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Biden’s recent mistakes have sent the US to war


Joe Biden has caused many disastrous mistakes for America. But this one might be the worst yet.

And now Biden’s recent mistakes have sent the US to war.

The Biden administration’s tangled web of pronouncements and actions regarding the conflict in Yemen raises a crucial question:

Is the United States at war with the Iran-backed Houthi forces?

While the administration insists otherwise, its own actions paint a starkly different picture.

On one hand, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh vehemently denies any state of war.

“We are not at war with the Houthis,” she declared, seemingly attempting to dispel any such notion.

However, this assertion rings hollow in the face of concrete evidence.

President Biden has submitted at least two notifications to Congress under the War Powers Resolution, a legal instrument activated only when U.S. forces are committed to “hostilities or situations where hostilities are imminent.”

The resolution’s very existence contradicts the administration’s denial of warfare.

Furthermore, President Biden himself has authorized multiple rounds of airstrikes against Houthi targets, citing “self-defense” as justification.

But the administration’s initial claims of Houthi attacks solely targeting commercial vessels have morphed into accusations of U.S. military ships being targeted as well.

This shift in narrative suggests a deeper entanglement in the conflict than the administration would like to admit.

Adding fuel to the fire is the growing bipartisan discontent within Congress. A group of senators, including Democrats Tim Kaine and Chris Murphy alongside Republicans Mike Lee and Todd Young, have expressed their concerns over Biden’s unilateral military action.

Their letter to the President underscores the lack of congressional authorization for offensive operations against the Houthis, highlighting a potential violation of the Constitution’s requirement for congressional approval before engaging in warfare.

The senators’ request for further justification and clarification from the administration exposes the murky waters in which the Biden administration is navigating.

The War Powers Resolution demands transparency and accountability in such situations, yet the administration’s actions seem to prioritize obfuscation over open communication.

Even if the administration persists in its verbal contortions, the facts on the ground speak for themselves.

The airstrikes, dubbed “Operation Poseidon Archer,” have resulted in casualties within the U.S. military, demonstrating the tangible costs of this “non-war.”

Moreover, President Biden himself has acknowledged the limited effectiveness of the strikes, admitting that they will not deter the Houthis from future attacks.

This raises the unsettling question: what is the end goal of this seemingly endless military engagement?

Several factors may be influencing the Biden administration’s perplexing stance. The desire to counter Iranian influence in the region, appease Saudi Arabia, and protect maritime commerce in the Red Sea all play a role.

However, these factors should not supersede the fundamental constitutional principles of transparency and accountability, nor should they justify circumventing congressional oversight in matters of war and peace.

The Biden administration’s contradictory pronouncements and actions regarding the conflict in Yemen raise serious concerns about its commitment to transparency and adherence to the Constitution.

Until the administration comes clean about its true intentions and seeks proper congressional authorization, the specter of an undeclared war will continue to loom large over the Yemeni conflict, with potentially disastrous consequences for all involved.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Arizona GOP head makes a shocking decision that could change the entire election


Elections are complicated events that are influenced by countless factors. But nonetheless, people were still shocked.

Because the Arizona GOP chair made a shocking decision that could change the entire election.

Recently leaked audio exposed Jeff DeWit, the chair of the Arizona Republican Party, for trying to bribe Kari Lake to stay out of the next election cycle.

The exchange was a chilling reminder that we live in a very corrupt and dystopian time.

The audio proved that Jeff DeWit had attempted to bribe Kari Lake with money or a job in order to stay out of the next election cycle.

DeWit did not want Lake to be in the same cycle as Donald Trump, and he asked if there was any amount that would make Lake stay out of politics for a few years.

DeWit claimed that “There are very powerful people who want to keep you out,” and he said that the people were “willing to put their money where their mouth is.”

Kari Lake lashed back saying, “This is about defeating Trump and I think that’s a bad, bad thing for our country.”

When Lake asked what these “powerful people” wanted her to do, DeWit replied, “They want you to stay out for two years.”

DeWit also claimed that there were companies that would “just put her on the payroll to keep her out.”

