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Disgusting truth about major Leftist group has Americans in an uproar


The Democrat party has painted themselves as the party of the people. However, that could not be farther from the truth.

And now the disgusting truth about major Leftist group has Americans in an uproar.

A shocking report reveals that the four largest public sector unions poured nearly $708 million into Democrat campaigns and leftist causes during the 2022 midterms.

This staggering sum raises serious questions about the true purpose of these unions and whether they are representing the interests of their members or their own political ambitions.

Nearly 60% of this money came directly from union dues, meaning millions of workers had their hard-earned money funneled into political causes they may not even support.

This blatant disregard for member autonomy is a clear abuse of power and a betrayal of trust.

The report details how millions of union dollars flowed to radical organizations like For Our Future and the Sixteen Thirty Fund, along with Democrat candidates like Raphael Warnock and Josh Shapiro.

This raises serious concerns about the growing influence of these unions on our elections and the potential for them to undermine the democratic process.

While unions have traditionally supported Democrats, the sheer scale of this spending is unprecedented. What’s even more disturbing is the lack of transparency surrounding these donations.

Many union members are likely unaware of how their dues are being used to fund political campaigns they may not support.

David Osborne, Senior Fellow for Labor Policy at the Commonwealth Foundation, highlights this critical issue:

“What unions often try to hide is the fact that membership dues can also be used for politics… By and large, what they do is, take all that money and then shovel a bunch of it over to a super-PAC… so that they can do all kinds of political spending that members may never find out about.”

This lack of transparency is a major red flag. Union members have a right to know how their dues are being spent, and they should be given the opportunity to voice their opinions on these matters.

The report also highlights how union leaders often use their power to negotiate lucrative deals for themselves and their members, at the expense of taxpayers.

This raises further questions about whether these unions are truly representing the interests of their members or simply using them as pawns in their own political games.

The American people deserve transparency and accountability when it comes to how their hard-earned money is being spent.

This report sheds light on the disturbing reality of how public sector unions are using their power and influence to push their own political agendas.

It’s time for union members to hold their leaders accountable and demand that their dues be used to represent their interests, not fund political campaigns they may not agree with.

The Radical Left is doing everything they can to take over the United States and cripple America, and they are doing it all at the expense of hard-working Americans.

The Left must be stopped before they are allowed to ruin any more American lives.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Shocking 2020 election report proves what we all know


The idea of election fraud has been brought up by both sides of the political spectrum for many elections. But now, more information could expose the truth.

And a shocking 2020 election report proves what we all know.

A bombshell survey conducted by Rasmussen and the Heartland Institute has ignited further controversy surrounding the 2020 election, revealing that a staggering 20% of mail-in voters admitted to committing some form of election fraud.

This stark finding fuels ongoing concerns about the integrity of the election and adds to the growing body of evidence questioning the legitimacy of the results.

The survey, conducted in December 2023, polled a representative sample of American voters and uncovered alarming details about mail-in voting practices.

Most concerning is the 21% of those who voted by mail confessed to filling out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member.

This blatant violation of election laws, known as “ballot stuffing,” could have significantly swayed the outcome in key swing states.

Further raising eyebrows, 17% of mail-in voters admitted to casting a ballot in a state where they were no longer a legal resident.

This practice, dubbed “ballot harvesting,” is illegal and undermines the fundamental principle of one person, one vote.

Additionally, 17% confessed to forging signatures on ballot envelopes or the ballots themselves, a felony offense that can invalidate votes and ultimately undermine trust in the electoral process.

These shocking revelations come amidst longstanding concerns about the potential for widespread fraud associated with mail-in voting.

Critics argue that these procedures are inherently prone to abuse and lack the necessary safeguards to prevent manipulation.

The Rasmussen/Heartland Institute survey provides concrete evidence to support these concerns, raising serious questions about the security and integrity of mail-in voting.

While some may attempt to dismiss the survey results as unreliable or biased these attempts are simply the Radical Left trying to deflect blame and deny the truth.

They have been committing and encouraging election fraud so that they can get their way and put whoever they want in the White House.

