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Liberal squad member spreads disgusting fake news that is harming Americans


The Radical Left loves to spread their harmful lies in order to push their agenda. But now things have been taken too far.

Because this liberal squad member has spread disgusting fake news that is harming Americans.

On Friday, during an interview on MSNBC, squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed that the crisis at the border was a “false narrative.”

In the interview with Alex Wagner, AOC even went so far as to claim that the crisis was created by “xenophobic” Republicans.

She said, “The idea that Republicans, in order to win an election, say we need to hermetically seal the border when they know that that would be— that is economic self-sabotage to the US economy, and they are saying let’s do it anyway.”

She went on saying, “And to compensate for the negative effects we’re gonna allow and throw people’s kids into factories.”

She concluded by claiming “That is what they are doing in rolling back child-labor laws while being as xenophobic and anti-immigrant as they are, and while ginning up this, this false narrative about this being a crisis.”

So not only is AOC lying to the American people, she is claiming that the unbelievably horrible situation on the southern border is just some conspiracy made up by Republicans.

She said about Republicans: “We’re going to keep pretending this is a crisis while contributing to actual problems.”

“And then we’re going to block the solution so that we can campaign on it over and over and over,” she added.

She claimed that Republicans were using the border crisis to create, “animosity and destruction in this country, and racism in this country.”

She claimed, “That’s the only thing that the Republican Party even is standing on at this point.”

So AOC and the Radical Left, who claim to be all for defeating fake news and all about accepting everyone, are now resorting to calling Republicans xenophobes and claiming they made up the border crisis.

The idea is laughable since the entire crisis at the border is statics that cannot be argued with.

Joe Biden has singlehandedly destroyed any security this nation used to have, and he has outdone everything Donald Trump did to address the border.

Since Joe Biden has been president, there have been over 7.3 million encounters with illegal immigrants by CBP agents.

Additionally, 2,475,699 of those encounters were in 2023 which is a record.

The truth of the matter is this:

The situation at the southern border is out of hand and Democrats know this.

They also know that Americans are frustrated and are not supporting Democrats.

So the Radical Left has decided that the only solution is to spread lies about Republicans and do their best to blame Republicans for everything.

But no one is buying it… the American people know what is going on and we will fight back against the lies of the Radical Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top presidential candidate receives major blow that could end everything


Funding plays a major part in every politician’s career. It has the ability to make or break it.

And now, a top presidential candidate has received a devastating blow to funding that could end it all.

Americans For Prosperity Action, a major conservative organization, has been backing Nikki Haley throughout her run for President.

However, recently the organization made the decision to stop their financial support for Haley’s presidential campaign.

In an internal email obtained by Politico, the Americans For Prosperity CEO, Emily Seidel, said that their political branch, AFP Action, needed to re-evaluate priorities.

She claimed that they needed to “take stock” of their expenditure priorities after Haley was soundly defeated in her home state of South Carolina.

Seidel went on to say that the group would be more focused on close/competitive Senate and House races in the coming weeks and months.

Seidel claimed that they supported Haley’s attitude towards her uphill battle, but emphasized that they saw no way of her winning.

“She has made it clear that she will continue to fight and we wholeheartedly support her in this effort,” Seidel wrote in the email.

“But given the challenges in the primary states ahead, we don’t believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory,” she added.

Before the presidential primaries took place, AFP Action was spending resources on advertising campaigns to encourage Republicans to support candidates other than Trump.

Throughout the past year, they spent time on the ground as well trying to persuade Republicans that Trump was not the candidate that they should support.

It was only in late November of last year, however, that the group officially endorsed Nikki Haley over Trump.

AFP has already invested millions of dollars in advertising for Nikki Haley, but even they seem to understand that there is no way forward for her.

Haley has suffered defeat after defeat in every state in the primaries so far.

And most recently, Haley was beaten badly by Donald Trump in her own home state by a margin of 20 points.

Political investors and organizations, the media, and millions of Americans understand that Donald Trump is going to be the Republican candidate for President.

There is no way for Nikki Haley to defeat him, and now more than ever she has less of a chance as a major organization has made it clear they will not be funding her any longer.

Many people wonder why Haley has even remained in the race this long as she seems to be doing nothing but splitting the Republican vote.

After his win in South Carolina, Trump delivered a speech on the importance of unity among Americans, especially among Conservatives and Republicans.

We cannot defeat the Radical Left unless we pool our resources and get behind a leader who can oppose them.

