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Biden’s border poses a new threat to America that has even Democrats terrified


For years, Joe Biden and the left have been crippling America because of their policies. And they refuse to admit that anything is wrong.

But now Biden’s border poses a new threat to America that has even Democrats terrified.

Because of Joe Biden, the United States has been opened up to an entirely new kind of attack that could claim the lives of literally millions.

For years, Americans have been complaining about the state of the US border with Mexico, but those on the Radical Left have refused to listen.

But now, there seems to be no avoiding this dangerous issue even if Democrats wanted to.

A terrifying new outbreak of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) has rocked California, claiming three lives and raising serious concerns about the porous border with Mexico.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed five cases of the potentially fatal disease, all linked to individuals who traveled to or lived in the Mexican city of Tecate.

These shocking cases serve as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by unchecked illegal immigration because of the Radical Left.

With thousands crossing the border unchecked, the potential for disease outbreaks increases exponentially.

Dr. Marc Siegel, a Fox News medical contributor, expressed his worries about the situation, stating, “I do worry that with our porous borders, these ticks carrying disease could cross [into the U.S.] with migrants.”

Unlike the well-known Lyme disease, RMSF is transmitted by the bite of infected brown dog ticks, often found on domestic canines.

These ticks are larger than Lone Star ticks and lack their characteristic white spot, making identification more challenging.

While the disease is treatable with antibiotics, early diagnosis is crucial.

The CDC urges healthcare professionals to consider RMSF when evaluating patients with fever and recent travel to northern Mexico.

The outbreak highlights the urgency for stricter border security measures and more control over who is able to enter this country.

Those on the Radical Left claim that any sort of border control is xenophobia or racism, however, the simple truth is that there MUST be border control if America is to survive.

We must act now to tighten our borders and protect our citizens from this deadly threat that could take the lives of so many Americans.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left have no choice now but to address the growing issue on the US-Mexico border.

They cannot hide from their problems anymore, and the entire nation is begging the Left to help in this disastrous situation.

Joe Biden seems obsessed with the CDC and so does the Radical Left (especially because of COVID-19), so now they have no choice but to listen to the precautions and secure the US border.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Democrats are freaking out after being betrayed by one of their own


Democrats are trying to destroy America. However, it appears that some of them still have some brainpower left.

And now, Democrats are freaking out after being betrayed by one of their own.

In a surprising move, Pennsylvania Democrat Sen. John Fetterman has urged his fellow Democrats to abandon their hardline stance and “engage” with Republicans in meaningful talks on border security.

This comes amidst a record surge in illegal immigration, with over 270,000 encounters at the southwest border reported in just one month.

Fetterman’s comments, published by POLITICO, directly contradict the narrative pushed by many Democrats who brand any concern about the border as “racist” or “xenophobic.”

Fetterman, however, has argued that “it isn’t xenophobic” to engage in talks regarding securing our border.

He asserts that “it’s a reasonable conversation,” and Democrats should participate in good faith.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, Fetterman pointed out that the current influx translates to “essentially [having] Pittsburgh showing up there at the border.”

This stark comparison underscores the unprecedented scale of the crisis and the need for immediate action.

While Senate Democrats have resisted Republican calls for substantial immigration reforms in exchange for supporting the supplemental funding bill, Fetterman’s stance suggests a growing recognition within the party that the current situation is unsustainable.

The Radical Left is finally feeling the consequences of their absurd agendas, and now they have had enough.

Even Joe Biden has recently signaled openness to “significant compromises” further indicating the understanding that open borders are destroying America.

This newfound willingness to negotiate could pave the way for a bipartisan solution that addresses border security.

However, despite his calls for engagement, Fetterman made clear his opposition to any policies that would harm Dreamers, illegal immigrants brought to the US as children.

He also criticized the GOP’s border security bill as an unrealistic wish list.

While Fetterman’s specific concessions remain unclear, his willingness to engage in dialogue represents a refreshing departure from the entrenched positions often seen by those on the Radical Left.

This shift offers hope for progress on this critical national security issue.

