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Trump makes a massive counter-move in court that has Democrats red with rage


The Radical Left has thrown everything they have at Trump, and they think they have won. But they couldn’t be more wrong.

Because Trump made a massive counter-move in court that has Democrats red with rage.

On Tuesday, a judge in New York ruled in favor of a civil case against Trump, ordering a substantial financial penalty of $354 million.

This decision has sparked discussions surrounding the concept of “excessive fines” outlined in the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution.

Trump himself weighed in on the issue and took to his platform Truth Social to speak out.

He posted text of the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution which states “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

This came after Trump was fined over $350 million in a NYC case that was handed down from New York Judge Arthur Engoron.

Judge Arthur Engoron, presiding over the case, ruled in favor of the plaintiff and imposed the outrageous financial penalty as “compensation” for the damages incurred.

Trump’s legal team raised concerns about the size of the penalty, citing the 8th Amendment’s protection against “excessive fines.”

This amendment prohibits the imposition of unreasonably high financial penalties that are considered disproportionate to the offense or crime committed.

Trump and his team argue that the $354 million penalty falls outside the boundaries of reasonable punishment and constitutes an “excessive fine.”

An Associated Press analysis of similar cases revealed that such large financial penalties are uncommon, raising questions about the potential precedent this case might set.

Additionally, the analysis noted that most similar cases involved identifiable victims who suffered financial losses due to fraudulent activities, which might not be directly applicable to this specific case.

Trump and his legal team are expected to challenge the ruling, potentially leading to further legal proceedings and appeals.

Whether the courts deem the $354 million penalty as “excessive” remains to be seen.

However, the American people know the truth, and we know what is going on:

Trump scares the Radical Left, and they are doing everything in their power to hinder him and prevent him from becoming President again.

This case has reignited discussions about the role of financial penalties in civil cases and the need for clear guidelines regarding what constitutes an “excessive fine” in the context of the 8th Amendment.

The Radical Left thinks that they can interfere in our rights as outlined in the Constitution, but they are sorely mistaken.

We the people will not stand for this absurd weaponization of the Justice system.

We will continue to fight for true justice in this country.

Donald Trump continues to fight legal battle after legal battle, while the most corrupt President in history remains untouched.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Top Democrat’s treasonous act finally revealed for all to see


The Radical Left is familiar with treason as they are always putting America and her citizens last. But this new policy is so blatant that it’s making people’s heads explode.

And this top Democrat’s treasonous act finally revealed for all to see.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has infuriated millions once again with his defense of a pilot program offering prepaid debit cards to migrant families.

The initiative, estimated to cost up to $53 million, aims to provide financial assistance while also, according to Adams, saving the city money and reducing food waste.

However, the program has outraged countless Americans who question its effectiveness, cost, and who it really benefits.

As reported by WPIX New York City, the pilot program is designed to offer debit cards to up to 500 migrant families for purchasing food and essential supplies.

This initiative comes at a potential cost of $53 million to the city, with $2 million earmarked for the program’s operator, MoCaFi.

Mayor Adams emphasizes the limited scope of the pilot, calling it a “small policy shift” and indicating expansion if successful.

This “small shift” however, as mentioned already, will cost the American taxpayer millions of dollars while giving free handouts to illegal aliens.

Adams defends the program as a cost-saving measure, claiming it will eliminate food waste associated with providing pre-packaged meals and empower families to choose their own groceries.

He further claims that the initiative has been under consideration for “close to three years now” and undergoes careful evaluation.

Despite Adams’ defense, the program has drawn criticism.

Rapper 50 Cent initially questioned the initiative, suggesting concerns about potential misuse.

He even went so far as to claim that Donald Trump “might be the answer” after learning about Adam’s absurd and un-American program.

Additionally, questions remain regarding the program’s long-term effectiveness and cost-efficiency compared to existing support systems.

Many critics also express concerns about transparency and potential conflicts of interest with MoCaFi’s involvement.

As the pilot program rolls out, public discourse surrounding its effectiveness and potential for expansion is likely to continue.

Proponents will be looking for evidence of cost savings and reduced food waste, while critics will scrutinize the program’s impact and financial implications.

Further analysis and data collection will be crucial for determining the program’s feasibility and potential for broader implementation.

However, one thing that does not need to be analyzed is the treasonous nature of this policy.

Once again the Radical Left is putting other countries and their citizens before the American people.