Time has shown that Trump will be the Republican nominee, and we cannot continue splitting the American people.

We must work together to take down the Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

GOP leaders issue one order over Biden admin’s attempts to silence free speech


Joe Biden and the Radical Left do everything they can to silence the truth and control the narrative. But people are fighting back.

And now GOP leaders have issued one order over the Biden admin’s attempts at silencing free speech.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is facing scrutiny from Senate Republicans over its funding of research projects aimed at combating alleged “misinformation.”

Senator Eric Schmitt (R-MO) has requested a comprehensive list of projects funded through the NSF Convergence Accelerator Track F program, which has awarded tens of millions of dollars to research efforts focused on “mis- and disinformation.”

Schmitt, in a letter to NSF Director Dr. Sethuraman Panchanathan, expressed concerns about the program’s potential impact on freedom of speech.

“To say that NSF’s reported involvement in funding research projects aimed at developing AI tools for identifying and combating alleged misinformation is un-American would be an understatement,” Schmitt wrote.

He characterized the initiative as an attempt by the Biden administration and the NSF to “silence those who eschew the thoughts and ideals of the political Left” and accused them of colluding with Big Tech.

This request follows a report by the House Judiciary Committee raising similar questions about the NSF program.

The report alleged that the funded projects aim to develop AI-powered tools for censorship and propaganda, potentially used to restrict certain viewpoints.

“The purpose of these taxpayer-funded projects is to develop artificial intelligence (AI)- powered censorship and propaganda tools that can be used by governments and Big Tech to shape public opinion by restricting certain viewpoints or promoting others,” it said.

The article mentions Syracuse University receiving nearly $500,000 to study how misinformation is woven into online narratives and how design might alter it.

Additionally, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology received $750,000 for research on online truth discernment, with a researcher acknowledging the difficulty for some individuals in sorting fact from fiction online.

This is not the first time the NSF program has faced scrutiny.

House Republicans have already issued subpoenas related to the project.

Additionally, the broader debate surrounding misinformation, fake news, and online content moderation remains complex and highly contested, with concerns about censorship by the Radical Left.

The issue presents a balancing act for the NSF, tasked with supporting research while ensuring it aligns with its mission and doesn’t infringe on protected freedoms.

Schmitt told reporters that “The Biden Administration has shown a stunning disregard for Americans’ freedom of speech online and has gone as far as to coerce social media companies to censor Americans online.”

He added that “with the rapid rise of artificial intelligence in the public and commercial sector, we have a duty to ensure AI is used responsibly and not weaponized against Americans’ constitutional rights.”

We must be vigilant and we must not allow the government to take away our freedoms.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Ron DeSantis makes a surprising VP announcement


With rumors circulating regarding who Trump might pick as his running mate, people are wondering who it will be. But now, this news has made things clear.

Because Ron DeSantis has made a surprising VP announcement.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who dropped out of the 2024 Republican presidential primary in January, continues to navigate the complex political landscape surrounding former President Donald Trump.

In a recent call with supporters, DeSantis offered a mix of criticism and potential future collaboration, while keeping the door open to a 2028 presidential run.

The call, intended to thank backers who volunteered as delegates during his campaign, saw DeSantis caution against “identity politics” in Trump’s vice presidential selection.

DeSantis made it clear that he would not accept a VP position from Donald Trump.

He reportedly expressed concerns about Trump’s “baggage” and the potential negative impact on Republicans in the 2024 election.

Despite distancing himself from Trump, DeSantis hinted at potentially seeking the presidency himself in 2028.

While not making a firm commitment, his statement of “not ruling anything out” opens the door for speculation and future developments.

DeSantis did not shy away from criticizing Trump’s record.

He expressed frustration with the “incumbent race” nature of the primary, suggesting sympathy towards Trump due to legal challenges hindered his campaign.

He further criticized Trump’s perceived failure to deliver on key campaign promises, citing immigration, healthcare, and bureaucracy reform as areas lacking action.

DeSantis expressed worries about holding Trump accountable if he returns to office.

He referenced the lack of media scrutiny towards Trump’s past statements and actions as a potential concern.

The call also saw DeSantis criticize the role of conservative media in the primary, claiming it lacked accountability towards Trump.

He suggested their business model relied on uncritical support, potentially hindering open discussion and criticism.

DeSantis’s comments have sparked various interpretations.

Some see them as a calculated move to distance himself from a potentially risky alliance with Trump while maintaining his position within the Republican party.

Others see them as genuine concerns about Trump’s candidacy and a possible strategic positioning for a future presidential run.