As Fetterman aptly stated, “no one has a crisp, cogent solution” to the complex challenges posed by illegal immigration.

However, open communication and a willingness to compromise are essential first steps toward finding a solution that works for all Americans.

Those on the Radical Left are slowly starting to realize that their policies and agendas are harmful, however, they only are open to changing these same policies when they themselves start to feel the effects.

It is time for a strong leader in America who will oppose those on the Left and who will remain dedicated to this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats’ massive censorship plan was just foiled by Republicans


Conservatives have been censored for years. The Left keeps pushing it further and further.

And Democrats’ massive censorship plan was just foiled by Republicans.

House Republicans have won a crucial battle against Big Tech censorship with a key provision included in the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

This provision effectively prohibits the Department of Defense (DoD) from contracting with any organization involved in censoring domestic news outlets including disinformation companies like NewsGuard.

This victory represents a major step forward in the fight against the increasingly coordinated effort to silence conservative voices online.

For too long, these biased and manipulative “fact-checking” organizations have used their self-proclaimed authority to label legitimate news outlets as “misinformation” in an attempt to stifle dissent and manipulate public opinion.

Rep. Mike Rogers, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, hailed the provision as a critical blow to the “far-Left’s attacks on conservative outlets.”

He declared, “We will continue to defend freedom of speech against the Biden administration’s far-left overreach.”

This crucial amendment comes as the Pentagon’s $750,000 contract with NewsGuard, ostensibly to explore potential military applications of their technology, raised serious concerns about government funding of censorship efforts.

The committee aide who spoke on the condition of anonymity emphasized that these “disinformation” companies “often censor conservative news outlets” under the guise of combatting misinformation.

The provision specifically targets the use of such tools by the DoD in allocating its advertising budget.

It mandates that any entity involved in recruitment advertising must certify they do not engage in “censorship” based on “personal political preferences or biases.”

This ensures that taxpayer dollars are not channeled towards organizations that seek to silence conservative voices.

This victory sets a powerful precedent and sends a clear message that the American people will not tolerate government-funded censorship of their news sources.

While the Pentagon may not be the sole offender in this regard, it marks a significant turning point in the fight against the broader censorship industry.

The Daily Wire’s recent lawsuit against the State Department for its own funding of similar technologies further underscores the need for continued vigilance and resistance to these insidious efforts.

This is a major win for freedom of speech and conservative media however the fight is far from over.

The Radical Left hates the truth, and they hate the thought of Americans knowing who they really are.

We must continue to stand up for the TRUTH and we must not allow the Left to control the narrative in this nation.

We must take the power back from these corrupt corporations and individuals and save America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your uncensored news needs.

Joe Biden just betrayed his own party with one shocking confession


The Radical Left has been getting more rabid with every passing day. However, people are finally standing up to them.

And even Joe Biden just betrayed his own party with one shocking confession.

In a shocking display of moral cowardice, the presidents of three prestigious universities – MIT, Harvard, and Penn – refused to condemn calls for Jewish genocide during a recent Congressional hearing.

This blatant disregard for human decency has sparked outrage and raised serious concerns about the rampant antisemitism festering within these institutions.

The evidence is clear and undeniable. Antisemitic chants and calls for violence have been echoing across the campuses, creating a hostile environment for Jewish students.

Yet, these university presidents, entrusted with the safety and well-being of their students, chose to remain silent in the face of such hate.

Their justifications were flimsy and unconvincing, attempting to deflect blame and confuse the issue with convoluted arguments about “context.”

This blatant lack of moral clarity is deeply disturbing and reflects a dangerous trend of complacency in the face of rising antisemitism.

The Biden administration stepped in to denounce the inexcusable. White House spokesperson Andrew Bates rightly stated that “calls for genocide are monstrous and antithetical to everything we represent as a country.”

It is shocking that the Radical Left has to be corrected and held in check by the Biden administration… that is when you know things are really bad.

However, this incident goes beyond mere political rhetoric. It exposes a deep-seated problem within these universities, where antisemitism is allowed to flourish unchecked.

