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Republican governor makes a bold move that left Democrats scratching their heads


While the Radical Leftists are trying to destroy America, there are patriots across the nation working hard to save it. And they are doing everything they can to fight back against the Radical agenda of the Left.

And now a Republican governor made a bold move that left Democrats scratching their heads.

In a decisive move aimed at safeguarding national security, Missouri Governor Mike Parson issued an executive order on Tuesday prohibiting the purchase of agricultural land near military facilities by foreign entities from countries designated as American adversaries.

This bold step comes amidst growing concerns across the nation regarding the potential threat posed by land purchases made by foreign actors, particularly Chinese companies, near critical military installations.

With Missouri boasting several major military bases, including Rosecrans Air National Guard Base, Whiteman Air Force Base, and Fort Leonard Wood, Parson’s order directly addresses these anxieties.

“With heightened concerns regarding ownership of Missouri farm land by foreign adversaries, especially China, we are signing this order to safeguard our military and intelligence assets, prevent security threats to our state, and give Missourians greater peace of mind,” Parson declared.

“When it comes to China and other foreign adversaries, we must take commonsense precautions that protect Missourians and our security resources.”

The order bars entities from China, Russia, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela from purchasing agricultural land within a 10-mile radius of Missouri’s military facilities.

This proactive approach echoes similar measures enacted by states like Arkansas and Florida, highlighting the national level of concern regarding foreign land ownership near vital national security assets.

While Parson acknowledged the existing ownership of approximately 42,596 acres of Missouri farmland by Chinese entities, his order effectively prevents any future purchases within the designated buffer zones.

Furthermore, any future foreign land purchase, regardless of nationality, will require approval from the Missouri Department of Agriculture, adding an extra layer of scrutiny and oversight.

However, Parson clarified that his focus remains on protecting national security without impeding economic opportunities.

“Missouri must remain open for business to our allies,” he emphasized.

“We believe this order, with the authority we have, sufficiently protects Missouri’s security interests from potential bad actors while not punishing our allies for being good economic partners or upstanding individuals fleeing oppression and coming to our nation legally in search of a better life.”

Republican lawmakers in Missouri have voiced strong support for Parson’s executive order, with some indicating their intention to introduce similar legislation during the upcoming legislative session.

This bipartisan momentum could pave the way for a permanent legal framework further solidifying Missouri’s stance on foreign land ownership near military facilities.

Governor Parson’s decisive action sends a clear message: national security remains paramount in Missouri.

By drawing the line and prioritizing the well-being of its citizens and the integrity of its defense infrastructure, Missouri sets a bold example for other states grappling with the critical issue of foreign land ownership near national security assets.

With the Radical Left doing everything they can to destroy this nation, we must fight back.

We must follow the lead of Governor Parson and take the necessary steps to save America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s shocking new policy is a complete gift to China


The Radical Left seems married to China in ways that should concern every American. But now things are going too far.

And Joe Biden’s shocking new policy is a complete gift to China.

Amidst a record surge in illegal border crossings, concerns have surfaced about the Biden administration’s seemingly relaxed vetting procedures for migrants from China.

Internal emails obtained by the Daily Caller reveal a significantly reduced interview process for apprehended Chinese individuals, raising questions about national security risks and potential vulnerabilities.

According to the emails, sent in April 2023 to roughly 500 Border Patrol agents, the number of interview questions for Chinese migrants was slashed from 40 to a mere five.

This streamlined approach purportedly aims to expedite processing, but critics fear it weakens security protocols and facilitates the entry of potentially dangerous individuals.

The email details the five remaining questions, focusing on basic biographical information like military service, education, place of birth, employment, and political affiliation.

If all answers are negative, migrants can proceed through the current processing pathway without further delay.

Former law enforcement officials familiar with the matter expressed serious concerns about the implications of this policy change.

One source told the Daily Caller that smugglers quickly adapted, coaching Chinese migrants on how to navigate the shortened questioning.