He stated, “Just say, is there a number at which…” before he was cut off.

Lake, offended, lashed out saying, “I can be bought? That’s what it’s about.”

She continued and claimed that taking the bribe would be “immoral” and that she wouldn’t be able to look at herself the same “in the mirror.”

DeWit was already confirmed to be the other speaker in the audio by multiple sources, however, a number of people had been pushing back to protect him.

Multiple media outlets also wrote reports with false and misleading headlines in order to cover up for DeWit.

The reality is chilling.

We are in a time where politicians are “buying” each other, corruption is rampant, and bribes are everywhere.

How are the American people supposed to trust our elected officials when things like this continue to surface?

Americans must wake up and understand that politics are far more dangerous and corrupt than the media tries to let on.

We are living in a time where it is critical that we elect strong leaders who will be honest with us and will put the needs of the people and the nation first.

We must rid ourselves of corrupt elected officials who attempt to bribe their way into the future.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news no matter what.

Ohio Republicans overthrow their governor in this shocking move


The Radical Left will never stop trying to destroy this nation. And America is slowly succumbing.

But Ohio Republicans have just overthrown their governor in this shocking move.

In a resounding victory for common sense and parental rights, the Ohio State Legislature overrode Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of House Bill 68, effectively shielding children from the dangerous and irreversible ramifications of radical gender ideology.

This act of defiance against a governor out of touch with his constituents sends a powerful message across the nation:

Ohio prioritizes protecting the innocence and well-being of its children over pandering to a vocal minority driven by ideological fervor.

DeWine’s veto, grounded in the misguided notion that he and the state know better than parents when it comes to their own children’s health, sparked outrage and disbelief across the state.

His pronouncements about protecting lives and respecting parental decisions rang hollow in the face of the bill’s straightforward purpose:

Safeguarding children from irreversible medical interventions based on a fleeting and often malleable sense of gender identity.

The facts are irrefutable. Puberty blockers, lauded by activists as harmless, carry significant health risks, including bone density loss, increased risk of depression, and potential cognitive impairment.

Cross-sex hormones, even more drastic, permanently alter a child’s body and reproductive system, consequences they cannot possibly grasp at such a young age.

Allowing children to undergo surgeries mutilating their healthy bodies in pursuit of an idealized gender persona is both unconscionable and medically reckless.

House Bill 68 doesn’t demonize anyone. It simply recognizes the undeniable vulnerability of children and the irreplaceable role of parents in making crucial decisions about their health and well-being.

It empowers parents, not the state, to navigate the complex and often turbulent waters of adolescence, ensuring their children have the time and space to discover their true identities before succumbing to the allure of irreversible medical interventions.

Furthermore, the bill protects the integrity of women’s sports, a fiercely contested issue yet one rooted in fundamental fairness.

Allowing biological males to compete against females in athletic arenas diminishes the hard-won victories of female athletes and undermines the very basis of women’s sports – a level playing field where talent and dedication, not biological advantages, determine the victor.

Ohio’s stand against the tide of gender ideology is not merely a legislative victory; it’s a cultural watershed moment.

The Buckeye State has declared its unwavering commitment to protecting its children, to honoring the sacred bond between parent and child, and to upholding the integrity of athletic competition.

This act of defiance serves as a beacon of hope for other states struggling against the same forces, its resounding message echoing across the land: children deserve protection, not indoctrination; parents deserve a voice, not government overreach; and women’s sports deserve to be a testament to female athletic prowess, not a casualty of ideological zealotry.

The battle for our children’s hearts and minds is far from over. Activists will continue to push their agenda, fueled by misinformation and emotional appeals.

But Ohio’s courageous legislators have shown the way forward, prioritizing the well-being of children over political correctness and safeguarding their innocence from the clutches of a harmful ideology.

Let their victory inspire others to stand tall, to raise their voices, and to fight for the future of our children.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Texas’s response to Supreme Court decision leaves Democrats in tears


Joe Biden has once again weaponized the government in order to take down a political opponent. But this time, things have gone differently than expected.