Regardless of interpretation, these comments highlight the complex dynamics within the Republican party as it navigates the 2024 election and beyond.

As the political landscape evolves, DeSantis’s position and future ambitions will remain key points of interest in the months and years to come.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more developments on this story.

GOP receives support from the least likely place after a historic meeting with Trump


Typically, unions are extremely Democrat. And their endorsements play a major role in elections.

But now, the GOP received support from the least likely place after a historic meeting with Trump.

The Teamsters, a major labor union with a long history of supporting Democratic candidates, have pledged a $45,000 donation to the Republican National Committee (RNC).

This move marks a significant shift in the union’s political landscape and raises questions about its motivations and potential impact.

The Teamsters, representing over 1.3 million workers across various industries including transportation and logistics, have consistently supported Democratic presidential nominees since Al Gore.

This aligns with the broader labor movement’s tendency to lean Democratic due to the Radical Left claiming to be “for the people.”

However, as we have seen in recent years especially, the Democrats are no longer the party of the people, and working-class Americans have realized that.

The recent pledge follows two meetings between Teamsters representatives and former President Donald Trump.

After the January meeting, Trump expressed optimism about securing an endorsement, which ultimately didn’t materialize.

However, the pledged donation suggests a willingness to engage with the Republican Party.

It’s crucial to analyze the potential reasons behind this apparent shift.

Some speculate that the Teamsters are responding to concerns among their members who favor Trump and Republican policies.

Others suggest it might be a strategic move to gain leverage with both parties on key issues affecting their workers.

Additionally, some believe it reflects a broader trend of unions re-evaluating their political allegiances in a changing political climate.

Teamsters president Sean O’Brien emphasized the union’s focus on “knowing all the options for candidates” and avoiding taking votes “for granted.”

This statement suggests an openness to engaging with both parties to secure the best outcomes for their members.

This development has the potential to impact the broader labor landscape.

If the Teamsters pursue a more bipartisan approach, it could influence other unions to follow suit.

This shift could also impact the political landscape, potentially making it harder for Democrats to rely on unwavering union support.

Whatever happens, the truth is this:

Americans have woken up.

We realize how corrupt the Left is, and we understand that they are putting the people last.

We will not stand for it any longer, and we will support leaders and politicians who will serve the needs of the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Jim Jordan makes a demand that has Biden horrified


There have been many investigations into Joe Biden recently. But this new discovery and demand is insane.

And Jim Jordan has made a demand that has Biden horrified.

The House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), has taken a significant step in escalating its scrutiny of the Biden administration’s handling of unaccompanied alien children (UACs).

On Tuesday, the committee issued a subpoena to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), demanding access to case files of UACs charged with violent crimes.

This action comes after months of what Republicans characterize as an insufficient response to requests for information.

The decision to issue a subpoena reflects Republican concerns about the potential link between UACs and violent crime.

Chairman Jordan’s letter accompanying the subpoena accuses HHS of “mismanagement of placement of unaccompanied alien children” and “woefully inadequate” responses to prior information requests.

He claims that since June 2023, the committee has requested case files for UACs charged with serious crimes, including theft, assault, and murder.

However, according to the letter, HHS responded with “baseless excuses to justify withholding the requested criminal alien files” and provided heavily redacted documents that Jordan argues violate the separation of powers and hinder the committee’s ability to conduct oversight.

Beyond the immediate accusations of inadequate information sharing, the subpoena also highlights concerns about the process of vetting sponsors for UACs.

The letter cites a recent report from the Office of Inspector General that found “substantial gaps in sponsor screening and follow-up,” raising “safety concerns for unaccompanied children.”

This echoes past criticisms of the Flores settlement, which limits the detention of minors to 20 days, forcing their release to sponsors while HHS conducts background checks.

Chairman Jordan emphasizes the committee’s goal of informing potential legislative reforms through its investigation.

He specifically mentions reforming the placement process to ensure secure detention for UACs with criminal charges and enhancing the level of scrutiny applied to both UACs and potential sponsors.

To support this goal, Jordan cites the Supreme Court’s recognition of Congress’s “broad and indispensable” power of oversight.

The HHS has yet to publicly respond to the subpoena.

However, this action follows the House’s recent impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, which now awaits consideration by the Senate.

Both actions reflect Republican concerns about the Biden administration’s border security policies and the handling of unaccompanied minors.