This raises crucial concerns about the effectiveness of the remaining vetting measures.

“This policy change has accelerated the time it takes to process Chinese illegal immigrants,” asserted retired CBP deputy JJ Carrell, “but it doesn’t make America safer.”

Carrell emphasized the difficulty of discerning “bad actors” amidst a streamlined process, potentially leaving dangerous individuals undetected.

He further highlighted the significant time invested in vetting Chinese individuals during his tenure.

Carrell elaborated on running migrants through comprehensive databases and deportation protocols that ensured thorough vetting and secure repatriation.

The stark contrast between these past procedures and the current five-question system fuels apprehension among security experts.

The controversy comes amidst a broader surge in illegal border crossings.

December 2023 alone saw over 300,000 encounters between migrants and Border Patrol, placing immense strain on an already burdened system.

While streamlining processes may hold some appeal, prioritizing national security should remain paramount.

The Biden administration has yet to offer an official response to the leaked emails or the concerns raised by security experts.

This lack of transparency further intensifies doubts about the revamped vetting process and its potential impact on national security.

As the debate unfolds, it is crucial to prioritize comprehensive vetting procedures that safeguard the nation without compromising due process or compassion.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

Illegal Immigrant released by Biden makes attack on Capitol


Joe Biden’s border security is the worst this nation has ever seen. But now it has come back to bite him in the butt.

And an illegal immigrant released by Biden has made an attack on the Capitol.

In a chilling breach of national security, an illegal alien, Jose Leonardo Marquez-Marquez, 23, from Venezuela, was apprehended outside the United States Capitol building late last month.

This individual, armed with a machete, knife, and brick, was previously released into the U.S. interior by President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after crossing the southern border illegally.

Marquez’s December 26 arrest by Capitol Police sparked outrage and confusion.

Officers apprehended him acting suspiciously, his dangerous arsenal concealed beneath his clothing.

While authorities clarified there’s no direct evidence he targeted Congress, the mere thought of such a weaponized individual prowling near our lawmakers sends shivers down the spine.

Adding fuel to the fire, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealed Marquez’s disturbing migration history.

He initially crossed the border illegally near El Paso, Texas, in August 2022.

Apprehended by Border Patrol, he was astonishingly released the following day under Biden’s DHS Alternatives to Detention (ATD) program.

This program, touted as a “humane” alternative to detainment, has become a glaring loophole in border security.

Instead of being promptly repatriated, Marquez was essentially let loose into the American population, free to roam as he pleased.

Months later, in October 2023, Marquez inexplicably checked in with ICE in Washington, D.C.

Despite his illegal status, he was merely issued a Notice to Appear (NTA) before an immigration judge at an unspecified date in the future.

This bureaucratic delay, reminiscent of the administration’s lax border policies, left Marquez free to potentially wreak havoc.

Thankfully, Capitol Police intervened before any tragedy unfolded. Now, ICE detains Marquez, but the damage is already done.

This incident exposes the critical failures of Biden’s border policies:

The ATD program prioritizes political appeasement over public safety. Releasing illegal immigrants, especially those displaying suspicious behavior, is a gamble with terrifying consequences.

Unsecured borders invite crime and terrorism. This incident proves that dangerous individuals can infiltrate our national heartland with alarming ease.

Antiquated bureaucracy and lax enforcement create a revolving door for illegal immigrants, allowing them to disappear into the vast American landscape before facing proper legal consequences.

The American people deserve better.

Our elected officials must act swiftly and decisively to secure our borders, reform the ATD program, and overhaul the broken immigration system.

This incident should serve as a stark wake-up call: national security must never be placed on the altar of political correctness or bureaucratic lethargy.

Only through decisive action can we ensure the safety and security of our citizens and the sanctity of our nation.

This is not just about one illegal alien apprehended with dangerous weapons. It’s about the potential consequences of a flawed system that prioritizes ideology over national security.

