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Chuck Schumer made this one critical move that is horrifying Republicans


Democrats play dirty, and they are always looking for ways to screw over Republicans. But now things are going too far.

And now Schumer made this one critical move that is horrifying Republicans.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is rushing through a border security bill in an attempt to put pressure on Republicans to support his plan for a quick vote on President Joe Biden’s request for roughly $106 billion in funds for Israel, Ukraine, and other national security priorities.

Schumer claims that the “biggest holdup” is the “insistence” by Republicans to link aid to Ukraine, which is fighting against Russian invaders, to “partisan” U.S. border security policy.

However, it is clear that Schumer is simply trying to score political points by using the border crisis as a bargaining chip.

Schumer’s plan for a quick vote on the $106 billion funding package is nothing more than a political ploy.

He knows that Republicans are unlikely to support the bill, but he is hoping that by rushing through the process, he can make them look like the villains.

This is just another example of Schumer’s divisive leadership. He is more interested in playing politics and attacking Republicans than in solving problems.

In a recent letter, Schumer shared additional priorities for the Democrat-controlled Senate, including passing the National Defense Authorization Act before the end of 2023, negotiating with the House on full-year spending bills ahead of two government shutdown deadlines early next year, and setting up a classified briefing to update senators on the situation in Ukraine.

The New York Democrat also declared that he will have the full Senate consider a resolution passed by the Rules Committee to break Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s months-long “hold” on the Senate’s ability to quickly approve U.S. military nominees in protest against a Pentagon abortion policy.

“Senators should expect long days and nights, and potentially weekends in December,” Schumer said in ending his letter.”

Schumer’s plan is also a slap in the face to the American people. At a time when our country is facing so many challenges, the last thing we need is more partisan bickering from our elected officials.

Schumer’s plan is a dangerous game of brinkmanship. He is risking a government shutdown over his partisan agenda, and he wants to paint Republicans as “the bad guys.”

This sort of irresponsible and anti-America behavior is exactly why the American people have completely lost their trust in the Democrat party.

The American people are already facing a number of crises, including inflation, a supply chain crisis, and conflict in Europe.

We cannot afford another manufactured crisis caused by Chuck Schumer’s political gamesmanship.

Chuck Schumer’s plan for a quick vote on the $106 billion funding package is nothing more than a political ploy. He is more interested in playing games than in solving problems.

The American people deserve better than Chuck Schumer. They deserve leaders who will put the needs of our country first.

We must elect officials who will prioritize the safety of our country over sending hundreds of billions of dollars in military aid to foreign countries.

We need leaders who will make America great and will keep the United States out of more wars.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Voter fraud allegations rock this battleground state


The American voting system has been under severe scrutiny recently. But now things have reached a boiling point.

And these voter fraud allegations rocked one battleground state.

Voters in Pennsylvania’s Northampton County are doubting the integrity of local elections after a series of glitches with touchscreen voting devices.

The problems began in 2019 when a “programming glitch” caused a significant “undercount” of votes in the local judge’s race.

Then, on November 7, 2023, voters discovered that their printouts to confirm their votes on the devices did not match their choices for two down-ballot judges races.

These glitches have raised serious concerns about the reliability of the voting machines used across the nation.

Voters are rightly worried that their votes may not be counted correctly, and this could have a major impact on the outcome of elections.

Election officials are trying to assure voters that the machines are reliable, but their credibility has been damaged by the repeated glitches.

It is understandable that voters are skeptical about the machines, and election officials need to do more to restore confidence in the electoral process.

“In 2019, when the issues came up with the touchscreens, we were told, ‘Don’t worry about it. The cards are recording the votes,’” Northampton County Republican Committee chair Glenn Geissinger said, referring to the previous glitch incident when voters were told to trust the printouts over the touchscreens.

“OK, you’re telling me now, in 2023, ‘Don’t worry about what’s printed on the card’?”

Social media users are sharing similar sentiments, with one Pennsylvania voter posting to social media, “Every. Single. Northampton County voter should sue the county for this travesty. This is disgusting, and these machines cannot be used for another election.”

According to one county executive, voters are at their “peak of mistrust” with the voting system.

“We’re at the peak of mistrust of one another, but until that subsides, counties like ours need to be nearly perfect,” Lamont McClure stated.

Politico noted that “ES&S and Northampton officials acknowledged that pre-election software testing, which is conducted jointly, should have caught that problem.”

