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Key Democrat figure attacked over suspected voter fraud


Democrats and voter fraud go hand in hand. But nonetheless, people were shocked to learn of this.

And a key Democrat figure has been attacked over suspected voter fraud.

Voting integrity is something that Republicans have been fighting for hard for years.

But in every direction they turn, it seems the Radical Left continues to oppose safe, secure, and honest elections.

They seem to understand that if Americans were given the chance to fair elections, no politicians on the Radical Left would ever be elected.

And now, Jocelyn Benson, the Democratic secretary of state of Michigan, was sued on Wednesday by the Republican National Committee, who claimed that her office had not kept up-to-date voter records.

Voters who are not eligible to vote can cast ballots because of election integrity being compromised by mismanagement, according to the RNC lawsuit.

The RNC is alleging that Benson disregarded the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said, “Election integrity starts with clean voter rolls, and that’s why the National Voter Registration Act requires state officials to keep their rolls accurate and up-to-date.”

She added that “Jocelyn Benson has failed to follow the NVRA, leaving Michigan with inflated and inaccurate voter rolls ahead of the 2024 election.”

The complaint claims that there are more active registered voters than adult residents over the age of 18 in at least 53 counties in Michigan.

The RNC claims that after 2020, when only one county had a registration rate above 100%, the number of counties with such a percentage skyrocketed.

According to the lawsuit, 23 counties have voter registration rates of over 90% of eligible individuals, which is much higher than the state and national averages.

“The RNC and its members are concerned that Defendants’ failure to comply with the NVRA’s voter-list maintenance obligations undermines the integrity of elections by increasing the opportunity for ineligible voters or voters intent on fraud to cast ballots,” states the lawsuit.

The suit says, “Michigan’s impossibly high registration rates, large rates of inactive registered voters, low numbers of address confirmations, and low numbers of removals indicate an ongoing, systemic problem with its voter list maintenance effort violates federal law and jeopardizes the integrity of the State’s upcoming elections.”

The lawsuit, which was filed in the Western District of Michigan U.S. District Court, claims that Census Bureau data was used to determine the registration rates.

It was filed a few days after the RNC’s new leadership, supported by former President Donald Trump, took over.

Given that polls indicate a close race between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Michigan will be one of the crucial states to watch in November.

Because of demonstrations by communities with a majority of Muslims against Biden’s handling of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, his popularity in the state has dropped significantly.

Many Americans are extremely suspicious that this battleground state is where so much voter fraud seems to be happening.

Secretary of State Benson has attempted to deflect and said, “Let’s call this what it is: a PR campaign masquerading as a meritless lawsuit filled with baseless accusations that seek to diminish people’s faith in the security of our elections. Shame on anyone who abuses the legal process to sow seeds of doubt in our democracy.”

However, we the people know the truth and we will not stop until we can trust in our election system again.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Secret Biden report exposed and you won’t believe what he’s hiding


The current administration hides many things from the American people. But this new discovery is mind-blowing.

And a secret Biden report has been exposed, and you won’t believe what he is hiding.

New reports show that employees who work for unions that defend government workers against management receive more than $100 million annually from the federal government.

Taxpayers essentially foot the bill for both sides of the bargaining table.

The government has been monitoring and reporting those numbers for decades, but the reports have been erased by the Biden administration.

Hundreds of nominal government employees have been paid by the federal government for years despite not having done anything but full-time union labor under the “official time” policy.

The approach is costly for taxpayers, but it also strengthens the position of unions by providing resources and subsidies for their operations, even in cases when workers are not sufficiently supportive of the unions to pay dues.

These unions support laws that pit the interests of workers ahead of that of taxpayers, like opposing a return to in-person work, and they fight against the termination of workers who are suspected of wrongdoing.

Historically, including during the Obama administration, the Office of Personnel Management has monitored and released information about the program’s utilization.

However, since 2019, when the government paid for 2.6 million hours—nearly 300 years’ worth—of employee time that was really spent on union business, the data has not been updated.