The stakes are too high, and the American people deserve better. The time for action is now.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

NYC just handed Joe Biden a devastating warning


Liberals are crumbling under Joe Biden’s open border policies. And even sanctuary cities have had to shut down.

But now, NYC just handed Joe Biden a devastating warning.

New York City’s self-proclaimed status as a “sanctuary city” is cracking under the weight of a relentless wave of illegal immigration, and Mayor Adams’ latest attempt to stem the tide – a controversial executive order restricting bus arrivals – has already sprung a leak.

News this week that migrants are bypassing the bus ban by hopping on trains in neighboring New Jersey exposes the gaping holes in the city’s plan and raises alarm bells about the wider consequences of unchecked border policies.

While Mayor Adams’ order aimed to bring some semblance of order to the chaotic influx, requiring advance notice and limiting arrival times for incoming buses, its impact seems fleeting.

New Jersey officials, playing footsie with the open-borders agenda, confirmed that several bus companies are now exploiting a loophole – conveniently dumping migrants at train stations just over the Hudson, where they can seamlessly continue their journey into the Big Apple.

This cynical gambit underscores the interconnectedness of the border crisis, exposing how city-level solutions crumble without robust federal cooperation and resolute action at the nation’s porous southern border.

Governor Murphy’s administration, predictably, obfuscates their role in this blatant circumvention, claiming they’re merely a “transit point” while pledging cooperation with “federal and local partners.”

Yet, Mayor Gonnelli of Secaucus, the unsuspecting drop-off point for multiple busloads of migrants, paints a different picture.

His frustration echoes the concerns of countless communities across the country grappling with the fallout of the Biden administration’s disastrous border policies.

Mayor Adams’ desperate plea for “one voice” from the federal government rings hollow against the deafening silence from President Biden.

Over 130,000 migrants have descended upon New York City since 2022, a tide threatening to drown the city’s resources with projected costs exceeding $12 billion through 2025.

Blaming Texas Governor Abbott for “politicizing the issue” while ignoring the administration’s own deliberate dereliction of duty is an empty exercise in deflection.

This is not just a New York City problem; it’s a national crisis fueled by reckless open-border policies that prioritize political ideology over national security and the well-being of American citizens.

It’s a crisis that strains not only municipal budgets but also social services, schools, and the very fabric of communities.

The solution demands more than temporary band-aid measures like Mayor Adams’ executive order.

It requires a comprehensive approach that begins with securing the southern border, enforcing existing immigration laws, and dismantling the dangerous sanctuary city network that incentivizes illegal crossings.

It demands leadership from the Oval Office, not partisan finger-pointing and empty platitudes.

This evolving situation demands a clear-eyed view of the situation, unflinching from the harsh realities of unchecked immigration and its consequences.

Focusing on political correctness and platitudes instead of real solutions is to bury our heads in the sand while the nation drowns in a sea of its own making.

Americans must act to place a strong leader in the White House before it is too late.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump just received massive support from the last place he ever expected


The Radical Left tries to paint a picture of Trump hated by all. However, the truth could not be farther from that.

And Trump just received massive support from the last place he ever expected.

The embers of the 2024 presidential race flickered to life on New Year’s Day, illuminating a landscape that could rewrite the conventional narrative.

A bombshell USA Today/Suffolk University poll threw down the gauntlet, hinting at a potential Trump resurgence driven by surprising gains among key demographics that eluded him in 2020:

Hispanics and younger voters.

Forget the stale pronouncements of a static electorate.

This poll paints a portrait of a dynamic battlefield, where allegiances are not etched in stone but fluid and responsive to the winds of change.

Trump now leads Biden in the head-to-head matchup by a hair’s breadth, 39 to 37 percent.

While seemingly narrow, this gap widens when accounting for the third-party contenders vying for a slice of the electoral pie.

Should these options fall away, as history often dictates, Trump’s lead strengthens to 37 to 34 percent, leaving Biden grasping at the straws of diminishing support.

