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Biden suffers shocking loss that has exposed major cracks in the Democrat party


Joe Biden has been propped up by the Democrat party for years in their desperate attempt to oppose Trump. But recently, even Democrats seem to be opposing Biden.

And now, Biden has suffered a shocking loss that has exposed major cracks in the Democrat party.

Super Tuesday saw Democrat and businessman Jason Palmer defeat incumbent President Joe Biden in American Samoa.

Palmer was a long shot opponent of the president who seemed to play to a more moderate supporter base.

KFOR reports that the Decision Desk HQ called the race on Tuesday night.

The American Samoan Democratic Party confirmed the outcome to the media.

Only sixteen states have allowed Palmer to run for president, according to a campaign announcement.

Palmer conducted campaigns in American Samoa as well which could have been a major reason for his win in the territory.

Palmer played more to younger and moderate Democrats as an alternative to Biden.

Salote Iopu Finauga Mamea, 24, praised Palmer for his campaign efforts in American Samoa.

Mamea said, “Jason is giving American Samoa the attention it deserves! Appreciate his efforts and concerns towards our island in addressing issues such as climate change, infrastructure, government fundings, healthcare, and education. From humble beginnings to making a difference.”

“At 52, Palmer stands out as one of the youngest Democratic candidates on the ballot, offering a fresh perspective based on his experience as an entrepreneur and businessman.”

“His platform is based on people-first conscious capitalism, modernizing our federal government, and reigniting the faith of young people and independents who have lost confidence in America’s institutions.”

Although this is merely one territory, many Americans understand the significance of Biden’s loss in American Samoa.

Democrats are no longer supporting the corrupt President, and they are turning their focus on younger and brighter candidates within their party.

As Joe Biden’s approval rating is abysmally low, many Democrats are looking elsewhere for a candidate who can beat Trump.

The Radical Left understands how hated and despised Joe Biden is, and now they are scrambling to prop up another figure in his place.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates and more.

Mayorkas makes a disturbing comment when confronted about Laken Riley


Laken Riley’s murder was a tragic one that could have easily been avoided. And Biden is responsible for her death.

But now, Mayorkas has made a disturbing claim regarding Laken Riley’s death.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of Homeland Security, discussed the murder of 22-year-old Georgia nursing student Laken Riley in an interview with CBS News on Sunday.

However, he did not acknowledge that Laken Riley’s suspected killer, Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal immigrant, should not have been permitted entry into the country in the first place.

Many on the right reacted negatively to his remarks, among them Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, who noted that Riley “would still be alive today” if the federal government had carried out its duties as intended.

In a post on X, Johnson wrote, “When asked about the tragic murder of Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant, Secretary Mayorkas visibly checked his talking points on how to deflect blame.”

“Her killer should NOT have been allowed to enter the country and if the Administration had stopped him and turned him around as they should have, Laken Riley would be alive today,” Johnson added.

During the interview on Face the Nation, host Margaret Brennan confronted Mayorkas about “migrant crime” in general, but focused specifically on Riley’s case.

“[Ibarra] had been detained by Border Patrol upon crossing, released with temporary permission to stay in the country,” Brenna said.

She then emphasized that he “then went on allegedly to commit crimes twice, once in New York for driving a scooter without a license, and once in connection with a shoplifting case in Georgia.”

She asked Mayrokas directly: “Did those states and their law enforcement communicate to the federal government that this had happened? Should this man have been deported?”

Mayorkas refused to admit that the murderer should have been deported and instead called the events a “tragedy.”

“One individual is responsible for the murder,” Mayorkas said, “and that is the murderer.”

The Secretary of Homeland Security then refused to acknowledge that Ibarra’s illegal entry and continued presence in the nation after he had committed the aforementioned crimes were, at the very least, partially the fault of the federal government.

Rather, he stated that sanctuary states and cities should take responsibility for their failure to alert immigration authorities to the threat that Ibarra represented to the neighborhood.

Ibarra was taken into custody soon after the body of the nursing student from Augusta University was found close to a lake on February 22.

In addition to a misdemeanor charge of physically impeding a 911 call, he is accused of felonies including malice murder, murder, abduction, false imprisonment, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, and concealing the death of another.

This is simply the newest in a long line of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens that Joe Biden and Mayorkas have allowed into our country.

How long will this continue?

