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Marjorie Taylor Greene just eviscerated one Biden official with one simple move


Biden’s cabinet is filled with incompetent jokers. Now they’re being exposed for what they truly are.

And Marjorie Taylor Greene just eviscerated one Biden official with one simple move.

Two days after her failed impeachment attempt against Alejandro Mayorkas, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene informed the Homeland Security secretary that he is still in jeopardy and will face another vote shortly.

During a Homeland Security Committee hearing on Tuesday, the Georgia Republican confronted the secretary with a photo of two of her constituents who were slain at the border by a juvenile migrant smuggler who smashed his truck head-on into theirs.

“I want you to look at these innocent Americans. “Do you see them?” she inquired.

“I do, congresswoman,” he replied.

“They are dead,” she said.

She then urged him not to use Monday’s impeachment test vote, in which the House voted 209-201 to refer her impeachment to committee rather than hearing it immediately, as a reprieve.

“I want you to know you have a short time coming,” she said. “You can honorably resign or we are going to impeach you and it’s happening very, very soon.”

Eight Republicans voted with Democrats on Monday to torpedo Ms. Greene’s impeachment attempt. He would have been the first sitting Cabinet official to be impeached in history.

Mr. Mayorkas is still being investigated by House committees for “dereliction of duty,” which could lead to another impeachment effort in the future.

Texas Republican Rep. Michael McCaul blamed Mr. Mayorkas for the border instability and rising death toll.

“I would argue you’ve been aiding and abetting the deaths in a criminal enterprise that has occurred in this nation,” said Mr. McCaul, a former federal prosecutor.

Mr. McCaul was out of limits, according to New York Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman. For one thing, he argued, there has to be intent behind assisting and abetting, which Mr. Mayorkas did not have.

“Whether you disagree or not with Secretary Mayorkas‘ approach of dealing with the border, to accuse him of aiding and abetting a crime is very serious and I think unwarranted in this situation,” Mr. Goldman said.

Mr. McCaul stated that he lives near the border and has never seen it this terrible. He accused Mr. Mayorkas of “dereliction of duty.”

“The change of policy has created this problem,” Mr. McCaul said. “He knows better.”

Mr. Mayorkas and Republicans have been at odds since his appointment, not only over the border crisis, but also over their inability to get answers to their queries.

A lawmaker questioned him Wednesday if he agreed with New York Mayor Eric Adams that the influx of people will “destroy” the city.

“I’m going to answer your question that we do not underestimate the challenge at the southern border,” Mr. Mayorkas replied.

“With all due respect, it’s a yes-or-no question,” Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, New York Republican, said.

“I’ve answered that question,” Mr. Mayorkas countered.

Mr. D’Esposito next asked Mr. Mayorkas if he agreed with Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, who labeled the flow of migrants “untenable.”

“Congressman, we work very closely with the cities to …” Mr. Mayorkas responded briefly before being stopped off by Mr. D’Esposito, who stated once more that it was a yes-or-no question.

“These are not trick questions,” the congressman said.

Later, a Democrat gave Mr. Mayorkas the opportunity to respond more fully to Mr. D’Esposito.

The secretary said: “We do not minimize the significance of the challenge of the southern border. We also understand the challenge at the southern border, and the fact that it is reflective of a challenge that is gripping our entire hemisphere and, in fact, the world.”

Some Republicans have claimed they have given up on interrogating the secretary.

“I’m done with you,” Rep. Clay Higgins, Louisiana Republican, said. “My articles [of impeachment] have been filed and my time with you is done.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden administration official has been caught in a terrorist spy ring


Joe Biden’s administration is full of unqualified and severely underqualified staff. However, nobody was expecting things to be as bad as this.

And now a Biden administration official has been caught in a terrorist spy ring.

A new report sent to the president this week has accused a Pentagon aide of being a part of a “covert campaign” that is attempting to undermine the US.

The aide, Ariane Tabatabai, was born in Iran and has already been ousted before, yet Biden has refused to take any action, but now he will have no choice.