But the most seismic shift lies not in the overall numbers, but in the hearts and minds of two crucial voting blocs.

Hispanics, who overwhelmingly backed Biden in 2020 to the tune of 65 percent, seem to be wavering.

Now, a respectable 39 percent find themselves drawn to Trump’s message, a 5-point swing that resonates like a tectonic tremor through the Democratic camp.

The youth, too, show signs of rebellion.

Gone are the days of monolithic Gen Z and Millennial support for the current administration.

This poll reveals a newfound skepticism, with 37 percent of those under 35 aligning with Trump compared to Biden’s 33 percent.

It’s a slim edge, yet it signifies a crack in the once-impenetrable fortress of youthful liberalism.

The poll delves deeper than mere numbers, unveiling a chasm in voter fervor.

While a fiery 44 percent of Trump supporters declare their enthusiasm a “10” out of 10, a mere 18 percent of Biden’s base muster the same zeal.

Of course, the road to the White House in 2024 is long and winding, paved with unforeseen events and potential new entrants in the race.

The economy’s trajectory, foreign policy challenges, and the emergence of dark-horse candidates will undoubtedly reshape the political landscape.

But this early poll serves as a stark warning to the Democrats: their dominance, once seemingly assured, is now under siege.

The ground beneath their feet is shifting, and the winds of change are carrying the whispers of a Trumpian comeback.

For Trump and Republicans, the poll is a clarion call, a validation of their message, and a potent reminder of the electorate’s fickle nature.

This is not a victory lap, but a call to arms, an opportunity to capitalize on newfound momentum and forge alliances with once-unfriendly demographics.

As the 2024 campaign gathers steam, the battle for the Oval Office promises to be a gripping saga, a clash of titans where allegiances will be tested and alliances redefined.

One thing is certain: the poll marks the end of an era of political complacency. The gloves are off, and the fight for the soul of America has begun.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Disgraceful new discovery uncovers the truth of liberal media


The Left is doing everything they can to control the narrative. And the media companies are making terrifying admissions.

And this disgraceful new discovery has uncovered the truth of liberal media.

A media giant has ignited a firestorm of outrage after proudly unveiling a technology that would send chills down George Orwell’s spine: “Active Listening.”

Cox Media Group (CMG) claims this technology grants them the power to eavesdrop on everyday conversations through smartphones, smart TVs, and other devices, then exploit that information to target consumers with ads.

Gone are the days of subtly inferring preferences through browsing history.

CMG boasts of a dystopian future where your very words become fodder for algorithms, crafting a detailed profile of your desires and vulnerabilities, to be weaponized by advertisers.

As one expert put it, “This isn’t Minority Report, it’s Supermarket Report.”

In a now-deleted document, CMG’s VP of digital strategy gleefully proclaims, “Yes, our phones are listening to us,” before outlining how they intend to turn that eavesdropping into profit.

This blatant admission contradicts the carefully constructed facade of privacy maintained by tech giants and has thrown the industry into a tailspin.

CMG’s legal justification rests on a shaky foundation: the nebulous terms of service we blindly accept when purchasing devices.

But is a click-through agreement, often shrouded in legalese, truly informed consent to having our most intimate conversations harvested for commercial gain?

Critics argue that this is nothing short of digital trespass, a blatant violation of our right to privacy in the most private spaces – our homes and ourselves.

Furthermore, CMG’s claims of functionality remain shrouded in secrecy.

While they assure us this technology is not science fiction but cold reality, they fail to provide concrete evidence or details about its operation.

No screenshots, no independent verification, just empty promises of targeted ad nirvana built on the foundation of our stolen privacy.

The implications are chilling. Imagine discussing a medical condition with a loved one only to see targeted ads for that ailment popping up on your screen.

Whispering about renovations to your neighbor can lead to a barrage of home improvement pitches.