But now, Texas’s response to the Supreme Court decision has left Democrats in tears.

The battle for control of the southern border heats up in Eagle Pass, Texas, where a seemingly simple roll of razor wire has become a potent symbol of a clash between a desperate federal government and a resolute Lone Star State.

Shelby Park, once a peaceful haven by the Rio Grande, has transformed into a stark frontline in the fight against illegal immigration, its lush greenery now punctuated by the glint of razor-sharp blades.

Reports from journalists like Jorge Ventura paint a vivid picture of desperation and frustration.

Would-be illegal immigrants cluster just beyond the razor wire, some waiting for days in the baking Texan sun, their dreams of crossing thwarted by this unexpected barrier.

The Texas National Guard, now on duty within the park, stands firm, adding more rolls of wire and “anti-climb fencing” to further fortify the perimeter.

This stand against the tide of illegal immigration isn’t just a physical undertaking; it’s a legal showdown too.

Governor Abbott’s ban on federal agents entering Shelby Park has sparked a fierce court battle, culminating in Monday’s Supreme Court ruling allowing the Biden administration to cut through the razor wire.

Yet, the victory for the White House feels hollow, a Pyrrhic one at best. Cutting the wire might create a temporary breach, but it won’t erase the resolute message Texas has sent.

The Biden administration’s claims of “open access” to Shelby Park ring hollow in the face of reality.

DHS counsel Jonathan Meyer’s letter demanding access for federal agents exposes the truth: Texas has effectively shut the door on the federal government’s lax border policies, choosing to protect its citizens first.

This act of defiance has resonated deeply with a significant portion of the American public.

Images of overwhelmed border patrol agents, record-breaking apprehensions, and communities buckling under the strain of unchecked immigration have fueled public anger and mistrust in the Biden administration’s handling of the crisis.

Texas, led by its bold governor, has tapped into this frustration, offering a tangible solution and a message of hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Beyond the razor wire itself, the Texas National Guard’s presence symbolizes a broader shift in strategy.

Arrests for “criminal trespass” send a clear message: trespassing on Texan soil, even seeking an illegal border crossing, carries consequences.

This proactive approach stands in stark contrast to the passivity of the federal government, further solidifying Texas’s image as a bastion of border security.

The clash at Shelby Park is more than just a local dispute; it’s a microcosm of the larger battle for the soul of America.

On one side lies a vision of national sovereignty, secure borders, and the rule of law, championed by Texas and millions of Americans. On the other, the Biden administration clings to a utopian ideal of open borders and unchecked immigration, oblivious to the chaos it unleashes.

The razor wire in Eagle Pass may seem like a simple physical barrier, but it carries profound symbolic weight.

It represents a line in the sand, a stand against unchecked illegal immigration, and a defiant message to a federal government that has failed to uphold its sacred duty to secure the border. Whether the Biden administration can dismantle this razor wall, both literal and metaphorical, remains to be seen.

But one thing is certain: Texas has drawn a line in the sand, and America is watching with bated breath to see if the rest of the nation will join the fight.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden gets a shocking wake up call directly from voters


The Radical Left keeps preaching the lie that Americans love Biden. But the truth is much worse.

And now Biden got a shocking wake-up call directly from voters.

A tidal wave of anxieties is crashing over America, and it’s not driven by rising sea levels or coastal erosion.

No, the force reshaping the 2024 election landscape is far more visceral – it’s a surge of fear and frustration over the unchecked torrent of illegal immigration flooding our borders.

A recent Harvard CAPS-Harris poll paints a chilling picture: a staggering 35% of voters now list immigration as their top concern, eclipsing even the gnawing bite of inflation (32%).

This 7-point jump in just one month is no mere blip; it’s a seismic shift reflecting a nation on edge, its anxieties stoked by President Biden’s abject failure to secure the southern border.

December 2023 stands as a grim testament to this dereliction of duty.

Over 300,000 illegal immigrant encounters, a record-shattering number, were documented – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Countless others slip through the cracks, a silent invasion eroding national security, straining social services, and fueling anxieties about cultural displacement.