The attempt by some media outlets, like The New York Times, to downplay the severity of the situation by blaming Republicans for “pouncing” on the issue is not only disingenuous but also deeply offensive.

This is not a matter of political gamesmanship. This is about the very fabric of our society, where hatred and bigotry should never be tolerated.

The silence of these university presidents is a betrayal of their responsibilities and a stain on the reputation of their institutions.

The time for excuses and equivocation is over. These universities must take immediate and decisive action to address the antisemitism problem within their ranks.

The failure to act will only embolden the voices of hate and further alienate Jewish students.

These universities have a moral imperative to stand up against antisemitism and ensure the safety and well-being of all their students.

The world is watching, and they will be held accountable for their actions.

It is sad that this is a controversial topic, and refusing to condemn the genocide of an entire people group is disgusting.

The Radical Left has been allowed to destroy this great country for long enough, and it is time that we take action against them.

Radicals such as these presidents must not be allowed to have a platform to voice their disgusting hatred.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Trump makes a shocking confession regarding 2024 election race


The race for President is continuing to heat up. But now, everything could change.

And Trump has made a shocking confession regarding the 2024 election race.

Former President Trump dropped a bombshell on Sean Hannity’s show, declaring that he doesn’t believe President Biden will be the Democratic nominee in 2024.

Citing Biden’s “mumbling, bumbling, and stumbling” behavior along with his recent physical struggles, Trump confidently predicted that the Democrats will be forced to find a new standard-bearer.

Trump’s comments come amidst growing speculation about Biden’s fitness for office.

Even liberal voices like Maureen Dowd and David Axelrod have publicly questioned Biden’s cognitive abilities, and his recent gaffes and missteps have only fueled the fire.

Trump pointed to Biden’s infamous “I’d like to take him behind the barn” comment as evidence of his physical decline.

He then mimicked Biden blowing air from his mouth, jokingly suggesting that Biden would “fall over” if confronted by a physical challenge.

The former president also took aim at Biden’s mental state, claiming that he is “possibly equally as bad and maybe worse” than he is physically.

He further criticized Biden’s advisors, calling them “vicious people” and “evil people.”

Trump is right that Biden is a rambling fool who doesn’t even understand what is going on around him.

The Left is using him as a puppet mouthpiece that they can control and surround with Radical extremists.

Trump then turned his attention to the recent debate between California Governor Gavin Newsom and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

While acknowledging Newsom’s “slick” performance, he pointed out that Newsom’s claims about California’s supposed success were demonstrably false.

Trump’s comments are sure to send shockwaves through the Democratic Party.

With doubts about Biden’s fitness growing and the 2024 election cycle heating up, the pressure will be on the Democrats to find a strong candidate who can effectively challenge Trump.

Whether Trump’s prediction comes true or not, one thing is clear: the 2024 presidential election promises to be a historic showdown.

The outcome will have significant ramifications for the future of the country, making it a race that no American can afford to ignore.

America cannot afford to make the wrong decision in this election, and if Joe Biden or any of the Radical Left are elected, it will effectively mean the end of our nation.

The current administration must be completely removed from office and not allowed to take back power again.

Even Democrats understand that Joe Biden is not the leader who can defeat Trump, and now they are scrambling to figure out what to do.

It is time for America to fight back against the Radical Left and defend this country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden shoots his own campaign in the foot with recent admission


Joe Biden is incompetent and delirious. But now he has resorted to destroying his own White House chances.

And Joe Biden has shot his own campaign in the foot with this recent admission.

In a strange display of self-delusion, President Biden has claimed that “50 Democrats” could defeat former President Trump in the 2024 election.

This comes just one day after Biden admitted he might not even run if Trump wasn’t on the ballot, raising serious questions about his mental stability as well as the Democrat’s reasoning for propping him up.

Biden’s statement is not only detached from reality, but also contradicts his own past assertions.

During the 2020 campaign, he cast himself as the sole Democrat capable of beating Trump “like a drum.”