“We deeply regret what has occurred today,” Linda Bennett, senior vice president of account management at ES&S, said at an Election Day press conference.

However, she claimed, “We are sure and positive that the voter selections are actually being captured” because the error supposedly only affected the paper cards.

But now even local Democrat leaders are expressing mistrust in the machines, with Northampton County Democratic Party chair Matthew Munsey telling the publication, “Since 2019, the theory has been well, that was a big mistake, but we caught it and we’ve implemented new processes to make sure nothing like that would ever happen again.” He added, “I don’t know how we can restore trust with these machines.”

Six state voting rights groups made a statement in November calling for Northampton officials “to explain the voting machine programming error” and demanding a “full investigation and a report to provide transparency for the public,” the Pennsylvania Capital-Star reported.

“The county’s conflicting messages to the public on Election Day led to confusion, concern, and doubt in the security and accuracy of votes. These mistakes grow into misinformation,” Philip Hensley-Robin, executive director of Common Cause PA, said to the local publication.

The reality is that all across the nation, the American people are losing trust in the voting system due to error after error, and many people are wondering how many Radical Leftists are tampering in other elections.

The American people deserve the ability to vote knowing that their vote will be recorded correctly and accurately, and we must stand up against the corrupt leadership that is allowing issues like this to continue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Joe Manchin made a sudden announcement that’s shaking up 2024


Rumors have circled around a possible Manchin run for president. Now Manchin is opening up to the American people.

And Joe Manchin made a sudden announcement that’s shaking up 2024.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said in a new interview on a local radio station that any third-party candidate, including himself, would have a “long shot” of winning the presidential race in 2024.

“I know that a third-party candidate, myself or anyone else who wants to jump into that fray, is really a long shot,” Manchin said on West Virginia’s “Watchdog Radio” program.

“But if you can get a movement to where you can move the two established parties, the Democrat and Republican, back to where their roots are, where they’ve come from, and what they’ve been able to produce over all these years, they can get back to some normality.”

Manchin also advocated for election reforms like as term limits and other methods that would pique the interest of moderate voters.

According to the Wall Street Journal, he and his daughter have been courting wealthy political donors in order to form a centrist political organization.

Manchin is also working to increase the use of ranked-choice voting, which allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference, eliminating the need for separate runoff elections by reallocating votes until one candidate has a majority.

“Right now you can’t compete in the system we have because it’s a closed system. You only have a duopoly of Democrat and Republican — you have very little activity,” he said.

Manchin declared earlier this month that he would not run for re-election to the Senate. He has since pondered his political future.

“When America is at her best, we get things done by putting country before party, working across the aisle, and finding common ground. Many times this approach has landed me in hot water, but the fight to unite has been well worth it,” he said in a video posted on X.

“After months of deliberation and long conversation with my family, I believe in my heart of hearts that I’ve accomplished what I set out to do for West Virginia. I’ve made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided that I will not be running for re-election to the United States Senate,” he added.

Manchin has stated that he would “absolutely” consider running for president in 2024.

By allying himself with the third-party “No Labels” organization, the senator has long stoked talk about a presidential bid.

What’s interesting is that if Manchin decides to run as a third-party, it could hurt Trump more than Biden.

Manchin was already a pariah in his own party for refusing to sign on to their most radical agendas.

With the Left currently backing Biden or really any rabid progressive, Manchin could resonate more with Independents who are voting for Trump because they just can’t go for Biden.

Of course, this is all speculation. Only time will tell.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s newest mistake has left Democrats scrambling to recover


Joe Biden makes mistakes every single day, and Democrats are left to fix the mess he has made. But this recent incident might just take the cake.

And Joe Biden’s newest mistake has left Democrats scrambling to recover.

On Tuesday, Joe Biden only had one item on his agenda: speak on his administration’s “progress” in regards to dealing with the massive fentanyl problem in the nation.

However, in true Biden fashion, Joe Biden managed to screw up even the simplest speech, because he can’t go a single day without making a shocking or embarrassing mistake.

In a stunning display of incompetence, President Biden made a major gaffe during a speech on the fentanyl crisis, calling for the drug to be made a Schedule I drug.

By calling for this, Joe Biden is claiming he wants to effectively ban fentanyl, including its legitimate medical uses.

The White House was forced to scramble to clean up Biden’s mess, claiming that he had simply misspoken.