A report released in the fall exposed her for being part of an Iranian spy ring that had infiltrated “some of the most sensitive positions in the U.S. government” yet Tabatabai has kept her security clearance.

The spy ring operation began in 2014 when Iran created the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI) which was a propaganda operation that attempted to recruit “top talent from Iranians living abroad to help Iran obtain a favorable nuclear deal,” according to the Daily Wire.

The group reported to a terrorist group and the Foreign Minister of Iran at the time, Javad Zarif.

University of Baltimore professor Ivan Sascha Sheehan released a report that claimed Tabatabai as well as other members of IEI had engaged in a “covert campaign” to “smear the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), one of the top opposition groups to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s regime.”

The report said, “By seeking to neutralize favorable impressions of the organization among Washington’s foreign policy elite, Tehran sought to take down an entity capable of aiding Western attempts to curtail the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program, malign regional agenda, human rights abuses, and fundamentalist inclinations.”

The report was endorsed by former vice president national security advisor Lincoln Bloomfield as well as Spanish political leader Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca was shot in the face last week in Madrid in what many officials believe was an attack that could be linked to Iran.

Even British officials have chimed in on the matter and warned that the number of assassination attempts in the West by Iran operatives has seen a “real acceleration.”

The report adds, “By brazenly targeting the highly effective dissident organization, the operatives hoped to leave US officials with the false impression that there is no viable alternative to the ayatollahs — and certainly not one with a pro-democracy record that remains committed to toppling clerical rule.”

Officials say the report was sent to Biden earlier this week and that lawmakers are expected to be briefed this week.

Sheehan also stated that the IEI operative had written different “op-eds” with the intention of “smearing” Iran’s Western opponents in order to “discourage a shift in the U.S. government toward a realistic regime change policy in Iran.”

He added, “These viewpoints included beliefs such as, ‘According to Khamenei’s fatwa, Nuclear bomb is not Halal in Shiite belief and therefore will not be developed by the theocratic regime’ and ‘the regime has no viable alternative and MEK is disliked in Iran, and therefore this regime has to and will stay despite any discontent.”

The terrorist spy Tabatabai previously worked for Robert Malley who was Biden’s special envoy to Iran.

However, Malley has been suspended and is under criminal investigation by the FBI and Tabatabai was moved to the Department of Defense.

It is terrifying to think that Biden has allowed terrorist spies to go unchecked in the top level of our government.

Many believe that his knowledge and refusal to do anything should be classified as treason and would effectively remove Biden from office.

The American people demand the truth and we demand our administration and elected officials be held accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Illegal Democrat plan foiled in devastating loss


Democrats do not care about the legality of things, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their radical agenda. However, this time it seems they won’t get their way.

Because an Illegal Democrat plan has been foiled in devastating loss.

Democrats have been doing everything they can to stop Trump from returning to the White House, and some of the things they are doing can be directly classified as election interference.

One such issue that Democrats have been pushing is their attempt to stop Trump from appearing on the ballot for the 2024 election.

However, on Tuesday, a Michigan judge stopped the illegal attempts by state Democrats to prevent Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot.

The judge outlined that the Secretary of State does not have the authority to interfere in primary elections.

The judge stated that the ultimate decision will lie with the respective political party and will also require the consent of the candidate.

The decision comes after Michigan Democrats alleged that Trump’s actions during January 6th at the Capitol made him ineligible for office according to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

Some people have noted how strange it is that Democrats are suddenly so concerned with the Constitution when they never have been before (and quite frankly never even seemed to have read it).

A lawyer for the group said, “While our appeal is pending, the trial court’s decision isn’t binding on any other court, and we continue our current and planned legal actions in other states to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment against Donald Trump.”

Trump has called out these efforts as “nonsense” and has labeled them as “election interference” which many people agree with.

The Radical Left is so concerned about having fair Democratic elections, yet they seem to be doing absolutely everything they can to interfere with the 2024 election.

None of these efforts to remove Trump from ballots in 2024 have been successful and people are realizing that they are nothing but election interference attempts.

