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Democrat Senate leader betrays the Left in sudden change of heart


Democrat leaders are typically as woke as they get. But sometimes, even they realize things are going too far.

And now a Democrat Senate leader betrays the Left in a sudden change of heart.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer delivered a blistering speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, ripping the woke Left for its overt anti-Semitism in the days following Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack against Israel.

Schumer, who is Jewish, said as the highest-ranking elected Jew in U.S. history, he felt compelled to speak out about what is happening and about anti-Semitism that Jews have experienced worldwide throughout history.

Schumer quickly called out the woke Left as being the primary culprit of anti-Semitism as he highlighted statistics showing how anti-Semitic incidents have erupted in recent weeks.

“The solidarity that Jewish Americans initially received from many of our fellow citizens was quickly drowned out by other voices,” he said.

“While the dead bodies of Jewish Israelis were still warm, while hundreds of Jewish Israelis were being carried as hostages back to Hamas tunnels under Gaza, Jewish Americans were alarmed to see some of our fellow citizens characterize a brutal terrorist attack as justified because of the actions of the Israeli government.”

He continued: “A vicious, bloodcurdling, premeditated massacre of innocent men, women, children, the elderly — justified! Even worse, in some cases, people even celebrated what happened, describing it as the deserved fate of quote ‘colonizers’ and calling for quote ‘glory to the martyrs’ who carried out these heinous attacks.”

Schumer said that those anti-Semitic statements largely were not coming from the far-right, but from “people that most liberal Jewish Americans felt previously were their ideological fellow travelers.”

He also addressed specific examples of anti-Semitism that have occurred in recent weeks, including boycotts of Jewish businesses, swastikas appearing on Jewish delis, and students being harassed for wearing a yarmulke or displaying a Jewish star.

Schumer concluded his speech by saying, “We must stand united against anti-Semitism, no matter where it comes from. We must not allow the voices of hate to drown out the voices of reason and compassion. And we must never forget that anti-Semitism is a threat to all of us, not just the Jewish people.”

Schumer’s speech is a welcome departure from the usual silence from Democrats on anti-Semitism.

It is important for Democrats to speak out against anti-Semitism, regardless of its source, but sadly that is rarely the case.

The Left seems to only condemn the actions of Republicans, Conservatives, and true patriots while praising the atrocities of the Radical Left.

The Radical Left’s anti-Semitism is a serious problem that must be addressed.

Schumer’s speech is a powerful reminder of the dangers of anti-Semitism. It is important for all of us to stand united against anti-Semitism, especially in times like this.

While Schumer is not a strong leader and he is definitely not what America needs right now, at least he is doing what other Democrats refuse to do: condemn the atrocities of the Left.

America needs to be standing up for our Jewish community and not allow this hate to continue.

The Radical Left is destroying America, and we need leaders who will not allow this to happen.

It is time for America to be great again, and the American people must vote for officials who understand that.

Stay tuned to Prudent Poltitics for all of your news needs.

Impeachment push by leading Republican just changed America’s future


There have been a number of conversations regarding impeachments in politics recently. But this one is major.

And an impeachment push by leading Republican just changed America’s future.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is once again pushing for the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Greene reintroduced her articles of impeachment on Wednesday, accusing Mayorkas of “high crimes and misdemeanors” over his handling of border security.

This is Greene’s second attempt to impeach Mayorkas. Her first resolution was referred to the House Homeland Security Committee earlier this month.

However, Greene has argued that sending her impeachment articles to the committee would effectively “kill” the effort.

Greene is not alone in her desire to impeach Mayorkas. Eight Republicans joined with all voting Democrats earlier this month to approve a motion that kicked Greene’s previous impeachment resolution to the House Homeland Security Committee. This suggests that there is some bipartisan support for impeaching Mayorkas.

Impeaching Mayorkas will be a difficult task. The Senate is controlled by the Democrats, who are generally aligned with the White House.

This means that it is unlikely that Mayorkas would be convicted in the Senate, however, the motion is extremely important and many Americans feel the same way as MTG.