The findings of the Rasmussen/Heartland Institute survey serve as a stark wake-up call to the American people.

They highlight the urgent need to take immediate action to address the vulnerabilities within our election systems and ensure that every vote counts.

Important questions demand answers: How widespread is election fraud? What steps can be taken to prevent it? And most importantly, how can we restore faith in the integrity of our elections?

Only by addressing these questions head-on and with complete transparency can we guarantee a future where our democracy remains strong and the will of the American people is truly reflected in the outcome of our elections.

This is just the beginning of the story, and we will continue to follow the latest developments and provide updates as they become available.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring the truth in the news, unlike the Radical Left.

China just attacked the US in a blatant show of force


Joe Biden’s handling of our relationship with China has been terrible. And he has opened up our country to major danger.

And now China just attacked the US in a blatant show of force.

A chilling revelation has cast a long shadow over the already tense relationship between the United States and China.

Hackers affiliated with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have been systematically infiltrating critical infrastructure across the U.S., laying the groundwork for potential cyberattacks that could cripple essential services and plunge the nation into chaos.

These cyberattacks, detected by U.S. security agencies, have targeted a range of vital systems, including water utilities in Hawaii, crucial oil and gas pipelines, and even the independent power grid of Texas.

While the attacks haven’t yet caused major disruptions, the evidence suggests a deliberate and calculated strategy.

Instead of immediate disruption, the PLA hackers appear to be focused on establishing backdoors and creating “tunnels” within these systems.

These tunnels would allow for future access and manipulation, potentially enabling them to launch devastating cyberattacks at a moment’s notice.

CISA Director Brandon Wales has described China’s actions as a clear attempt to “pre-position themselves to be able to disrupt or destroy critical infrastructure.”

This shift in strategy, from primarily espionage to preemptive sabotage, marks a significant escalation in China’s cyber warfare tactics.

Experts like Joe McReynolds from the Jamestown Foundation believe that these cyberattacks are a preparatory measure, building “tunnels” to unleash chaos at a later date.

This underscores the chilling reality that the U.S. is facing a determined adversary actively preparing to inflict widespread damage.

The surge in China’s cyber aggression comes at a time of heightened tensions between the two nations, particularly regarding Taiwan.

China’s growing military presence and aggressive rhetoric towards Taiwan have fueled concerns about a potential conflict.

The recent spy balloon incidents, including one that traversed the continental U.S. and another discovered over Taiwan, further highlight China’s willingness to engage in provocative behavior.

Despite multiple recent attacks from China, Joe Biden has done nothing to hold China or its dictator leader accountable.

Instead, he has welcomed China into the US with summits, open borders, and other horrible policies.

The Biden administration must take decisive actions, including bolstering cyber defenses, developing robust offensive cyber capabilities, and engaging in strategic deterrence with China.

The future of American security hangs in the balance.

With Chinese hackers actively preparing to inflict “societal chaos” on U.S. soil, the need for a comprehensive and proactive approach to cyber defense has never been greater.

The time to act is now, before China’s digital shadows engulf the nation in darkness.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Hunter Biden’s attempts to run from the law just landed him in hot water


Hunter Biden has been facing the threat of charges for years. And he’s responded in the worst way possible.

And now Hunter Biden’s attempts to run from the law just landed him in hot water.

Hunter Biden’s legal woes continue after his attorneys filed a motion to dismiss the gun charges against him, citing a failed plea deal.

The motion, filed in federal court in Delaware, claims that the indictment “violates” the Diversion Agreement that was reached between Hunter and federal prosecutors in July 2023.

The Diversion Agreement would have allowed Hunter to avoid jail time in exchange for giving up various rights, including his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.

However, the agreement fell apart in court when Judge Maryellen Noreika refused to approve it.

She took issue with the fact that she would not have been able to make any changes to the deal, and she wasn’t sure if the deal was even constitutional.

In their motion, Hunter’s attorneys argue that the indictment violates the Diversion Agreement because it charges him with offenses that were covered by the agreement.