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung has said, “Each and every one of these ridiculous cases have LOST because they are all un-Constitutional left-wing fantasies orchestrated by monied allies of the Biden campaign seeking to turn the election over to the courts and deny the American people the right to choose their next president.”

One of the things Donald Trump himself is being prosecuted by the Radical Left for is “election interference,” but it seems clear that the real culprits of election interference are the ones trying to keep their political rivals off of election ballots.

The American people have woken up to the tyranny of the Left, and we have had enough.

Donald Trump has been fighting back against the Radical Left for years now, and they have resorted to now weaponizing the justice system against him.

What is next? Jailing people who vote for Trump? Prosecuting anyone who posts something on social media? Where does the Radical Left draw the line or do they even have one?

The American people realize that the Left does not care about Democracy, fair elections, or the American people, and it is time to take the power back.

We must fight back against this injustice and oppose the harmful ideologies and agendas of the Radical Left.

We must vote for leaders who will care about the American people and uphold Democracy in America which Joe Biden and Democrats will not.

Stay tuned to Prudent politics while we bring you the TRUTH that the Left will not.

Biden hands China major military win that weakens the US completely


Biden’s foreign policies have been atrocious and he has managed to weaken the US and our military every step he can get. But now this deal with China could be the worst of them all.

And Biden has handed China a major military win that will completely weaken the US.

President Biden is poised to sign a deal with China that will severely limit the use of Artificial Intelligence in nuclear weapons.

Biden will meet with the Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco.

At this summit, both leaders are expected to sign an agreement that will limit the use of AI in military applications.

A report from Business Insider outlines the details of the agreement and says that the two leaders will agree to limiting AI in systems that control nuclear weapons as well as in systems such as autonomous drones.

The news of this deal has broken during a very tumultuous time in the relationship between China and America, and many people are warning that this agreement is a major win for China.

Experts agree that the use of AI in weaponry needs to be limited for moral and ethical reasons, but they also have concerns about the details of the agreement.

The founder of the Center for Advanced Preparedness and Threat Response Simulation, Phil Siegel, admitted that the agreement was “necessary.”

He said, “I predict they will make a deal on AI-driven autonomous weapons on the battlefield should only be for reconnaissance and not fighting; otherwise, the world will become a very dangerous place. I think there is more to come, and it is necessary to keep us from devolving to continual war.”

However, other experts have highlighted that this will ensure the US gives up its strategic advantage over China that it currently has which will be a major win for China.

Christopher Alexander, the chief analytics officer of Pioneer Development Group, told Fox News that he thought this was “an incredibly poor decision.”

He continued, “To begin with, China lags behind the U.S. in AI capabilities; so the Biden administration just ceded a strategic advantage. Additionally, AI helps reduce stress to improve decision-making, which is crucial in preventing a poor decision to release nuclear weapons.”

Others have wondered if China would actually honor such an agreement and have pointed to them refusing to adhere to other agreements in the past such as the Paris Climate Agreement.

One editor stated, “It is foolish to believe China will honor any agreement limiting the use of AI in nuclear weapons. Look at the Paris Climate Agreement: despite agreeing to reduce carbon emissions, China continued to be one of the world’s worst polluters. It similarly has no regard for human rights or intellectual property.”

He highlighted that “Chinese leadership has no regard for agreements that could slow down its quest for destabilizing the world order and displacing the U.S. as hegemon. The U.S. should continue developing AI systems that ensure national security and advance our interests — our enemies will surely do the same.”

With many experts weighing in and warning against the agreement, Biden has continued moving in that direction even when it is not the best move for the US.

Joe Biden has once again highlighted that he does not care about the US and cares only about pushing his radical agenda even if it means weakening America.

The American people understand that Joe Biden does not care about this country, and we need to take the power back and vote out his entire corrupt administration.

America needs a strong leader who will seek to strengthen America instead of constantly weakening our military and giving our adversaries major wins.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

Biden’s latest health scare has Democrat voters worried about the future


Joe Biden is in poor health and everyone knows it. Even though the Radical Left tries to cover up the truth, all of America and the world know what’s really going on.