They claimed he simply “misspoke” even though he was reading directly from his notes, which calls many to question if Joe Biden can even read anymore.

This is not the first time that Biden has made a gaffe during a speech. In fact, he is notorious for his blunders and misstatements.

This is just merely the latest incident that highlights his declining cognitive abilities and raises serious questions about his fitness for office.

Biden’s handling of the fentanyl crisis has been nothing short of disastrous. He has failed to secure the border, allowing the deadly drug to flood into the country.

He has also taken a soft stance on China, which is a major producer of fentanyl precursors.

As a result of Biden’s inaction, fentanyl overdoses have skyrocketed, killing tens of thousands of Americans.

Biden’s “slip up” recently regarding the fentanyl crisis is just one more example of his incompetence and his failure to lead.

Biden’s gaffe on fentanyl is not just a harmless mistake. It is a reflection of his deep-seated lack of knowledge and understanding of the issues facing the country.

Biden is simply not qualified to be president. He is mentally unfit for the job, and he has no clear plan to address the challenges facing the country.

The American people deserve a leader who is competent and capable of leading the nation through these turbulent times. Joe Biden is not that leader.

It is time to stand up as a nation and remove this incompetent idiot from office while there is still time to save America from the disaster he has put us in.

We demand a leader who will be able to read and speak and who actually has a functioning brain.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

White House challenger makes shocking comments about Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris is incompetent to put it plain and simple. But many Democrats keep trying to defend her actions.

However, now a Democrat White House challenger has called out Harris for her incompetencies.

Recently, Rep. Dean Phillips called out Vice President Kamala Harris, questioning her competence and electability.

Phillips’s remarks, made in an interview with The Atlantic, have sparked outrage among Harris supporters and Democrats, who accuse him of engaging in cheap political attacks, which is of course ironic since they have done the exact same thing.

Phillips, a millionaire businessman and third-term House Democrat, is currently running for president against President Biden, and has made his opinions on the current Vice president very clear.

While Phillips has been careful not to directly criticize Biden, he has hesitated from attacking Harris.

In the interview, Phillips stated that Harris is “not well-prepared” and does not have the “right disposition and the right competencies” to be president.

He also pointed to her low approval ratings, saying that she is “not somebody people have faith in.”

Harris has the lowest approval rating for any Vice President in the history of the nation, and it is clear that people cannot stand her.

But of course, these comments have drawn fierce criticism from Harris supporters and Democrats, who accuse Phillips of sexism and opportunism which is a ridiculous attempt at deflecting blame away from Harris.

CNN commentator Karen Finney called Phillips’s remarks a “well-worn attack” and “cheap political points,” while former Long Beach mayor Robert Garcia accused him of “floundering” and “torching his entire reputation.”

Phillips has defended his remarks, saying that he is simply reflecting the views of many Americans.

He stated that he has “heard from others” who believe Harris is not qualified to be president.

Many Americans cannot stand Harris and believe her to be an incompetent fool just like Joe Biden, but she does not even have dementia to blame for her ridiculous behavior.

Rep. Dean Phillips’s attack on Vice President Kamala Harris has sparked outrage among Democrats and Harris supporters and is a sign of the growing division within the Democratic Party.

The American people have seen this division in the Democrat party and are watching it play out, happy to see the Democrat party destroying themselves and opening up the way for a real leader to take the White House.

While Phillips is completely right that Harris is incompetent and not fit to serve, so are Joe Biden and the other Democrat challengers, and America needs competent leaders right now.

The country is crumbling around us and the average American family is suffering under the atrocious liberal policies of the Left.

Americans are desperate for a leader who will step up and save the country and make it great like it once was.

Joe Biden and none of the Democrat challengers are that leader, so America is content to sit back and watch them tear each other apart.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Marjorie Taylor Greene exposes the Pentagon’s woke infiltration


The Pentagon under Joe Biden’s leadership has fallen far from what it once was. They claim to be here to protect the United States, but recent discoveries show something different.

And now Marjorie Taylor Greene exposed the Pentagon’s woke infiltration.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has blasted the Pentagon for requesting an additional $114 million for “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” (DEI) programs in the 2024 fiscal year.

This brazen request comes at a time when the Pentagon has failed its sixth consecutive audit, raising serious concerns about the department’s financial mismanagement.

In a blistering statement, Greene questioned the Pentagon’s priorities, asking, “Does Joe Biden want the military to be a lethal fighting force or a clown show??”