Now, he seems to have forgotten his own narrative, conveniently overlooking the concerns surrounding his age, mental acuity, and low approval ratings.

The stark contrast between Biden’s public pronouncements and his private doubts is becoming increasingly clear.

It suggests a lack of mental stability and competence.

Moreover, Biden’s claim that “50 Democrats” could beat Trump is demonstrably false.

Polling consistently shows Trump dominating the 2024 race, with Biden himself facing potential significant challenges from Governor Gavin Newsom and other potential contenders.

Biden’s comment also exposes the deep divisions within the Democratic Party.

While he claims there are “50” potential saviors, the reality is that the party is struggling to find a coherent message and a candidate who can inspire voters.

The Democratic field is a chaotic mix of long-shot candidates, faded stars, and political novices.

None of them have managed to capture the imagination of the American people or present a clear alternative to Trump.

Meanwhile, Trump remains the dominant figure in Republican politics. He enjoys strong support among his base and continues to wield significant influence over the party.

His potential legal troubles and the constant illegal attacks from the Radical Left might hinder his campaign, but he remains the strongest candidate to save America.

In conclusion, Biden’s recent remarks are nothing more than political posturing.

He is desperately trying to project an image of confidence and electability, despite growing doubts about his own future.

The American people deserve a leader who is honest, decisive, and capable of navigating the complex challenges facing the nation and Biden is not that leader.

The 2024 election is likely to be a closely contested battle between two very different visions for America.

It is up to the voters to decide which leader they believe is best suited to guide the country through the years ahead.

Do Americans want to suffer another four years of pain, suffering, war, terrible economy, open borders, etc, or do we want America to be saved and returned to the once amazing country it was?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics

House Committee threatens sweeping actions against Hunter Biden


The Hunter Biden dealings have been going on for a while. And Hunter thinks he will get away with things.

However, the House Committee has now threatened sweeping actions against Hunter.

In a stunning display of defiance, Hunter Biden has rejected the House Oversight and Judiciary Committee’s subpoena to appear for a deposition on December 13th.

This blatant disregard for Congressional authority has sparked outrage among Republican lawmakers, who are now threatening Hunter with contempt of Congress proceedings.

The Committee, led by Chairmen James Comer issued a scathing letter to Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, leaving no room for ambiguity.

They declared, “Contrary to the assertions in your letter, there is no ‘choice’ for Mr. Biden to make; the subpoenas compel him to appear for a deposition on December 13th.”

The letter further warned of the consequences of noncompliance, stating, “If Mr. Biden does not appear for his deposition on December 13, 2023, the Committees will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.”

This stark warning emphasizes the seriousness with which the Committees view Hunter’s defiance.

Lowell, in a previous letter, had expressed Hunter’s willingness to cooperate, but only under certain conditions.

He demanded a public hearing before the Oversight and Accountability Committee, claiming that a closed-door deposition would be “cloaked” and “one-sided.”

However, the Committees have rejected this demand, citing the sensitive nature of the investigation.

They argue that a public hearing could compromise ongoing investigations and jeopardize the privacy of witnesses.

This standoff between Hunter and the House Committees raises several critical questions. What is Hunter trying to hide by refusing a private deposition?

Does his insistence on a public hearing suggest he has something advantageous to disclose or is it simply a calculated attempt to manipulate the narrative?

Beyond these immediate concerns, this episode sheds light on a larger issue: the Biden administration’s obvious lack of transparency and accountability.

This incident further fuels the growing suspicion that the Biden family has engaged in unethical and potentially illegal activities.

Republicans are now demanding swift action from the House. They are calling on Speaker Johnson to initiate contempt proceedings against Hunter Biden, holding him accountable for his defiance and ensuring that he answers for his actions.

The coming days will be crucial as this drama unfolds. Will Hunter cave under the pressure and finally comply with the subpoena?

Or will he continue to stonewall the Committees, further deepening the suspicions surrounding his business dealings and potentially jeopardizing his father’s political future?

One thing is certain: the American people deserve answers. The House has a duty to investigate Hunter Biden’s activities and expose the truth, regardless of the political implications.