And now, Biden’s latest health scare has Democrat voters worried about the future.

During a speech on Tuesday regarding Biden’s plans on addressing climate change, Joe Biden suffered a severe coughing fit that left him unable to speak for around ten seconds.

The incident has left many voters, especially Democrats, worried about the future for Joe Biden and how his continuous health problems could affect his run for president.

The incident went something like this, “The CHIPS and Science Act I signed last year … excuse me…I signed last year, excuse me … I signed last year positions us to lead in semiconductor manufacturing and innovation, which is critical to clean energy development and deployment.”

While many people cannot tell the difference between this and how Biden normally speaks, it is clear that his health is continually and rapidly declining.

Conservative figures have been warning of this since before Biden even took office, but over the past three years, Biden’s health has gone downhill and he seems as mentally and physically unfit as ever.

The question has been raised many times by Conservatives and now even liberals find themselves asking, “Is Joe Biden fit to serve as President?”

The answer is obviously “no” but unfortunately, many Democrat voters would rather have a Dementia-ridden incompetent President who destroys our economy, than a strong leader who is sometimes “mean” on Twitter.

A new Wall Street Journal poll has found that even two-thirds of Democrat voters believe Joe Biden is too old to be President.

Rasmussen Reports state that 72% of voters believe that Joe Biden’s age will be a “serious problem” concerning his chances at re-election.

Recently Biden has had an increase in tripping, falling, losing his train of thought, rambling, making no incoherent sentences, and now recent coughing fits and other issues.

One Democrat strategist, David Axelrod, who is a former advisor to Barack Obama stated that Biden’s “age issue” is hanging over him, and he begged Biden to reconsider if becoming the Democratic nominee is “wise.”

Axelrod said, “The status quo, the way they were approaching the campaign, this sort of ‘What me, worry?’ attitude about the campaign was not going to get him to where he needs to go.”

He also asked Biden to “get out or get going” regarding his campaign efforts.

Democrat voters and leaders alike have started to realize that Joe Biden’s health is extremely poor and that he is not the best option for the Democratic nomination.

The American people understand that the position of President of the United States is an extremely important one that requires mental fitness which Joe Biden does not have.

The president of the strongest country in the world should not be an incompetent and bumbling fool who cannot stand up or form proper sentences.

Democrats are worried because they know Donald Trump is leading strongly in the polls, and they are becoming more and more convinced that Biden is not the best option for them.

The American people need to wake up and vote for a strong leader who will be able to take care of the country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Democrats turn on Biden after he made one shocking statement


It is no secret that Biden is deeply unpopular among Conservatives. But now, it appears his own supporters are changing their minds.

And now Democrats are turning on Biden after he made one shocking statement.

Joe Biden is one of the most incompetent leaders our nation has ever seen, and he is so out of touch with reality that many people wonder how he ever got elected.

Democrats have remained behind Biden throughout this entire process, and many of his close supporters have seen his descent into madness and the decline of his brain firsthand.

Yet, through it all, Democrats and Radical Liberals seem to think that Joe Biden is the savior of the world.

But now, people are finally realizing what he truly is and they are turning on him because they have finally had enough.

Joe Biden proved how absolutely out of touch with reality he truly is when he made these statements about the economy.

Biden took to X to say, “I don’t look at the economy through the eyes of Wall Street and Park Avenue. I look at it through the eyes of the people I grew up with in Scranton, Pennsylvania or Claymont, Delaware.”

Democrats have been begging Biden to stay away from his “Bidenomics” talking point because the entire world knows the truth about the US economy right and who exactly is to blame.

Many users took to X to express their outrage at Joe Biden’s comments about the economy and ask him what he even meant when he said he viewed the economy through the eyes of Scranton.

“And what did the fine folks in Scranton tell you? Are they more bullish on the economy than Wall Street or less? Seriously what are we saying here? What does this mean?” said one user.