Her criticism is well-founded. While the Pentagon struggles to account for billions of dollars in taxpayer funds, it is simultaneously pushing for more funding for woke DEI initiatives.

This misplaced emphasis on political correctness is a dangerous distraction from the Pentagon’s core mission of defending the nation.

The Pentagon’s failure to pass an audit is a significant red flag. It indicates a lack of accountability and a culture of financial mismanagement that cannot be tolerated.

The department’s request for additional funding for DEI programs while failing audits is an insult to taxpayers and a betrayal of the men and women who serve in our armed forces.

Our elected officials must immediately prioritize the Pentagon’s financial accountability and put an end to the department’s disgusting spending on DEI initiatives.

The American people deserve a military that is focused on its primary mission of national defense, not on promoting political agendas.

Additionally, the Pentagon’s inability to account for half of its claimed assets is a staggering revelation. It raises serious questions about the department’s ability to effectively manage its resources and protect taxpayer funds.

The fact that the Pentagon has failed its sixth consecutive audit is a clear indication that the department is in dire need of reform.

The Biden administration’s failure to address this issue is a dereliction of duty. The president must take immediate action to improve the Pentagon’s financial transparency and accountability.

The Pentagon’s obsession with DEI is a symptom of a larger problem within the department. It reflects a misguided focus on political correctness over military readiness.

The Biden administration must shift the Pentagon’s priorities back to its core mission of national defense. This means ending the department’s woke spending and focusing on the critical task of protecting our nation from its enemies.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s criticism of the Pentagon’s request for additional DEI funding is spot on. The department’s financial mismanagement and misplaced emphasis on political correctness are unacceptable.

The Biden administration must immediately address these issues and prioritize the Pentagon’s core mission of national defense.

The American people deserve a military that is focused on its primary mission, not on promoting political agendas.

Joe Biden and his entire administration including the Pentagon need to be held accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

White House accidentally leaks one terrible scheme against the American people


Biden’s presidency has been an unmitigated disaster. It may have all been part of his plan.

Because the White House accidentally leaked one terrible scheme against the American people.

Tuesday evening on CNBC, White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein admitted to the world that the White House does not want to see “a broad deflation.”

He said they only wanted to lower prices “in areas where prices went up really a great deal and were highly elevated, there, you want to see prices come down, not just disinflation but deflation.”

The statement has come as a shock to many because the White House has been claiming that they want to lower inflation and fix the economy.

Obviously, they have done a terrible job, but they at least pretended like they were trying to help the economy with “Bidenomics.”

The co-host of the show that Bernstein announced this also seemed surprised and followed up on the initial statement and asked a clarifying question.

He said, “I’m sure it’s not a surprise to you that a lot of the public is not just looking for disinflation or slower inflation, but actual deflation, a rollback of prices back to, whatever, 2019 levels.”

Now this is certainly true, and the American people have been clinging on to the last shred of hope that achieving reasonable prices might be possible.

However, the co-host asked, “Is that something you would welcome or do you lean on the historical relationship between that and falling wages and recessions?”

Shockingly, Jared Bernstein answered that this was not something the Biden administration was looking to do.

He stated very clearly, “We don’t want to see a broad deflation” which was shocking to many people because Biden has been claiming that he is saving the economy and lowering prices.

To hear the White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair say that they are not even trying to achieve deflation should be a terrifying wake-up call to all Americans.

Bernstein tried to argue that Biden was lowering prices, but only in certain areas where prices were already high.

He said, “So, let me hit you with a few numbers. So, airline tickets down 13% over the past year. Car rentals, 10%. Eggs, 22%. Thanksgiving dinner, to be a bit topical, down 4.5%, with turkey down about 6%. That’s deflation.”

However, it is important to note that all of those numbers might be down over the past year, however since 2019 and pre-Joe Biden those numbers were actually realistic and the average American family could afford to pay for things.

The fact that Bernstein is trying to claim that the White House has achieved deflation in some areas is absurd since the reason those numbers are ridiculously high is Joe Biden’s fault in the first place.

Even with 22% deflation on things, we are not at pre-Biden era prices, and the American people have had enough.

Joe Biden has been campaigning on his promise that he will save the economy (which we all know is a lie, but at least he was pretending) and he keeps using the term “Bidenmocis” as if that will help things.