We cannot allow the Left to keep destroying this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

This House Democrat is utterly humiliated after being attacked by their own mob


The Radical Left seems to be very supportive of violent protests… Except when it’s directed towards them.

And now, this House Democrat is utterly humiliated after being attacked by their own mob.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her fiancé Riley Roberts were driven out of a Brooklyn movie theater on Monday by a mob of anti-Israel protestors who demanded that the progressive lawmaker refer to the Jewish state’s battle against Hamas terrorists in Gaza as a “genocide.”

The activists could be seen approaching the “Squad” member in the theater’s passageways via cell phone footage.

In online clips, the mob can be heard telling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “You refuse to call it a genocide.”

The congressman addressed the demonstrators, “I need you to understand that this is not okay.”

“It’s not okay that there’s a genocide happening and you’re not actively against it,” the activist said.

“You’re lying!” AOC yelled back.

AOC has been accused of being antisemitic for her remarks about the Middle East situation that demonized the Jewish state.

Ocasio-Cortez was called out by the activists for not labeling the conflict as genocide as she and her fiancé descended an escalator.

They shouted, “If you can’t say it, just say it. Literally. We’re just talking to you like normal people. Just say it’s a genocide. Just say it.”

Citing unreliable figures that Hamas had used to represent its own losses in the fighting, the activist went on:

“Over 30,000 people are dead AOC, you can’t just say it for once? Just say the word, that’s it. That’s all we want you to say.”

The activists followed Ocasio-Cortez and Roberts out of the building and heckled her as they went.

Roberts turned to motion for them to stop, but Ocasio-Cortez kept moving forward by herself.

One of the activists questioned the congresswoman about her concerns that the video would “go viral.”

Ocasio-Cortez said that the demonstrators would manipulate the video to take her remarks “completely out of context.”

AOC then appeared to call the conflict a massacre by saying, “I already said that it was. And y’all are just gonna pretend that it wasn’t. Over and over again. It’s f*cked up man. And you’re not helping these people. You’re not helping them.”

AOC has been mocked online for having such a strong reaction to the protesters because in the past she has been very supportive of these sorts of obnoxious protests.

She even posted on her social media that “the whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable.”

The Radical Left is turning on themselves, and they are making it more and more clear why people will not vote for them any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden official caught stealing taxpayer dollars for one sinister purpose


The Radical Left has proven that they are willing to do anything to push their agenda. But no one expected this.

And a Biden official has been caught stealing taxpayer dollars for one sinister purpose.

The Biden administration has given a paid activist the authority to travel the world advocating for gender ideology and transgenderism.

As the State Department’s Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons, Jessica Stern travels the world attending so-called Pride events from Australia to Brazil, South Africa to Sweden.

With an annual salary of almost $180,000, Stern has made it her mission to support activist organizations, lobby foreign governments, and advance far-left views on sex and gender.

She has also boasted that she is the highest-ranking lesbian woman.

President Biden appointed Stern in September 2021, and while she supports the president’s larger attempt to use the power of federal agencies and their bureaucracy to further a far-left agenda, her work has mainly gone unreported by the media.

During Biden’s initial weeks in office, he directed all government departments to “advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons abroad.”

Stern has led the charge in this endeavor and declared it a “priority of U.S. foreign policy.”

Stern has traveled to at least 22 countries and they have all been funded by the American taxpayer dollar.

In an interview with the Council on Foreign Relations, Stern said, “Good foreign policy is inclusive foreign policy, and that means having senior experts on LGBTQI rights.”

Traveling the world to attend official government functions as well as local festivities is Stern’s main means of pursuing her goals, which include addressing the “vulnerability of LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees” and establishing “legal gender recognition based on the principle of self-determination.”

Stern remarked once on how happy she was to see so many kids in the crowd when she went to a pride parade in Lithuania in the summer of 2022.

“I saw a lot of kids at pride parades. They didn’t really know what it was about. They knew that somebody gave them a flag and there were a lot of people playing music and they got to dance along the street wearing stickers,” Stern said.

“And I see that as an incredibly positive thing, because when we’re teaching children a message of acceptance from a very early age, it changes their lives,” she added.

In January 2024, Stern visited Brazil once more to participate in a “trans visibility” march sponsored by the country’s National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals.

Stern had a meeting with a transgender official from Brazil who describes himself as a “transvestite sl*t.”