As we suffer under the horrible regime that is the Biden administration, and as we continue to suffer under a horrible economy, the Radical Left continues to steal our hard-earned money to give away to illegals.

This madness cannot be allowed to continue.

We must stand up for our rights, and we must elect leaders who will put America first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Biden proposes horrific new resolution that leaves Americans and world infuriated


Joe Biden has made so many horrible decisions they cannot be counted. But of all things, this one is awful.

Because Biden has proposed a horrific new resolution that has left Americans and the world infuriated.

Joe Biden and the current corrupt administration have come up with the idea to draft a resolution calling for a temporary “ceasefire” in Israel.

At the UN Security Council, Joe Biden will demand that Israel not attack the last few Hamas battalions in Gaza.

However, Israel has remained steadfast and adamant that they must attack the Hamas troops in Rafah.

Rafah is a city on the southern border of Gaza and Egypt, and Israel maintains that they must march on it to win the war.

The White House, for its part, has declared publicly that it will not support an attack on Rafah, at least without evacuating the civilians first.

But, even when Israel promised a plan to evacuate civilians, Biden and his administration say that they oppose an Israeli operation in Gaza.

Even though Biden has sent hundreds and hundreds of billions to Ukraine, as well as asking for even more, Israel continues to feel alone.

The Biden administration continues to lash out and send out hateful and destructive anti-Israel messages such as refusing to back them in this last push to fight off the terror organization.

They refuse to back them even after Israel led a successful raid last Monday that led to two hostages being freed.

Biden wants Hamas to survive.

He wants to horrible terrorist organization to prosper and he wants to force Israel to accept a Palestinian state.

Even though the US says it will veto any permanent ceasefire, they still are calling for a “temporary” ceasefire.

Anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiments continue to pour out across the world coming from those on the Radical Left.

We cannot allow for this harm to continue.

We cannot let our corrupt and Radical government dictate what Israel does to protect themselves.

We must stand up and fight back against the oppression.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Chilling border report exposes foreign nation’s plans to take over


Everyone knows that the situation at the US border is dire. But things have taken a terrifying turn.

Because now, a chilling border report has exposed a foreign nation’s plans to invade.

A recent Fox News report by Bill Melugin documenting a surge in Chinese nationals attempting to cross the US-Mexico border illegally has shocked and terrified many.

Many Americans view it as a national security threat demanding stronger border measures, while others view it as something even more sinister.

Melugin’s report, citing a CBP source, claims a staggering 4,000% increase in apprehensions of Chinese nationals at the southern border since October 2023.

This figure, contrasting sharply with the 450 encounters for the whole of fiscal year 2021, has warned the entire nation of what is about to come.

The report further shows a reduction in interview questions for apprehended Chinese nationals, implemented through an email to Border Patrol agents in April 2023.

This policy shift has fueled concerns about national security risks associated with streamlined processing and potential threats slipping through the cracks.

Many Americans also wonder at the coincidence that Chinese nationals are asked fewer questions and are granted easier access into the US.

Proponents of stricter border measures advocate for comprehensive vetting procedures to safeguard national security.

The flow of migrants has shifted dramatically, and now hundreds and thousands of Chinese nationals are flooding the country.

Americans are worried about this shift, especially when our President is the weakest one we have had in decades… if not ever.

Biden and the Radical Left seem to be doing everything they can to weaken the nation and open it up to attacks from China.

One journalist reported: “Fox cameras witnessed hundreds of Chinese nationals crossing illegally here in Jacumba. Again, most of them single adults, very few of any with little children with them.”

Since the beginning of the 2024 fiscal year, there have been over 20,000 encounters with illegal immigrants from China at the border.

This is no coincidence, and the American people need to be cautious.

We cannot allow a weak president and administration to cripple this country any further.

America needs a leader who will take a strong stance against the Radical policies of the Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Governor Abbot’s newest border decision has Democrats in tears


The Radical Left has forsaken Texas, and they are leaving them to suffer from waves upon waves of illegal immigrants. But Governor Abbot has other plans.

And Governor Abbott’s newest border decision leaves Democrats in tears.

Governor Greg Abbott’s announcement of a new military base near the Texas-Mexico border has ignited a firestorm of debate, reigniting the complex conversation about border security and the roles of state and federal authorities.

While proponents hail it as a necessary response to a perceived crisis, critics on the Radical Left question its effectiveness, costs, and potential ramifications.

