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Major Democrat stabs Biden in the back with one shocking statement


Joe Biden has caused a crisis in this country and people are starting to realize it. Even Democrats are turning on the President.

And now, a major Democrat stabs Biden in the back with one shocking statement.

Mayor Eric Adams of New York City said on Monday that illegal immigration has become so rampant in the city that officials must consider amending the city’s sanctuary status to allow local law enforcement to work with federal immigration authorities to deport violent criminal immigrants.

“We should not be allowing people who are repeatedly committing crimes to remain here and we cannot collaborate with ICE in the process,” Adams said.

“Those who are committing crimes, we need to modify the sanctuary city law. If you commit a felony, a violent act, we should be able to turn you over to ICE and have you deported.”

Adams made these comments following the brutal beating of two New York City Police Department officers by a group of aggressive illegal aliens late last month.

The immigrants were later freed as a result of the city’s Democratic sanctuary city policy.

They smirked and flipped off reporters after being freed from prison.

After that, the illegal immigrants left the state and headed for California when they were apprehended and detained by federal agents in Arizona.

Following the brutal attack on the police that was captured on camera, went viral online, and was featured in news reports, Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell severely criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office for allowing the illegal aliens to be released.

“I would have assumed that they wouldn’t let illegal immigrants who attack police go, but they did,” Mitchell said.

Adams stated that the sanctuary city regulations in the city need to be changed, coinciding with the rise in illegal alien-related crime nationwide under President Joe Biden.

Due to Biden’s actions, the number of illegal aliens who have entered the country exceeds 7.2 million, which is more than the population of 36 states.

Prior to this fall’s rematch of the general election between Biden and former President Donald Trump, voters’ #1 concern overall is now Biden’s border crisis.

Under Biden, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has observed a sharp rise in the quantity of criminal illegal aliens intercepted at the border.

Even Democrats are turning on Biden and beginning to realize what a mess he has created.

We cannot allow for this to continue any longer.

We must take our country back.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

White House makes shocking statement about Biden’s health and people are stunned


Joe Biden’s health has been a major talking point for Americans across the nation. And many people wonder if he is mentally fit.

But now, the White House has made a shocking statement about Biden’s health that has Americans stunned.

The results of Joe Biden’s annual physical were released Wednesday by his physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, who said there are no new concerns.

O’Connor said Biden is “fit for duty” and physically able to fulfill the duties of the presidency.

In his memo to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, O’Connor claimed, “The President feels well and this year’s physical identified no new concerns.”

“He continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations,” he added.

However, there seem to be MANY new concerns that are well documented across all of the internet for the whole world to see.

Biden seems to not be able to form a coherent thought on his own, walk around without falling over, and cannot remember the most basic details.

It also appears he can talk with ghosts as many times he has claimed he has corresponded recently with people who have been dead for years.

Yet the Radical Left is trying to convince the whole world that Joe Biden is “healthy.”

“President Biden is a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief,” O’Connor added in his report.

The doctor noted that his conclusions had been confirmed by experts at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

The report states that Biden’s overall health has not changed significantly since his last checkup, with his gait remaining “stiff but not worse.”

The report also states that Biden does not smoke any tobacco, drink any alcohol, and continues to exercise five days a week.

Yet, a flimsy made-up report but a Radical doctor cannot hide what everyone knows:

Joe Biden is mentally unwell and physically unfit, and he cannot serve as the President any longer.

The United States has become the laughing stock of the world because we have allowed Biden to remain President even though it is so beyond clear that he should not be.

No amount of fake news and made-up reports can convince the American people or even the world of anything other than this: Joe Biden is not fit to serve.

He needs to be in a retirement home being pushed around in a wheelchair and not serving in the highest office of the most powerful nation in the world.

We cannot allow this to continue any longer, and we must fight back.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH in the news.

Joe Biden has a five-alarm fire that he’s desperately trying to put out


The Democrat party is falling apart. And they only have themselves to blame.

And now Joe Biden has a five-alarm fire that he’s desperately trying to put out.

A recent poll conducted by Axios and Generation Lab has exposed the narrative that Democrats are trying to convince us of.

It found that the gap between Biden and Trump among younger voters is rapidly getting smaller and Trump is gaining on Biden.