They also argue that the statute he is accused of violating was recently struck down as unconstitutional.

Republicans have long criticized the Diversion Agreement, calling it a “sweetheart plea deal.”

They argue that Hunter is receiving preferential treatment because he is the son of the president.

The Department of Justice has not yet responded to Hunter’s motion to dismiss the charges. It is unclear whether the judge will grant the motion.

In addition to the gun charges, Hunter is also facing nine new tax charges.

The indictment does not name President Joe Biden, but it does raise questions about his potential involvement in Hunter’s business dealings.

The House Oversight Committee is investigating Hunter’s business dealings and has authorized subpoenas for documents and testimony.

Hunter is expected to appear for closed-door testimony on Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

Hunter Biden’s legal drama is a complex and evolving situation. It remains to be seen whether he will ultimately be held accountable for his actions.

The indictment against Hunter includes three felony firearm offenses and if convicted, he could face up to 25 years in prison.

The House Oversight Committee is also investigating President Joe Biden’s potential involvement in Hunter’s business dealings.

An impeachment inquiry against President Biden has been formally authorized to uncover the truth.

The Biden family has been fleeing from the law long enough, and now they will be held accountable.

The American people deserve to know just how corrupt the current President and his family are.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden is hiding from the public after this report exposed one secret


Joe Biden has made a mess of the short time he’s been given in office. Now all of the skeletons are coming out of the closet.

And Biden is hiding from the public after this report exposed one secret.

A bombshell report reveals that Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy groups received a staggering $1.89 billion in federal funds between 2019 and 2021.

This outrageous figure, uncovered by a comprehensive GAO report commissioned by Senator Marsha Blackburn and Congressman Chris Smith, comes as a slap in the face to American taxpayers, many of whom oppose funding abortion.

Planned Parenthood siphoned off the lion’s share of these funds, pocketing a staggering $1.78 billion.

This includes $90.4 million in forgiven Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, a program intended to help small businesses struggling during the pandemic.

While mom-and-pop shops were forced to close their doors, Planned Parenthood, a powerful corporation with over 16,000 employees, lined its pockets with taxpayer dollars.

This blatant misuse of funds is unacceptable.

A January 2023 poll found that 60% of Americans oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions, and 78% oppose using them for abortions in other countries.

Yet, the Biden administration continues to prioritize abortion at the expense of other critical needs.

Beyond Planned Parenthood, the report exposes the vast reach of federal funding for abortion.

International organizations like International Planned Parenthood Federation and MSI Reproductive Choices also received millions despite public opposition.

These revelations raise serious questions about the priorities of our government.

While many Americans struggle to make ends meet, billions of dollars are funneled to organizations dedicated to ending innocent lives.

This money could be better spent supporting struggling families, funding vital healthcare services, or investing in education.

Senator Blackburn and Congressman Smith are leading the charge to end this outrageous practice.

They have called for increased transparency and accountability for how federal funds are used and have introduced legislation to defund Planned Parenthood.

It’s time for our government to listen to the American people.

We demand an end to taxpayer-funded abortion and a redirection of these resources to programs that truly serve the needs of our communities.

Join the fight to protect unborn children and hold the government accountable.

We must demand accountability for these corrupt politicians who are wasting billions in American taxpayer dollars.

Joe Biden’s economy has crippled the lives of MILLIONS of Americans, yet he still gives away our hard-earned money to mega-corporations like Planned Parenthood.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Conservatives just devastated the liberal media in a major attack


For too long the Radical Left has been able to run around and bring chaos and destruction to this nation. But now all of that is about to change.

Because conservatives just devastated the liberal media in a major attack.

In a major blow to the left-wing watchdog organization Media Matters for America, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has launched an investigation into the group’s alleged violations of state consumer protection laws.

This investigation follows similar action by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, adding further pressure to Media Matters and its controversial tactics.

The probe centers on accusations that Media Matters engaged in coordinated, inauthentic behavior on social media platforms, specifically targeting X (formerly known as Twitter).

This alleged behavior involved manipulating algorithms to spread falsehoods about the presence of extremist content on the platform.