While the specter of inflation still looms, its urgency pales in comparison to the immediate, tangible threat posed by unchecked immigration.

“Economy and jobs” trail at a distant third (25%), followed by issues like crime, drugs, and healthcare – mere ripples in the wake of the immigration tsunami.

Even January 6th, once a potent political weapon, resonates with a mere 5% of respondents, highlighting the singular dominance of immigration as the defining anxiety of our time.

President Biden, meanwhile, stands shipwrecked amidst this rising tide.

His approval ratings on immigration are a watery grave: a paltry 35% approve, while a resounding 61% disapprove.

His pronouncements about secure borders ring hollow against the deafening drumbeat of encounters, apprehensions, and the heartbreaking stories of overwhelmed communities.

Even pronouncements of rising employment and wages from his advisors sound like distant echoes washed away by the roar of public discontent.

And lurking on the horizon, riding the crest of this wave, is former President Trump.

The poll delivers a stark, almost prophetic warning: in a head-to-head matchup, Trump garners 48% of the vote against Biden’s 41%.

This narrow margin, coupled with Biden’s abysmal approval ratings and the immigration headwind, paints a perilous picture for his re-election.

Trump, who built his 2016 campaign on the bedrock of a secure border, is already capitalizing on this shift.

His rallies thrum with chants of “Build the Wall,” his message resonating with the very anxieties and frustrations exposed by the poll.

He stands as a formidable bulwark against the perceived tide of cultural and economic erosion, a beacon of hope for those feeling disenfranchised by Biden’s open-door policies.

Should immigration maintain its current prominence as the defining issue of 2024, the consequences will be far-reaching.

Democrats might be forced to abandon their progressive ideals, shifting to a more hawkish stance on border security and potentially alienating their core base.

Republicans, on the other hand, have a potent weapon to galvanize their base and potentially retake the White House.

Immigration has become the defining force in the race for the Oval Office, and how both parties respond, how voters prioritize it amidst a complex landscape of anxieties, will shape the nation’s trajectory for years to come.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Terrifying new CIA report exposes corruption of Biden administration


The corruption in our government right now is something that should scare all Americans. But, now more proof has come out that shows the depth of things.

And a terrifying new report has exposed corruption in Biden’s CIA.

A stench of swamp water hangs heavy over Langley, Virginia, emanating from the very heart of America’s intelligence apparatus.

The Daily Caller’s bombshell report, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request answered with a shiver, reveals a CIA riddled with potential conflicts of interest and festering with ethics violations – all while the Biden administration sleeps at the wheel.

Between January 2021 and May 2023, a staggering 32 Forms 202, each a crimson flag signaling suspected ethical breaches, were filed by the CIA with the Office of Government Ethics (OGE).

This figure eclipses submissions from other agencies tasked with safeguarding national security – the State Department with 16 and DHS Office of Inspector General with a meager 19.

This stark disparity paints a damning picture: a culture of ethical laxity blooming within the very walls where America’s secrets are kept.

But the rot runs deeper.

The OGE’s response to the Heritage Foundation’s FOIA request threw another log on the fire, hinting at hidden depths of malfeasance: “there may be multiple forms submitted in relation to a single referral.”

This cryptic addendum suggests the true number of ethical landmines buried within the CIA could be far higher than the already alarming 32 reported.

Yet, a deafening silence shrouds the Justice Department.

No indictments, no investigations, no public pronouncements regarding potential violations that, under Sections 203, 205, 207, 208, and 209 of Title 18 of the US Code, could encompass bribery, graft, and conflicts of interest.

This inaction, this willful blindness to potential rot at the core of our national security apparatus, is nothing short of criminal.

Consider the stakes.

These aren’t parking tickets or insider trading schemes.

These are potential conflicts of interest within the agency entrusted with safeguarding America’s secrets, the agency whose operatives walk razor-thin lines between classified information and national security threats.

Every ignored Form 202 is a potential crack in the dam, a chink in the armor through which adversaries could exploit and infiltrate.

The Biden administration’s deafening silence screams volumes.