The Biden administration has even concealed its own secrets from the public.

The Daily Wire questioned OPM in December about the disappearance of the report listing page and all previous reports (2019 is the only one that can be found through the search feature).

A spokesperson reported, “Previous reports on official time are not currently available because OPM is reorganizing our website to improve navigation and customer experience.”

However, they’re still missing months later.

OPM declined to respond to inquiries about whether it was still gathering statistics, why it hadn’t released reports for the years 2019 and earlier, and if The Daily Wire could still access the reports even though they weren’t stored online.

The factual information describing how taxpayer funds were spent was removed around July 2023, according to a Freedom Foundation report that cast doubt on OPM’s explanation.

In that same month, OPM added a page titled “Worker Empowerment,” which claimed that the administration supported “policies, practices, and programs that promote worker power, worker organizing, and collective bargaining.”

This is not the first time that Joe Biden has hidden reports from the American people.

He has also refused to give up certain DEI funding numbers and claimed that they were never reported.

The American people have no way of knowing what their taxpayer dollars are being used for because of this corruption.

We cannot sit by and let Joe Biden and the Radical Left steal our money and use it to push their absurd, harmful, and destructive policies and ideologies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Leftist state unleashes one radical scheme that left even Democrats scratching their heads


Even while the Radical Left continues to try and destroy this nation, true Americans are fighting back. But will it be enough?

And this Leftist state unleashed one radical scheme that left even Democrats scratching their heads.

Attorneys general from sixteen states in the union have threatened to sue the state of Maine should legislation be passed that protects medical professionals and other state residents—including parents—from being sued out-of-state for performing or obtaining abortions and child s*x modifications within the state.

The attorneys general from Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia wrote a letter to Senate President Troy Jackson, House Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross, and Maine Governor Janet Mills.

The letter states, “We, the undersigned Attorneys General, write to express serious concern regarding LD 227, a bill pending in the Maine Legislature. While it is extremely unusual for States to interject themselves in another State’s lawmaking, LD 227’s unique constitutional transgressions merit our comment.”

They further claimed that the bill “seeks to contravene the lawful policy choices of our States’ citizens by imposing on the rest of the country Maine’s views on hotly debated issues such as gender transition surgeries for children.”

They cracked down on the implications and said, “The law’s far-reaching provisions are unprecedented.”

According to the letter, the bill “purports to shield from liability those offering or aiding the provision of unlawful services to citizens located in our States — a provision Planned Parenthood asserts would ‘safeguard’ Maine providers and patients from ‘out-of-state laws that ban or restrict care that is legal in Maine.”

“The law also creates a private right of action for damages against law enforcement, prosecutors, and other officials in our States who are enforcing our own valid state laws, even laws whose constitutionality has been confirmed by federal appellate courts. On top of that, LD227 purports to block valid orders and judgments from our state courts enforcing laws upheld by federal appellate courts,” it continues.

WGME reports that opponents of the bill raised a number of concerns at an early March hearing, including circumstances in which a parent lacking custody of a child takes a minor into the state for an abortion or s*x change without the other parent’s agreement.

One resident of the state said, “I oppose LD 227 because it undermines the authority of parents.”

Rep Katrina Smith said, “LD 227 states there is only a legal right to encourage gender dysphoria and not to question it or slow it down. A child can come to Maine and even if a parent objects, they will be allowed any gender service they could name.”

The editor in chief for the Maine Wire, Steve Robinson, said that the bill was “the craziest thing that I’ve ever seen.”

He added, “If you want to try and find the public version of the text of this bill, you can’t because of the process that they’ve used to introduce this piece of legislation, which some are arguing was an intentional effort to prevent people from rallying in opposition to this radical piece of legislation.”

Robinson claimed that the bill would essentially enable anybody to “take a minor, related to them or not, from another state to Maine in order to get s*x change drugs or s*x change surgery or an abortion and that would be legally protected health care.”