We must hold our elected officials accountable, and we cannot allow them to continue in their corruption.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Texas AG makes a bold move against immigration that could change everything


The crisis in Texas has left many people in pain and danger. And it seems Texas is fighting a losing battle.

But the Texas AG has made a bold move that could change everything.

On Tuesday, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton cast a spotlight on the already heated topic of immigration, filing a lawsuit against Annunciation House, a Catholic NGO operating in El Paso.

The lawsuit, alleging that the organization facilitates illegal immigration and human smuggling, has ignited a legal battle with far-reaching implications for both parties and the broader debate surrounding the role of NGOs at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Paxton’s accusations are stark.

His office claims Annunciation House, which has served migrants and refugees for over 46 years, has engaged in “legal violations such as facilitating illegal entry to the United States, alien harboring, human smuggling, and operating a stash house.”

They cite public record information as evidence and allege that the organization refused to provide requested documents related to these claims.

The lawsuit, seeking to revoke the organization’s business license and liquidate its assets, carries significant weight.

Annunciation House, however, vehemently denies all allegations, calling the lawsuit “shameful.”

They emphasize their long history of providing hospitality and assistance to those in need, drawing parallels between their work and the activities of schools enrolling migrant children or religious institutions welcoming families.

The organization further argues that Paxton’s actions are politically motivated and aim to stifle their humanitarian efforts.

This legal battle unfolds amidst a surge in border crossings, a highly charged topic with differing approaches.

Texas, under Republican leadership, has vehemently advocated for stricter border security measures and taken legal action against the federal government, which supports the role of NGOs in providing aid to migrants and refugees.

The legal outcome hinges on the evidence presented by both sides and the court’s interpretation of the relevant laws.

Paxton’s accusations need concrete supporting evidence, while Annunciation House must effectively defend its activities and demonstrate compliance with legal requirements.

The court’s decision will likely set precedents regarding the permissible activities of NGOs at the border and the level of scrutiny they face.

Beyond the immediate legal battle, this case has broader implications for the ongoing debate about the humanitarian response to immigration challenges.

It raises crucial questions about the role of government versus non-governmental actors in addressing these complex issues.

Additionally, the case underscores the political polarization surrounding immigration, highlighting the potential for differing approaches to clash in the legal arena.

The outcome of this lawsuit will not only impact the future of Annunciation House but also potentially set precedents that affect the way NGOs operate at the border and the way immigration challenges are addressed in the United States.

We must hold our communities accountable and we must prioritize the needs of the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New January 6th discovery has completely changed the narrative


The January 6th narrative has been controversial from the beginning. And Leftist media has tried to twist the truth every chance they get.

But now, a new January 6th discovery has completely changed the narrative.

The discovery of pipe bombs near the RNC and DNC headquarters on January 6th, 2021, remains a jarring chapter in a day already marked by chaos and controversy.

While these devices never detonated, their presence has cast a long shadow, raising questions about potential threats, the adequacy of security measures, and the effectiveness of the subsequent investigation.

At the center of this enigma stands Kenneth Capolino, former RNC security director, whose firsthand account throws a wrench into the accepted narrative, leaving a trail of unanswered questions that demand further scrutiny.

Capolino’s skepticism centers on the very nature of the bombs themselves.

He describes them as resembling training devices, casting doubt on their intended lethality.

The seemingly odd one-hour timer adds to the confusion, as does the extended period the bomb remained undetected, despite its proximity to a major political organization.

The timeline surrounding the DNC bomb further muddies the waters, with discrepancies existing between Capolino’s account and the official narrative.

Furthermore, Capolino questions the urgency of response, particularly at the DNC, where heightened security measures were in place due to the presence of Kamala Harris.

He expresses bewilderment at the reported delay in discovering the device, despite the presence of bomb-sniffing dogs and the heightened security protocols.

Adding fuel to the fire of suspicion are the conflicting narratives surrounding the suspect and the FBI’s investigation.

While Capolino insists the RNC bomb was planted on January 5th, discrepancies cloud the exact timing of the DNC bomb’s placement.

Additionally, Capolino contradicts the FBI’s initial claim that the suspect couldn’t be identified through cell phone data, raising concerns about the thoroughness of the investigation.

Beyond the immediate questions about the bombs themselves, a shadow hangs over the motives and actions of those involved.

The suspect’s identity remains shrouded in mystery, their intentions unclear.

The FBI’s handling of the investigation also raises eyebrows, particularly in light of the lenient plea deal offered to the individual found with a truck full of weapons near the RNC.

Was this leniency warranted, or does it suggest a deeper, less impartial truth lurking beneath the surface?