It speaks of an institutionalized tolerance for misconduct, of a deep state swamp that swallows ethical concerns whole.

It betrays a blatant disregard for the American people’s right to know that their intelligence community operates with integrity, not behind a veil of potential corruption.

This isn’t simply an issue of bureaucracy and paperwork.

This is about national security, about the very fabric of trust on which our intelligence gathering and foreign policy depend. This is about a cancer gnawing at the heart of what once stood as a beacon of integrity.

The American people deserve better.

They deserve a CIA purged of conflicts of interest, a Justice Department that isn’t afraid to wield the scalpel of accountability and an administration that prioritizes national security above political expediency.

It’s time to drain the Langley swamp, expose the hidden rot, and ensure that America’s intelligence community operates with the ethical clarity and transparency it demands.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump was just attacked and his supporters are appalled


The amount of hatred towards Trump has certainly put him in a lot of danger. But no one expected this.

And now Trump was just attacked and his supporters are appalled.

The Radical Left hates Donald Trump, and they will stop at nothing to ensure he does not return to the White House.

However, they have broken all the rules and made it clear that the gloves are off… they are playing dirty.

For years, the Left has tried to frame Trump for numerous legal issues that are absurd, and it has become increasingly clear that they are simply weaponizing the justice system in this great nation.

But now, Trump is in the middle of multiple legal battles, and there is no sign that any of them will be slowing down.

And on Tuesday, Trump was just handed another major loss in the Left’s most recent attack.

Donald Trump had requested that the court reconsider its ruling that partially upheld a gag order against Trump in the J6 and 2020 election case brought forth by Jack Smith.

However, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals denied Trump’s request in a one-page ruling filed on Tuesday.

The court even went so far as to reinstate the gag order from Judge Tanya Chutkan which had been paused due to the appeal.

In the original December 8 decision, Judge Patricia Millett wrote that “The First Amendment unquestionably affords political speech robust protection.”

Judge Millett continued, “But there is another fundamental constitutional interest at stake here. The existence of a political campaign or political speech does not alter the court’s historical commitment or obligation to ensure the fair administration of justice in criminal cases.”

The December ruling was one that upheld a ban on Trump speaking on the participation of certain witnesses.

However, it removed special counsel Jack Smith as someone who was “off limits.”

Certain remarks by attorneys, court staff, and family members, are not allowed, “if those statements are made with the intent to materially interfere with, or to cause others to materially interfere with, counsel’s or staff’s work in this criminal case, or with the knowledge that such interference is highly likely to result.”

The reality of the situation is chilling:

The Radical Left is cheating their way into the courts, bringing false charges, and taking away Trump’s First Amendment rights when he tries to defend himself.

The bar has been set by the Radical Left, and it is clear that all political opponents and all those who disagree with the Left will be prosecuted and silenced.

This is not some sort of Orwellian futuristic novel… this is real news happening in real life in America.

This country is the greatest in the world, yet the Radical Left has destroyed it and taken away the rights of all who oppose them.

We cannot allow this to continue, and we must elect leaders who will not abuse their power like this.

It is up to the people to change the future of America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump breaks a record in his decisive win in New Hampshire


Donald Trump’s battle for the White House has been met with numerous challenges. But, things are starting to turn around.

And Donald Trump has broken a record in his decisive win in New Hampshire.

Critics claimed that Donald Trump had no chance of winning anything when he announced he would be running again in 2024.

And the Radical Left has done everything in their power to impede and restrict him.

They have falsified claims, lied, weaponized the government, and much more just to try and stop him from taking back the White House.

The Radical Left knows that if they want to be in this country, Donald Trump cannot be the president.

Donald Trump cares far too much for this country to allow the destruction of the Left to continue any longer.

But now, Donald Trump has completely flipped the narrative in his dominant win in New Hampshire.

On Tuesday, even while fighting legal battles in court, Trump absolutely demolished all of his competitors in the polls.

He also broke a record on Tuesday and received the most amount of votes ever in a New Hampshire Presidential Primary.

The previous record was set by Bernie Sanders in 2016 when he received 152,193 votes.