Despite the odds, Greene is determined to see Mayorkas impeached. She has argued that the American people “want action” on impeachment which is certainly true.

Greene is right that the American people are concerned about the situation at the border. The number of illegal immigrants crossing the border has increased dramatically in recent years.

This has put a strain on Border Patrol resources and has led to an increase in crime in border communities as well as crippled the economy of the working-class average American.

The Biden administration has failed to address the border crisis. In fact, the administration’s policies have made the situation worse.

For example, the Biden administration has ended the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required illegal immigrants to wait in Mexico while their asylum cases were pending.

This has led to an increase in the number of illegal immigrants who are released into the United States.

The Biden administration has also rolled back the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, which led to the separation of families at the border.

This has made it more difficult for the Border Patrol to deter illegal immigration.

The American people are understandably frustrated with the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis.

We want to see action taken to secure the border and reduce illegal immigration.

Impeaching Mayorkas would be a significant step in addressing the border crisis. It would send a message to the Biden administration that the American people are not satisfied with its performance.

Whether or not Mayorkas is ultimately impeached and convicted remains to be seen. However, Greene’s push for impeachment indicates that the American people are demanding action on the border crisis.

We demand that the politicians leading America into ruin be held accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Republican traitor threw the entire GOP into chaos


There have been many Republican betrayers in recent days who seem content to let Joe Biden destroy the country. But America will not stand for it.

And one Republican traitor threw the entire GOP into chaos.

Mitt Romney’s statement that he would rather vote for a Democrat than see either Donald Trump or Vivek Ramaswamy in office has been met with swift and harsh criticism from both candidates.

Romney said he would be “happy to vote for a number of the Democrats too,” saying they would “be an upgrade from, in my opinion, from Donald Trump, and perhaps also from Joe Biden.”

He also emphasized that he liked Joe Biden and called him a “very charming and engaging person.”

The response from Republicans has been immediate and Ramaswamy accused Romney of being “opposed to America-First itself, not just one man.”

He also called on Romney’s niece, Ronna McDaniel, to resign as chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign dismissed Romney’s opinion as irrelevant, saying, “Voters aren’t going to take advice from a loser and quitter like Mittens.”

Trump also responded to Romney’s retirement announcement by saying it was “fantastic news for America, the great state of Utah, and for the Republican Party.”

Romney’s comments are a clear indication that he is out of touch with the Republican Party and that he is more concerned with playing at politics than putting America first.

He has repeatedly criticized Trump and other Republicans who he believes are not true conservatives.

However, Romney’s own record is not exactly stellar. He was a failed presidential candidate in 2012, and his time as governor of Massachusetts was marked by high taxes and wasteful spending.

Romney is also a flip-flopper. He has changed his position on numerous issues, including abortion, same-sex marriage, and gun control.

In short, Mitt Romney is a has-been who is no longer relevant to the Republican Party. His comments about Trump and Ramaswamy are nothing more than sour grapes designed to deflect away from himself.

Romney’s statement is not only out of touch, but it is also dangerous. He is essentially saying that he would rather see the Democrats win than Trump or Ramaswamy.

Beliefs like that do not belong in the Republican party, and politicians all over have realized the severity of Romney’s statements.

This sort of attitude is harmful to Republican candidates and right now, the Republican party needs to be focused on defeating Joe Biden and saving America, but Romney does not seem to agree.

Donald Trump is the best candidate to make America great again and stop the advance of liberalism in the United States.

The entire Republican party needs to rally behind him as the strongest candidate, and we need to focus our funding and efforts on defeating Radicalism in America.

Mitt Romney’s statement is a slap in the face to the Republican Party and many people are glad to see him retire and move on from politics especially when he claims to be a Republican but says he will vote for Democrats.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Bad news from the border sends Joe Biden into a rage


Joe Biden is doing everything he can to lie to the American people. But things are all about to fall apart for him.

Because this bad news from the border sent Joe Biden into a rage.

A new report has revealed that the Biden administration’s open border policies could cost American taxpayers over $451 billion per year.