The draft bill lays out the definition of “gender-affirming health care services” as “ll supplies, care, and services of a medical, behavioral health, mental health, surgical, psychiatric, therapeutic, diagnostic, preventative, rehabilitative or supportive nature, including medication, relating to the treatment of gender dysphoria and gender incongruence in accordance with the accepted standard of care as defined by major medical professional organizations and agencies with expertise in the field of gender-affirming care including the Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8, or subsequent version, published by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health.”

Thankfully, many residents, politicians, and other key figures have been very vocal in their opposition of the bill.

Even while the Radical Left continues to try and push their agenda, true American patriots are fighting back.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Shocking development in Hunter Biden case has sent the whole Biden family spiraling


The Biden family might be the most corrupt political family in the US. And things seem to keep getting worse for them.

But now, a shocking development in the Hunter Biden case has sent the whole Biden family spiraling.

Hunter Biden is scheduled to stand trial for felony gun charges in less than three months, according to a federal judge’s decision on Wednesday.

The start of the proceedings is scheduled for the week of June 3 or 10.

In order to obtain a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver, the president’s son was allegedly accused of falsifying data on FBI background check paperwork last year.

As his own memoir, Beautiful Things, makes clear, he was a drug user even if he denied it.

In a phone hearing, Delaware US District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika reportedly stated that the start dates are provisional and that other issues need to be resolved before a final decision is reached, according to Bloomberg.

She pointed out that there are still motions pending to dismiss the case.

The charges against Hunter included unauthorized weapons possession, lying to federal guns license sellers about information they kept, and lying while buying a firearm.

He could spend up to 25 years in prison if proven guilty.

He was ready to enter a guilty plea to tax charges in June of last year, anticipating that the gun charges would be dropped as part of a plea agreement.

However, that agreement collapsed the next month when Noreika learned that the prosecution and defense had seemingly agreed in the diversion agreement that Biden would also be immune from prosecution for any charges arising from his failure to register as a foreign agent while doing business abroad.

After the prosecution clarified that this was not their understanding, the plea agreement was revoked and Biden entered a not guilty plea.

Hunter Biden and his family have now realized that they cannot escape the law, and Hunter Biden will face serious consequences for his actions.

The Radical Left has done everything they can to weaponize the Justice system in this country, but we cannot allow them to take over.

Hunter Biden has committed actual crimes, and he must come face to face with the US law.
Joe Biden thinks that his family is immune from any punishment because he is protected by the Radical Left.

However, there are still many true American patriots in this great country who will not allow the corruption of the Biden family to go unpunished.

This development is a major win for America, and it is a clear sign to the Left that we will not be silenced so easily.

Even while they unlawfully prosecute Donald Trump for the most absurd reasons, we will lawfully cease the corruption of the Left… starting with the White House.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

New ICE report shows proof of Biden administration aiding illegal gang members


The immigration crisis in this country is a tragedy. And countless American lives have been put into danger.

But a new ICE report has shown proof of the Biden administration aiding and abetting illegal gang members.

According to the latest Immigration Customs and Enforcement data, just 834 Venezuelans were deported despite over 335,000 border encounters in the fiscal year 2023.

Venezuelan illegal immigrants are to blame for a wave of violent crimes across the nation, including some shockingly horrific events.

Despite this, President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela has stopped accepting deportation flights from the United States and Mexico, making it difficult for the Biden administration to send many of these illegal aliens back to their native country.

Increased economic sanctions caused Maduro to make his choice, upending an agreement that had been made in October.

Over 335,000 border interactions last year were reported but never resulted in deportations, including violent crimes committed by Venezuelan illegal immigrants, who have recently made national headlines.

Many experts claim that if they had been deported, these horrible atrocities would never have happened.

When Jose Ibarra was charged with killing 22-year-old Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, it became the most well-known instance of a Venezuelan national committing a violent crime in the United States.

Ibarra, together with his spouse and their 5-year-old son, entered the United States in September 2022 via El Paso, Texas.