Donald Trump absolutely blew that number out of the water (even with votes still being counted).

The truth is that America is rallying behind Donald Trump, and we know that the vicious attacks of the Left cannot go on any further.

We have to elect leaders who will save America and make it great… not destroy it.

Donald Trump demolished his only remaining competitor, Nikki Haley, and proved that he was the dominant leader for the GOP 2024 election.

Haley doubled down by claiming that her “race is far from over.”

But Donald Trump clapped back asking why Haley was pretending why she won stating that we “can’t let people get away with bull…”

An astounding 70% of Haley voters in New Hampshire were not registered Republicans leaving many to believe that the Radical Left was STILL trying to sabotage Trump.

Donald Trump also proved that he can bring voters to the polls.

Many on the Left try and claim that Donald Trump will have no chance against Biden in the election, however numbers and statistics alone show that could not be farther from the truth.

America is rallying behind Trump as a great leader to bring this country back from the depths.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

J6 committee destroys critical evidence to hide the truth


The partisan J6 committee has been falsifying facts for years now. But no one expected them to go this far.

And now we have proof the J6 committee destroyed critical evidence to hide the truth.

The January 6th Committee, long accused of playing fast and loose with facts in its pursuit of President Trump, has come under fresh fire for mysteriously deleting over 100 encrypted files just days before Republicans regained control of the House.

This blatant act of digital disappearing has triggered alarm bells across the political spectrum, with calls for a thorough investigation and potential consequences for those involved.

At the heart of the controversy lies the potential link between the missing files and the ongoing Fulton County, Georgia investigation into alleged election interference by President Trump.

Reports suggest that the January 6th Committee, driven by partisan zeal, colluded with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to share sensitive information that could be used to prosecute the former president.

This raises troubling questions about the integrity of both the committee’s investigation and Willis’s politically charged case.

While the January 6th Committee claims to have lost or misplaced a significant chunk of its investigative findings, its willingness to readily hand over information to Willis paints a different picture.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk, Chair of the House Administration Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee, has revealed that his team uncovered 117 encrypted files deleted on January 1, 2023, just ahead of the Republican handover.

This deliberate act of data purging casts a long shadow over the committee’s already suspected impartiality.

Demanding answers and accountability, Loudermilk has condemned the committee’s actions as a blatant attempt to obstruct justice and conceal potentially damaging evidence.

“It’s obvious that [the J6 committee] went to great lengths to prevent Americans from seeing certain documents produced in their investigation,” he declared.

“It also appears that Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney intended to obstruct our Subcommittee by failing to preserve critical information and videos as required by House rules.”

Beyond mere procedural violations, Loudermilk expressed deep concern about the potential impact on the American public’s right to know the truth.

“Because the American people have a right to know what happened,” he stated, “My main goal is to get the truth out there and give the American people the ability to make their own determination on this with facts — not with preconceived ideas or pre-determined narratives — but just the facts of what happened.”

The whispers of collusion between the January 6th Committee and Willis add a layer of suspicion to the entire picture.

Some Republicans allege that the committee’s selective sharing of information aimed to bolster Willis’s case against Trump while keeping critical evidence hidden from public scrutiny.

This could potentially violate legal discovery protocols and raise serious ethical concerns.

As Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak aptly points out, such collusion could be fatal to Willis’s case.

“The evidence was concealed to keep it away from discovery requirements that would allow defense lawyers to see what was shared, and the extent of the collaboration,” he wrote.

The implications of this are stark: a politically motivated prosecution built on questionable evidence and orchestrated in the shadows.

The missing files from the January 6th Committee are not just a lost digital archive; they represent a potential cover-up, a deliberate attempt to obscure the truth for partisan gain.

The American people deserve transparency, accountability, and a fair legal process, all of which seem sadly lacking in this unfolding saga.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New definitive proof of election interference committed by Radical Left


Republicans have been pleading their case for years. Now they’ve been vindicated.

And now new definitive proof of election interference by the Left has been uncovered.

The already tumultuous E. Jean Carroll defamation trial against former President Donald Trump took a seismic turn Monday, sending shockwaves through the political landscape.