Media Matters is further accused of using these falsehoods to solicit charitable donations from consumers under false pretenses.

In a letter to Media Matters, Bailey highlights the potential violation of Missouri consumer protection laws, particularly the prohibition against soliciting funds under false pretenses.

He expresses particular concern about the harm this may have caused to free speech by targeting a platform known for its commitment to open dialogue.

The investigation demands that Media Matters preserve detailed records, including internal communications related to their alleged strategy, communication with impacted companies, and information on their policies and operations regarding “canceling” or silencing businesses or organizations.

This investigation adds to the mounting pressure on Media Matters, facing scrutiny for its tactics and potential impact on free discourse.

The Texas Attorney General’s parallel investigation further amplifies these concerns, suggesting a wider pattern of questionable behavior.

The accusations against Media Matters raise serious questions about their methods and their commitment to truthful reporting.

If proven true, their actions represent a dangerous attack on free speech and a violation of public trust.

The outcome of these investigations will be closely watched, with the potential for significant consequences for Media Matters and its future operations.

The Missouri and Texas investigations serve as a powerful reminder that accountability is essential for organizations wielding significant influence in the public sphere.

The Radical Left has been allowed to control and manipulate the narrative for far too long, and American voices are fighting back.

This is a country where the truth needs to be spoken and the narrative needs to be free and unbiased.

However, the Radical Left has been spreading lies for years and things have gotten out of hand.

With pressure from multiple Attorney Generals and other major political voices, will the Left finally start being honest?

The answer is: probably not, but we must continue trying.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring the news in an unbiased and TRUE way.

Shocking new development in border security leaves agents horrified


The issues surrounding the US border have been plaguing Americans for years. But new revelations have people stunned.

And these shocking new developments in border security have left agents horrified.

In a shocking revelation, Border Patrol chiefs have exposed a “new phenomenon” where illegal immigrants are no longer actively avoiding arrest, but instead turning themselves in to authorities at the border.

This unprecedented behavior, confirmed by several sector chiefs in sworn testimony, exposes the devastating consequences of the Biden administration’s open border policies.

According to transcripts obtained by the Daily Mail, Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke from the San Diego Sector first reported this “more recent phenomenon” in May 2023.

He detailed how illegal immigrants were surrendering to agents instead of trying to evade capture. Agents across various sectors confirmed this trend.

Gloriza Chavez from the Rio Grande Valley Sector noted the increasing numbers of family units turning themselves in, while John Modlin from the Tucson Sector described groups of 200 to 300 individuals surrendering in remote areas.

The Del Rio Sector, led by Jason Owens, reported similar experiences.

Owens stated that illegal immigrants are “predominantly turning themselves in,” with groups exceeding 500 people waiting for apprehension.

He emphasized this stark contrast to his earlier career, where chasing individuals was the norm.

Rep. Mark Green, Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, commented on the gravity of this situation.

He attributed the “record numbers” of self-surrendering illegal immigrants to Secretary Mayorkas’ policies, which essentially encourage lawbreaking by guaranteeing release within the US.

The statistics paint a grim picture. The 2023 fiscal year saw a staggering 2,475,669 encounters, exceeding the already high 2022 numbers.

October 2023, the first month of the new fiscal year, witnessed a further increase, with 240,988 encounters compared to 71,929 in October 2020 under the Trump administration’s stricter border policies.

These revelations expose the devastating consequences of the Biden administration’s open border policies.

The “turn themselves in” phenomenon is a direct consequence of policies that prioritize release over enforcement, creating a “magnet” for illegal immigration and undermining the rule of law.

This situation demands immediate action.

The Biden administration must implement stricter border policies that deter illegal immigration, enforce existing laws, and ensure the safety and security of our nation.

The American people deserve a government that prioritizes their well-being over reckless political agendas.

The American people must take the power back into our own hands and stand up to the destructive policies of the Biden administration.

It is past time for action, and we must act before America is destroyed any further.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Top Democrat makes shocking move that has left people scratching their heads


The Radical Left is off its rocker. Nothing proves it more than what one man just did.