The 80-acre “Forward Operating Base” in Eagle Pass will house up to 1,800 Texas National Guard soldiers, with room for 500 more.

Citing an “open border chaos” due to Biden administration policies, Abbott promises improved operational efficiency and better living conditions for soldiers.

Plans include extending operations north and south of Eagle Pass, erecting new barriers, deploying boats and drones, and utilizing advanced radar technology.

Governor Abbott and Border Czar Mike Banks portray the base as a response to insufficient federal action, praising it as a solution to an ongoing crisis.

The recently approved $95 billion foreign aid package, containing $61 billion for Ukraine, fuels arguments that funds should have been allocated for border security.

High migrant numbers, security concerns, humanitarian considerations, and economic impacts paint a picture of the dire situation on the border.

This recent initiative reflects Governor Abbott’s distinct approach to border security, independent of the Biden administration’s policies.

Evaluating the base’s effectiveness, feasibility, and broader impact requires understanding its specific details, operational costs, and potential outcomes.

But what is known is that the Radical Left will continue to prioritize America last.

We must take the power back and protect our states and communities ourselves.

We will get no help from the Biden administration, and we cannot sit idly by while they destroy this great nation.

Governor Abbott serves as an inspiration to us all, that even when the Radical Left turns its back on us, we will continue on.

America must not be destroyed, and we must not let our elected officials continue getting away with this sort of corruption and destruction.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Terrifying new data shows horrific results of anti-cop policies in liberal city


The Radical Left’s policies always seem to harm Americans. But now things are worse than ever.

And terrifying new data has shown the horrific results of anti-cop policies in a liberal city.

Alarming headlines have painted a stark picture:

The number of New York City police officers injured on the job has skyrocketed, with 2023 statistics revealing a staggering 5,363 injured cops.

This sobering data, coupled with a 20% increase in 2022 and a further 13% jump in 2023, has ignited a fiery debate surrounding the causes and potential solutions.

Navigating this complex issue requires examining multiple perspectives, delving into contributing factors, and exploring data-driven approaches to ensure the safety of both officers and the public.

While the overall figure paints a concerning picture, it’s crucial to dissect the details.

Precincts with historically high crime rates, like the Bronx’s 40th and Brooklyn’s 75th, witnessed the highest numbers of injured officers, indicating a geographic correlation.

The final quarter of 2023 alone saw a startling 1,286 officers injured, suggesting a potential escalation towards the end of the year.

Understanding these nuances is vital for identifying hotspots and tailoring solutions accordingly.

The debate surrounding the root causes of this surge is multifaceted.

Law enforcement officials like Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry point towards emboldened criminals, citing factors like anti-cop rhetoric, relaxed bail reforms, and the presence of illegal immigrants.

He stated, “Even the simplest summonses are turning into all-out brawls.”

He then continued and warned, “Our justice system needs to send a clear message, once and for all — is you assault a police officer, you will stay in jail.”

Crime experts offer varied viewpoints, emphasizing the need for data-driven analyses to accurately assess the impact of different variables.

Statistics paint a grim picture, but human stories provide a deeper understanding of the human cost involved.

Former NYPD Lt. Rob Corbett’s decision to leave the force after 25 years, citing policy changes and declining officer support, exemplifies the personal consequences faced by individuals.

NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell’s acknowledgment of an uptick in “migrant crime” and Mayor Eric Adams’ implementation of curfews in migrant shelters reflect attempts to address specific aspects of the issue.

Such real-world experiences and actions showcase the complex challenges and ongoing efforts to navigate them.

We cannot allow the Radical Left to continue to allow crime to skyrocket.

We must protect our communities and we must pass laws that will keep our families, children, law enforcement, and members of our local communities safe.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

Liberal DA has been exposed in a shocking new report


The Radical Left has made numerous anti-American legal decisions recently. But this situation takes the cake.

And a liberal DA has been exposed in a shocking new report.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s administration has become the center of a debate, with his policies regarding felony downgrades and rising crime rates taking center stage.

While some Radicals hail his approach as progressive and necessary for reform, many others express concerns about public safety and a potential emboldening of criminals.

According to a Daily Mail report, DA Bragg significantly increased the rate of downgrading felonies compared to his predecessor.

In 2023, he downgraded 938 of the most serious charges, representing a 60% rate – higher than the previous administration’s 53%.

Additionally, he declined to prosecute 14% of all arrests, marking a notable shift from prior practices.