U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan’s sudden decision to postpone the trial until Tuesday – primary day in crucial New Hampshire – has fueled a firestorm of accusations, with conservatives smelling foul play and Democrats bracing for another round of Trumpian fury.

The announcement immediately drew cries of foul from patriots across the nation.

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, a fiery Trump defender, took to X, her voice ringing with outrage.

“This is nothing short of judicial malpractice and Democrat dirty tricks!” she declared, echoing a sentiment heard on conservative airwaves and social media.

“They’re using the courts to swing the New Hampshire primary and deny President Trump a fair fight!”

The optics are undeniably troubling.

Trump, scheduled to testify Monday, now faces the prospect of taking the stand hundreds of miles away from New Hampshire on primary day.

His physical absence from the campaign trail could significantly hamper his chances in the crucial swing state, potentially tipping the scales in favor of his rivals.

Alina Habba, Trump’s attorney, echoed this concern, pleading with Judge Kaplan to postpone Trump’s testimony until Wednesday, allowing him to campaign freely.

Roberta Kaplan, Carroll’s lawyer, predictably took the opposite stance.

Demanding the trial proceed on Tuesday, she declared, “Justice delayed is justice denied.”

This hardened stance by the Carroll team, coupled with Judge Kaplan’s apparent willingness to consider Habba’s request, has only fueled suspicions of a Democrat-orchestrated scheme.

But beyond the immediate legal drama, the Carroll-Trump saga has become a potent symbol of the deep partisan divide plaguing America.

Conservatives see the timing of the delay as blatant evidence of Democrat desperation to silence a political opponent and manipulate the electoral process.

They view the judiciary as increasingly politicized, a tool wielded by the left to control elections and undermine conservative voices.

The potential for such manipulation cannot be dismissed lightly.

The intersection of high-profile legal proceedings and electoral politics is fraught with danger, and the erosion of public trust in the judiciary’s impartiality is a significant threat to our democracy.

The Carroll-Trump case, with its explosive mix of accusations, political implications, and unresolved legal questions, stands as a stark reminder of this vulnerability.

Judge Kaplan’s decision in the coming days will be watched with bated breath by both sides.

His ruling holds the power to either dispel suspicions of political meddling or further stoke the flames of outrage.

One thing is certain: the Carroll-Trump trial has transcended the realm of a defamation lawsuit, becoming a battleground where the very principles of fair play, judicial independence, and the integrity of our elections are at stake.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden administration has just made a shocking admission that leaves Americans outraged


The Biden administration has been lying to America for years and they never admit it. But now, all of that has changed.

Because the Biden administration has just made a shocking admission that outrages Americans.

The air crackled with an uncomfortable tension on Monday’s “Squawk Box” as White House economic guru Jared Bernstein stumbled through a PR tightrope walk.

The topic: America’s dwindling buying power under President Biden.

The result: a masterclass in how rosy government pronouncements can crumble under the weight of everyday grocery bills.

Host Joe Kernen, armed with the cold, hard facts of lived experience, wasn’t buying Bernstein’s sunshine and rainbows.

“Inflation may have ‘come down,'” Kernen conceded, “but people are still spending 30% more at the grocery store.”

That’s not some blip on a spreadsheet, folks; that’s the harsh reality facing millions of Americans who choose between putting food on the table and keeping the lights on.

Kernen’s gut punch went straight to the heart of the matter:

“Their buying power is less than when Biden came in. And you just have to acknowledge that and not say everything’s great and that Bidenomics did all this.”

Bernstein, cornered like a deer in headlights, could only muster a mealy-mouthed, “Prices are still too high. We very much agree with that part of your wrap.”

Well, gee, thanks for acknowledging the obvious while simultaneously patting yourself on the back for, well, acknowledging the obvious.

But Americans deserve more than a verbal head nod from out-of-touch Washington elites. We need solutions, not platitudes.

And the “real wage gains” Bernstein touts ring hollow when they lag far behind inflation, leaving families playing catch-up in a game rigged against them.