According to Ibarra’s wife, they tied the knot in order to pool their asylum claims.

They traveled to New York City by bus. Ibarra was detained while in New York on suspicion of endangering children, but the case was dropped by a Manhattan judge.

Later, after divorcing his wife, Ibarra relocated to Georgia to live with his brother, an undocumented immigrant.

He is accused of killing Laken Riley while she was jogging close to campus some months later.

Jose and his brother were later found to be involved with the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua.

The Tren de Aragua gang is accused by the NYPD of committing numerous crimes and frightening locals in the Big Apple.

Due to the vicious attack on NYPD officers in Times Square that went viral in January, two members of the gang were taken into custody.

Members of Venezuelan gangs are flooding our country through the wide-open southern border, yet Joe Biden refuses to do anything about it.

How much longer will American citizens be viciously attacked and put into danger before our government will step up?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden officials caught destroying evidence and the reason is disgusting


The Biden administration has been caught in so many lies that people shouldn’t be surprised at this one. But this act is worse than the rest.

And Biden officials have been caught destroying evidence and the reason is disgusting.

Special Counsel Robert Hur stated in a testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that Mike Zwonitzer, the ghostwriter for Joe Biden, attempted to erase audio records of his interview with Biden.

Hur disclosed that Zwonitzer hurriedly erased the audio files from his computer upon learning that Hur had been chosen to lead the probe into Biden’s handling of classified documents.

Jim Jordan questioned Hur saying, “Joe Biden ‘risked serious damage to America’s national security’ when he shared information with his ghostwriter.”

“What did the ghostwriter do with the information Joe Biden shared with him on his laptop … after you were named special counsel.”

Hur replied, “If you are referring to the audio recordings that Mr. Zwonitzer created of his conversations with Biden, he slid, if I remember correctly, he slid those files into his recycle bin on his computer.”

When Jordan said, “Tried to destroy the evidence, didn’t he?” Hur replied, “Correct.”

Hur continued and told the Committee that the Biden administration themselves even tried to change the report.

Hur was asked whether or not the White House “tried to weigh in with your investigation on elements of that report and get the report changed.”

To which he replied that officials did “request certain edits and changes to the draft report.”

This terrifying reality has begun to set in and Americans across the entire nation are terrified.

The implications of this discovery are not ones that many people want to think about.

Our White House is deleting and editing data in order to keep the Radical Left in control.

We cannot sit by idly and let this happen.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Tragic loss within the GOP has left the country shaken


Politics can lead to tragic losses. But even then, no one saw this coming.

And a tragic loss within the GOP has left the country shaken.

On Tuesday, a second Republican declared that he would be leaving the House early, further undermining the already slim GOP majority in the lower house.

In a statement, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), who said months earlier that he would not run for office again this year, did not give a justification for advancing his departure date before his two-year term ends in January 2025.

“It has been an honor to serve the people of Colorado’s 4th District in Congress for the past 9 years. I want to thank them for their support and encouragement throughout the years,” he said.

He then added, “Today, I am announcing that I will depart Congress at the end of next week. I look forward to staying involved in our political process, as well as spending more time in Colorado and with my family.”

In remarks to reporters, Buck did, however, provide further context by mentioning the impeachment investigation that centers on President Joe Biden’s wrongdoing.

The Washington Post reports that Buck said, “We’ve taken impeachment and we’ve made it a social media issue as opposed to a constitutional concept — this place keeps going downhill and I don’t need to spend more time here.”

Though no announcements have been made as of now, there is already growing anticipation for a special election to be held in the upcoming months to select a replacement for Buck.

One of the candidates running for the 4th Congressional District seat for a full term beginning next year is Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who now represents Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District.

With Buck’s early exit, Republicans would have 218 members, Democrats 213;

However, the GOP leadership can only lose two votes on party-line matters when all members are present.

House Speaker Mike Johnson said he was “surprised” by the announcement and that he was “looking forward to talking with him about that.”

