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The White House is scrambling to hide this incriminating report

The Biden administration is sinking quickly. They’re doing everything to bail the boat.

And the White House is scrambling to hide this incriminating report

Remember back a few months ago when reports were circulating non-stop that there was a crisis at the southern border.

Million upon millions were pouring in, and then one day, the story goes, everything was fixed.

The official border apprehension numbers even went down. So everything should be fine, right?

Well, let’s unpack those numbers a little.

According to a former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official, reported immigration data indicating that illegal immigration at the United States’ southern border fell to its lowest level in over two years in June are false.

During the month of June, Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 100,000 illegal aliens between ports of entry along the United States’ southern border, according to CBS News.

This is a significant decrease from the over 169,000 arrests recorded the previous month in May.

According to Lora Ries, director of The Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center, the decline is mostly due to permissive parole practices that encourage immigrants to stroll through ports of entry rather than between them.

The figure also excludes known and unknown smugglers who cross the border into the United States without being apprehended.

The reported numbers “are deceitful. The number of illegal and inadmissible aliens coming into the country is still just as high, but the administration is using a shell game and sending people through ports of entry instead of between ports of entry, and then declaring that an improvement on the border,” Ries, a former acting deputy chief of staff at DHS, told The Daily Wire.

“We know the numbers are about the same because when you look at nationwide CBP encounters, which includes numbers at the ports of entry, that number has steadily risen,” she said.

CBS News published preliminary figures that had not yet been formally available to the public. According to current DHS data, the number of immigrants processed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Field Operations, which handles migrant processing at ports of entry, has continuously increased under Biden’s tenure.

CBS News’ early Border Patrol figures do not include aliens who present at ports of entry and are processed through the Office of Field Operations.

The Biden administration has emphasized the use of stricter immigration standards as well as parole programs that allow tens of thousands of immigrants from specific nations in order to expedite entry into the United States.

According to Ries, the key drivers of the change in the Biden administration’s counting of illegal immigration are the multiple parole options.

Port parole programs have steadily accepted more immigrants, directing them to ports of entry rather than attempting to cross between them.

“They’ve been increasing the daily number of appointments CBP takes at the ports,” Ries said.

“They’re about to increase it again. And when you do the math of those programs and add those back to the numbers of people crossing between the courts, you’re still at around 200,000 encounters a month, and that’s the number that the administration simply doesn’t want out there.”

The Chinese government exposed Biden for this desperate act


Allegations have swirled that Joe and his son Hunter benefitted from the Chinese government. Now the Chinese Communist Party is going on the attack.

And The Chinese government exposed Biden for this desperate act.

We all know that Joe Biden is going to have an uphill battle when it comes to winning re-election in 2024.

His policies speak for themselves, and what they’re saying is that he is completely inept.

Under his presidency, illegal immigration has hit record highs, inflation eats away at Americans’ earnings, and the US is a joke on the world stage.

Nowhere is that more clear than over in Eastern Asia, where China runs free to do whatever they want.

Meanwhile, Biden lets them fly spy balloons over sensitive military installations in America.

But there may be a reason for Biden handling the Chinese government with kid gloves, and you’re not going to like it.

According to the Chinese state-run Global Times newspaper, American President Joe Biden is “desperately seeking talks with China on all fronts” to avoid an unforeseen issue between Washington and Beijing harming his reelection quest in 2024.

According to Chinese Communist Party-approved “expert” viewpoints quoted by the Global Times, Biden is afraid that Republicans would be able to make the case that they would manage America’s main geopolitical opponent more responsibly.

This anxiety is heightened by strong public dissatisfaction with Biden’s handling of an invading Chinese espionage balloon over the continental United States in early 2023.

Biden permitted the balloon, which China maintains was a civilian “meteorological” aircraft, to travel over crucial American military locations from Montana to the Atlantic Ocean before shooting it down.

According to a March study conducted by the Convention of States Project/Trafalgar Group, 63.4 percent of Americans thought Biden “mishandled” the balloon incident.