This is what our hard-earned stolen tax-payer dollars are funding.

They are being stolen from us by the Radical Left in order to fund a Radical and harmful agenda.

The Left is using our money and paying it to other people to brainwash children and members of other countries.

We cannot allow this to continue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Former Border Patrol Chief makes horrific claim that completely exposes the Left


It is not a secret that the Radical Left hates America. And the situation at the border seems to be proof.

But now, the former Border Patrol Chief has made a horrific claim that completely exposes Biden and the Left.

In an interview that aired on Sunday night, former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz attacked President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, claiming that they never had a meeting with him when he was in office until his retirement last year.

His comments on CBS News’s “60 Minutes” came after the Biden administration has seen the largest increase in illegal immigration in American history, with around 8 million illegal aliens having entered the country—more than the population of most states.

“When agencies are making a decision based upon politics or whether they’re gonna get media coverage, hey, we’re gonna put all our personnel in this two-mile stretch,” he said.

“What about the other 200 miles?” he added.

“I’ve never had one conversation with the president,” claimed Ortiz.

“Or the vice president, for that matter. And so I was the chief of the border patrol. I commanded 21,000 people. That’s a problem,” he added.

When the reporter commented on the dozens of illegal aliens they had seen entering the country, Ortiz had a strong response:

“We need to make sure that Central America, South America, Mexico, that those regions understand that if you pay a smuggler and you cross in between the ports of entry and you do not have a legitimate claim to some sort of asylum benefit, you’re gonna be sent back.”

Ortiz also highlighted that the White House had “most definitely” sent “mixed messages to migrants.”

This interview has completely shocked and outraged the nation because it has further exposed the lies of the Left.

Joe Biden does not care about America.

It is plain and simple, and it cannot be argued any differently.

No one on the entire aisle of the Radical Left cares about immigrants (legal or illegal) or Americans.

All that they care about is pushing their Radical agenda, and they do not care who they trample in their way.

Americans and people all across the world need to wake up and realize what is going on:

America is under attack.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this story and more.

Kamala Harris’ scary admission left Americans gripped with fear


Kamala Harris is a joke, and she is the worst VP this nation has ever seen. People understand how much of a failure she is.

But now, Kamala Harris’ scary admission left Americans gripped with fear.

In a speech over the weekend, Vice President Kamala Harris condemned Israel before calling for “an immediate ceasefire” inside Gaza as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) readied itself to drive out Hamas terrorists from their final bastion inside the area.

Harris’ comments follow the outbreak of the five-month conflict on October 7, when thousands of Islamic terrorists from the terrorist organization Hamas, which receives Iranian support, along with other Palestinian civilians stormed into Israel and murdered 1,200 people, injured over 5,300 others, kidnapped hundreds, and began a vicious campaign of rape.

During a speech honoring the 59th anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama, Harris declared that the photos from Gaza were “devastating.”

“As I have said many times, too many innocent Palestinians have been killed,” Harris said.

“And just a few days ago, we saw hungry, desperate people approach aid trucks, simply trying to secure food for their families after weeks of nearly no aid reaching Northern Gaza. And they were met with gunfire and chaos,” she added.

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the IDF’s spokesperson, had previously stated that “no strike was carried out by the IDF towards the aid convoy” that Harris had mentioned.

He also said that Palestinians had attempted to attack Israeli soldiers who were in charge of overseeing the aid distribution and that they had stampeded among themselves, killing many people and injuring hundreds more.

According to reports, the troops tried to halt the stampede so the Palestinians wouldn’t damage themselves by firing at their assailants and firing more warning shots.

However, the Radical Left has once again turned this into another talking point to stir up anti-Semitism and pro-terrorist sentiment.

Harris continued in her speech and said, “Our hearts break for the victims of that horrific tragedy and for all the innocent people in Gaza who are suffering from what is clearly a humanitarian catastrophe.”

“People in Gaza are starving. The conditions are inhumane. And our common humanity compels us to act,” she added.

Harris stated that Israel had the right to self-defense, but she failed to address the great suffering caused by Palestinian terrorists in Israel, which has resulted in the forced emigration of hundreds of thousands of people from their homes.

Harris did not demand that Hamas be annihilated, as Israel is now doing; she merely stated that Hamas “cannot control Gaza.”