The 435-member body now has three vacancies as Democrat Tom Suozzi filled a fourth last month after winning a special election following the expulsion of Representative George Santos (R-NY).

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) made the decision to resign from Congress at the conclusion of the previous year after losing the speakership in October.

To fill the remaining term, California decided to have a primary on March 19 and a general election on May 21, assuming no candidate receives 50% of the vote.

McCarthy-backed Republican Vince Fong progressed to the general election in November after taking first place in a primary runoff for the district’s open seat.

The next few months will play a significant part in deciding the future of America.

We must rally together to oppose the oppressions of the Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Massive Democrat betrayal in the House completely shakes things up


The Democrat party has been shocking the nation in recent months. But this time it’s different.

And a massive Democrat betrayal in the House has completely shaken things up.

A little over a dozen House Democrats split with their party to help Republicans approve a resolution on Tuesday criticizing President Joe Biden’s immigration policy and requesting that he act without waiting for a legislative solution.

Together with all 212 voting Republicans, 14 Democrats supported the proposal.

193 more Democrats abstained from voting on the resolution.

Thirteen lawmakers abstained from voting, seven of them Republicans and six of them Democrats.

Reps. Don Davis (D-NC), Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), Yadira Caraveo (D-CO), Angie Craig (D-MN), Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Sharice Davids (D-KS), Jared Golden (D-ME), Susan Lee (D-NV), Frank Mrvan (D-IN), Mary Peltola (D-AK), Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA), and Eric Sorensen (D-IL) were among the 14 defectors.

The resolution contains provisions criticizing Biden and his administration for allowing millions of undocumented immigrants to enter the country and causing the “worst border security crisis in the Nation’s history.”

It also enumerates certain powers that Biden ought to exercise while the president defers to Congress to find a solution, including terminating catch-and-release policies and signing cooperative agreements on asylum.

The resolution’s author, Representative Monica De La Cruz (R-TX), declared, “The current state of our nation’s border security is unsustainable.”

“The policies put forth by the Biden administration have resulted in the worst border security crisis in our nation’s history, endangering our communities and straining our resources,” she continued.

Cruz also claims that the resolution “underscores the urgent need for the Biden administration to take decisive action to address the crisis at our border.”

She said, “We urge the administration to immediately begin utilizing the authorities available to them to regain control of the situation and protect the interests of the American people.”

The resolution is the most recent in a line of actions that have gained support from both parties and are aimed at criticizing the Biden administration for how it has handled the border problem.

Late in January, 56 Democrats backed legislation pushed by Republicans that aimed to create additional fines for people who flee from Border Patrol officials within 100 miles of the border in fast-moving vehicle chases.

A few weeks prior, 14 Democrats and Republicans voted to condemn the “open-borders policies” of the Biden administration.

Last year, the Republican-controlled House enacted a border security package that included restrictions on asylum access among other things.

However, the Democratic-controlled Senate declined to consider what Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called “partisan right-wing demands.”

The border district representative, Cueller, had earlier on Tuesday stated that he was spearheading a group of 26 House Democrats to push Congress to enact bipartisan legislation to address the problem.

“Let’s get the job done,” he later said in a post on X, “I have always believed that Democrats can be strong on border security while also respecting the rights of migrants to claim asylum.”

Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of Homeland Security, was impeached by House Republicans for his handling of the border crisis, but the Senate has not yet held a trial for the Cabinet member.

Even Biden’s Democrat allies are turning on Joe Biden because he is destroying this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Newly released transcripts from Hur investigation expose chilling Biden secrets


Everyone knows that Joe Biden is hiding secrets. But no one could have predicted this.

And now, newly released transcripts from Hur investigation expose chilling Biden secrets.

During his five-hour interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, President Joe Biden displayed a number of memory lapses that required the intervention of White House lawyers.

For example, he was unable to recall when he was vice president, when his son Beau passed away from cancer, the election of former President Donald Trump, or even the definition of a fax machine.