Because this top Democrat makes shocking move that has left people scratching their heads.

Democrats have been content for years to let this country be flooded with dangerous and illegal immigrants.

They are happy to watch the country become overrun, unsafe, and crippled as long as the issues don’t affect them.

But recently, Democrats all over have started feeling the effects of their Radical Agenda, and they are begging for it to stop now.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson claims his city remains a “welcoming city” for illegal immigrants. Yet, his recent actions speak louder than words.

In a desperate attempt to deter bus companies from dropping off illegal aliens, Johnson has implemented stringent new rules and levied hefty fines, revealing the truth behind the “sanctuary city” label.

Quietly passed in November, these rules now restrict when, where, and how often bus companies can drop off passengers.

They also require permission from city hall, which can be denied at will. This effectively gives the city control over the flow of illegal immigration, contradicting the “welcoming” narrative.

To enforce these restrictions, Johnson has unleashed a flurry of fines and lawsuits against 77 bus companies, totaling $3,000 per bus.

This aggressive action demonstrates his true priority: stopping the influx of illegal immigrants, regardless of his public pronouncements.

While Johnson cloaks his actions under the guise of “safety,” the real motive is clear.

With an approval rating plummeting to 28%, he desperately needs to appease a growing number of Chicagoans opposed to his policies.

The mayor’s claim that Chicago “continues to welcome asylum-seekers” rings hollow.

The new rules and aggressive enforcement clearly aim to discourage any such welcome, but he continues to tell the world that Chicago is a “sanctuary city” and will “welcome” illegal immigrants.

The citizens of Chicago have made it clear that they are suffering, so their mayor is trying to pretend like he cares about them.

Furthermore, the recent closure of his planned tent city in Brighton Park due to toxic soil further undermines his credibility.

This embarrassing failure exposes the haste and lack of planning characteristic of his administration.

The truth is, Mayor Johnson’s “welcoming city” is a facade.

His rhetoric and actions contradict each other, revealing a mayor more concerned with political survival than the well-being of Chicago and its residents.

The citizens of Chicago deserve better than a mayor whose actions speak louder than his empty words.

It’s time for him to prioritize the needs of his city and its people, not his own political agenda.

Mayor Johnson will stop at nothing to keep people happy including lying and contradicting himself.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

CNN makes shocking admission to America


CNN is completely biased towards the Left. But now they are changing the story.

And CNN has made a shocking admission to America.

In a stunning reversal, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria has sounded the alarm on the dire state of American education, exposing how elite universities have abandoned academic excellence for a radical leftist agenda.

This unprecedented break from the network’s usual narrative suggests that even the most liberal media outlets are finally awakening to the dangerous path America is being led down.

Zakaria’s scathing critique focuses on the alarming trend of universities prioritizing “diversity and inclusion” over meritocracy.

He highlights the downplaying of standardized tests, the prioritization of race and gender in faculty hiring, and the creation of “safe spaces” as key examples of this harmful shift.

These policies, he argues, stifle intellectual diversity and create a climate of intellectual fragility, ultimately undermining the very purpose of higher education.

But what makes Zakaria’s statement truly remarkable is its implicit acknowledgment of the destructive nature of this agenda.

He calls for universities to “abandon this long misadventure into politics” and return to their core mission of “research and learning.”

This plea, coming from a prominent voice within the liberal media, suggests a growing concern that America’s future is at stake if we continue down this path.

Zakaria’s words offer a powerful counter-narrative to the dominant leftist ideology that has infiltrated our institutions.

His exposure of the dangers of this agenda provides ammunition for those who have been sounding the alarm for years, giving them a platform to amplify their message and demand a course correction.

This is a turning point in the fight to reclaim America’s educational system.

If even CNN is acknowledging the destructive nature of the current agenda, it’s a sign that the tide is turning.

We must seize this opportunity to demand excellence and intellectual freedom in our universities.

It’s time to reclaim the American university for its true purpose: fostering critical thinking, intellectual rigor, and a love of learning, all without the shackles of political ideology.

The future of America hinges on the quality of our education system.