One podcaster expressed, “He looks at the economy through the eyes of a Socialist with dementia.”

A former congressional candidate wrote, “Well then you should go ahead and admit your economy sucks. Because the average American, my fellow non-elite American, is struggling under your failed policies. Your record number of EOs you bragged about signing caused this.”

The outrage continued with people on both sides of the political aisle expressing their frustration and outrage with Biden and his failed economy.

A recent survey has shown that 62% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy and only 37% approve.

Other polls show that Donald Trump has a 23-24 point lead over Biden among voters on the topic of inflation and the handling of the economy.

Democrats have turned on Biden, especially regarding his handling of the economy, but he is so unable to see the reality that he continues to push issues he is losing in the polls.

Democrat leaders have said “Your economy sucks” and others have demanded that the current administration address the problems the American people are facing.

But instead, Biden continues to show his hatred for America and her people and continues pushing his radical agendas that harm us all.

The American people know the truth and we know that Democrat leadership is not the answer.

It is time for us to take the power back and vote for leaders who will restore America to its former glory.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

The GOP presidential race was just thrown into chaos for one surprising reason


The GOP presidential primaries are nine weeks away from their first votes. But, these new developments could lead to an interesting change.

And now, the GOP presidential race was just thrown into chaos for one surprising reason.

The field continues to narrow for the GOP presidential candidates pursuing the nomination, but the overall story remains largely unchanged.

Donald Trump is the dominant frontrunner among GOP candidates, and he is also projected to win in a hypothetical matchup between him and Biden.

Senator Tim Scott is the most recent dropout in the race for the nomination, and leaving could change things up for the remaining candidates.

Fox News reports that “Trump retains dominating double-digit leads over his nomination rivals in the latest surveys in the early voting states, and holds even larger massive advantages in national polls.”

The question remaining is, who will be the second candidate that might challenge Trump for the GOP nomination?

A veteran Republican consultant Dave Carney answers the question ‘what has changed’ and says, “Nothing’s changed. Trump’s still ahead. And right now he’s on the trajectory to win.”

He continued, “It’s not like Scott getting out of the race is going to reshuffle the deck completely. His support isn’t going to change the dynamics that much.”

However, he did say that this will be positive news for Nikki Haley and said, “There’s no way to spin this other than its good news for Nikki Haley. We’ll see if she can take advantage of that.”

Another Republican strategist, David Kochel, has said that the changes and narrowing of the field “is a good thing for the two people who still have a shot at becoming the Trump alternative.”

He claims that “Trump is already in the finals” but that these movements might change things for Haley and DeSantis if they can capitalize on these developments.

Kochel emphasized that Haley and DeSantis are “trying to construct some plausible path to get a one-on-one shot with Trump that everybody agrees is essential to any notion that he can be derailed from getting the nomination.”

DeSantis is the more recognizable, and many people assume he will take second place, however, Haley has seen a rise in support recently and even is tied with DeSantis in polls in Iowa and leads him in New Hampshire.

Haley has had a dominant performance in the GOP debates and many experts believe that is a major reason why she has seen a rise in the polls.

Haley’s campaign has announced that they will reserve $10 million for radio, tv, and digital ads in Iowa and New Hampshire to prepare for the primaries.

Nikkie Haley has said, “We have plenty of money that we’re going to be on TV with. We’re going to be strong in New Hampshire. We’re going to be strong in South Carolina because we spent our money well. We’ve got great ground games in every one of those states. And we’re going to keep surging.”

Kochel declared, “I think Iowa’s going to be more determinative than ever as to who’s going to have momentum going into New Hampshire and South Carolina.”

He also predicted a “fierce” contest between Haley and DeSantis in the coming weeks ahead of the primaries.

Regardless, at this point, Donald Trump still has a commanding lead in the polls, and most people are projecting him to receive the nomination and go on to win the election.

The American people are watching these developments closely because we have all had enough of Joe Biden’s failed policies, and we are eager to elect a leader who will put the needs of America first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Gavin Newsom bent the knee to this foreign enemy and now all hell is breaking loose


California is a dumpster fire. And it’s only getting worse with every passing day.