Though the polling is extremely close, younger American voters aged 18-34 are siding with Biden.

The poll shows that 52% of young voters would vote for Biden if the election was held today, and 48% would vote for Trump.

According to the same poll, the number one majority for many of these young voters was the economy.

Biden has lost an absurd amount of support among a key demographic: young voters.

After the past few years of the Radical Left’s “Bidenmoics,” young voters have apparently had enough.

Joe Biden has once again proven that he does not care about this nation, and all he cares about is destroying the lives of Americans.

Another survey conducted in December by the New York Times/Siena has shown that 49% of unregistered voters in the age range of 18-29 will vote for Trump.

In the same poll, only 43% said they would vote for Joe Biden.

Another key issue that has Americans frustrated is the conflict in Israel.

Almost 50% of voters said that they believed Donald Trump would do a better job of handling the issue than Joe Biden.

And even more so, 72% state that they disapprove of how the situation is being handled so far.

Even though Biden is still slightly favored over Trump by young voters, the young demographic is one that Democrats have relied on for years.

But now, under Biden’s leadership, even those numbers are slipping away to Trump.

The numbers are not lying, and the American people are waking up.

After nearly four years of a horrible economy, crisis at the southern border, and horrific policies in the Middle East, Americans are abandoning Biden.

Joe Biden has done nothing but drive this country further and further into poverty and tragedy.

We cannot sit by idly as the Radical Left takes over.

We must fight back, and we must take back our country from this failed administration.

It is time to show Democrats and the Left who America truly supports.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Democrat leader makes a disgusting decision that massively backfires


The Left is always passing laws and bills that make no sense. But many times they are truly terrible and even dangerous decisions.

And a top Democrat leader has made a disgusting decision that has massively backfired.

Democrat states are constantly making decisions and passing laws that make absolutely no sense at all.

And many times the reasoning for their decisions and policies makes even less sense.

But this most recent incident truly confused everyone.

Recently, Governor Gavin Newsom decided to back an extremely controversial bill that proposed removing four hydro-dams along the Northern border of California.

One major reason for dismantling the dams was that environmentalists claimed it would protect salmon in the Klamath River.

However, since the dams have been breached, this plan has completely failed and backfired.

A report from the California Globe claims that the breach has destroyed spawning salmon beds en masse.

It also claims that pollution from decomposed algae chemicals, silt, and organic deposition is destroying the ecosystem of the river.

On top of that, dead endangered species such as steelhead trout and others have been floating to the surface and the conditions of the river have made it so that baby salmon cannot survive.

Ironically, it was environmental organizations who pressured Newsom into dismantling the dams.

They wanted him to act quickly to “save the salmon” to which Newsom complied.

However, his liberal policies have once again backfired and he has been exposed for the fraud he truly is.

Environmental activists thought they had won when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the dismantling of the dams in November of 2022.

It was supposed to prevent the dying off of massive amounts of salmon by letting the water freely flow downriver.

The free-flowing water was supposed to kill off parasites that were harming young salmon.

Proponents of the dam removal project believed that by restoring hundreds of miles of habitat for salmon, the population would flourish.

Gavin Newsom even personally wrote to Warren Buffet asking him to support the $450 million cause.

But now, just like almost every Democrat policy, the plan has backfired and shown the American people how stupid the Left really is.

This country is being destroyed by Liberal idiots like Newsom who have no clue what they are doing.

We cannot allow it to continue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Democrats turning on Joe Biden has left election up in the air


The media wants you to think Joe Biden is the prime candidate for the Democrats. However, the truth is very different.

And now Democrats are turning on Joe Biden and it has left the election up in the air.

Democrats have been convincing the media to spread lies for years, it is nothing new.

And this election cycle, they are trying to convince the American people to rally behind Joe Biden.

However, the American people understand the truth, and we are not going to re-elect the man who singlehandedly brought this country down from what it once was.

But it is not just conservatives and Republicans who are opposing Biden… no, it is Democrats too.

Joe Biden’s own party is starting to realize what is going on, and they are abandoning him en masse.

A new poll recently conducted by Rasmussen Reports shows that almost half of all Democrats want the Democrat party to leave out Joe Biden and find another candidate to take on Donald Trump.