This is a staggering amount of money that will be borne by the backs of hardworking Americans, while the administration continues to prioritize illegal immigrants over their own citizens.

The report, compiled by the House Republicans’ Committee on Homeland Security, breaks down the costs associated with illegal immigration, including housing, education, medical care, law enforcement, and welfare benefits.

It found that the daily cost of caring for a single adult migrant is around $184, and up to $339 for families with children.

These costs are simply unsustainable. The American taxpayer cannot afford to continue footing the bill for the Biden administration’s reckless immigration policies.

The administration has a responsibility to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws.

However, instead of taking action, the Biden administration has opened our borders and invited millions of illegal immigrants into the country.

This is not only a dereliction of duty, but it is also a betrayal of the American people.

The Biden administration is more interested in catering to its political base than in protecting the interests of its own citizens.

The Biden administration’s open border policies are not just a financial burden on American taxpayers, but they are also a security risk.

Illegal immigrants are often involved in crime, and they can pose a threat to national security.

The Biden administration’s failure to secure our borders has made our country more vulnerable to terrorism and other threats.

The Biden administration’s open border policies are also a slap in the face to the millions of legal immigrants who have followed the rules and come to the United States the right way.

The administration is sending the message that it is okay to break our laws and that illegal immigrants will be rewarded for doing so.

This is unfair to legal immigrants, and it undermines the rule of law.

The Biden administration’s open border policies are a disaster. They are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars, they are a security risk, and they are unfair to legal immigrants.

The Biden administration needs to change course and start enforcing our immigration laws. The American people deserve better.

Joe Biden’s atrocious border policies are crippling our economy and costing the average American thousands.

His actions have gone on long enough, and we need to stand up against this corruption and save this country.

America needs a leader who will protect America and secure our border, but instead, we have one that has kept our borders wide open even though it means the destruction of America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacked in terrifying NYC incident

AOC has been a prominent figure of the Radical Left for quite some time now. But no one expected this to happen.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was attacked in a terrifying NYC incident.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently shed crocodile tears for New York City’s working class, lamenting that the city has become too expensive for them to live in.

However, as the New York Post editorial board pointed out, AOC is the architect of her own misery.

She and her fellow progressives have pushed policies that have made New York City unaffordable for the very people she claims to represent.

For instance, AOC and her ilk have demanded that the city admit an unlimited number of immigrants, which has strained city resources and driven up costs.

They have also called for more rent control, which has discouraged the construction of new housing and made existing housing more expensive.

AOC’s climate change agenda has also contributed to the city’s affordability crisis. Her policies have made energy more expensive, which has driven up the cost of living.

And AOC’s “criminal justice ‘reforms'” have emboldened criminals, leading to a surge in shoplifting and other crimes that have hurt businesses and made the city less safe.

Her solution to all of these problems is to tax the rich. However, as the Post editorial board noted, the rich are already fleeing New York City in droves, thanks to the very policies that AOC and her allies have enacted.

AOC’s crocodile tears for New York City’s working class are nothing more than a cynical ploy to deflect attention from the fact that she and her fellow progressives are the ones who have made the city unaffordable.

If AOC really wants to help the working class, she should start by repealing the policies that have made their lives harder.

However, based on her track record, it is clear that she is more interested in playing politics than in actually helping people.

The working class of New York City deserves better than AOC. They deserve leaders who will put their interests first, not ideologues who are more interested in advancing their own political agendas.

AOC claims to be a champion of the working class, but her actions have done nothing but hurt them.

She has supported policies that have made it harder for working-class people to afford to live in New York City, and she has done nothing to address the root causes of the city’s affordability crisis.

This is a heavy reminder that she is nothing more than a fraud. She is not a real champion of the working class, and she is not fit to represent them.

The American people and the great people of New York deserve better than leaders like AOC who will stop at nothing to push their Radical policies.

The Radical Left is destroying this great nation and then crying when they experience the effects of their harmful ideologies.

These corrupt officials need to be held accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden administration betrays Americans with this shocking decision


Joe Biden hates America and is doing everything in his power to destroy this great nation. But now he has obviously taken things too far.