Prior to Hur’s hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, the whole transcript of the interview—during which Hur questioned Biden about his handling of sensitive information discovered in his possession—was made public.

It seemed to validate some of Hur’s justifications for not pursuing legal action.

Hur said he thought a jury would judge Biden to be just too old and forgetful when he originally released his report.

When Biden was describing the arrangement of his library during the interview, he had trouble remembering the word “fax machine.”

One of the White House lawyers had to step in and help him out.

Later in the conversation, he discussed the death of his son Beau Biden from cancer in 2015.

Although he seemed to know that his son’s illness was the reason he had not run for president while serving as the outgoing vice president, he was unable to pinpoint the exact date of his son’s death.

The transcript reads:

Biden: Well, um … I, I, I, I, I don’t know. This is what, 2017, 2018, that area?

Hur: Yes.

Biden: Remember, in this timeframe, my son is — either been deployed or is dying … And, and so what was happening, though — what month did Beau die? Oh, God, May 30

Lawyer: 2015

Biden: Was it 2015 he had died?
Just shortly after this exchange, Biden couldn’t seem to remember when exactly it was that Trump was actually elected as President.

He said, “Trump gets elected in November of 2017?”

Two people had to correct him and inform him that Trump was elected in 2016.

This appeared to make Biden confused and he replied, “16, 2016, all right, so why do I have 2017 here?”

White House Counsel Ed Siskel stepped in again and said “That’s when you left office.”

Aside from forgetting the name of a fax machine again, Biden also asked, “When did I announce for President?” and, “Well, if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?”

This is the terrifying reality in America right now:

We have a President who cannot even remember the simplest dates and times and facts.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Senator just told the world a major secret and it’s terrifying


Politics these days seems to be all about secrets and lies. But no one saw this coming.

And a top Senator just told the world a major secret and it’s terrifying.

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) stated on Monday that the Democrats’ vote against his amendment, which would have prohibited illegal aliens from being counted in the U.S. Census for the purpose of allocating seats in the U.S. House and Electoral College, late last week, demonstrated their true intentions.

Not a single Democratic senator voted in favor of his proposal, which was rejected 45–51.

Two of the four senators who were not present during the vote have now voted in favor of it, making the final total 47–51.

Hagerty hinted that he thinks the two other senators who were not present at the vote would also vote “yes.”

The lone Republican senator to vote against it was from Alaska, Lisa Murkowski.

On Fox Business, Hagerty said, “I think that this proves the motive behind the crime on our border.”

“They want these illegal migrants in here to create more electoral power for them in their blue states. They’re basically creating sanctuary cities to be a magnet so these people will disproportionately flow to these blue states.”

“They’re shipping them there as rapidly as they can since Joe Biden came into office,” he added.”

“The estimates are as high as 10 million people that have come in here. That would be 13 extra congressional districts if you allocated them the right way. This is a tremendous amount of power that the Democrats are bringing in. They’re giving their voters, the blue state voters, disproportionately more power than they are giving my voters in Tennessee.”

This shocking bombshell has taken the nation by storm, and the American people are terrified.

If true, this would change the outcome of all future elections, and no election in America would be safe ever again.

The Radical Left is pushing their agenda, and because so many Americans are opposing them, they are formulating ways to turn the tide of elections in their favor.

We cannot sit by idly and allow this madness to continue.

The agenda of the Radical Left does not include America or its citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politis for more updates on this developing story and more.

Top official caught in treasonous act that exposes the Radical Left


It is no secret that the Radical Left hates America. But now they have taken it too far.

And a top official has been caught in a treasonous act that exposes the Left.

Former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch made a covert attempt to persuade the Department of Defense to strike a contentious Chinese drone manufacturer from a US roster of Chinese firms involved in the communist nation’s armed forces.

According to Reuters, SZ DJI Technology Co. requested that Lynch and two other former U.S. officials take them off the list.