She did not mention that Hamas as an organization needs to be destroyed—only the “threat” it poses.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that has murdered and raped thousands of civilians, yet countless leaders on the Left still refuse to condemn the group.

Kamala Harris continues to be a disgrace to all Americans, and she refuses to condemn terrorist organizations and instead only enables them.

We must hold our elected leaders accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Trump makes a startling announcement in recent campaign speech


Donald Trump’s campaign has been going extremely well. But Democrats are still doing everything they can to sabotage him.

And now, Trump has made a startling announcement in a recent campaign speech.

Former President Donald Trump pledged on Saturday to “seal the border and stop the invasion of our country” as his top priority while in office during a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina.

“Among my first actions upon taking office would be to do a little thing that sort of sounds like common sense,” the former president stated in the statement.

He said that the idea was “not conservative, not progressive, not liberal.”

He added that is was “a thing that probably works for most of the people in this room. Seal the border and stop the invasion of our country!”

Later on in the same speech, Trump said, “If Joe Biden’s illegal alien migrants do not go back to their countries, we will never get our country back.”

“But we’re going to take them back because they’re not going to go back. We’re going to take them back.”

The speech came at a time in our nation’s history that many polled voters are saying the immigration crisis is the number one concern for them

Not only has Joe Biden seen record numbers of illegal immigration, but there has also been a huge uptick in crime since the tens of millions of illegal aliens have entered the country.

Trump stated that, “On day one of my administration I will terminate every open border policy of the Biden administration and we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history!”

He heavily emphasized that “we have no choice.”

He said that he was “going to do it fast.”

Trump said, “From the very first day that we take back the White House from crooked Joe Biden, I believe we’re going to have the greatest four years in the history of our country!”

According to a Bloomberg-Morning Consult poll from this week, Trump is expected to beat Biden in 7 critical swing states: Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

The American people understand what is going on, and we are not going to allow Crooked Joe to destroy our country any longer.

Trump made it clear that he would not tolerate any of the Left’s sabotage of this country.

“With your help, we will win big on Super Tuesday, and this November, North Carolina is going to tell crooked Joe Biden, ‘Joe, you’re fired!’” he said.

The American people are rallying behind Donald Trump, and no one, not even Democrats, has any faith in Biden.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news and more.

Shocking development sends one Democrat state into lockdown


Democrat-controlled cities and states always have the most liberal policies. But they always fail.

And now, a shocking development sent one Democrat state into lockdown.

Legislators in Oregon decided on Friday to criminalize minor drug possession as a misdemeanor after the state’s failed attempts at decriminalization.

Voters in Oregon approved Ballot Measure 110 in November 2020, decriminalizing the personal possession of drugs like heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and LSD.

As the first state in the union to approve such a measure, Oregon changed the criminal misdemeanor of possessing hard drugs to a Class E misdemeanor, which carries a citation of up to $100 rather than criminal penalties.

Decriminalization efforts by the state led to a massive increase in overdose deaths and extensive drug use outdoors.

Legislators in Oregon celebrated the bill as a response to addiction, but the decriminalization showed otherwise and was received as a painful lesson.

The Oregon Senate decided on Friday to reinstate the misdemeanor criminal offense of using hard drugs, voting 21–8 in favor of the move.

By a vote of 51 to 7, the Oregon House of Representatives decided on Thursday to reverse the decriminalization policy.

Now, the bill is on the desk of Democratic Governor Tina Kotek, awaiting her signature.

Opioids and methamphetamine laced with fentanyl have caused the biggest increase in overdose deaths, and these drugs have proliferated in Democratic-run cities all over the country.

The decriminalization attempt in Oregon was a complete failure, according to Brandon del Pozo, a former police officer and drug policy researcher at Brown University, who spoke with the Washington Post.

“Unfortunately, in the history of drug policy, Oregon’s Measure 110 will go down in the lessons learned — rather than the lasting innovations — category,” he said.

When the bill passed, its supporters argued that drug use and possession should be treated like medical conditions rather than crimes.

Yet, after the law went into effect in February 2021, overdoses increased by 700% and overdose deaths increased by 120% in the first year.

“The Oregon ballot initiative was presented to the public as pro-treatment but it has been a complete failure in that regard,” said Keith Humphreys, an addiction researcher for the Associated Press.

Measure 110 eliminated the criminal penalties related to having “lesser” amounts of illegal substances, such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine.