The outcome of this battle will have significant consequences for the Biden administration and the country as a whole.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Top official changes the narrative regarding Trump


The race for the White House is heating up every day. And Trump continues to be top in the news.

And now a top official has set out to change the narrative regarding Trump.

In a bold move, Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray has filed an amicus brief with the Colorado Supreme Court, challenging a lower court ruling that deemed former President Donald Trump an “insurrectionist.”

Gray’s action comes amidst a growing trend of leftist attempts to weaponize the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump from appearing on the ballot in 2024.

Gray argues that the Colorado judge’s ruling was “frivolous” and “should have been dismissed immediately.”

He further contends that the judge erred in admitting the biased report of the House Select Committee on the January 6th Attack as evidence.

Gray’s stance aligns with his campaign promise to uphold election integrity.

He views these frivolous lawsuits as a blatant attempt to silence conservative voices and manipulate the electoral process.

Joining Gray in this fight are Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose.

Their amicus brief urges the Colorado Supreme Court to vacate the lower court’s order and dismiss the case entirely.

Gray’s efforts extend beyond Colorado. He previously wrote to New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan, expressing concerns about similar attempts to disqualify Trump in that state.

Gray emphasizes the importance of defending the integrity of the electoral process.

He warns that allowing such lawsuits to stand sets a dangerous precedent that could be used to disenfranchise any candidate.

Gray’s actions demonstrate his unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of all Americans.

He serves as a beacon of hope for those who believe in fair and just elections.

This pivotal case will determine whether Trump’s name will appear on the ballot in Colorado and potentially other states.

A victory for Gray and his allies would be a significant blow to the Left’s efforts to rig the system against Trump and other conservative candidates.

All eyes are now on the Colorado Supreme Court as they deliberate this critical issue.

Will they stand up for the integrity of the electoral process or succumb to the Left’s agenda?

The future of American politics hangs in the balance and if the Radical Left succeeds, democracy will never be safe.

The American people need to rally around the truth and stand up for what is right instead of letting Democrats walk all over us.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Speaker of the House announcement has Biden running for the hills


Joe Biden has been allowed to destroy this country for long enough. Now it is time for a change.

And the Speaker of the House’s announcement has Joe Biden running for the hills.

Suspense is building as the House prepares for a vote that could have seismic consequences for American politics.

On the week of December 10th, Speaker Mike Johnson has scheduled a critical vote to formally authorize the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

This vote, a crucial step in strengthening the House’s investigative power, signifies a dramatic shift in the ongoing battle against the Biden administration’s lies and deceit.

The stakes are undoubtedly high. With a razor-thin majority, House Republicans face a daunting task: they require nearly every vote to push this crucial measure through.

This vote stands as a litmus test for the party’s unity, demanding unwavering commitment to holding the Biden administration accountable for its alleged conduct.

While the initiation of the impeachment inquiry in September by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy served as the opening salvo, the upcoming vote marks a significant escalation.

Formally adopting the inquiry is not merely a symbolic gesture; it empowers the House with the legal teeth necessary to compel the White House to finally cooperate and relinquish critical information it has been desperately trying to conceal.

Speaker Johnson emphasizes the gravity of the situation, asserting that the vote transcends political maneuvering.

He declares, “This is not a political decision. This is a legal decision. This is a constitutional decision.”

This message serves as a rallying cry to Republican moderates, urging them to set aside personal agendas and recognize the paramount importance of upholding the Constitution.

In a calculated move to bolster their arguments, the House Judiciary, Ways and Means, and Oversight Committees have released a scathing 78-page report.

This document meticulously details the alleged “deviations” committed by the Department of Justice during the Hunter Biden investigation, raising serious questions about potential political interference that warped the course of the probe.

For many Republican lawmakers, this report serves as a smoking gun. They believe it provides undeniable evidence of wrongdoing, justifying the impeachment inquiry and potentially paving the way for formal articles of impeachment against President Biden.