We must act now to ensure that our universities are preparing future generations to lead, innovate, and contribute to a vibrant and prosperous nation.

Let it be a reminder that it’s never too late to course-correct and ensure that America’s future remains bright.

Even with the Radical Left seeking to destroy every aspect of this country, America must fight back against this Radical Agenda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s attack on America has been exposed for the whole world to see


Joe Biden hates America, and he hates American citizens too. For too long he has been allowed to destroy this nation.

But now Joe Biden’s attack on America has been exposed for the whole world to see.

Joe Biden’s failed economic policies are destroying America right in front of our eyes, and there is nothing we can do while the Democrats have the power.

The American Dream of owning a home is rapidly fading under the weight of President Biden’s failed economic policies.

A recent Wall Street Journal analysis revealed a staggering reality: the average monthly mortgage payment has doubled since Biden took office, soaring from $1,787 to a crippling $3,322.

This unprecedented increase has effectively priced countless young Americans out of the housing market, leaving them with the bleak prospect of a lifetime spent renting and accumulating none of the wealth and stability traditionally associated with homeownership.

Many of these aspiring homeowners were already struggling under the weight of inflated pandemic home prices.

However, the skyrocketing interest rates, fueled by Biden’s reckless spending and the Federal Reserve’s aggressive policy tightening, have delivered a devastating blow.

The dream of owning a home, once a cornerstone of the American Dream, is now a distant mirage for millions.

This crisis is a direct consequence of multiple factors, all exacerbated by the Biden administration’s disastrous economic policies.

President Biden’s reckless spending has unleashed historic inflation, eroding purchasing power and making it harder for Americans to afford essential expenses, including housing.

The inflated cost of living, coupled with the rising mortgage rates, has created an insurmountable barrier for young people seeking to enter the housing market.

Biden’s open borders policies have flooded the country with millions of illegal immigrants, creating an unprecedented surge in demand for housing.

This influx of individuals, competing for limited housing resources, has driven prices even higher, exacerbating the existing shortage and further marginalizing Americans seeking to purchase their own homes.

Democrats’ obsession with climate change has led to policies that restrict the construction of new homes, particularly single-family dwellings.

This deliberate effort to limit the housing supply has artificially inflated prices and created a system that has ruined the lives of countless Americans.

A generation of young Americans, saddled with debt and trapped in a cycle of dependence, is a stark indictment of the current administration and its failed economic policies.

The time has come for a change.

Young Americans must recognize the power they hold at the ballot box and elect leaders who prioritize their well-being and the restoration of the American Dream.

By supporting conservative candidates who champion economic policies that encourage growth, job creation, and responsible fiscal management, young Americans can rebuild their future and ensure that homeownership remains an attainable goal for all.

This is not just about affording a home; it’s about the systematic destruction of the United States by the Radical Left.

It’s past time to reject the failed policies of the Biden administration and hold these corrupt officials accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump’s future in question after bombshell report drops


Donald Trump cannot stay out of the news. And most of the time that is a good thing for him.

But now, Trump’s future in question after bombshell report drops.

Former President Donald Trump’s dominance in Iowa, the first state in the Republican presidential nominating contest, has cemented his position as the frontrunner in the race, leaving his rivals scrambling for a foothold.

With a commanding 51% support among likely caucus participants, according to the latest NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll, Trump sits comfortably ahead of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (19%) and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley (16%).

This substantial lead, the largest ever recorded in the history of the poll, highlights a remarkable consolidation of support around Trump within the Republican party.

J. Ann Selzer, the pollster, aptly observed that “the field may have shrunk, but it may have made Donald Trump even stronger. I would call his lead commanding at this point.”

Several factors underpin Trump’s strength in Iowa.

Evangelical voters and first-time caucus goers, who constitute significant portions of the electorate, demonstrably favor the former president.

Additionally, nearly 75% of Republicans who believe Trump can defeat Biden in 2024 support him, despite ongoing legal challenges.

This unwavering confidence in his electability further bolsters Trump’s position.