The poll found that 48% of Democrat voters would either “somewhat” or “strongly” like the party to “[find] another candidate to replace Joe Biden.”

Across all American voters regardless of party affiliations, 47% believed that it was “somewhat” to “very likely” that the Democrats would switch candidates.

Also in the poll, voters were given options to choose from to replace Joe Biden.

These replacements included Vice President Kamala Harris, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former First Lady Michelle Obama, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and “none of them.”

The option for “none of them” received the highest amount of votes at 46%, but Michelle Obama was the clear favorite among the other choices.

Obama received 15% of the votes and 20% of Democrats claim that she would be the best replacement of Biden.

Michelle Obama has made it clear that she has no interest in throwing her hat in the ring, but that hasn’t stopped her name from being consistently brought up by Democrats.

One thing is clear: the American people are abandoning Biden so fast that the Radical Left does not know what to do.

Their own supporters are abandoning them for various different reasons, and it looks more and more clear that Biden has absolutely no chance of defeating Trump.

The American people have had enough, and we are demanding a change in leadership.

Biden has been allowed to destroy this country for long enough, but we will not allow it any longer.

We must take to the polls to make our voices heard.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump endures awful setback from one radical Democrat judge

It is obvious by now that the Left hates Trump. And they have broken every rule to make sure he never sees the White House again.

But now, Trump has endured a devastating awful handed down by a radical Democrat judge.

Donald Trump is being opposed by the Left every direction he turns.

And the Radical Left has made it clear that they have no interest in playing fair or even in following the laws of this country.

Instead, they have weaponized the justice system and turned it into a tool that they can use to prosecute anyone who disagrees with them.

And now, in their most recent attempt to take down Trump, the Radical Left has used a judge in the state of Illinois to take Trump off of the state’s ballot.

The decision comes because of the “invasion clause” in the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Cook County Judge Tracie Porter has apparently put the ruling on hold so that Trump and his legal team can appeal.

She also said in her ruling that she understands that her “decision could not be the ultimate outcome.”

The ruling comes just weeks before the state’s primary election, and Americans are outraged over the timing.

An attorney, Caryn Lederer, who represents the Trump objectors, has said, “[Porter] has reviewed the extensive body of evidence and determined that he’s disqualified from the presidency. That is a critical decision that is adding to decisions in Colorado and Maine on this point.”

She added, “What we think is incredibly important about this decision — and one thing that makes it potentially distinct from the United States Supreme Court’s review — is that Judge Porter really engaged with the evidence that was presented to her and that was before the electoral board to render a decision about what happened on Jan. 6 and President Trump’s involvement.”

A spokesperson from the Trump campaign has already spoken out against the ruling.

Steven Cheung highlights that the ruling comes from “an activist Democrat judge in Illinois (who) summarily overruled the state’s board of elections and contradicted earlier decisions from dozens of other state and federal jurisdictions.”

He highlighted that “this is an unconstitutional ruling that we will quickly appeal.”

Radical Democrat judges across the nation have been doing everything in their power to oppose Trump and ensure he never takes power again.

They have been calling his alleged role in the Jan. 6 protest at the Capitol “disqualifying.”

They claim that they have the authority to decide who gets to appear on the ballot because of a so-called “invasion clause” in paragraph 3 of the 14th Amendment.

This states that individuals who have been found guilty of “insurrection” are banned from holding office.

The United States Supreme Court has heard oral arguments from the state of Colorado and Trump’s lawyers, and they are deciding on how to move forward.

With the Supreme Court Ruling, this madness by the Radical Left should be put down once and for all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden suffers devastating loss that could upset the whole race

Joe Biden has been framed as the Democrat’s top candidate. However, it seems the truth is very different.

And Biden has suffered a devastating loss that could upset the whole race.

In the recent primary election in the state of Michigan, Far Left extremists were encouraging Democrat voters to vote “uncommitted” to express their displeasure with Joe Biden.

Specifically, they were attempting to show Biden how unhappy they were with his handling of the war between Hamas and Israel.

And even though Joe Biden easily won the state, he received a surprising number of uncommitted votes that has many Democrats worried about his future.

Over 100,000 votes were cast as “uncommitted” against him in the primary.

In fact, 13% of the votes in the Democrat primary were cast for uncommitted.