It’s like offering someone a life raft after they’ve already been treading water for months, gasping for air.

Bernstein’s attempts to distract with investment numbers and a low unemployment rate were as transparent as a pane of glass.

Corporate profits may be soaring, but that wealth hasn’t reached the pockets of the people keeping this country running.

And while a low unemployment rate sounds good on paper, it’s meaningless when your paycheck buys less and less each month.

This disconnect between Washington’s ivory towers and the lived experience of millions is the defining feature of the Biden era.

It’s not just about inflation; it’s about a fundamental lack of understanding of the struggles facing ordinary Americans. It’s about a government more concerned with self-congratulatory press releases than with putting food on the table and roofs over heads.

The Biden administration needs a reality check, delivered straight from the aisles of their local grocery store.

They need to see the empty shelves where affordable staples used to be, hear the desperation in the voices of parents choosing between diapers and dinner, and feel the weight of a system rigged against the very people they’re supposed to represent.

Until then, their economic pronouncements will ring hollow, their statistics cold comfort for a nation feeling the squeeze of Bidenomics.

The American people deserve more than crumbs from the table of corporate profits. We deserve an economy that works for them, not just for the privileged few.

And until that happens, the tension on “Squawk Box” will be a mere echo of the simmering frustration felt across the country, a frustration that could boil over come election day.

This is not just about economics; it’s about a broken social contract, a government that’s forgotten who it serves.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

US Representative claims Biden is staging a civil war


Tensions in the country are high right now…maybe higher than ever. But now things have reached a boiling point.

And a US Representative has claimed Biden is staging a Civil War.

The fiery winds of Texan defiance whipped into a storm Monday, fueled by the smoldering embers of the Supreme Court’s decision to allow the Biden administration to dismantle Texas’ border wall razor wire.

Congressman Clay Higgins, his voice a clarion call, ignited the tinderbox with a Twitter salvo: “feds are staging a civil war… Texas should stand their ground.”

His words, though denounced by some as reckless hyperbole, reverberated like a shotgun blast across a state already simmering with resentment.

For Texans, the Supreme Court’s ruling wasn’t just a legal defeat; it was an act of desecration, a declaration of war against their right to secure their land and preserve their way of life.

The razor wire, more than just twisted steel, became a visceral symbol of Texan sovereignty, a testament to their self-reliant spirit forged in the crucible of history.

“This ain’t about politics,” roared rancher Miguel Sanchez, his voice hoarse from shouting at a boisterous rally in McAllen.

“This is about our families, our homes, our future! We built that wall with our own blood and sweat, and we won’t let some out-of-touch bureaucrats in Washington rip it down without a fight!”

The sentiment echoed across the vast expanse of Texas, from bustling honky-tonks to sun-baked farmlands.

The Lone Star State, steeped in a history of fierce independence, saw the federal government’s actions not as mere policy, but as an existential threat.

For them, the border isn’t just a line on a map; it’s the beating heart of their identity, the bulwark against the chaos they perceive seeping from across the Rio Grande.

Governor Greg Abbott, the embodiment of Texan grit in Stetson and boots, emerged as the unwavering champion of state defiance.

“The feds may have the courts,” he declared, his voice resonating through a packed Austin auditorium, “but we have the Constitution and the unyielding spirit of the Lone Star State. They can take our razor wire, but they’ll never break our resolve!”

While some cringed at Higgins’ fiery rhetoric, it resonated with a deep well of frustration among many Texans, tapping into a visceral fear of Washington’s indifference to their plight.

His words weren’t just political statements; they were a battle cry, a rallying point for a state feeling under siege.

Whether Higgins’ call for “standing their ground” translates into legal action or armed resistance remains to be seen.

But one thing is clear: the battle for the Texas border has morphed into a new, more perilous phase.

The Supreme Court’s decision, like a spark thrown into a dry tinderbox, has ignited a blaze of defiance that threatens to engulf not just the borderlands, but the very fabric of the nation.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left are doing everything they can to stir the pot, but they aren’t ready for the consequences.

Americans must rally together to stop the Left from destroying this country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.