Every thought, every desire, potentially captured and weaponized against us in the name of profit.

This is not merely a debate about targeted advertising; it’s a fight for the very soul of our privacy.

Are we to become walking data points, our conversations commodities to be traded on the highest bidder’s algorithm? Or will we stand up for our right to exist in our own minds, free from the prying ears of corporate giants?

This is a battle cry for every American who values autonomy and freedom from digital intrusion.

We must demand transparency, accountability, and, most importantly, respect for our fundamental right to privacy.

We must fight back against the Radical policies of the Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump’s statements on Biden expose the shocking truth about the White House


The current administration is corrupt and fraudulent. And Americans need to know the truth.

And now, Donald Trump’s recent statements on Biden have exposed the shocking truth about the White House.

Former President Donald Trump recently attacked President Joe Biden’s seemingly boundless vacation time, sparking fresh outrage amongst conservatives and reigniting questions about the current president’s dedication to duty.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Trump painted a grim picture of a leader adrift, seeking solace on sun-drenched beaches while America confronts mounting storms.

“Biden spends more time sunbathing than securing our border,” Trump stated.

Biden’s frequent escapes, exceeding a third of his 2023 calendar, amount to a dereliction of presidential responsibility.

Trump, in stark contrast, portrayed himself as a workaholic president, even when trading the Oval Office for Mar-a-Lago’s gilded halls.

“My vacations are working vacations,” he declared, boasting of impromptu cabinet meetings and strategic phone calls conducted amidst golf rounds.

This carefully crafted image of tireless service stands in stark contrast to his depiction of Biden, a leader perpetually out of reach, “unavailable for weeks” while crises simmer.

Numbers lend credence to these concerns.

A recent report revealed Biden’s staggering 138 vacation days in 2023 alone, a figure dwarfing the entire presidential getaways of his predecessors.

The Republican National Committee paints an even bleaker picture, claiming a staggering 417 vacation days since Biden’s inauguration, translating to a remarkable 39% absence from the White House.

Trump, meanwhile, spent a comparatively meager 132 days on vacation over four years, further amplifying the perception of a leisurely Democrat versus a dedicated Republican.

This carefully constructed narrative plays directly to a conservative base that values grit and unwavering commitment over languid afternoons spent oceanside.

However, Biden’s defenders try to offer a different perspective.

They point to the evolution of the presidency in the digital age, arguing that technology allows for constant engagement and accessibility even when physically distant.

They highlight instances like Biden’s virtual emergency meeting on Christmas Eve to address the winter storms, pushing back against accusations of total disconnect.

Both arguments fall short and are pitiful attempts at defending the bumbling idiot.

The debate transcends mere statistics. It touches on fundamental questions of leadership: What constitutes responsible stewardship in an era of unprecedented challenges?

Is a vacation-loving president inherently less effective than one rooted in the Oval Office? Can technology effectively bridge the physical gap between leader and nation?

Trump’s Palm Beach pronouncements were more than just an attack on a political rival.

They were a calculated move to position himself as the antithesis of a vacationing president, the stoic helmsman America needs to navigate troubled waters.

President Biden’s beachside breaks have become a potent campaign weapon, forcing Americans to grapple with the balance between presidential leisure and leadership in an ever-demanding world.

Americans deserve a strong leader who will spend their time working and not sitting on the beach.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Bill Clinton went pale as a ghost after this stunning document was released


The Clinton’s ties to bad actors around the world is shocking, to say the least. And the Radical Left has been trying to hide their involvement.

But Bill Clinton went pale as a ghost after this stunning document was released.

Soon, Bill Clinton will be unveiled and named in new court documents relating to convicted s*x offender Jeffery Epstein.

These new documents are set to be released in a few days, and Bill Clinton will be identified more than 50 times.

Alongside Clinton, more than 170 other names with ties to Epstein will be released in court documents.

The Post stated, “Clinton, who was photographed with Epstein and flew on his private jet on numerous occasions, has denied having any nefarious connections with the s*x offender.”