And the Biden administration betrayed Americans with this shocking decision

The Biden administration is once again putting its radical green energy agenda ahead of the interests of American taxpayers.

In a blatant quid pro quo deal, the Interior Department has waived a financial assurance fee for an offshore wind project off the coast of Massachusetts.

This fee, which is designed to safeguard taxpayers in case the project goes bankrupt, is being waived in exchange for the developer of the project, Vineyard Wind, being able to secure financing and achieve financial close.

This is just the latest example of the Biden administration’s Radical Agenda. The administration is clearly more interested in helping its wealthy donors than in protecting the interests of the American people.

The Biden administration’s actions are also a slap in the face to the oil and gas industry.

The administration has repeatedly acted to restrict essential energy development, while at the same time giving preferential treatment to green energy developers.

This two-tiered approach to energy policy is not only unfair, but it is also harmful to the American economy.

The oil and gas industry is a vital part of our economy, and the Biden administration’s actions are driving up energy costs and making it harder for Americans to afford to heat their homes and businesses.

The Biden administration’s decision to waive the financial assurance fee for Vineyard Wind is a disgrace.

It is an example of everything that is wrong with the Biden administration’s radical green energy agenda.

This decision to waive the financial assurance fee for Vineyard Wind is a clear conflict of interest and proves to the American people what Joe Biden truly cares about.

Former Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beadreau had previously represented Vineyard Wind on legal matters while serving as a partner at the firm Latham & Watkins.

Just one week after BOEM approved Vineyard Wind’s request to waive the fee, Beadreau departed Latham & Watkins and was sworn in at DOI.

This is a clear case of a government official using his position to benefit a former client. It is a stain on the Biden administration and a betrayal of the public trust.

The Biden administration’s decision to waive the financial assurance fee for Vineyard Wind is a terrible decision that will have far-reaching consequences and will harm the economy.

It is an example of the Biden administration’s Radical agenda, its unfair two-tiered approach to energy policy, and its clear conflict of interest.

The American people deserve better than this, and we must stand up to the harmful ideologies of the Radical Left.

Joe Biden needs to be held accountable for his actions, and we must vote in leaders who will protect and serve the American people instead of destroying our country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Democrat leader betrays party with an incredible act of defiance

Democrats are set on destroying this amazing nation in every way they can. However, some people have woken up and realized what is happening.

And now this Democrat leader betrayed their party with an incredible act of defiance.

In a shocking move that betrays his own party, Rep. Henry Cuellar (a Democrat from Texas) has proposed that the country reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy.

Cuellar, who has long opposed the policy, believes that it can be made more acceptable by working with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Under the current Remain in Mexico policy, asylum seekers are kept in Mexico to wait while their cases are adjudicated.

This has been criticized by human rights groups, who argue that it is inhumane and dangerous for migrants, so instead they propose illegal immigrants be allowed free roam in America.

Cuellar proposes that the UNHCR be involved in the process, providing security and assistance to migrants while they are waiting in Mexico.

He believes that this would help to ensure that migrants are safe and that their rights are protected.

Cuellar’s proposal is a significant departure from the mainstream Democratic position on immigration.

It is a sign that Democrats are finally starting to recognize the need for a more effective and better immigration system that doesn’t just dump illegal immigrants in our country.

The Biden administration has been quick to dismiss Remain in Mexico since all they want to do is destroy America.

However, Cuellar’s proposal demonstrates that even Democrats have finally reached their breaking point and are pushing back against the Radical immigration policies of Joe Biden and his administration.

The Biden administration needs to work with the American people and fix the immigration policy before it is too late.

Cuellar has said, “Because, again, look, if you’ve got 8,000 people that are trying to cross a day, but you can only process 500 of them, what happens to the other 7,500 people?”

He raises an important point that is a huge part of the immigration problem; Biden’s policies are releasing thousands of undocumented and illegal immigrants into the United States every day.

Cuellar highlighted, “They are just put on an honor system and they’re sent off into the interior. And, at the end of the day, once they go before an immigration judge at the end of four or five years, you’re going to find out that most of them don’t qualify under the persecution by a state based on the five reasons why you’re allowed under asylum.”