More than half (58.8 percent) thought Biden “should have taken quicker action to shoot down” the balloon.

Following disclosures of questionable business links between his family and Chinese officials, Biden confronts tremendous public distrust in China relations.

The Biden family has benefited $31 million from five commercial ventures in the country, according to Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer’s Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.

Petty politics and even Joe Biden’s personal corruption aside, no one should find this comforting.

If the Chinese are telling the truth, then Biden is trying to court their favor to win points for the presidency, rather than look out for Americans.

What’s worse, we aren’t privy to their conversations. And who knows what he’s promising to them if they just play the game to get him back into office.

Hunter Biden sent Donald Trump one letter no one was expecting


Trump and the Bidens have been at war for years. Now Hunter is changing everything.

And Hunter Biden sent Donald Trump one letter no one was expecting.

The 2024 election is coming up quickly, and it looks like Donald Trump is the frontrunner.

If it keeps going how it is, then Americans are in for a rematch between Trump and Biden.

And with liberal prosecutors targeting Trump, he has no other option than to point out the hypocrisy of charging him but not Joe or Hunter Biden.

It’s an almost daily occurrence that Trump points out the sad reality.

But Hunter Biden and his family are tired of being exposed, so they sent him one shocking letter.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer issued a cease-and-desist letter demanding that former President Donald Trump refrain from making comments that could endanger the First Family.

Abbe Lowell, who represents Biden, wrote to Trump’s lawyers on Thursday, warning against further “public statements about my client which are both defamatory and likely to incite Mr. Trump’s followers to take actions against Mr. Biden and which could lead to his or his family’s injury.”

“This is not a false alarm,” Lowell said, before listing examples of violence or threats against high-profile politicians and their family members, including the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband Paul at their home in San Francisco last year by a man who allegedly had a hit list that mentioned Biden and others.

According to the letter, authorities stated a man was recently caught near former President Barack Obama’s home with guns in his van after Trump claimed to have posted the address on social media.

“We are just one such social media message away from another incident, and you should make clear to Mr. Trump — if you have not done so already — that Mr. Trump’s words have caused harm in the past and threaten to do so again if he does not stop.”

According to The Daily Mail, Biden, President Joe Biden’s adult son, was photographed in Malibu around the time the letter was received.

The letter aims to limit Trump’s rhetorical attacks at a time when he is vying for re-election and is facing accusations in numerous probes.

But the younger Biden has also come under fire for a federal inquiry that resulted in a plea deal for tax and weapons violations that might keep him out of prison, an arrangement that must still be accepted by a judge.

Furthermore, the First Son has a history of drug misuse, prompting some to speculate that a small bag of cocaine discovered in the White House belonged to him. The Secret Service, on the other hand, finished its inquiry without naming a suspect.

Lowell, who noted that Hunter Biden has been sober for four years, shared instances in which he claimed Trump used “dangerous rhetoric” against his client, particularly on social media, alleging illegal business dealings, implying mishandling of classified documents, and insinuating drug use by the president and his son.

“You know, if Mr. Trump does not, that Mr. Biden has neither committed nor been accused of the charges that your client is claiming … and that the Biden family was not at the White House (let alone in the vestibule) in the period when the cocaine was found,” Lowell wrote.

Lowell closed his letter by reminding Trump’s lawyers that they do not “need to respond,” but added, “I hope you will speak with Mr. Trump privately and explain to him how his incitement can further hurt people and cause himself even more legal trouble.”

A US Admiral just made this disturbing announcement


The Biden admin has made some major mistakes in the past. But this one takes the cake.

And a US Admiral just made this disturbing announcement.

During a segment of an interview with ABC News that aired on Thursday’s episode of “Nightline,” HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Dr. Rachel Levine responded to a question about why people can’t wait until they’re 18 to undergo gender transition therapy by saying, “Adolescence is hard, and puberty is hard.” What if you’re going through the wrong puberty?”