But now Gavin Newsom bent the knee to this foreign enemy and now all hell is breaking loose.

Citizens of cities like Denver, LA, Portland, San Francisco, etc (quite frankly the list could go on) have been begging their elected officials for help to clean up the streets and make their once amazing cities beautiful and safe again.

However, these Radical leaders just want to destroy their cities to achieve their radical agendas and plans.

But now, some Democrat leaders have decided to clean up their city but the reason why is absurd.

The city of San Francisco has been in complete disarray for years now, and the Democrat leadership in the city has allowed the city to fall into complete ruin.

But recently, the leaders of the city decided to remove homeless camps and clean up the city’s disgusting streets.

Why now? Well, Instead of listening to the complaints of their residents or deciding to make life better for the people of San Francisco, it has taken a dictator to clean the streets.

After Gavin Newsom’s recent visit to China, the Chinese “leader” Xi Jinping is paying a visit to San Francisco for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.

What makes matters worse is that Gavin Newsom admitted that the only reason Democrat leaders cleaned up the city was because of the “fancy leaders coming into town.”

This recent cleanup has proven that the leaders of San Franciso have had the funding and the means to be able to clean up the city, but they have simply refused to.

Democrat voters have watched the once beautiful city of San Francisco be absolutely and completely disregarded by their elected officials, yet Democrat leaders continue to be voted into power.

Residents of San Francisco have stood by and watched as failed policy after failed policy is touted as some sort of great success for the city.

But we know the truth; the American people know that the Democrat leadership hates America, and they have the American citizens.

When the governor of a state admits that he has neglected his people and admits that he will continue to do so, that person is not fit to lead.

Governor Newsom has led the city of California even further into the depths, and he will continue to do so as long as he holds public office.

The American people need to realize that we have the power to change the outcome, and we can vote for leaders who will prioritize their people instead of foreign dictators.

As long as Radical Liberal leaders are voted into office, America will continue to suffer.

It is time for the American people to stand up against the oppressive regime of the Radical Left and take back the country into our own hands.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news and updates.

Joe Biden’s immigration crisis just came back to bite Democrats in this major way


Liberal leadership is destroying America, and things have gotten so bad that people don’t know where to turn. It’s all part of their agenda for this country.

But now Joe Biden’s immigration crisis just came back to bite Democrats in this major way.

The situation at the United States’ southern border is out of hand under Democratic leadership, and hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have been flooding into the country.

Many of these immigrants have been going to liberal cities that have previously stated they are open to this.

One of these cities that has been overrun with immigrants is Chicago.

However, illegal immigrants who moved into Chicago are now turning around and leaving to go back to their country of origin because of the state of the city.

The Daily Mail reports that over 20,700 immigrants have settled in the city of Chicago since Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent them there because of their “sanctuary city” policies.

However, now that these immigrants are feeling the weight of the terrible liberal policies in cities like Chicago, many of them have had enough already and are returning home.

Not even the immigrants can tolerate the Radical Left’s madness that is destroying our country.

One immigrant said, “The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore. There’s nothing here for us. How many more months of living in the streets will it take? No, no more. It’s better that I leave. At least I have my mother back home.”

He added, “We just want to be home. If we’re going to be sleeping in the streets here, we’d rather be sleeping in the streets over there.”

Recent reports claim that in one station alone, over forty people have left Chicago to either return home or move to a different city.

Residents of Chicago have also had enough and are demanding that the city do something about the immigration problem with some even demanding that migrants be sent “back to Venezuela.”

Residents have expressed their outrage over the city’s proposed $51 million in aid to illegal immigrants and have noted that residents of Chicago have had their lives ruined because of the liberal policies.

Other liberal cities are facing similar problems with residents righting back against Radical Liberal leadership and immigrants noting the misery and ruin of the city.

These instances are just a few examples of how liberal leadership destroys lives, homes, and cities, and it outlines the Radical Left’s plan to destroy America.