Things have gotten so bad that Democrats are turning their backs on Joe Biden and begging him to fix the broken immigration system.

Cuellar’s proposal is a positive sign that more and more Americans are demanding a solution to this crippling problem.

The Biden administration needs to listen to the people and even the members of their own party calling for change, and they need to secure the American border.

The American people deserve to feel safe and secure in our own country, but Biden is denying us even that basic right.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Speaker Johnson moves to expel this former ally


Politicians have to be careful who they trust in Washington, D.C. You never know who is a swamp monster in disguise.

And Speaker Johnson moved to expel this former ally.

The fate of Rep. George Santos hangs in the balance as House Speaker Mike Johnson revealed that he has been in contact with the embattled congressman to discuss his options ahead of a potential expulsion vote.

Santos could become the first member of Congress expelled in over two decades, a move that would require a two-thirds majority vote in the House.

Johnson, speaking to reporters during a trip to Sarasota, Florida, said that he had spoken to Santos “at some length” over the Thanksgiving holiday and discussed his options.

The Speaker’s comments come as pressure mounts on Santos to resign following a scathing House Ethics Committee report that found evidence of him violating House rules and criminal laws.

Santos has denied any wrongdoing and has repeatedly said that he will not resign. However, he has admitted that he would likely be expelled if another expulsion resolution goes to the floor for a vote.

“I’ve done the math over and over, and it doesn’t look really good,” Santos reportedly said during an hours-long X Spaces conversation on Friday night.

The growing support for Santos’ expulsion is a sign that the House is no longer willing to tolerate his behavior.

Santos has repeatedly lied about his background and has been accused of engaging in fraudulent activities.

The House Ethics Committee report also found that Santos had failed to disclose his financial holdings, including a large number of debts.

Santos’ actions have brought shame to the House of Representatives and have eroded public trust in the institution.

It is time for him to step down and allow the people of New York to be represented by someone who is honest and ethical.

The House should not hesitate to expel Santos. He has forfeited his right to serve in Congress and should be held accountable for his actions.

Santos’ expulsion would send a strong message that the House will not tolerate unethical behavior from its members. It would also restore some of the damage that Santos has done to the institution.

The American people deserve better than George Santos. The House should act swiftly to remove him from office.

The time has come for George Santos to be expelled from the House of Representatives. His actions have disgraced the institution and he is no longer fit to serve.

Speaker Johnson and other House leaders should act immediately to begin the expulsion process.

Santos should be held accountable for his actions and should not be allowed to remain in office.

The American people deserve better from their leaders, and we are looking to our elected officials like Speaker Johnson to ensure that the political leaders are held to a high standard.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Donald Trump receives earth-shattering endorsement that changed everything


Endorsements are always important in the race for any political position. But no one could have been prepared for this recent move.

And Donald Trump receives earth-shattering endorsement that changed everything.

In a powerful op-ed published by RealClearPolitics, Home Depot co-founder and former CEO Bernie Marcus threw his support behind former President Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Marcus, a highly respected figure in the business world, acknowledged that some Republicans may not be fans of Trump’s brash style, but he urged them to look beyond his personality and focus on his accomplishments as president.

“I understand the frustration of some of my Republican friends who do not like or are offended by things Donald Trump does and says. I, too, have been frustrated at times, but we cannot let his brash style be the reason we walk away from his otherwise excellent stewardship of the United States during his first term in office,” Marcus wrote.

Marcus pointed to Trump’s strong leadership on a range of issues, including the economy, national security, and foreign policy.

He praised Trump’s tax cuts, deregulation efforts, and appointment of conservative judges.

Marcus also highlighted Trump’s tough stance on illegal immigration and his unwavering support for Israel.

He contrasted Trump’s decisiveness and strength with the weakness and indecisiveness of the Biden administration.

“I endorse him not only because he has the best chance of winning the general election but because he is the best person to take on and dismantle the administrative state that is strangling America,” Marcus wrote.