That’s why people can’t wait till they’re 18 to undergo “gender-affirming” care.

Host Juju Chang asked, “What would you say to folks who think that they’re being reasonable by saying, why can’t children just wait until they’re 18?”

Levine answered, “Adolescence is hard, and puberty is hard. What if you’re going through the wrong puberty? What if you inside feel that you are female, but now you’re going through a male puberty?”

Chang went on to say, “The argument is, well, they’re too young to know.”

Levine responded, “I want to make it clear that for pre-pubertal children, there are no medical procedures done. The standard of care allows them to explore that with therapy.”

Levine also stated, “Well, gender-affirming care is medical care. Gender-affirming care is mental health care. Gender-affirming care is literally suicide prevention care.”

And “The treatment options for gender-affirming care for transgender youth really are evidence-based.”

Despite Levine’s push for radical social policies, most Americans disagree vehemently.

A majority of Americans oppose allowing gender-affirming care for minors and transgender women participating in women’s sports, a poll found.

A Washington Post-KFF poll found that 68 percent of adults oppose access to puberty-blocking medication for transgender children ages 10-14 and 58 percent oppose access to hormonal treatments for transgender kids ages 15 to 17.

More than 60 percent said transgender “women” and “girls” should not be allowed to compete with other women and girls in youth, high school, college and professional sports.

On top of that, most Americans are against allowing trans “female” student athletes to compete on women’s or girls’ sports teams.

Deep partisan divides exist.

Three in five (63%) oppose allowing transgender “female” student athletes to compete on women’s and girls’ sports teams.

Democrats are divided on the issue: a plurality (46%) support including trans “women” student athletes in female sports teams, while a similar number (41%) oppose it.

In contrast, the majority of both Republicans (88%) and independents (63%) oppose allowing transgender “women” student athletes from participating in female sports.

Joe Biden’s brain broke on camera and now all hell is breaking loose


President Biden has been known as the king of gaffes for years. He can hardly stop himself anymore.

And Joe Biden’s brain broke on camera and now all hell is breaking loose.

Joe Biden’s presidency is in absolute shambles. His poll numbers are in the toilet and even his own party is turning on him.

You would think with so much working against him that he would at least try to stick to the script.

But no, poor ol’ Joe is stammering away and tripping over his own feet yet again.

During a news conference finishing up his tour in Helsinki, Finland, President Joe Biden said Ireland was his home — and then stumbled as he boarded Air Force One to return to the United States.

Biden, who arrived in Helsinki shortly after the NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, delivered remarks alongside Finnish President Sauli Niinistö. Niinistö was perplexed as Biden tried to finish his planned speech.


“The ministry of cola’s the daughter of Ireland — daughter of Ireland, you can tell that’s a Freudian slip, I’m thinking of home — the daughter of Iceland,” Biden said as Niinistö watched.

“And I want to say, I think we’ve had a very productive summit.”

Biden then took questions from two pre-selected reporters in the room before leaving the news conference without answering any further questions.

Just hours later, when Biden prepared to leave Europe for the United States, he appeared to have some trouble walking the stairs to Air Force One, even using the shorter staircase.


The president appeared to stumble a little after the first few steps before righting himself and taking the remaining stairs at a somewhat faster speed.

Biden has apparently been utilizing the shorter stairs more frequently since his fall onstage at the Air Force Academy in Colorado, which White House Press Corps employees noted last month and inquired about with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Reporters wondered if the shorter steps, which former presidents frequently used when the weather was bad, were being used more frequently because of the amount of times Biden has tripped on the longer stairs or his recent fall in Colorado, but Jean-Pierre evaded.

“I don’t have any decision process to walk through,” she said.

“I’m sure there’s a protocol that’s used for Air Force One, I just don’t have one.”

The White House is in chaos after this plan to replace Biden was exposed


Joe Biden’s mental and physical decline has become a terrifying reality for Democrats. Now they’re looking for a change.