While the report acknowledges a decrease in murders compared to 2022 (12 fewer), overall violent crime rates in Manhattan saw a 2.4% increase in 2023.

This translates to 10,547 violent crimes reported, compared to 10,298 the previous year.

This uptick in violence adds fuel to the debate surrounding DA Bragg’s policies, with some attributing it to the increased leniency in prosecution.

The DA’s office responded to the report by highlighting a “comprehensive crime strategy” focused on gun prosecutions, prioritizing violent crime drivers, and investing in community-based initiatives.

They emphasized that Manhattan’s felony conviction rate remains higher than other boroughs and their decline-to-prosecute rate is lower than the citywide average.

However, critics like the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) voice strong concerns.

PBA President Patrick Hendry links the rise in attacks on police officers to a “revolving door” of released suspects, citing a recent incident where illegal immigrants allegedly assaulting officers were released without bail.

He criticizes DA Bragg for prioritizing “criminals over police,” referencing the indictment of Officer Provenzano for confronting a disruptive individual.

This debate in Manhattan reflects a broader national conversation about balancing criminal justice reform with public safety concerns.

Proponents of DA Bragg’s approach argue it promotes fairer sentencing, reduces mass incarceration, and addresses racial disparities in the justice system.

Opponents express worries that it weakens deterrence, emboldens criminals, and ultimately hinders public safety.

Understanding the complexities of this situation requires examining the statistics, exploring perspectives, and acknowledging the broader national conversation surrounding criminal justice reform.

However, violent criminals are being released into our society with little to no punishments, and Americans are outraged.

We cannot and will not tolerate this.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Squad member makes a shocking call that has Democrats horrified


Members of the “squad” are the most Radical Leftists this country has ever seen. But they have made a number of disgusting decisions.

And now, a squad member has made a shocking call that has left Democrats horrified.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) ignited a firestorm of debate on Saturday with her call for Democrats in Michigan to vote “uncommitted” in the upcoming presidential primary.

This move was fueled by the conflict between Hamas and Israel and Tlaib’s anti-semitic and pro-terrorism opinions.

Her call has sparked conversations about political representation, protest strategies, and the effectiveness of symbolic actions.

In a statement posted on X by the Listen to Michigan campaign, Tlaib expressed frustration with the Biden administration’s approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Decrying the support for Israel’s actions and emphasizing the need for peace and protection of life, she declared, “We don’t want a country that supports wars and bombs and destruction.”

She said, “It is important as you all know, to not only march against the genocide. Not only making sure we are calling our members of congress, and local electeds, and passing resolutions all throughout our country. It is also important to create a voting bloc.”

Beyond peaceful protests and lobbying, Tlaib saw the “uncommitted” vote as a powerful tool to amplify their voices and achieve visibility.

“This is the way you can raise our voices, to make us even more visible,” she stated, highlighting their feeling of being “neglected and just unseen by our government.”

Tlaib has led the effort among Democrats to express their dissatisfaction with Joe Biden’s actions in Gaza.

Biden has funded humanitarian aid and supported Israel’s war on terrorists, yet the Radical Left hates Israel and Jews, so they are calling for more hatred.
The “Listen to Michigan” campaign has said “Right now he’s not representing the vast majority of Democrats who want a ceasefire and an end to his funding of Israel’s war in Gaza,” about Joe Biden.

However, Tlaib’s stance didn’t resonate with all.

Many Democrats criticized the tactic, arguing that it disenfranchises voters and weakens the party.

Others highlighted the severity of the issue and acknowledged Israel’s struggles to protect their own from the Hamas terrorist horror.

Talib was censored by the House of Representatives in November because of her antisemitic comments where she called for genocide and used the phrase “from the river to the sea.”

The Radical Left hates America, they hate freedom, and they hate peace.

They are shooting themselves in the foot by continually calling for genocide in Israel.

They are also completely splitting their voter base, and it is becoming increasingly clear that Joe Biden has absolutely no chance of beating Trump.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This Democrat destroyed their city with the stroke of a pen


The Radical left constantly proves that they do not care about their own communities. But now they are targeting schools.

And this Democrat destroyed their city with the stroke of a pen.

A private school in downtown Los Angeles, the Academy of Media Arts (AMA), has abruptly shut its doors, leaving students and community members grappling with the repercussions.