Police issued $100 citations to drug users instead of taking suspects to prison.

By enrolling in a treatment center or by contacting a state-funded hotline, the citations may be avoided.

But after receiving citations, very few people called the hotline for mental health services.

Overall, the entire push by Oregon was a complete disaster and once again exposed the Radical Left’s disregard for American lives.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Republican leader makes chilling prediction that has people horrified


Americans across the nation are scared. And the administration in charge is only making things worse.

But now, a Republican leader has made a chilling prediction that has people horrified.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said this week that the media and Democratic politicians are doing everything they can to cover up the fact that the man accused of killing a Georgia student last week is an illegal alien because the left sees illegal aliens as future democratic voters.

Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal alien from Venezuela who is 26 years old, was taken into custody on Friday for the murder of Laken Riley.

Riley’s skull was allegedly crushed during the savage attack on February 22. Later on, her body was found in the woods.

Cruz was questioned on Wednesday about why the media is refusing to report that the suspect in the case is an illegal alien.

During an interview, Cruz was asked about the situation in the media and the suspect who entered the country during President Joe Biden’s border crisis, which is the biggest illegal immigration crisis in American history.

Cruz answered the question bluntly though: “Because they support the open borders we have,” he stated.

“The 10.6 million illegal immigrants who have crossed under Joe Biden — Democrats and the media both view all of them as future Democrat voters,” he continued.

Cruz highlighted that “if people have to die, if children have to be assaulted, if women have to be raped — they are willing to accept that as collateral damage.”

Cruz went even further to warn Americans of more attacks coming in the future.

He said, “The odds of a major terrorist attack in America today are greater than they have been at any point since September 11, 2001.”

“Every time I am on the border, when I talk to Border Patrol agents they tell me they are concerned about Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists crossing over and trying to commit another mass murder like October 7,” he added.

The Radical Left does not care about the lives of American citizens.

All they care about is staying in power so that they can continue to forward their Radical Agenda.

We have already seen how willing they are to weaponize the government against their political opponents, but now the situation at the border has exposed their other plans.

The Radical Left is trying to overrun and destroy this country.

We cannot allow this to happen, and we must fight back against the harm and destruction of the Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Attack on major American journalist could mean the end of free speech


Society hates the truth and they hate journalists who speak the truth. But now things have crossed a line.

Because an attack on a major American journalist could mean the end of free speech.

Catherine Herridge, a seasoned investigative journalist, was found in civil contempt on Thursday by a federal judge appointed by former President Barack Obama for her refusal to identify the source of her reports regarding a Chinese scientist employed by an American university and the subject of a criminal investigation by the FBI.

A fine of $800 per day, or almost $300,000 annually, was imposed by U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper until Herridge disclosed the identity of her source for the stories she authored while working at Fox News.

“Herridge and many of her colleagues in the journalism community may disagree with that decision and prefer that a different balance be struck, but she is not permitted to flout a federal court’s order with impunity,” Cooper wrote.

Herridge, who is well-respected for her objectivity and pursuit of stories that many in the mainstream media overlook, is being investigated by the federal government to determine whether the Chinese scientist lied about her military service and whether the Chinese could access her school’s student database.

Cooper demanded that Herridge explain how she found out about this investigation.

The Associated Press reported that the Chinese national filed a lawsuit against the federal government, alleging that it provided Herridge with information that breached their privacy.

The information included personal photographs, information taken from her immigration and naturalization forms, and snippets of an FBI document summarizing an interview conducted during the investigation.

“Holding a journalist in contempt for protecting a confidential source has a deeply chilling effect on journalism,” Fox News said in a statement late on Thursday, criticizing the decision.

Fox News Media then highlighted how they are still dedicated to defending the freedoms of speech and the press, and it thinks this ruling ought to be challenged.

We cannot allow this sort of censorship to continue.

The Radical Left in America and across the world will stop at nothing until all journalists who speak the truth are punished.

This specific scenario is just one of many such instances that highlights just how badly the Left hates free speech.

Democrat-appointed judges all across the nation are attacking journalists and free speakers and fining them or worse locking them up.

It is clear that no matter what, the Left will not stop until the only thing in the media is their propaganda.

We must not give way to these horrific and corrupt politicians in power.