Perhaps most concerning is the lack of public awareness surrounding the entire incident.

Capolino expresses dismay at the limited media coverage and the general public’s lack of knowledge about the pipe bombs and the weapons cache.

This lack of transparency fuels speculation and distrust, leaving the public with a gnawing sense of unease and the nagging question: what are we not being told?

Moving forward, a thorough investigation is crucial.

Discrepancies must be addressed, the suspect identified, and the true nature and purpose of the bombs and weapons cache determined.

Additionally, increased transparency from law enforcement agencies is vital to rebuild public trust and ensure a comprehensive understanding of the events.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Governor DeSantis struck fear into the hearts of Democrats with one announcement


The truth always terrifies the Left. But this truth could completely expose all of them.

And Governor DeSantis struck fear into the hearts of Democrats with one announcement.

In a recent announcement, Governor Ron DeSantis said that he would be signing a bill into law that could completely unravel the Left.

This new bill would grant the release of the grand jury material from Florida’s 2006 investigation into Jeffrey Epstein.

DeSantis took to X to say, “All files related to Jeffrey Epstein’s criminal activity should be made public.”

He added that “while the federal government continues to stonewall accountability, I’m glad the Legislature has taken action to release the grand jury material from the Florida state case. I will sign the bill into law.”

The legislation would specifically answer why the 2006 grand jury had returned only minimal charges to Epstein.

Later on, in 2008, Epstein plead guilty to other charges including “procuring a person under 18 for prostitution and felony solicitation of prostitution.”

However, Epstein then only received 18 months in jail, but he was released daily for work.

Many Americans have become infuriated with the Left’s attempts to cover for Epstein, and there have been many rumors circulating that leave people with an unpleasant feeling.

DeSantis himself attacked the Biden administration and questioned why they refuse to release the documents and info they have on Epstein.

“Why won’t Biden release the federal government’s Epstein files?” he asked.

Other incidents have caused people to question what is really going on with the Epstein case.

In August 2019, while awaiting trial for federal trafficking charges, Epstein died.
The Daily Wire reports that “New York City’s Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Barbara Sampson ruled in August 2019 that Jeffrey Epstein’s cause of death was suicide by hanging.”

However, a forensic pathologist that the Epstein family hired pushed back on the ruling and said much of the evidence actually supported homicide.

Epstein’s brother, Mark, said “I had no reason to doubt it.”

“He didn’t have any children. Our parents are gone. He would know he didn’t have to worry about me. … so, I respected that as his decision,” he continued.

Mark said that when he met with NYC medical examiners they refused to call it a suicide “because it looked too much like a homicide.”

“So, then the questions became if he didn’t commit suicide, then he was killed, and then who killed him? How was it done?” Mark asked.

Americans are hoping that DeSantis’s new bill will help uncover more of the truth and will force the Biden administration to release the documents and information they have on Epstein.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Liberal city commits an act so treasonous that people are losing their minds


The Radical Left’s cities are always dangerous and terrible places to live. But this new decision makes it even worse.

Because a liberal city commits an act so treasonous that people are losing their minds.

The city of San Francisco has committed a despicable act that no one saw coming, and the fact that anyone allowed this is shocking.

Recently, San Francisco appointed their first non-citizen to their election commission… even though she cannot vote.

A Bay Area radio reported, “The newest member of the San Francisco Elections Commission, a seven-member civilian body that oversees and creates policy for the city’s Department of Elections, isn’t legally allowed to vote.”

“Kelly Wong, an immigrant rights advocate, is believed to be the first noncitizen appointed to the commission.”

“At a swearing-in ceremony administered by Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin on Wednesday at San Francisco City Hall, dozens of people gathered to commemorate the occasion.”

This has surprised, shocked, and flat-out confused many Americans.

The crisis America is facing right now with unchecked illegal immigration has heightened people’s emotions.

Breitbart has noted that non-citizens in San Francisco, “are allowed to vote…in school board elections.”

However, they are not able to vote in other elections.

And although Democrats have attempted to give non-citizens the power to vote, as they wish to boost their polling numbers with illegal immigrants, they have not yet been successful.

Many Americans are frustrated by this seemingly blatant attempt at election interference.

Thanks to Democrats and the Radical Left, America has been overrun with illegal immigrants in the past few years, and now they are trying to influence our elections.

The idea that someone who cannot even vote would be allowed on an election committee seems shocking to most people.