Biden received 81%, Dean Phillips received 2.7%, Marianne Williamson 3%, and uncommitted a staggering 13%.

The movement was started by a Radical Left campaign effort called #ListenToMichigan and was supported by many Muslims as well as squad member Rashida Tlaib.

Countless younger Democrats have expressed their dissatisfaction and anger at Biden for not calling for an immediate ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas.

So, they believed the best way to show their frustration was to take to the polls in Michigan and vote “uncommitted.”

Rashida Tlaib claimed that she was “proud today to walk in and pull a Democratic ballot and vote uncommitted.”

“We must make sure that our government is about us,” she continued.

“About the people. When 74 percent of Democrats in Michigan support a ceasefire, yet President Biden is not hearing us. This is the way we can use our democracy to say, ‘Listen, listen to Michigan,” she added.

While Biden was in no danger of losing the primary to this movement, it still shows a shocking rift among Democrat voters, and it highlights that things in the Democrat party are not as smooth as they seem.

Not only are Republicans outraged with how Biden has handled things in his time as president, but his own voting base is turning on him.

The Radical Left continues to pump the media and news sites full of false narratives that portray Biden as being able to easily win in 2024, but we know the truth.

His supporters are split and are starting to turn on him.

As long as there are movements like ListenToMichigan, Biden’s chances of remaining president will continue to get worse.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Terrorist plot at a liberal college gets foiled for this shocking reason

The Radical Left is doing everything in their power to destroy this great nation. But this has gone too far and crossed every line.

And a terrorist plot at a liberal college gets foiled for this shocking reason.

Far Left colleges across the nation are now taking things to the absolute extreme and are literally teaching their students to blow things up and commit acts of terror.

At least sixteen colleges are encouraging students to read a book called “How to Blow Up A Pipeline.”

The book, written by Swedish professor Andreas Malm, encourages and even calls for terrorism, overthrowing capitalism, and even acknowledges that people will die because of it.

It says, “Demolish them, burn them, blow them up. Let the capitalists who keep investing in the fire know that their properties will be trashed.”

Many colleges took these books and developed classes around them and read only four books including the pipeline manifesto and a communist manifesto.

Not only are colleges creating new courses, but they are also forcing this ideology down the throats of students taking completely unrelated courses.

University of California-Berkeley is requiring their Geography & Interactive Biology students to read the terrorist book.

Teachers Jake Kosek and Paul Fine took a course related to biology and turned it into a course on “decolonization.”

The syllabus says the “class focuses on the scientific practice of modern botanical taxonomy as a colonial formation that conditions our modern relations.”

It also claims that the names of plants “were often forged to be of service to empire-building.”

Across the country, pro-terrorism sentiment is on the rise in dangerous fashion.

The support for the terrorist group Hamas has been spreading, and it has already started in our college campuses.

In fact the book encourages people to look to Palestinian terrorists for inspiration.

It says “As part of the mass resistance in the besieged Gaza Strip in the spring of 2018, Palestinians invented techniques for sending kites and helium-inflated condoms carrying incendiary materials across the wall to burn Israeli property.”

US-based intelligence agencies have already marked the book as a “developing threat” because “Malm encourages pipeline sabotage and property destruction.”

Currently, 23 government agencies, including the FBI, warned the public that the film adaptation (released in 2023) could spark terrorism.

Even New York Times interviewers have been shocked by the willingness of the author to kill.

“It’s hard to think that deaths don’t become inevitable if there is more sabotage,” one interviewer said.

“Sure, if you have a thousand pipeline explosions per year, if it takes on that extreme scale. But we are some distance from that, unfortunately,” replied Malm.

This is what the Radical Left is forcing on our children.

We cannot allow this propaganda to continue any longer.

We must take this country back from the absolute lunatics that are seeking to destroy it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story and more.

White House’s response to horrific crime by illegal immigrants shocks the nation

The White House has been avoiding addressing the crisis on the southern border. But they cannot ignore it any longer.

And the White House’s response to a horrific crime by illegal immigrants has shocked and outraged the nation.

The White House seemed to wait as long as possible to address the murder of Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant.

Almost every other political figure seemed to address the statement before the administration responsible even thought about it.

And the response was so outrageous that people were infuriated.