However, when the Clinton administration was in office, Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell were both invited to the White House on at least one occasion.

Apparently, the visit happened because Epstein donated funds so that the Clintons could refurbish the Oval Office.

The close ties that the Clinton family has with Epstein and his island beg many questions that have yet to be answered.

Many people are hoping that new court documents will answer questions regarding the ties Epstein had with Democrat politicians.

The Epstein flight logs have been a huge point of communication among Americans who want to see the truth unveiled.

Well, hopefully, we are getting one step closer by unveiling the Clintons and exposing their close ties with Epstein.

Recently, the Post also reported on a Democrat mega-donor who visited Epstein island.

The outlet stated, “Democrat Mega-Donor Who Visited Epstein Island is Funding Nikki Haley to Stop Donald Trump.”

Many people are wondering why someone with such close ties to Epstein and the Clintons would be donating to Republican candidates.

Well, the truth is simple:

The Radical Left knows that as soon as Donald Trump takes office again, their filthy schemes are over once and for all.

Hopefully, the truth regarding the Clintons, Epstein, Maxwell, and Democratic politicians will come out soon enough and the American people will know the terrifying truth.

We cannot rely on Leftist media outlets to tell the truth, because they never will.

But now, more than ever, it is crucial that the TRUTH be told in the news.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH and not the lies of the Radical Left.

New impeachment development could see Hunter locked up


The impeachment dealings have been ongoing for a while. And America is watching closely to see what will happen.

And these new impeachment developments could see Hunter locked up.

A bombshell revelation Wednesday has thrown President Joe Biden’s administration into disarray and ignited the flames of a full-fledged impeachment inquiry.

In a demand letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer and Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan laid bare a potential “conspiracy to obstruct a proceeding of Congress” between the President and his son, Hunter Biden.

This explosive development stems from Hunter’s brazen defiance of two congressional subpoenas.

Instead of facing closed-door questioning by lawmakers investigating his overseas business dealings, Hunter held a defiant press conference, sparking a flurry of questions about potential White House involvement.

The key piece of evidence? White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s stunning admission: President Biden was “certainly familiar” with Hunter’s plan to snub Congress.

This seemingly innocuous statement ignited a political firestorm, raising the alarming possibility of collusion between father and son to thwart a legitimate congressional investigation.

Comer and Jordan wasted no time, citing Jean-Pierre’s words as a “compelling” reason to probe whether President Biden “engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct a proceeding of Congress.”

Their letter meticulously outlines the relevant criminal code section, highlighting the potential illegality of any attempt to “corruptly…influence, obstruct, or impede” a congressional inquiry.

The implications are immense. If found guilty of such a conspiracy, President Biden could face impeachment and removal from office.

Even the threat of such proceedings casts a dark shadow over his remaining term, throwing an already-troubled administration into even deeper turmoil.

Adding fuel to the fire, a recent Harvard Caps/Harris poll reveals a shocking reality: even Democrat voters, by a 60% margin, believe Hunter should comply with the House’s lawful subpoenas.

This bipartisan consensus underscores the severity of the situation and the public’s demand for accountability.

Hunter Biden, meanwhile, faces potential contempt of Congress proceedings for his blatant defiance.

Should he be prosecuted and convicted, the consequences could be steep – a $100,000 fine and imprisonment.

As the investigation unfolds, one thing is clear: the Biden family’s web of scandals has ensnared the Oval Office.

President Biden’s alleged complicity in obstructing a congressional probe could have explosive consequences, potentially ending his presidency in disgrace.

With a public increasingly demanding answers and lawmakers determined to find them, the coming weeks promise to be a crucible for the Biden administration, one from which it may not emerge unscathed.

America demands to know the truth, and we must hold the corrupt Biden family accountable for their crimes.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat leader sends stark warning that threw the entire party into chaos


The Democrat party is falling apart as more and more Democrats realize the truth about Biden. And the situation is almost impossible for them to turn around.