The House investigation into Joe Biden, launched in November 2021, has steadily unearthed concerning evidence.

From Hunter Biden’s murky business dealings to the Biden administration’s alleged attempts to cover up these activities, the case against the President continues to grow in strength.

As the vote on the formal impeachment inquiry approaches, the nation holds its breath. The outcome of this vote will have profound implications for the future of American democracy.

Will the House Republicans succeed in their quest for accountability, or will the Biden administration continue to evade scrutiny and operate with impunity?

The answer to this question remains shrouded in uncertainty, but one thing is clear: the impending vote represents a pivotal moment in American history.

The eyes of the nation are fixed upon the House, eagerly awaiting the verdict that will shape the trajectory of American politics for years to come.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Republican candidate’s remarks during GOP debate spark chaos


The GOP debates have become a joke for many people. However, sometimes things of interest still happen.

And these Republican candidate’s remarks have sparked chaos.

Remarks made during the recent Republican primary debate ignited a firestorm, exposing the disturbing reality of rampant anti-Semitism on college campuses and the outrageous inaction of university presidents.

At one point Nikki Haley delivered a scathing criticism that highlighted the stark contrast between the swift condemnation of conservative speech and the deafening silence surrounding anti-Jewish bigotry.

The catalyst for Haley’s outburst was the disturbing revelation that presidents of prestigious universities, including Harvard, refused to unequivocally condemn calls for the genocide of Jews.

When asked if such rhetoric violated anti-harassment policies, these leaders shamefully responded with ambiguous answers, demanding “context” for such hateful pronouncements.

This blatant hypocrisy stands in stark contrast to the swift and decisive action taken against conservative viewpoints on these same campuses.

Often labeled as “hate speech,” conservative perspectives are swiftly silenced, while anti-Semitism masquerades as free speech, shielded by a demand for “context.”

This double standard is not only morally bankrupt but also deeply concerning.

It creates a chilling environment where Jewish students feel unsafe and unwelcome, their concerns dismissed or ignored by university administrators more concerned with appeasing radical activists than protecting the well-being of their students.

The issue extends beyond university presidents. Prominent Democrats, like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have repeatedly displayed a dangerous level of tolerance for anti-Semitism.

AOC’s support for the anti-Semitic BDS movement, coupled with her refusal to condemn Hamas’s rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians, is a clear example of how far Democrats have fallen.

The evidence is clear: while conservative voices are silenced, anti-Semitism flourishes on college campuses and beyond.

This blatant hypocrisy must be exposed, and those who enable it must be held accountable.

The Republican call to action resonates with many Americans who are appalled by the rising tide of anti-Semitism.

This is not just about protecting Jewish communities; it is about protecting the very values that define America.

Freedom of speech must never be used as a shield for bigotry and hatred.

We must stand up and ensure that universities remain bastions of learning.. not breeding grounds for Radical Liberalism.

The time for silence is over. We must speak out against anti-Semitism in all its forms, regardless of its source.

Only then can we create a society where all individuals feel safe, respected, and valued.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we stand up for the TRUTH.

Democrats just exposed themselves in one shocking act


The Radical Left continues to go off the deep end. But now this is taking things too far.

And Democrats just exposed themselves in one shocking act.

In a shocking display of disunity, nearly 100 House Democrats voted “present” on a resolution Tuesday that “strongly condemned and denounced the drastic rise of anti-Semitism in the United States and around the world.”

While the resolution passed by a comfortable margin of 311-14, the high number of abstentions from Democrats raises serious questions about their commitment to combating this growing threat.

The resolution, authored by Jewish Republicans David Kustoff and Max Miller, sparked controversy due to its inclusion of the statement that “anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.”

This led to several prominent Democrats, including Jerry Nadler, Dan Goldman, and Jamie Raskin, urging their colleagues to vote “present” instead of supporting the resolution.

Their reasoning? They argued that focusing on equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism would stifle legitimate criticism of the Israeli government and create a dangerous precedent.

However, this explanation fails to convince many observers. As Rep. John Rose (R-TN) pointed out, the resolution simply condemned anti-Semitism in general, not specific criticisms of Israel.