Fueling this confidence is the Trump campaign’s aggressive strategy.

Scheduled visits from Trump himself, dozens of surrogates, and an army of nearly 1,600 precinct captains dedicated to mobilizing voters paint a picture of a well-oiled machine prepared to capitalize on Trump’s popularity.

While DeSantis has visited all 99 Iowa counties and secured the support of influential figures like Governor Kim Reynolds and Bob Vander Plaats, his efforts seem insufficient to challenge Trump’s momentum.

Similarly, Haley, despite a recent rise in polls and the backing of the influential Americans for Prosperity Action, faces an uphill battle in overcoming Trump’s deeply entrenched support in Iowa.

With just five weeks until the January 15 caucuses, the remaining time is crucial for DeSantis and Haley to demonstrate their ability to challenge Trump’s dominance and potentially alter the course of the nomination race.

However, the new poll paints a clear picture: Trump’s grip on the Republican base in Iowa is strong and shows no signs of loosening.

This commanding lead positions him as the frontrunner not only in Iowa but also in the broader Republican presidential contest.

The coming weeks will be crucial not just for Iowa but for the entire Republican party as it prepares for a potentially contentious and closely watched nominating process.

While DeSantis and Haley may still harbor hopes of an upset, Trump’s current trajectory suggests a formidable challenge that will require a monumental effort to overcome.

One thing is certain: the Iowa caucuses will be a pivotal moment in the 2024 election, offering a glimpse into the future of the Republican party and its direction in the years to come.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Mitt Romney makes a shocking White House claim that leaves everyone shocked


Mitt Romney is unhinged and a dangerous liability to the Republican party. His recent comments have been extreme.

And now Mitt Romney has made a shocking White House claim that has left everyone shocked.

Mitt Romney has made a number of shocking statements in recent days, sometimes even going so far as to speak out against his own party.

He has recently been speaking out against Trump and saying shocking things about the former President.

In a recent interview, Romney said he would be “happy to vote for a number of the Democrats too,” saying they would “be an upgrade from, in my opinion, from Donald Trump, and perhaps also from Joe Biden.”

However, his recent White House remarks have left everyone surprised… even Republicans.

In a scathing rebuke, Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) slammed Hunter Biden for leveraging his father’s name for personal gain and potentially evading taxes.

During an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Romney responded to Hunter Biden’s lawyer’s claim that the charges wouldn’t exist if his last name wasn’t Biden.

Romney’s response was strong: “If his name were anything other than Biden, he wouldn’t have been able to bilk millions of dollars from foreign entities, so let’s start there.”

He went further, stating, “And not only did he take all this money from foreign entities, trading on his father’s name, which is ugly and unsavory, he then didn’t pay taxes on it, according to the prosecutors.”

Romney emphasized that while he hasn’t seen evidence of President Biden committing any wrongdoing, Hunter Biden’s actions are concerning.

He described Hunter as “a very unsavory person” with “extremely damaged personal foibles.”

It seems surprising that Mitt Romney would speak out so strongly against Joe Biden’s son, especially after he said that he really “liked” Joe Biden, and claimed he was a “very charming and engaging person.”

Romney acknowledged the difference between personal and professional accountability, stating, “We’re not going to impeach someone because of the sins of their kids.”

However, he made it clear that Hunter Biden’s actions deserve serious consequences: “If the prosecutors can prove their case, he violated U.S. law and should be severely punished for having done so.”

Romney’s comments come amidst escalating concerns about Hunter Biden’s business dealings and potential influence on his father’s policies.

The nine new tax charges against him further fuel suspicions and raise questions about transparency and accountability within the Biden administration.

While Romney emphasizes the distinction between individual and familial responsibility, his strong criticism of Hunter Biden’s actions and the potential legal ramifications underscore the seriousness of the situation.

Many people on both sides of the political spectrum have been shocked by Mitt Romney’s recent political statements.

It has become increasingly clear that Mitt Romney is simply saying whatever will make people like him the most.

He is not aligned with either political party and has become an outcast, yet he is now trying to recover by saying whatever he thinks people want to hear.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.