But now the real truth has come out: Joe Biden and his administration are doing nothing about the economy, and they have no interest in lowering prices for the American people.

It is time to vote out this lying, corrupt, fraud and vote for someone who will save America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Former White House doctor exposes Biden’s failing health


Joe Biden’s health is atrocious, and everyone in the world knows that. However, the Radical Left refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong.

But now, the former White House doctor exposed Biden’s failing health.

Recently the former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson has expressed growing concerns about President Biden’s health and mental acuity as he approaches his 81st birthday.

Jackson, a Republican congressman from Texas, made his remarks on “FOX & Friends,” stating that the president’s cognitive decline is becoming increasingly evident, raising serious questions about his ability to effectively lead the nation.

“I’ve been saying for quite some time now, when he was candidate Joe Biden, that I didn’t think that he had the cognitive ability to do the job,” Jackson declared.

Moreover, Jackson lamented the deteriorating state of Biden’s health, emphasizing that his physical decline is exacerbating his cognitive issues.

“His lack of physical ability and his physical decline is now starting to highlight the cognitive decline that we’ve been watching for so long now,” he explained.

Jackson’s assessment resonates with the growing unease among both Democrats and Republicans regarding Biden’s fitness for office.

In recent weeks, prominent figures such as former Obama adviser David Axelrod and HBO host Bill Maher have expressed doubts about Biden’s re-election bid.

These concerns are understandable given Biden’s frequent gaffes, misstatements, and apparent lapses in memory.

The office of president is an extremely important one, and America needs a strong leader right now, particularly in the face of significant national and international challenges, which necessitates sharp mental acuity and physical stamina…qualities that Biden increasingly appears to lack.

Dr. Jackson’s expertise as a former White House physician lends further credibility to his assessment.

Having served presidents Obama and Trump, he possesses keen insights into the physical and mental demands of the job.

In contrast to Biden’s apparent decline, former President Donald Trump is actively campaigning for re-election, exhibiting both the physical and mental vigor required to handle the presidency.

Should Trump secure the Republican nomination, the 2024 presidential election will likely hinge on the stark contrast between two candidates: an aging incumbent whose fitness for office is under scrutiny and a former president who is mentally fit and saved America.

As the nation struggles with economic uncertainty, increasing international tensions, and a range of domestic challenges, the choice between these two individuals will have profound implications for the future of the United States.

The growing concerns about Biden’s health and mental acuity raise important questions about the Democratic Party’s leadership and their willingness to help the nation instead of push their radical agendas.

The American people need strong leaders yet the Democrats would rather give the nomination of their party to a senile fool than help America.

The propping up of Joe Biden by the Democrat party is a disgrace and anyone who calls themselves a Democrat should be ashamed.

It is beyond clear that Joe Biden cannot serve as President of the United States, and he must be removed from office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Prominent Democrat calls for the elimination of Trump


It is no secret that the Radical Left hates Trump and wants him gone. But people were still shocked and appalled by this newest demand.

And a prominent Democrat leader has said he wants to eliminate Trump.

In a shocking display of his true colors, Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) stated that former President Donald Trump should be “eliminated” during an interview on MSNBC.

His comments, made just moments after he criticized Trump’s “dangerous” rhetoric, were met with swift backlash from both Democrats and Republicans.

Goldman’s incendiary remarks, which he later walked back as a “poor choice of words,” highlight the glaring hypocrisy among the Radical Left.

Many Democrats are eager to embrace a more aggressive stance against Trump, but they are the same ones who condemn Trump for his rhetoric and call it hateful even when they say the same things.

Trump is consistently attacked by the Left no matter what he says, and they expect him to not be allowed to say the exact same things the Left says all the time.

The hypocrisy among liberals is shocking, and they are so dumb that they do not even see any problem and continue to do the exact same thing they want Trump punished for.

Goldman’s apology was half-hearted, insincere, and absolutely does not absolve him of his actions.

His use of the word “eliminated” was absurd and inappropriate, and it is no wonder that it sparked such outrage.

The congressman’s remarks are particularly troubling given his position as a former impeachment manager.

In that role, he was supposed to uphold the highest standards of conduct. Instead, he has shown that he is willing to abandon those standards in the pursuit of partisan political goals.

The Democratic Party must hold Goldman accountable for his actions. His behavior cannot be tolerated, and it must not be repeated.

Rep. Dan Goldman’s suggestion that former President Donald Trump should be “eliminated” was a shocking and irresponsible act.