We must take the power back for the people and allow the free flow of free speech under our first amendment rights.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

Foreign attack in US state shocks the nation


Since Joe Biden’s border security has been so weak, the United States has been weakened. But now the unthinkable has happened.

And a foreign attack in a US state has shocked the nation.

Three Chinese nationals were detained early on Wednesday morning by border police in Maine as they attempted to enter the state illegally from the US north of Fort Fairfield.

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency intercepted the three unidentified Chinese nationals as they were crossing the border, according to reporting from Maine Wire, a local outlet.

“After noticing suspicious activity along the border, vigilant Fort Fairfield Border Patrol agents arrested three Chinese nationals attempting to use the cover of darkness to illegally enter the United States,” read a CBP statement.

“A driver from New York, also a Chinese national who is already in immigration proceedings was also arrested and suspected of attempting to further the illegal entry,” it added.

A fourth Chinese national was detained as well on suspicion of helping the other people cross the border illegally.

This individual was driving at the time.

If the citizens belonged to the groups referred to as Asian Transnational Criminal Organizations by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), it was not immediately clear.

A DHS memo claims that these criminal groups operate drug operations across Maine’s northern border.

The operations’ profits are utilized to support drug trafficking, human smuggling, and other illegal activities.

The number of Chinese illegal immigrants entering the US under Joe Biden is still rising, and this arrest has highlighted the increase.

Since Biden assumed office in 2021, the number of these foreign nationals apprehended at the border with Mexico has increased by 4,000 percent.

Additionally, the DHS under Biden has loosened up the screening procedures for the influx of illegal immigrants into the nation.

There were only five interview questions left on the list of 40 for the vetting process.

Illegal crossings at the northern border increased by 550 percent in 2023 alone.

We cannot allow this madness to continue any longer.

America is under attack, and Joe Biden is doing nothing about it.

The Radical Left is doing absolutely everything they can to destroy this great nation, including opening America up to attacks from China.

We must fight back against the Radical regime of the Left.

We must take to the polls and make our voices heard.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden makes disgraceful comments at border that have Democrats cringing


Joe Biden and the Radical Left are refusing to address the crisis on the border. But now they have taken things way too far.

And Biden has made comments so disgraceful while visiting the border that even Democrats are cringing.

When President Biden visited the US-Mexico border in Texas on Thursday, he refused to discuss the passing of Georgia college student Laken Riley.

Riley, a 22-year-old Augusta University nursing student in Georgia, was murdered last week by a Venezuelan illegal immigrant.

When reporters questioned Biden about Laken’s death, he refused to answer them.

A reporter questioned Biden, “Do you bear any responsibility for Laken Riley’s death?” during the press briefing.

After declining to respond to the question, Biden left the stage.

The 26-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra was taken into custody on Saturday on murder charges after Riley was discovered dead in the nearby woods while jogging.

Authorities said Riley died from injuries consistent with severe force trauma to the head.

After being taken into the Clarke County Jail, Ibarra was charged with kidnapping, felony murder, aggravated violence, and malice murder.

According to authorities, Ibarra entered the country illegally in September 2022 while President Biden was in charge of El Paso, Texas.

Instead of addressing the death of an American citizen that he is responsible for, Biden decided to talk about other things.

The Democratic president warned of climate change during his speech, referring to those who deny it as “Neanderthals.”

“I love some of my Neanderthal friends who still think there’s no climate change.”

The Democratic president spoke about climate change during his speech, referring to those who “deny” it as “Neanderthals.”

“I love some of my Neanderthal friends who still think there’s no climate change.”

On Thursday, Biden and former President Trump traveled to the Texas border between the US and Mexico.

Although the White House released a vague and insincere statement earlier this week, Biden has not yet made a public statement regarding Riley’s murder.

Trump went to Eagle Pass, the epicenter of Biden’s historic catastrophe involving illegal immigration, while Biden chose to give his statement from Brownsville.

Trump used the Eagle Pass speech as an occasion to discuss Riley’s horrific death.

“Joe Biden will never say Laken Riley’s name, but we will say it and we will remember. We’re not going to forget her” Trump declared.

The front-runner for the Republican nomination, Donald Trump, stated that events such as this shouldn’t be permitted to occur in the United States and attributed Riley’s death to President Biden’s administration’s open-border policy.

We cannot allow this madness to continue any longer.

We must fight back against the Radical Left and the failed leadership of Joe Biden.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.