And the White House is in chaos after this plan to replace Biden was exposed

Joe Biden is the oldest serving president in the history of the United States.

If he is re-elected, he will be 86 by the end of his second-term.

It’s no wonder why big players in the Democrat Party are wanting to shake things up and get some fresh blood in the game.

And there isn’t a shortage of Democrats around the country who have been looking to throw their hat into the ring.

Despite Biden’s best efforts, many on the Left are going behind his back, and there’s nothing he can do about it.

Top Democrats are reportedly reaching out to rising Democratic stars to inform them that President Joe Biden will not run for re-election.

According to CNN, “top Democrats and donors” have reached out to “possible replacements” for Biden and discussed their involvement in the election as Biden struggles in the White House.

Numerous polls show Biden trailing the top two Republican Party presidential contenders, former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Those making calls to potential Democratic candidates are informing them that, despite what the 80-year-old Biden has said and despite launching his campaign, he will not run for president.

Biden’s campaign team fought back, stating that he was definitely running and was taking campaign preparations seriously.

California Governor Gavin Newsom is the Democrat who appears to have worked to increase their national profile in recent months while Biden fumbles, both literally and metaphorically.

Newsom, 55, has repeatedly criticized DeSantis, was recently featured in a Fox News special interview with host Sean Hannity, has spent millions left over from his 2022 gubernatorial campaign to boost fellow Democrats for 2024, and will visit red states to help boost Democratic turnout.

Those interviewed by CNN, who included multiple senior Democratic strategists, expressed alarm about Biden’s campaign’s poor pace.

According to well-known Democratic strategist Lis Smith, Democrats who still support Biden believe that voters will be inspired more by their loathing of Trump than by their love of Biden.

“A lot of enthusiasm will come for voting against Republicans,” she said.

Morning Consult exit polling, which the Trump campaign frequently uses, revealed that in the 2020 presidential election, 44% of those who voted Biden did so as a vote against Trump.

Only 22% of those who voted for Trump did so to oppose Biden.

Kevin McCarthy makes an endorsement announcement no one saw coming


House Speaker McCarthy has played his cards close to the chest on who he’ll endorse. But he just opened up for the first time.

And Kevin McCarthy made an endorsement announcement no one saw coming.

The race for the Republican candidacy for president is in full force right now.

But it’s still anyone’s guess who will be the victor at the end of the day.

And House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s endorsement could be the ticket any one of the candidates need to send them to the top.

On Thursday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters that he is “very high” on former President Donald Trump.

When asked if he has made an endorsement for the Republican presidential primary in 2024, he answered, “I haven’t made an endorsement yet.”

“But,” he added, “I’m very high on President Trump.”

“As you know, we worked very close together, and you know how strong America was under President Trump,” he explained.

McCarthy, on the other hand, expressed doubts about Trump being the best candidate for Republicans in 2024 during a television interview last month.

“The question is, is he the strongest to win the election? I don’t know that answer,” he said on CNBC’s Squawk Box.

That evening, he suddenly reversed his position, telling Breitbart News that Trump is “stronger today than he was in 2016.”

Going into the primary, the former president has received support from over 60 members of the House of Representatives.

According to Morning Consult, Trump has a 56% approval rating among possible Republican primary voters.

DeSantis, who has the support of five legislators, has 17% of the vote.

Despite Trump’s double-digit lead in the campaign, concerns have arisen as a result of the former president’s previous gaffes in Iowa, which holds the nation’s first caucuses.

Last week, Trump confirmed suspicions of a simmering rivalry with Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-IA), a notoriously popular Republican in the state, by challenging her decision to remain neutral throughout the campaigns in a social media post.

Following that, it was announced that he would be missing the Family Leadership Summit, an important event for social conservatives in Iowa.

Trump’s crew said his absence was due to a schedule difficulty. They offered to send Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) in Trump’s place, but the Family Leader declined, citing the organization’s policy of not accepting surrogates.