Marcus’s endorsement is a significant boost for Trump’s 2024 campaign. It shows that he has the support of not only grassroots Republicans but also business leaders who respect his accomplishments and admire his leadership.

With the 2024 election battle heating up, Marcus’s endorsement could be a tipping point in the race.

It could convince other Republicans who are hesitant about Trump to give him a second chance.

Marcus’s op-ed is a must-read for any American who is still undecided about Trump. It provides a clear and concise case for why Trump is the best choice to lead the country in 2024.

The American people need a strong and decisive leader who is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. Trump is that leader.

Republicans should heed Marcus’s advice and unite behind Trump to defeat the Democrats in 2024.

Bernie Marcus’s endorsement of Donald Trump is a game-changer in the 2024 election.

It sends a powerful message that Trump is the best candidate to lead the country and that Republicans should unite behind him.

America needs a strong leader right now that will unite the people and stop the Radical Left from destroying this country.

Trump is America’s best option to do just that, and many people have recognized this and rallied behind him.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump’s legal team throws Jack Smith a massive curveball


It is no secret that the Radical Left is doing everything it can to take down Donald Trump. But they were not prepared for this.

And Trump’s legal team threw Jack Smith a massive curveball.

In a recent filing in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, Donald Trump’s legal team demanded that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and special counsel Jack Smith provide unredacted documents related to the Jan. 6 investigation.

Trump’s lawyers outlined a broad scope of documents they requested, including those related to informants, undercover agents, Capitol Police officers, and foreign interference efforts.

Additionally, they sought documents reflecting statements by any member of the prosecution team indicating “an intent or effort to stop or hinder President Trump from becoming President of the United States.”

Trump’s legal team’s request signals their determination to thoroughly investigate the Jan. 6 events and prepare a robust defense for their client.

However, Jack Smith and the Radical Left do not care about justice, and they are only concerned with how they can hinder and stop Trump in his pursuits of the White House.

But, Trump and his team are not going to roll over and let the Radical Leftists in this country get their way; Trump is doing what he does best and fighting back against the Radical Left.

The sheer breadth of documents sought suggests they are casting a wide net to uncover any potential evidence that could shed light on the circumstances surrounding Jan. 6.

The DOJ has yet to respond to Trump’s request, but it is likely to face resistance from the department.

They may argue that some of the documents are irrelevant to the case or that they are classified, which are just poor attempts at keeping the truth from the American people.

Whether Trump’s legal team ultimately obtains the documents they seek remains uncertain.

However, their request marks a significant development in the Jan. 6 investigation and underscores their commitment to a thorough and transparent examination of the events that transpired.

The Jan. 6 investigation has been marred by leaks and partisan politics. It is crucial for transparency and justice that Trump’s legal team gains access to all relevant documents.

The American people deserve to know the unvarnished truth about what happened on Jan. 6. We also deserve to know how much information the DOJ is hiding from us.

Trump’s legal team’s request for unredacted documents is a step towards achieving this objective. It is now up to the DOJ to give the American people what we demand: true justice.

The Jan. 6 investigation is a matter of grave importance since the Radical Left wants to falsely claim Trump started a riot.

The American people deserve to know the truth about what happened on that day.

Trump’s legal team is taking the investigation seriously, and it is incumbent upon the DOJ to do the same.

We must hold the DOJ and these other corrupt officials accountable for their lies and deceit, and we must continue to demand true justice.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Mayorkas’ shocking comments about the border expose his true colors


Mayorkas is a disgrace to this country, and he needs to be removed from office immediately. He consistently shames our nation with his statements and policies.

But now Mayorkas’ shocking comments about the border expose his true colors.

During an interview with Bloomberg TV on Monday, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas made it clear that he believes the only solution to this crisis is to provide a path to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants already living in the United States.

“The answer is quite clear and quite straightforward,” Mayorkas said. “We need congressional action, both for the lawful pathways, that really need to be more robust in statute, and for the 12 million people who are here in the United States who have been contributing so fundamentally to our country’s well-being.”