And now a Democrat leader sent a stark warning that threw the entire party into chaos.

In a scathing rebuke of President Biden’s immigration policies, Rep. Henry Cuellar (a Democrat from Texas) painted a dire picture of a border “ignored” by the White House and a Democratic Party rapidly losing voters over its open-door approach.

Appearing on CNN’s “OutFront” Wednesday, Cuellar, whose district encompasses a swathe of the US-Mexico border, unleashed a torrent of frustration with the administration’s handling of the crisis, accusing it of “listening too much to the immigration activists” and leaving border communities reeling from the consequences.

Cuellar’s blunt assessment comes after nearly a year of radio silence from the White House, a stark contrast to his years of experience navigating the complexities of border security. His message: the current system is broken, and its dysfunction is costing Democrats dearly.

“We’re losing Democrats,” Cuellar declared, highlighting the growing dissent within his own party. “They feel that the Democratic Party, that the President is not doing enough, and we’re going to lose a lot of Democrats.”

This isn’t mere speculation; it’s a palpable fear echoing across the country, fueled by record-breaking migrant inflows and a surge in crime tied to border crossings.

The Congressman offered a clear-eyed diagnosis of the problem: mass processing without consequence. “We’re good at processing people,” he admitted, “but we’ve got to go back to what worked.”

Under past administrations, he pointed out, deterrents like expedited deportations kept the flow manageable.

Today, however, the promise of an asylum hearing acts as a magnet, incentivizing illegal crossings and emboldening cartels.

The result? A perfect storm of chaos. Border communities bear the brunt, witnessing their resources strained and public safety jeopardized.

Meanwhile, Democrats across the nation watch with growing unease, their values of law and order seemingly forgotten in the face of unchecked migration.

But Cuellar’s message isn’t one of mere opposition; it’s a call for pragmatism. He seeks a solution that balances compassion with order, one that protects both migrants and American citizens.

“We want to see law and order at the border and still treat the migrants with respect and dignity,” he asserted. “But they’ve got to follow the rules.”

His solution is simple yet powerful: detain, process, and deport those who fail to meet legal requirements.

It’s a system proven effective in past decades, one that respects both our laws and the dignity of migrants, without sacrificing national security or border communities’ well-being.

The question, as Cuellar poignantly asked, is whether Biden has the “willingness” to act.

Does he prioritize the concerns of border communities and those Democrats disillusioned by his soft-touch approach, or will he continue bowing to the demands of activists while ignoring the bleeding wound on his southern border?

The clock is ticking. Democrats are hemorrhaging votes, and public safety hangs in the balance.

It’s time for Biden to open his eyes, heed the alarm bells from his own party, and finally turn off the faucet at the border before it’s too late.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Chicago mayor makes reparations announcement that has Republicans red with rage


The Radical Left will do everything possible to avoid blame and also not solve any real problems. And that is exactly what is happening in Illinois.

Because the Chicago mayor made a reparations announcement that has Republicans red with rage.

Radical Left leaders have proven time and time again that they hate their country, and they hate their citizens.

For decades, Chicago has been a prime example of what horrible Leftist leadership can do to a city.

Deadly crime is always at the top of mind for Chicagoans.

And while Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson touts a drop in homicides and shootings as a measure of success, a closer look at the city’s crime statistics paints a far grimmer picture.

A recent surge in all other forms of violent crime, up a staggering 17% overall in 2023, raises serious concerns about the safety of Chicago’s citizens and exposes the hollowness of Johnson’s “restoration and reparations” mantra.

Poppy Harlow’s pointed question on CNN about Chicagoans’ security in 2024 received a predictable response from Johnson.

He deflected and cherry-picked statistics, conveniently glossing over the alarming rise in robberies, aggravated assaults, and carjackings.