Some Republican strategists and state officials expect that his support will dwindle among Iowans as a result. The impact of his recent acts, on the other hand, remains to be seen.

Biden accused of committing this sickening act


Joe Biden and his administration are something else. There are no lines that they won’t cross.

And Biden was just accused of committing this sickening act.

The United States is at a very important crossroads right now.

Under Biden’s leadership, inflation hit record levels, the world has been plunged ever closer to the prospect of war, and illegal immigrants pour across the border more and more every day.

Needless to say, Joe Biden should be pulling double shifts trying to fix the issues this country faces.

But instead of doing that, he’s relaxing on the beach or on some other vacation for a good chunk of his time.

Being president is a 365-day-a-year job.

That, however, does not apply to President Joe Biden, who is 80 years old.

According to RNC Research, the president has spent roughly four out of every ten days of his presidency on vacation.

“A shirtless Joe Biden enjoys a relaxing day at the beach. Biden has spent 353 days — 39.2% of his presidency — on vacation,” the research office wrote.

The Bidens most recently visited their Rehobeth Beach estate, marking the president’s 74th trip to Delaware since entering office – his most frequent location as president, according to the RNC.

“Since taking office, Biden will have spent 63 of 128 weekends in Delaware and another 27 weekends at Camp David. Biden has spent just 25 weekends — 19.5% — in Washington, D.C.,” the committee concluded in its report, The Washington Times reported.

According to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, Biden went to the Delaware beaches despite “the worst jobs report of his presidency,” as many Americans are living payment to paycheck.

“Biden tries to downplay his failures, but Americans know Bidenomics is to blame for high prices and falling savings,” McDaniel added.

The Bidens are also frequent visitors to Camp David, the opulent presidential retreat in Maryland’s Catoctin Mountain Park.

Biden, who has only visited the US-Mexico border once and promptly demolished US President Donald Trump’s efforts to build a wall there, has spent $500,000 to construct a wall around his beach mansion, according to Breitbart News.

The president and first lady also left for the Virgin Islands as millions were affected by one of the greatest winter storms to hit the United States in years, which devastated Erie County, New York, killing 34 people.

However, the media treated the vacation very differently than when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) flew to Cancun following a winter storm that caused massive power outages in Texas.

The Daily Wire reported in December 2022 that political commentator Stephen L. Miller produced a list of various media outlets and how they handled the two stories:

Adam Schiff was just hit with a nasty surprise that left him reeling


Rep. Schiff is pariah among conservatives. His vendetta against Donald Trump has sent him entirely off the deep end.

Now Adam Schiff was hit with a nasty surprise that left him reeling.

Before Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, no one really knew anything about California Rep. Adam Schiff.

His biggest claim to fame came when he lied through his teeth about supposed collusion between Russian agents and Trump campaign.

He even went so far as to say there was “more than circumstantial evidence” of collusion between Trump and Russians:

Of course, all of that turned out to be a lie, and now Schiff is reaping the whirlwind for his blatant dishonesty.

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) appears to be gaining ground on Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) in the Democratic primary for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) seat.

Porter leads Schiff by 3 percentage points in a new survey from the Public Policy Institute of California.

When asked who they would vote for regardless of party, 19% of potential voters in California chose Porter, while 16% picked Schiff.

Notably, this lead falls within the poll’s margin of error of 3.8 percentage points.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), who is also running for the position, garnered 13% of the vote.

Schiff’s campaign revealed that he earned a record-breaking $8 million in the second quarter of 2023.

Last month, the California Democrat was censured by his House Republican colleagues, which he poured into voter funding appeals.

It eventually paid off, as he gathered 144,000 unique donors, resulting in 233,000 gifts from all 50 states and all 58 California counties.

Almost all of his contributions were under $200.

Porter, a prolific fundraiser, did not respond to the Washington Examiner’s request for second-quarter fundraising figures.