Joe Biden and his entire administration have made it clear that they do not care about their people, and they only care about pushing their harmful agendas.

You know things are bad when immigrants who have fled their home countries are begging to go back home because the leadership of cities like Chicago has ruined their lives.

America, and quite frankly the world, needs strong leaders in the White House, and it is past time for the American people to take the power back.

We need to vote out these corrupt officials and vote in leaders who will put the needs of our nation first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the truth in the news that the Left refuses to.

Trump just made one statement that has left Democrats infuriated


Trump does not hold back when addressing supporters. This time things were different.

And Trump just made one statement that has left Democrats infuriated.

Donald Trump is not known for his unifying rhetoric since his America-first beliefs typically go directly against the Radical Left.

However, during a recent rally in New Hampshire on Veterans Day, Trump urged the American people to unify… even Democrats.

Trump declared that the left was involving the United States in countless wars that they had no business being in, and he highlighted how he would fix that.

He said, “Whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, or Independent, and if you don’t want your sons and daughters drafted to fight and die in distant foreign lands that many of you have never even heard of… then you have to vote for a gentleman named Donald J. Trump.”

He warned that these global wars that Biden has involved the United States in are “needless” and they “never end.”

He stated, “They go for years. 21, 22 years in Afghanistan think of it, 21 years, too bad it carried out that long. We were coming out of Afghanistan. You know I’m the one who got it down to 2,500 troops.”

He reminded the people that he had withheld the United States from any new wars and that he had strengthened the military.

“I fully rebuilt the US military, I created Space Force, and I was the first President in decades who didn’t start a war. Instead, I got us out of the endless wars and brought our troops back home.”

Trump also claimed that the Abraham Accords had “brought peace to the Middle East” and then highlighted how Joe Biden had failed to add a single new country to the accord.

He called the current administration “incompetent” and said, “Look, Biden is the most corrupt and most incompetent president in the history of our country.”

Under Joe Biden, the US has sent hundreds of billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine and has promised to give Israel “everything they need.”

Trump managed to keep the US out of wars and was able to simultaneously strengthen the military and provide benefits to veterans.

The American people need a strong leader who will keep us from having to send our children away to fight in foreign wars.

Instead, we are stuck with a corrupt mentally unfit president who seems bent on sending people to die in wars overseas.

It is time for the American people to take the power back and vote out the corrupt administration that is sending America into a downward spiral.

Trump’s message of unification is terrifying to the Radical Left because they know it will mean the end of their oppressive regime.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

Top Republican makes terrifying warning regarding Chinese military


The United State’s relationship with China has been shaky at best in recent years. But now things have reached a boiling point.

And a top Republican has made a terrifying warning regarding the Chinese military.

The US House China Select Committee Chairman Mike Gallagher has requested immediate aid regarding strengthening a US territory that could be subject to Chinese attack.

Gallagher has requested information from the US Army on what efforts it is taking in order to protect an “essential” US territory that remains “highly vulnerable” because of extreme Chinese aggression.

Gallagher wrote a letter to Army Secretary Christine Wormuth regarding information on the protection of Guam which is the United States’ westernmost point.

Guam hosts our only Navy submarine base in the western Pacific as well as a large Air Force base that is a key staging point for bombers and fighters.

In his letter, Gallagher said, “With over 20,000 U.S. troops stationed on the island, Guam will play an essential role in the defense of American allies and interests in the region.”

Gallagher continued, “But despite its strategic importance, Guam remains highly vulnerable to an increasingly sophisticated network of missiles from the People’s Republic of China, especially its cruise missiles.”

Guam is much closer to China than even Hawaii and Gallagher has warned that China has spent “decades developing both short and intermediate-range ballistic missiles that can target Guam and U.S. airfields in Japan, as well as U.S. aircraft carriers and warships operating in the western Pacific.”

Gallagher has also warned that China has been developing “highly capable cruise missiles that can be launched from multiple platforms, including from ships, submarines and bombers.”