This selective narrative is a hallmark of Mayor Johnson’s administration, one that prioritizes political optics over the lived experiences of Chicagoans besieged by an escalating crime wave.

What good are marginal decreases in homicides when residents fear venturing out after dark due to rampant robberies and assaults?

The 20% increase in Chicago’s youth employment program, while potentially commendable, appears more like a Band-Aid on a gaping wound.

Throwing money at the problem without addressing the root causes is a recipe for continued failure.

Johnson’s obsession with “restoration and reparations” ignores the real drivers of crime:

Broken families, failing schools, and a culture of lawlessness fostered by weak prosecution and lax law enforcement.

Pouring half a million dollars into symbolic gestures like reopening mental health clinics, neglected by “previous administrations,” feels like political theater rather than a genuine solution.

Where are the concrete steps to combat gang violence and deter repeat offenders?

What tangible measures are being taken to rebuild trust between the police and the communities they serve?

These are the questions Johnson should be facing with the urgency they deserve, not placating the public with platitudes about “full force of government” and “restoration.”

Chicago’s residents deserve a leader who prioritizes their safety and well-being over political correctness and superficial pronouncements.

Until Johnson acknowledges the true scope of the city’s crime crisis and implements effective, data-driven solutions, Chicagoans will continue to feel the harsh bite of violence, not the promised comfort of “restoration and reparations.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Shocking report exposes the truth of the American border crisis


Joe Biden’s border crisis is the worst this country has ever seen. And unless we act quickly, there will be no solution.

And now a shocking report has exposed the truth about the American border crisis.

America’s fragile border security has come under heightened scrutiny after a shocking revelation:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended 31 individuals on the terror watchlist in just the first two months of the new fiscal year.

This alarming statistic represents a stark escalation, mirroring a concerning trend over the past several years.

CBP data reveals a steady rise in watchlist encounters: 2 in 2017, 6 in 2018, 3 each in 2019 and 2020, soaring to 16 in 2021, 98 in 2022, and a staggering 172 in 2023.

This exponential rise is no mere coincidence.

It’s the direct consequence of Biden’s reckless dismantling of border security policies implemented by his predecessor.

From gutting Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” protocols, to inviting illegal immigration through lax enforcement and inflammatory rhetoric, Biden has rolled out the red carpet for anyone, including potential terrorists, to waltz into our nation.

While authorities claim these encounters are “very uncommon,” the sheer numbers raise legitimate concerns about the efficacy of current border security measures.

America’s porous southern border, hemorrhaging illegal immigrants under the feckless leadership of President Biden, has laid bare a chilling reality: it’s become a highway for potential terrorists.

These are not your run-of-the-mill border crossers.

These are individuals deemed a direct threat to our national security, potentially affiliated with Hamas, Hezbollah, or Palestinian Islamic Jihad – groups with blood-soaked hands and eyes fixed on American carnage.

The numbers speak for themselves, painting a terrifying picture of Biden’s open-border disaster.

While some naively downplay these encounters as “very uncommon,” each apprehension represents a dodged bullet, a potential catastrophe averted by the vigilance of our brave CBP officers.

One is too many, and 31 in just two months is a national security nightmare unfolding before our eyes.

Adding fuel to the fire is the bloated, flawed watchlist itself.

Democrats, more concerned with political correctness than national security, have weaponized the list, turning it into a labyrinth of bureaucratic red tape and misidentification.

While legitimate concerns about accuracy exist, they cannot be used as an excuse to ignore the very real threats slipping through the cracks.

The path forward is clear: secure our borders.

It’s time to reinstate proven policies like “Remain in Mexico,” invest in cutting-edge technology, and empower our CBP heroes with the resources they need to do their jobs.

This is not about fear-mongering; it’s about common sense. We cannot afford to gamble with national security.

Every life saved, every terror plot thwarted, is a testament to the importance of vigilance. Ignoring the red flags waving at our southern border is a dereliction of duty, a betrayal of the American people.

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