Just recently, the Radical Left attacked Trump for using the word “vermin” when he was talking about saving America.

The Left quickly jumped on Trump and even took it so far as to compare him to Hitler and Mussolini which is outrageous and the hypocrisy is so glaring and ridiculous.

The Radical Left has tried to lock up Donald Trump for “inciting violence” when he clearly never did, but they expect to get away with calling for the “elimination” of a former president?

Calling for the “elimination” of a political opponent is surely inciting violence yet Goldman is going to walk away completely free.

If that isn’t the most ridiculous thing ever, I’m not sure what is.

The American people are desperate for a leader, and Trump has proven that he will lead America into prosperity and success.

Because of this, the Radical Left is terrified and is doing everything they can to “eliminate” Trump because if he takes office again, it will be the end of the Radical Left and their harmful agendas.

Trump made a sobering threat to the RNC that has RINOs shaking in fear


Donald Trump has been fighting for the Republican nomination again. Things are going well, but he has issues with the current way things are handled.

And now Trump made a sobering threat to the RNC that has RINOs shaking in fear.

Donald Trump has had problems with the way the RNC is approaching the election season this year, and now he has once again ignited controversy within the Republican Party.

He has called for an end to GOP primary debates and suggesting that the Republican National Committee (RNC) use the money saved to “STOP THE STEAL!” and defeat Democrats in the upcoming election.

Trump’s comments come in the wake of a Harvard/Harris poll released Monday, which found him leading the pack of potential Republican presidential candidates by a wide margin.

The poll showed Trump with 58% support, 32 points ahead of his closest rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and 6 points ahead of current President Joe Biden.

In a Truth Social post, Trump urged the RNC to “save money on lowest ever ratings debates” and instead pour those resources into efforts to “STOP THE STEAL!”

Trump has made it clear that he believes the RNC debates are a waste of time and money, and he continues to emphasize the need to unite to work together against the Radical Leftists in this nation.

Trump’s suggestion that the RNC revamp itself is not new. He has repeatedly criticized the organization, accusing it of being “weak” and ineffective.

In response to his latest criticism, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel has defended the organization’s record, pointing to the gains Republicans have made in recent elections.

However, Trump’s concerns about the RNC’s effectiveness echo those of many other Republicans.

Some party members believe that the RNC has failed to do enough to help Republicans win elections, and they are calling for changes to the organization’s leadership and strategy.

The battle for the White House in 2024 is as crucial as ever, and the RNC needs to unite behind the strongest candidate and unite the party against Democrats.

Many people agree with Trump and view these debates as a waste of time, and would much rather listen to someone like Trump answering questions regarding how he will help America.

The RNC needs to understand the importance of this election cycle and dedicate themselves to saving America.

Not everyone agrees with Trump, as some still view the debates as essential, however, the fact still remains that unless the Radical Left is defeated in 2024, the future of America is doomed.

The American people cannot survive another four years of this leadership that is killing the American dream, the American family, and even American lives.

It is time for America to wake up and vote out these corrupt frauds who are holding our great nation hostage.

The RNC needs to rally behind the American people too and use their funding and influence to save this country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics while we bring you the TRUTH that the Left refuses to.

Shocking memo shows White House stealing taxpayer dollars for woke agenda


The American people are feeling the effects of the current administration’s woke agenda. And things are just getting worse.

And now, a shocking memo has shown the White House stealing taxpayer money in order to push their woke agenda.

Sen. Ted Cruz is leading the charge against the Biden administration’s “woke initiatives” that are diverting billions of dollars in taxpayer funds away from crucial infrastructure projects.

In an internal memorandum circulated among Senate Commerce Committee Republicans, Cruz highlighted how the Department of Transportation (DOT) is making infrastructure grants contingent upon applicants embracing the administration’s extreme views on climate change and equity.

“Billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars meant for infrastructure projects are tied to woke initiatives that are more focused on dismantling America’s infrastructure in the name of ‘equity’ and ‘climate change’ than building roads, bridges, and highways to connect the country,” the memo states.

This blatant politicization of infrastructure funding is just one more example of the Biden administration’s obsession with “woke” ideology.

As a result, American taxpayers are footing the bill for these radical initiatives instead of seeing their hard-earned money put to good use improving our nation’s roads, bridges, and highways.