The closure, announced in January 2024, stems from what founder Dana Hammond claims are repeated incidents of students being exposed to drug-using and unclothed homeless individuals residing in the same building, the LA Grand Hotel.

This situation has ignited a heated debate, highlighting the Radical Left’s policies once again disrupting the lives of our children.

Established to serve Black and Latino communities, the AMA offered a unique educational experience within the bustling downtown LA environment.

However, its location within the LA Grand, which also houses the Inside Safe homeless shelter program, became a source of concern.

Hammond maintains that upon signing the lease, assurances were made that the homeless population would be relocated.

Yet, students reportedly encountered disruptive behavior, witnessed drug paraphernalia, and even faced interactions with individuals under the influence of substances.

These incidents, according to the lawsuit filed against the hotel owner, created an unsafe and inappropriate learning environment, forcing the closure of the school and leaving approximately 50 students in limbo.

The closure of the AMA is a microcosm of a larger dilemma faced by many urban centers:

How to address the growing issue of homelessness while ensuring the safety and well-being of other segments of the community.

While Hammond emphasizes compassion for the homeless population, he argues that their needs should be addressed in separate spaces, ensuring both students and individuals struggling with homelessness receive the support they require.

Liberals point to the potential benefits of integrated approaches, arguing that schools can play a role in fostering understanding and destigmatizing homelessness.

However, the complexities of managing such shared spaces, potential safety concerns, and resource allocation remain significant hurdles to overcome.

Hammond’s lawsuit against the hotel owner seeks financial compensation for lost tuition and relocation costs.

The legal proceedings will likely bring further scrutiny to the contract terms, safety protocols, and communication surrounding the cohabitation of the school and the homeless shelter within the same building.

Regardless of the legal outcome, the school’s closure has left students and families scrambling to find alternative options, adding to the uncertainty and disruption caused by the situation.

This is yet another example of the Radical Left prioritizing illegal immigrants and addicts over the wellbeing of US citizens and children.

We cannot allow this to continue any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump is about to cut a deal that will has major repercussions for the elections


Trump is the dominant frontrunner for the GOP candidacy in 2024. However, everything is still up in the air.

And Trump is about to cut a deal that will has major repercussions for the elections.

Former President Donald Trump, currently the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, is reportedly being considered by allies and aides to deliver the Republican response to President Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address on March 7th.

However, Trump himself seems hesitant and the final decision ultimately rests with the Republican leadership in Congress.

While two sources familiar with the discussions claim Trump has even entertained the idea himself, they also indicate he’s currently leaning against giving the speech.

This hesitation appears confirmed by Trump’s senior campaign advisor Jason Miller, who vehemently denied any plans for Trump’s involvement, calling the reports “complete bullsh*t.”

Adding to the ambiguity, neither the Trump campaign nor Trump’s team have reached out to those responsible for planning the GOP response, according to an individual familiar with the process.

Despite the lack of concrete plans, at least one prominent Republican has expressed strong support for Trump delivering the response.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene declared, “Of course President Trump should do it,” although she admitted she hasn’t heard of any such plans formally.

However, others might hold reservations.

Some Republicans may favor a different figure to deliver the response, potentially to boost their visibility and national profile.

Alternatively, they might opt for a figure outside the current presidential race to offer a fresh perspective.

Trump’s potential involvement in the response would be historically unique.

While former presidents have delivered addresses after leaving office, they haven’t typically participated in formal responses following their defeat.

However, Trump’s continued influence within the Republican party and his ongoing presidential aspirations complicate traditional norms.

Ultimately, the choice of who delivers the GOP response lies with Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

As March 7th approaches, any decision involving Trump will likely garner significant attention and debate within the Republican party and beyond.

With the election process well underway, a potential speech this large could hold major sway for Trump, but it could also give support to another candidate depending on who gives the reply.

Biden has constantly done everything he can to weaken and destroy this nation, but we will not tolerate it any longer.

And when he gives his State of the Union address, we will answer.

Even when Biden and the media try to lie to the American people, we know the truth.

We must fight back and elect a leader who will turn this nation around.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Democrat goes back on promise and outrages millions


The Radical Left has no integrity. And they cannot help but lie to the American people.

But now, a top Democrat goes back on promise and outrages millions.

New York City, often hailed as a haven for immigrants, finds itself facing extreme pushback for turning away immigrants.

Mayor Eric Adams has issued a strong warning, highlighting concerns about the city’s capacity to accommodate this influx and its potential impact on both migrants and existing residents.