The other individuals were Associate White House Counsel Roberto Gonzalez and former Assistant United States Attorney Michael Gertzman.

The letter to the Pentagon officer was signed by all three of the former US officials, who are currently coworkers at the Paul, Weiss law firm, and included the notation “confidential treatment requested.”

According to the Pentagon in 2021, DJI poses a risk to the national security of the United States.

The letter, a copy of which the report received, is an illustration of the reasons American authorities are working to eliminate legal loopholes that permit attorneys and lobbyists to avoid revealing their work for foreign corporations that may be vulnerable to U.S. sanctions.

Due to a loophole in the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), anyone who engages in “commercial activities and legal representation” is exempt from having to notify the US government about their conduct.

Lynch came under fire from Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranking Republican Jim Risch for her support and advocacy of organizations with ties to China’s military.

“It is appalling that former senior U.S. officials use their connections to serve the interests of U.S. adversaries,” said Risch.

Lynch pushed the U.S. to drop the designation immediately because the drones were already in “wide use” in the U.S.

She also requested a meeting with the department so she could address the issue.

Why is it that those on the Radical Left are so obsessed with foreign powers?

Many Americans wonder why top government officials would be so concerned with helping China and so concerned with covering it up.
Americans are frustrated that once again, the Radical Left is spending more time, money, and effort on foreign powers like Ukraine and China than they are on their own citizens.

We cannot allow these treasonous actions to continue.

We must hold our government officials accountable for their actions.

We need to elect politicians and leaders who will put America and her needs first… not foreign militaries.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden suffers devastating loss that massively set his election campaign back


Joe Biden seems to be losing tons of support while campaigning for re-election. But now, this could end it all.

Because Biden has suffered a devastating loss that massively set his election campaign back.

House Republican leaders in Congress swiftly rejected President Joe Biden’s ambitious $7.3 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year (FY) 2025 on Monday after he introduced it.

According to the White House, the $7.3 trillion plan “reduces the deficit by $3 trillion over the next 10 years.”

In agreement with the House Republican leadership, House Speaker Mike Johnson issued a statement dismissing the idea.

“The price tag of President Biden’s proposed budget is yet another glaring reminder of this Administration’s insatiable appetite for reckless spending and the Democrats’ disregard for fiscal responsibility. Biden’s budget doesn’t just miss the mark — it is a roadmap to accelerate America’s decline,” said the statement.

“House Republicans reject Biden’s misguided budget proposal and have taken action to steer our nation back to a path of fiscal sanity. Our efforts to rein in the runaway spending spree from last year’s budget have already yielded results, lowering projected deficits by $2.6 trillion over the next decade. The House’s budget plan for the next fiscal year, preceding the President’s proposal, reflects the values of hardworking Americans who know that in tough economic times, fiscal discipline is non-negotiable. House Republicans understand the American people expect and deserve nothing less from their government.”

According to the New York Times, the new proposed budget is extremely similar to last year’s which also did not make it anywhere in Congress.

In an attempt to show evidence of efforts in cutting expenditure, the White House pointed to declines in the deficit since Biden assumed office in 2021.

However, the deficit levels throughout the Trump administration are smaller than those in fiscal years 2022 and 2023, with the exception of FY 2020 during the pandemic.

Once again, the Radical Left continues to make themselves look better, but the American people see right through their lies.

We cannot and will not allow this administration to keep stealing our money in order to push a Radical agenda.

The obvious rejection of his proposed budget for FY 2025 is a major blow to Biden.

It is clear proof that no one stands behind him and no one believes in him.

The entire nation cannot wait to vote him out of office so that he can spend the rest of his days where he belongs: a mental hospital.

While Joe Biden and the Radical Left think they can get away with this thievery, Republican leaders understand the feelings of the American people, and they are refusing to play any games with Biden.

There will be no compromising as long as Biden continues to destroy this country and leaves its citizens stranded and without hope.

We must join together to support this great nation, because our White House will not.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.