These warnings are terrifying reminders that our relationship with China is not as good as it may seem.

Gallagher noted that the US has been developing significant defense systems, but he warned that there is not enough protection for Guam.

He said, “While the United States has developed sea and land-based ballistic missile defense capabilities and sufficient sea-based cruise missile defense capabilities, it has significant gaps in capabilities to defend against PRC cruise missiles attacking land-based targets such as Guam.”

Joe Biden and the current leadership have done nothing to improve relationships with China, and Biden has even allowed blatant spying to take place without any repercussions.

Joe Biden has consistently put the United States at risk with his policies and his foreign relationship with China.

Gallagher also pointed out that the United States has sent hundreds of billions to Ukraine including defense systems, yet Biden refuses to help his own country and territoires.

“The United States has sent to Ukraine multiple National Advanced Surface to Air Missile Systems, which, according to the Pentagon ‘have been extremely successful,’” Gallagher wrote.

He added that “unfortunately, the Army has not provided a similarly effective system to Guam.”

Joe Biden’s failed foreign affairs have left the United States open to attacks from countries that Biden is treating like friends.

The American people and especially the people of Guam are worried about their safety from attacks by the Chinese military, and Biden still sits and does nothing.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Major Republican candidate drops out of race and makes a strange endorsement


The race for President is getting more and more intense, and the field is quickly thinning. With each new dropout, the battle gets more interesting.

And now a major Republican candidate has dropped out of the race and made a strange endorsement.

Republican Senator Tim Scott has recently announced that he will be dropping out of the 2024 presidential race.

Scott made the announcement on a Fox News show of former Representative Trey Gowdy where he informed the American people of his decision and the reasoning behind it.

Scott said “When I go back to Iowa, it will not be as a presidential candidate. I am suspending my campaign.”

He emphasized that his run has been an overwhelmingly positive one, but that he felt as if the American people and the voters had made their desires clear.

He stated, “I think the voters, who are the most remarkable people on the planet, have been really clear that they’re telling me: not now.”

Scott also deviated from the norm and declined to make any endorsements of other candidates, instead expressing that he wanted voters to make their own informed decisions.

“I’m going to recommend that the voters study each candidate and their candidacies and frankly, their past and make a decision for the future of the country,” Scott said. “The best way for me to be helpful is to not weigh in on who they should endorse.”

Scott’s campaign centered much around race and debunking the Radical Left’s opinions and views on black and brown people.

Earlier this year, Vox described it like this: “Scott’s stance on race is a central part of a strategy that differentiates him from his fellow presidential hopefuls, one centered on an optimistic vision rather than on the country’s political and cultural divides.”

Scott himself has spoken out against the Radical Leftists in the world today and had some very strong words for their views on people of color.

He stated “that the only way for a young African American kid to be successful in this country is to be the exception and not the rule” is a “dangerous, offensive, disgusting message to send.”

According to NBC, Scott’s campaign and Super PAC “spent nearly $25 million on ads in Iowa and other early states promoting him as an optimistic conservative.”

Some people are surprised at Scott’s dropping out of the presidential race, but many people knew that it was only a matter of time before it happened.

During the most recent presidential debate, Scott took a surprising stance on foreign policy and essentially demanded that the Russian military be completely destroyed.

“Bottom line is, we have to first have the level of accountability that allows the American people to understand where the resources have gone, number one,” he said.

“Number two: after we have that responsibility taken care of and accountability, then we have an opportunity to look at the overall strategy that helps us degrade the Russian military while we use our resources,” he continued.

Many people believe that Scott’s unique and out-there stance on foreign policy was another factor in his decision to drop out because of a lack of support.

With the field of candidates narrowing, the top candidates are becoming more and more clear.

Donald Trump still remains the strong leader in the polls, and the American people are once again rallying behind him and his pro-America rhetoric that promises to crush the Radical Left’s attempts at destroying America.

The American people will have an important decision to make next year, and we must vote to remove the Radical Leftist puppets from power and make this amazing country great once again.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.