In an interview with FOX5 NY’s Rosanna Scotto, Adams emphasized the city’s historical role in welcoming immigrants but expressed concerns about the current situation.

He stated, “Our hearts are endless, but our resources are not.”

He stressed that while New York remains committed to its immigrant heritage, the sheer volume of arrivals presents unprecedented challenges.

The mayor pointed to specific issues arising from the influx, including:

Limited Shelter Capacity: Adams expressed fears that existing shelters and housing resources are reaching their limits, potentially leading to homelessness and inadequate living conditions for both migrants and New Yorkers already experiencing housing insecurity.

Strained City Services: The influx puts pressure on various city services, including healthcare, schools, and social programs. Concerns exist about their ability to adequately serve both existing residents and newcomers with limited resources.

Legal Framework: The city’s right-to-shelter law, passed in the 1980s, mandates offering shelter to anyone requesting it. While intended for New Yorkers experiencing homelessness, the legal gray area surrounding its application to migrants creates ongoing debate and legal challenges.

Limited Federal Support: Adams emphasizes the need for increased federal support to effectively address the challenges posed by the influx. He argues that the burden currently falls disproportionately on cities like New York, creating an unsustainable situation.

The mayor’s statements have sparked wide-ranging reactions.

Some citizens commend his efforts to advocate for the city’s capacity and resource limitations.

Others criticize his stance, emphasizing the city’s moral obligation to help those seeking refuge as he once said they would.

The Radical Left has gotten themselves into this issue, and now they are feeling the effects of their failed policies.

Once again, Liberal politicians pass Liberal laws that destroy the lives of all those around them, and as soon as they are personally affected, they start to cry.

Addressing the influx of migrants in New York City necessitates a multifaceted approach.

Collaboration between various government levels, community organizations, and individual efforts is key.

However, collaboration is impossible when the government is controlled by absurd Radical fools who care more about the desturct5ion of the nation than taking care of its citizens.

This is yet another example of the Radical Left’s hatred of America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Terror threat from within US has the whole country gripped with fear


Since Joe Biden took office, it seems as if terror threats have become more and more common. And our already weak border has opened the floodgates.

But now, a new terror threat from within US has the whole country gripped with fear.

Authorities arrested Jeffrey Stevens, 41, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, on Tuesday, February 15, 2024, on charges of interstate communication of threats.

The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force spearheaded the investigation following a series of online threats allegedly made by Stevens targeting Jewish individuals and pro-Israel government officials.

According to court documents unsealed in the US District Court in Fort Wayne, Stevens, who also uses the name “Zayed,” allegedly issued violent threats through various online platforms, including social media websites and government agency comment sections.

The threats ranged from general targeting of groups to specific individuals, raising concerns about their potential for real-world harm.

Court documents detail several instances where Stevens expressed violent intentions towards Jewish communities and individuals, including:

November 17, 2023: A threatening message posted on the CIA website targeting “every pro-Israel US government official.”

December 10, 2023: Another post on the CIA website referencing support for Palestine and threats against CIA operatives perceived as pro-Israel.

February 10, 2024: A message sent directly to the Fort Wayne Police Department via Facebook Messenger threatening to kill “every Jew in Fort Wayne.”

These instances prompted immediate action from law enforcement, leading to Stevens’ arrest.

The court documents further state that Stevens admitted to making some of the threats during interviews with authorities.

The investigation remains ongoing, and details regarding Stevens’ personal life and motives for the threats remain unclear.

His Facebook profile however, suggests a recent conversion to Islam and strong pro-Hamas sentiments.

This case highlights the increasing prevalence of online threats and the importance of taking them seriously.

Law enforcement agencies emphasize the need for vigilance and reporting any suspicious activity or potential threats encountered online.

The FBI further encourages communities to engage in open dialogue and understanding to address underlying issues fueling extremism.

The arrest of Stevens has sparked various reactions, with many expressing relief at the swift action taken by authorities but also concerns about the possible motivations and broader implications.

Community leaders in Fort Wayne have called for unity and stressed the importance of standing together against hatred and violence.

This case serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges posed by online threats and the importance of collective efforts to foster a society free from fear and discrimination.

It also highlights the dangers of a rampant pro-Hamas sentiment and anti-Jew mindset across the world.

We cannot and will not tolerate that sort of behavior in this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.