According to the same radio station, “Wong’s appointment is the result of a 2020 voter-approved measure that removed the citizenship requirement to serve on San Francisco boards, commissions and advisory bodies.”

It continued: “Each of the commission’s seven members is appointed by a different city official, such as the mayor, city attorney or district attorney. The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint Wong.”

The idea of removing a requirement so that more people can access things is not a bad one.

However, the idea that non-citizens who cannot vote would be allowed to be on boards, commissions, and advisory bodies seems ridiculous.

Democrats continue to bend and twist the rules to fit their agenda.

We must be wary and fight back against their attempts at destroying America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Nikki Haley makes a surprise announcement that leaves conservatives completely confused


Nikki Haley has been struggling in the polls. But she had remained adamant that she will not bow out from the race.

But now, Haley has made a surprise announcement that leaves conservatives completely confused.

South Carolina’s primary election is already upon us, and even with Nikki Haley way behind in the polls, she continues her fight.

However, ahead of the primary, she made a surprise announcement to her supporters during a recent speech in Greenville, South Carolina.

At her “State of the Race” speech, Haley told supporters, “I refuse to quit.”

She added, “South Carolina will vote on Saturday. But on Sunday, I’ll still be running for president. I’m not going anywhere.”

She continued and said, “I’m campaigning every day until the last person votes, because I believe in a better America and a brighter future for our kids.”

She then went on to attack her opponent Donald Trump by calling him a “disaster.”

She said he would “continue to be a disaster” and then claimed that even the politicians who support Trump publicly “privately dread him.”

She went on further to state, “Donald Trump lost 49 percent of the vote in Iowa. In New Hampshire, Trump lost 46 percent of the vote. That’s not good.”

However, Trump won in Iowa with 51% of the vote, DeSantis had 21.3% and Nikki Haley was way behind at 19.1%.

Trump also won in New Hampshire with 54.3% and was declared the winner barely after the caucus began.

In that vote, Nikki Haley received 43.2% of the vote… still well behind Trump.

According to recent polling by RealClearPolitics, Trump is ahead of Haley by 57.7 points for the Republican nomination.

Many Americans are frustrated with Haley feeling as if she takes votes away from Trump and splits the party.

Because Haley is still in the race, Trump cannot be announced as the “presumptive nominee” which would be a huge win for America.

He would then be open to additional joint fundraising opportunities which would help him defeat Joe Biden.

Many people have pointed out how detrimental this could be to the election race:

Whatever happens in SC, America must rally behind a strong leader who will defeat the Radical Left this fall.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Watchdog group makes a horrific election interference discovery


The Radical Left has tried to frame conservatives for election interference for years now. But the truth has been discovered.

And a watchdog group has made a horrific election interference discovery.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has filed a lawsuit against Alameda County, California, alleging a violation of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

The lawsuit, filed against the Alameda County Registrar of Voters, Timothy Dupuis, revolves around access to information related to foreign nationals registered and voting in the county.

PILF claims that Dupuis violated the NVRA by refusing to disclose records concerning foreign nationals on the voter rolls and their past voting history.

They requested these records in September 2023, seeking details on:

The number of foreign nationals whose voter registrations were canceled.

Information on individual foreign nationals who voted before cancellation.

According to PILF President J. Christian Adams, Alameda County’s “lack of transparency” raises concerns, especially with the upcoming presidential election.

He emphasizes the public’s right to scrutinize election records, including those potentially revealing “mistakes and errors by election officials.”

PILF asserts that the NVRA mandates the release of such records upon request.

They initially contacted Alameda County officials in September 2023 but received no response.

In October, they formally notified Dupuis of the alleged NVRA violation and received a promise of potential future access by mid-January 2024.

However, PILF claims no further communication has occurred, prompting the lawsuit.

The issue of foreign nationals on voter rolls has surfaced in other counties as well.

Records show that hundreds of foreign nationals in Arizona were removed from voter rolls in recent years, often due to errors or third-party registration drives.

PILF cites these instances as evidence of the wider relevance of its case regarding transparency and potential irregularities.

The idea that foreign nationals are voting in our elections should terrify us all.

Even as Joe Biden is letting in millions upon millions of foreign nationals into this country illegally, the truth has come out about why.

The Radical Left knows that true Americans would never vote for them.

And even as they are attempting to destroy this great nation, American patriots are voting back, so the Radical Left has resorted to stealing elections with false votes in order to solidify their rule.

We cannot allow this to continue.

We must fight back against the Radical Left, and we cannot allow for them to get away with this blatant election fraud.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.