Not only did Joe Biden not address the issue directly, which should surprise no one since he cannot even form a coherent thought, but a spokesperson barely said anything at all.

Because of Joe Biden and the Radical Left, an illegal alien who was in the country murdered Laken Riley, a nursing student in Georgia.

Riley had gone out for a run but was later found dead in the woods on the University of Georgia Campus as Athens (UGA).

The UGA Police Chief, Jeffrey Clark, announced that Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, had been arrested.

Ibarra had been arrested previously in New York and was charged with “acting in a manner to injure a child” after he was released by border patrol.

Ibarra’s brother, Diego, has also been arrested three other times for a variety of crimes, including driving under the influence, shoplifting, and failing to appear for fingerprinting.

According to the Post Millenial, “Jose Ibarra has been charged with murder, kidnapping, and other felony criminal violations in connection with the murder of Riley.”

Police say that Riley was murdered by blunt force trauma.

They also highlight that there seems to be no connection between Ibarra and Riley.

“He did not know her at all. I think this is a crime of opportunity where he saw an individual and bad things happened,” said Police Chief Clark.

He added, “The evidence is robust. It is supported by key input by the community, physical evidence and expert police work. Importantly, we were assisted by video footage from our campus security cameras network.”

Riley’s family released a statement regarding the murder and said, “We wish to thank the public for their prayers and thoughts during this tragic time.”

“Laken was an amazing daughter, sister, friend and overall person in general. Her love for the Lord was exemplified in every aspect of her life. She will be missed every day, but we promise to honor her life moving forward in a very big way,” they added.

And the White House, who many hold responsible because of their atrocious approach to border security, has failed to release any sort of meaningful statement.

A minor spokesperson told Fox Digital “We would like to extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Laken Hope Riley.”

“People should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law if they are found to be guilty. Given this is an active case, we would have to refer you to state law enforcement and ICE,” the report added.

Instead of addressing the problem or accepting any of the responsibility, the White House and current administration have once again made it clear that they do not care about American citizens.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left will continue to do anything and everything in their power to destroy the lives of Americans.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Dangerous woke AI is spreading information so false and harmful it makes CNN look tame


Fake news and misinformation is something the Left is amazing at. But now things have been taken to a terrifying level.

And dangerous woke AI is spreading misinformation so false and harmful it makes CNN look mild.

The spread of misinformation by the Left has been a dangerous trend that has been increasing in momentum recently.

And with the rise of AI, things are only going to get worse.

Most recently, users discovered the infamously “woke” tool of the Radical Left, Google Gemini, has been spreading shocking lies about conservatives.

The bias against conservatives can be felt in almost every single conversation, and a line has certainly been crossed.

One such horrifying example is when users ask Gemini if there are differences between Hitler and conservative figures such as politicians or journalists.

One such instance shows Gemini struggling to make a distinction between Hitler and Chris Rufo.

Other examples show Gemini unable to distinguish between joke social media accounts and Stalin who ended the lives of over 9 million people.

Other users have taken to X to show examples of Gemini being unable to say who was worse, Jesus or Hitler:

The Liberal bias comes through clearly when introducing Democrat and Leftist figures.

When asking the same type of question, Gemini says it is “inappropriate” to compare Hitler and Obama, but comparing Elon Musk and Hitler is “complex” and “requires careful consideration.”

Gemini also refused to admit that an “adult human female” is a woman and other outrageous examples.

In a time when the Radical Left seems so focused on silencing the voice of truth among conservatives, they are perfectly content to let AI spread false news that is extremely harmful.

The Radical Left continues to use tools such as Gemini and other AI to twist the truth and push their narrative on the public.

We cannot sit back idly and allow this to continue any longer.

We must address this severe issue now before it is too late.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politic.s

Shocking development in Fani Willis case has experts stunned


The situation in Fulton County has been escalating over the past few weeks. But things just took a massive turn.

And a shocking development in the Fani Willis case has experts stunned.

This past Friday, a bombshell report was dropped that completely contradicts what Fani Willis and Nathan Wade have been swearing under oath.

The report shows that Willis and Wade had met dozens of times at Willis’ home before he was hired for the case.

However, Willis and Wade have both testified the exact opposite and claimed that they did not spend time at Willis’ house at that their romantic relationship did not begin until after Wade was hired.