According to a May Politico story, Porter’s team expected nothing less from Schiff’s team and has instead been trying to persuade Democratic activists and interest groups that she can compete with him despite the discrepancy in donations.

Sure, Porter is a Democrat as well, but conservatives would be more than happy to see Adam Schiff go down in flames by any means necessary.

The Pentagon is on lockdown after one nation made this shocking threat


Joe Biden has made a complete mess of foreign policy. But this threatens to send us into outright war.

And the Pentagon is on lockdown after one nation made this shocking threat.

Joe Biden doesn’t have many laurels to rest on when it comes to leading this great nation on the world stage.

Early in his presidency, he oversaw the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that left over a dozen US servicemen dead and the Taliban back in control of the country.

Since then, Russia invaded its neighbor Ukraine, leaving tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands dead or wounded.

And that says nothing about the depletion of the US military’s ammunition stockpiles to supply the Ukrainian Armed Forces or China’s constant expansionism in the South China Sea.

Rather than point out the obvious catastrophe we’re witnessing, the media is too busy lobbing softballs at Biden.

Meanwhile, another one of America’s security risks, North Korea, just revealed they have a new weapon that can strike anywhere in the country.

North Korean state media revealed on Thursday that dictator Kim Jong-un had presided over the launch the day before of a new model of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), dubbed the “Hwasong-18,” designed to terrify the United States and South Korea into abandoning war actions.

“A series of stronger military offensive [sic] will be launched until the U.S. imperialists and the south [sic] Korean puppet traitors admit their shameful defeat,” the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Pyongyang’s flagship regime media outlet, vowed in its announcement of the Hwasong-18’s allegedly successful launch.

According to ballistics experts, the missile’s range looks to be capable of striking “the entire US mainland,” according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap on Thursday.

On Wednesday, South Korean, Japanese, and American military officials confirmed the launch of a missile that appeared to be an ICBM.

The missile traveled for about an hour before crashing into Japanese waters near the northernmost island of Hokkaido, according to the Japanese Defense Ministry.

The missile launch looked to be timed to disturb multiple meetings of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol at the NATO conference in Vilnius, Lithuania.

South Korea is not a member of NATO, nor is Japan, whose Prime Minister Kishida Fumio also attended the summit, but the country maintains a connection with the military alliance, which Yoon strengthened this week with a series of improved intelligence-sharing agreements.

America’s National Security Council (NSC) issued a statement on Thursday condemning the launch of the Hwasong-18.

“This launch is a brazen violation of multiple [United Nations] Security Council resolutions and needlessly raises tensions and risks destabilizing the security situation in the region,” NSC spokesman Adam Hodge said on Thursday, according to the Korea JoongAng Daily, a South Korean newspaper.

The NSC urged North Korea to “immediately cease its destabilizing actions and instead choose diplomatic engagement.”

That’s what we need…more strongly-worded statements.

Former ally hits Trump with this major wakeup call


Donald Trump is by far the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. But the winds may be changing on him.

And a former ally hit Trump with this major wakeup call.

With polls showing Donald Trump as the shoo-in for the nomination, he’s starting to act as if he doesn’t even need to try.

That’s why his campaign announced recently that he may very well not participate in the Republican debates.

But that hasn’t sat well with some Republican candidates.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has taken aim straight at Donald Trump, with the former president scheduled to miss a crucial forum in Iowa on Friday and threatening to skip the first debate next month.

“Nobody is entitled to this nomination,” DeSantis told conservative Boston radio host Howie Carr Wednesday. “You have got to earn the nomination and doing things like the Family Leader event in Iowa, doing things like these debates, they’re important parts of the process.”

Trump has been noncommittal about attending the first Republican debate, which will be sponsored by Fox News on Aug. 23 in Milwaukee.

Organizers of a big Des Moines cattle call, the Family Leadership Summit, disclosed earlier this week that the former president will not attend.

Instead, the 77-year-old will headline a Turning Point USA event near his Florida home.