He called it a “shame” that more Democrats couldn’t “join us in what was a widely bipartisan vote.”

The public reaction to this vote has been swift and harsh. Many are questioning the Democrats’ stance on anti-Semitism, especially given the recent rise in hate crimes against Jews.

Others point to the hypocrisy of a party that claims to be champions of diversity and inclusion while simultaneously abstaining on a measure condemning hate.

The implications of this vote are far-reaching. It exposes a deep division within America on the issue of anti-Semitism and raises concerns about the ability to effectively address this growing problem.

Furthermore, it sends a message that anti-Semitism may not be taken as seriously by this administration as it should be.

As the fight against anti-Semitism continues, the actions of the Democratic party will be closely scrutinized.

Their willingness to stand up and condemn this hatred, regardless of whether it aligns with their political views, will determine whether they are truly committed to the American people.

The Radical Leftists refuse to condemn anti-semitism yet rush to condemn things that fit their narrative and their radical agenda.

This sort of leadership is exactly why America is crumbling, and unless we as Americans vote for strong leaders, the future of America is doomed.

Once again, Democrat leadership in this country has failed our Jewish community.

The current administration’s refusal to condemn the shocking rise of anti-semitism across the nation is a terrifying step in the wrong direction.

These leaders who took oaths to serve and protect our country, need to be reminded that their refusal to condemn hatred towards Jews will only mean their removal from office.

We need to remove these corrupt officials who refuse to condemn these atrocities in America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

FBI makes terrifying admission regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop


The FBI has been in hot water recently as more and more discoveries expose them. However, this new admittance is nothing short of an outrage.

And the FBI has made a terrifying admission regarding the Hunter Biden laptop.

The Senate erupted in sparks yesterday as Senator John Kennedy put FBI Director Christopher Wray on the hot seat over the infamous Hunter Biden laptop story.

Kennedy, a fierce defender of truth and transparency, grilled Wray on why the FBI didn’t simply confirm the authenticity of the laptop when it first appeared in October 2020.

For nearly a year, the FBI knew about the laptop’s existence. Yet, instead of setting the record straight, they remained silent, allowing the media and the Biden campaign to paint the story as “Russian disinformation.”

“Why didn’t the FBI just say ‘hey, the laptop’s real?'” he demanded.

“Why didn’t you just tell everybody ‘the laptop’s for real. We’re not vouching for what’s on it, but it’s real. This isn’t a fiction.'”

Wray’s response was a predictable dance of bureaucratic jargon and obfuscation.

He cited ongoing investigations, the potential for political interference, and the ever-present fear of the Inspector General’s wrath. But for Kennedy, these excuses rang hollow.

“Others were in government,” Kennedy countered. “You’re the FBI! You’re not part of the White House or Homeland Security. You’re not supposed to be political. You see all this controversy going on? Why didn’t the FBI say ‘timeout folks, we’re not getting in the middle of this but the laptop is real.'”

Wray’s response? More platitudes about the importance of staying neutral and the dangers of influencing elections.

He specifically claimed that the FBI would not mention the laptop because of the election, which is the exact reason many people are saying they SHOULD have mentioned it.

“Again, we have to be very careful about what we can say— especially in the middle of an election season,” said Wray.

The reality is that the FBI’s silence on the Hunter Biden laptop was a disgrace. It allowed the Biden campaign, the media, and the intelligence community to push their false narrative and lies on the American people.

It fueled a firestorm of misinformation and disinformation, eroding trust in our institutions and undermining the very foundations of our democracy.

Senator Kennedy deserves our praise for holding the FBI accountable. He refused to accept the agency’s weak excuses and demanded that they answer for their failure to uphold the truth.

This is the kind of leadership we need in Washington – bold, uncompromising, and unafraid to stand up for what is right.

The American people deserve answers. We deserve to know why the FBI covered up the Hunter Biden laptop story.

We deserve to know who was involved, who gave the orders, and who needs to be held accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.