his reelection campaign and the evident issue of inflation.

“I think the president is out there too much talking about bridges. He does two or three events a week where he’s cutting a ribbon on a bridge. And here’s a bridge. Like I tell you, if you go into the grocery store, you go to the grocery store and, you know, eggs and milk are expensive, the fact that there’s a f***ing bridge is not … Like it’s a bridge, and how interesting is the bridge? It’s a little interesting but it’s not a lot interesting,” he said.

Biden is losing support from every direction, and Americans are sick and tired of suffering under the iron fist of the Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.