The DOT’s funding conditions, which cite President Biden’s executive order on advancing racial equity, mandate that grantees prioritize projects that promote “equity” and “climate change” goals.

Cruz has pledged to author legislation that would prohibit the DOT from tying federal funds to these left-wing priorities.

He has also introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to challenge the Biden administration’s “anti-highway agenda.”

“The DOT funding notice guarantees that applicants will not get construction funds unless they embrace the administration’s extreme views on climate and equity,” the memo states. “Taken together, these additions, which severely deviate from the criteria in law, will favor states seeking to expand mass transit and bike paths over states wanting to build roads.”

The Biden administration’s misguided policies are putting our nation’s infrastructure at risk. By prioritizing “woke” initiatives over actual infrastructure needs, the administration is ensuring that our roads, bridges, and highways will continue to deteriorate.

Americans deserve better than this. We need a government that is focused on fixing our crumbling infrastructure, not on pushing its radical agenda.

Sen. Cruz is standing up for taxpayers and fighting against the Biden administration’s “woke” initiatives.

The Biden administration’s decision to prioritize “woke” initiatives over actual infrastructure needs is a direct insult to American taxpayers.

It is clear that the administration is more interested in pushing its radical agenda than in actually improving our nation’s infrastructure.

This misguided approach to infrastructure funding will have a negative impact on millions of Americans.

Our roads, bridges, and highways are already in dire need of repair, and the Biden administration’s policies will only make the situation worse.

Sen. Cruz is right to challenge the Biden administration’s “woke” initiatives. We need a government that is focused on fixing our infrastructure, not on pushing its radical agenda.

The current administration is actively stealing from the American people and they need to be held accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Donald Trump went to the border and made this shocking declaration


Donald Trump has made it clear how he feels about the immigration problem that is destroying America. And even while the Left tries to shut him down, he has continued to fight for America.

And now Donald Trump went to the border and made this shocking declaration.

Former President Donald Trump doubled down on his unwavering commitment to border security during his recent visits to Fort Dodge, Iowa, and Edinburg, Texas, outlining a comprehensive plan to stem the tide of illegal immigration plaguing the United States.

In his fiery speech in Iowa, Trump vowed to dismantle the Biden administration’s “open-borders policies” on day one of his presidency.

He pledged to launch the “largest domestic deportation operation in American history” to address the millions of undocumented immigrants currently within the nation’s borders.

Trump further emphasized his intention to utilize the Alien Enemies Act, a measure dating back to World War I, to expedite the removal of suspected gang members and drug dealers.

He also declared his intention to sign an executive order on his first day in office that would redefine the interpretation of the 14th Amendment, effectively ending the concept of “birthright citizenship”.

The former president also reaffirmed his commitment to bolstering physical barriers along the southern border, emphasizing the need for a reinforced wall to deter illegal crossings.

He additionally advocated for the reinstatement of Title 42, the public health policy that allowed the US to refuse entry to asylum seekers during the pandemic.

In an effort to ensure that immigrants entering the country align with American values, Trump proposed implementing an “ideological screening” process.

This measure would aim to exclude individuals who harbor anti-American sentiments, including “Christian-hating communists and Marxists,” as well as those who pose a potential threat to national security.

Trump also called for the deportation of immigrants found to have “jihadist sympathies”.

He proposed deploying immigration agents to monitor “pro-jihadist demonstrations” to identify and track such individuals.

During his Texas visit, Trump received a resounding endorsement from Gov. Greg Abbott (R), who praised the former president’s dedication to both “securing the border” and restoring “law and order” to the country.

Trump’s comprehensive plan to address illegal immigration reflects his unwavering commitment to safeguarding national security and upholding American values.

His decisive approach stands in stark contrast to the current administration’s lax policies, which have led to a surge in illegal crossings and a deterioration of border security.

The implementation of Trump’s proposals would send a clear message that the United States is no longer a sanctuary for those who enter illegally or hold anti-American sentiments.

His dedication to enforcing immigration laws and protecting the nation’s borders is a clear reminder of the importance of securing our country.

Trump’s aggressive plan to combat illegal immigration offers a beacon of hope for those who yearn for a secure and law-abiding nation.

His commitment to enforcing existing laws, implementing effective border security measures, and upholding American values stands in stark contrast to the current administration’s ineffective approach.

If implemented, Trump’s proposals would significantly deter illegal immigration and protect the integrity of our nation’s borders.

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