“The American people deserve to hear from us directly about our vision for the country, and about how we’re going to be able to defeat Joe Biden,” DeSantis told Carr.

“We had the Biden-Trump [showdown] in 2020 and Biden’s president. The idea that he’s just entitled after that doesn’t make any sense.”

DeSantis increased his criticism of his erstwhile buddy, accusing Trump of running for president for the third time in a row with no new ideas.

“His campaign is basically doing two things: one, promising things like draining the swamp and building the wall that he promised in 2016 and didn’t deliver. And then two, these new ideas like building 20 cities and having school principals be elected by the parents — have the federal government do that. Those are not good ideas,” the governor said.

The Trump team hit back against DeSantis on Thursday, saying the 44-year-old is acting irrationally in the face of a significant polling deficit.

“DeSantis should focus on his own flailing campaign rife with internal conflict and subversion among his closest supporters, instead of throwing a temper tantrum because he is losing so badly,” Trump 2024 spokesperson Steven Cheung told The Post.

“Nobody wants to be associated with his dumpster fire of a campaign and this reeks of desperation because they know they are on life support. President Trump has traveled to Iowa more times than DeSantis has, and holds a commanding lead because voters know he is the only person who can beat Joe Biden and take the White House back.”

Trump has highlighted his massive advantage over the GOP field as rationale for skipping the debate. According to the most recent RealClearPolitics average, he leads DeSantis by 32.4 points.

“At the moment, President Trump has indicated that he’s unlikely to participate, at least in the first two debates. He’s up by 30, 40, and even new polling shows he’s up by almost 50% in certain places,” Jason Miller, a longtime Trump adviser, said in an interview with NewsNation Tuesday.

Some Republican analysts have suggested a kumbaya between the two GOP heavyweights, but DeSantis has ruled out being Trump’s running mate.

“I don’t think so,” DeSantis told “Wisconsin Right Now” radio during a recent interview. “I’m not a number two guy. I think I’m a leader.”

“[As] governor of Florida, I’ve been able to accomplish a lot,” he said. “I think I could probably do more staying there than being VP, which doesn’t really have any authority.”

Nancy Pelosi ruthlessly mocked for idiotic statement


Pelosi and Biden have been thick as thieves for years. But she’s not doing him any favors now.

And Nancy Pelosi ruthlessly mocked for idiotic statement.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) believes President Joe Biden will be re-elected in 2024, and she believes his age, 80, will be an advantage.

Pelosi stated during Axios’ State of the AIDS Fight virtual event on Wednesday that Biden will win because “he’s been around a while and that experience counts for a lot of knowledge and judgment about how to get things done.”

“He thinks in a strategic way about how to get things done and has been successful,” revealed the 83-year-old representative.

Biden’s age has been raised frequently and on both sides of the political spectrum in the run-up to the 2024 presidential race.

The thought of an 86-year-old president, as Biden would be by the end of a second term, is typically seen negatively.

According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, 49% of Americans feel that the optimum age for a president is in their 50s.

Notably, Biden and former President Donald Trump, who is 77 years old, are the two frontrunners for the 2024 election.

A separate poll conducted by JL Partners/DailyMail.com last month indicated that over half of respondents believed Biden was too old to be commander-in-chief.

This, however, does not appear to bother the president.

His age, he claims, “doesn’t register with me.”

“With regard to age, I can’t even say I guess how old I am, I can’t even say the number,” he joked.

“I respect them taking a hard look at it — I’d take a hard look at it, as well. I took a hard look at it before I decided to run, and I feel good. I feel excited about the prospects,” Biden explained.

Earlier this week, Biden declined to attend a dinner with his NATO counterparts in Vilnius, Lithuania, citing a hectic schedule.

“Biden is not attending tonight’s dinner with NATO leaders,” an official said Tuesday.

The president, according to the official, has “four full days of official business and is preparing for a big speech tomorrow, in addition to another day at the summit.”

The move sparked worry, especially given the president’s senior age.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.