Both Wade and Willis also claimed they never spent a night together at Willis’ home, however, cell data shows Wade came to her home late at night and left the next morning on at least two occasions.

Journalist Megyn Kelly said, “Stunning that Team Trump got their hands on this in the #FaniWillis case,” in her response to the discovery.

She added, “More evidence that these two prosecutors lied, under oath. They’re looking at perjury charges and worse. Discipline from the Bar. And there is zero chance they can stay on this case. It’s DONE.”

Another major figure, Phil Holloway who is an attorney and legal analyst, also commented on the report.

He said, “It’s not how many times Wade ‘visited’ #FaniWillis, it’s that they both testified he ‘never spent the night[.]’ ‘his phone left the East Cobb area just after midnight and arrived [at] the Dogwood address at 12:43 A.M on November 30, 2021. The phone remained there until 4:55 am.”

Holloway wrote on X, “Is this wordplay and semantics? Or is this perjury? At worst it’s perjury, at best the testimony is misleading.”

“Either way the judge would be justified to find this to be part of a fraud on the court. This is very dangerous legal territory for these two,” he added. “They just keep digging.”

Another legal expert, Jonathan Turley, said, “We are still awaiting a response from Willis so this is only one side. However, it could put Willis’s combative testimony into sharp relief as she declared ‘It’s a lie. It’s a lie‘ on the stand.”

“If the court believes that Willis and Wade lied on the stand, he could refer the matter for possible prosecution…by some other office. He could also consider a referral to the bar. Once again, the insistence on Willis and Wade that they remain in the case is troubling,” he added.

The reality of the situation seems grim for Fani Willis and her legal case.

She has been clearly caught in a massive lie and should be at the very least disqualified immediately.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New Democrat election interference is so blatant they can’t even hide it


Democrats love to claim that conservatives have engaged in election interference. But the tables have been turned.

And the Democrats’ election interference is so blatant they can’t even hide it.

Donald Trump is the clear favorite for the 2024 Presidential election.

However, Democrats across the nation are doing everything they can to oppose him and threaten America.

And now, many House Democrats have indicated that they would refuse to certify a 2024 election win from Trump because he is an “insurrectionist.”

They claim that the 14th Amendment would therefore cause Trump to be “ineligible” and thus would refuse to certify a win from him.

Some of these Democrat representatives include James Clyburn, Jamie Raskin, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and even House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies.

When asked if they would confirm Trump if elected in 2024, they refused to answer which is a clear as any words they could have uttered.

Democrats would have the votes to “sustain an objection to Trump” if they take the House.

Dan McLaughlin at National Review explained, “Only a simple majority is required, and unlike when the House chooses a president under the Twelfth Amendment, they don’t vote by states.”

He wrote that “unlike in 2016 or 2004, when they were in the minority, House Democrats could be playing with live ammunition.”

Thankfully, for there to be much impact at all, a majority of Senators would have to object to Trump’s win.

That would require likely 51 Senators which would be extremely hard for Democrats to do.

McLaughlin said they “either have to hold every seat they currently occupy (good luck in West Virginia), or take a Republican-held seat (the bluest of which is either Ted Cruz’s in Texas or Rick Scott’s in Florida).”

Many Americans still hold out hope that the Supreme Court could alleviate much of this uncertainty and unrest.

Oral arguments have already been heard in Trump v. Anderson which addresses the situation in Colorado where the state is attempting to keep Trump off the ballot.

If the Supreme Court is able to clarify the language of the 14th Amendment in their ruling, then there would be no chance of the Democrats being able to not certify a Trump win.

The oral arguments went well with almost every expert agreeing that things are going favorably for Trump.

Even the liberal justices on the Supreme Court do not seem to want to side with Colorado.

Justice Kagan even said, “The question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be President of the United States.”

She continued and said, “It sounds awfully national to me … if you weren’t from Colorado, and you were from Wisconsin, or you were from Michigan, and what the Michigan secretary of state did is going to make the difference between whether candidate A is elected over Candidate B is elected? I mean that seems quite extraordinary.”

However, the Radical Left seems so stuck on opposing Trump that they are willing to admit to election fraud.

The hypocrisy is so shocking that Americans are speechless.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this story and more.