“They’re our neighbors, our friends, our fellow congregants,” Mayorkas added. “They provide essential services and are frontline workers. We need to do something, and I am hopeful and remain hopeful that Congress will do it.”

Mayorkas’ comments are a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who immigrated legally and followed the rules. It is also an insult to the rule of law.

There is no such thing as an “illegal” immigrant who is “contributing so fundamentally to our country’s well-being.”

If someone is here illegally, they are breaking the law. And if they want to stay, they should do so through the legal process.

The Biden administration’s amnesty plan is a dangerous and irresponsible proposal. It would reward illegal immigration and encourage even more people to come to the United States illegally.

“The president, on his first day in office, presented Congress with a proposal,” Mayorkas said. “It’s time for Congress to act.”

The American people deserve a government that will enforce the law and protect our borders.

We do not need a government that will reward illegal immigration and create a pathway to citizenship for millions of people who are already here illegally.

Mayorkas’ claim that the only solution to the illegal immigration crisis is a path to citizenship is simply not true.

There are other options, such as increased border security and more stringent enforcement of immigration laws.

The Biden administration has not even seriously considered these options and instead has dedicated billions of taxpayer dollars to increasing illegal immigration.

They have focused solely on amnesty and other options, which are the most expensive and least effective ways to address the illegal immigration crisis.

The American people are tired of the Biden administration’s open-borders policy. We want a government that will secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws.

Mayorkas’ comments about illegal immigrants are a disgrace. He is ignoring the law and rewarding illegal immigration. The American people deserve better.

Mayorkas is not fit for his job as the DHS Secretary, and he has made it abundantly clear he cares more about illegal immigrants than legal American citizens.

He is a disgrace to America, and he is neglecting his job and therefore should be removed from office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Joe Biden is trembling after being found in this compromising act


Joe Biden is a pathological liar, and he does not know how to be honest with us. Now, things are escalating.

And Joe Biden is trembling after being found in this compromising act.

President Biden’s economic advisor Jared Bernstein is once again trying to mislead the public about the state of the economy.

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Bernstein claimed that the economy is “moving on the right track” and that “real wages have grown.” However, these claims are simply not true.

The average American is suffering from high inflation, which has outpaced wage growth. As a result, people are able to buy less with their hard-earned money.

However, Bernstein said, “We are looking at consumer spending that’s been driving this economy forward posting growth rates that are north of 5 percent. We have an unemployment rate that’s been below 4 percent for 21 months. Now, what that means in a period where inflation has come down by two-thirds, it peaked at 9 percent. It’s now 3.2.”

Bernstein’s attempt to spin the facts is an insult to the American people. We know that the economy is not doing well, and they are tired of being lied to by the Biden administration.

Bernstein’s claims about inflation are particularly misleading. He only cited data from the last couple of months, which does not reflect the full picture.

The reality is that inflation has been rising for over a year, and it is still significantly higher than it was when President Trump was in office.

The Biden administration’s policies have made inflation worse, and they are doing nothing to help the American people.

The interviewer tried to call out Bernstein when he claimed the economy was doing well and he emphasized that “wages have not kept up.”

But once again, Bernstein just shrugged off the concerns and tried to twist the truth by saying, “So real wages have grown, real wages, in other words, wages are beating prices now. So is disposable income, by the way.”

Jared Bernstein’s comments are just another example of the Biden administration’s dishonesty. They are trying to hide the truth from the American people, but they cannot keep it up forever.

The truth is that the economy is still in the toilet and it is all Biden’s fault, and no matter how much he and his officials lie to the American people, we know the truth.

Biden officials are trying to claim that things are on the rise, but even if that were true, things are only better from a few months ago which says nothing about the economy.

Donald Trump had the United States in an extremely powerful economic situation and the average American was flourishing, but Biden has erased it all.

The American people deserve better than to be lied to by their own government. They need to hold the Biden administration accountable for their failures.

We must stand up for the truth, and we must hold our political officials accountable.

Bernstein and other Biden officials must be punished for lying to the American people just to make Joe Biden look better.

We know the truth, and we are fighting back against the Radical Left and their harmful and destructive policies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.