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Trump just got sold out to the DOJ

Former President Trump knows a thing or two about betrayal. He’s had quite a few former “allies” sell him out to his enemies.

But this latest backstabbing is one that Donald Trump never saw coming.

According to reports, a former Trump campaign official who participated in Trump’s phony electors scam is now helping the Justice Department investigate potential efforts from Trump to overturn the 2020 election.

According to CNN’s sources, Mike Roman is assisting special counsel Jack Smith’s team by providing insight into what former president Donald Trump was thinking in the weeks following his 2020 election loss to President Joe Biden. Since Roman is not required to testify before the grand jury during these discussions, he is free to speak freely with investigators under the terms of a proffer agreement.

This arrangement could prevent investigators from using Roman’s testimony against him in the future, however it’s unclear what information they’re seeking from him. A former Trump campaign employee is under investigation for his role in a conspiracy to prevent the 2020 election in seven swing states from being certified.

In such discussions, Trump and some of his allies reportedly discussed submitting alternative elector slates who might be called on in the event the election was decertified, which has drawn the attention of investigators.

The assistance of Roman comes as the special counsel’s office intensifies up its probe into Trump’s intentions to avenge his 2020 loss to Biden and his behavior during the brawl on January 6. Smith is in charge of the DOJ’s investigation, and he has begun calling witnesses to shed light on Trump’s discussions of potential actions to overturn the election in meetings held in December 2020 and January 2021.

Local authorities in swing areas where Trump challenged election results have already received subpoenas from Smith demanding conversations with the former president in the weeks following the 2020 election.

Before Trump’s reelection loss this year, the special counsel’s team spoke with Trump’s former attorney Rudy Giuliani to gain insight into the president’s post-election mindset.

A grand jury has heard testimony from multiple witnesses in recent weeks, and the defense has been pressing to have even more of their clients interviewed.

Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and John Eastman are just a few of Trump’s previous legal team members who have been implicated. Former Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark, who allegedly attempted to use the DOJ to help Trump reverse the election, is also being investigated by the special counsel’s office.

The investigation’s stated goal is to learn what the former president instructed his lawyers and top aides to do in an effort to alter the outcome of the 2020 election. Two more avenues have been reported that might lead to further scrutiny of Trump.

The first is based on the same type of allegations that were brought against those detained after the Capitol was stormed, including seditious conspiracy and conspiracy to hinder a government proceeding.

Trump might be charged with fraud in relation to the fake electors conspiracy or his attempts to force the DOJ to reject the election results.

Ultimately, though, the onus is on the DOJ and the FBI to prove their claims that Trump tried to outright overturn the election in 2020, and simply pointing to Trump saying that the election was “unfair” does not prove that.

The conclusion of these investigations by the DOJ will prove instrumental for the future of America as well.

Donald Trump, if proven innocent, will have a legitimate claim to the idea that the radical Left and the Deep State has been targeting him unfairly to prevent him from being able to gain power in politics ever again.

The Democrats have to prove it because, if they don’t, then their political credibility will be lost and they will have only emboldened the conservative base with their ruthlessly unfair attacks on Donald Trump.

That could have a ripple effect beyond 2024 and into 2028 and future Republican leaders like Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem seek to take the torch from Donald Trump in the near future.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on the January 6, 2021 investigations that are ongoing.

The Pentagon makes a stunning national security announcement that changes everything


Americans have always thought they were safe in this country. But the reality is far different than anyone expected.

And the Pentagon made a stunning national security announcement that changes everything.

Remember earlier this year when the Chinese decided to fly a spy balloon over the entirety of the United States homeland.

From west coast to east coast Americans watched as the balloon was allowed to hover over critical military installations without so much as a jet scrambled by the Biden administration.

Then, after completing its entire mission, Biden finally allowed the spy craft to be destroyed over the Atlantic Ocean.

But now we’re learning that American technology may have helped the Chinese in their intelligence gathering mission.

According to the Wall Street Journal, which quoted authorities involved in the preliminary inquiry into the balloon’s origin and purpose, the American-made technology assisted China in capturing images, videos, and other information.

Debris from the balloon, which was shot down in early February, apparently revealed to investigators that the Chinese device contained commercially accessible US equipment, some of which was for sale online, as well as specialized Chinese sensors and other equipment.

The new material reinforces the view of many intelligence specialists that the balloon was designed for surveillance rather than meteorological measurements, as Beijing stated.

“The officials described the Chinese balloon, with its mix of off-the-shelf and specialized equipment, as an inventive attempt by Beijing at surveillance,” the Wall Street Journal wrote.

On January 28, the balloon entered US airspace over Alaska before crossing into Canadian airspace.

The balloon reentered US airspace over Montana on January 31, and the public spotted it on February 2. On February 4, it was shot down off the coast of South Carolina.

A report published around two months later revealed that the balloon was able to gather intelligence on US military bases while in flight.

While officials claimed at the time that the balloon could be controlled and delivered data to the Chinese government in real time, the investigation’s subsequent results revealed that the device did not appear to send any data back to China.

The spy balloon episode aggravated the already fragile ties between the United States and China.

Chinese officials thought the balloon’s downing was disproportionate, while many senators thought President Joe Biden’s failure to act sooner was disastrous for national security.

Just this week, the North American Aerospace Defense Command hurried to assuage residents’ fears of another Chinese spy balloon above US country when a high-altitude balloon was detected.

While the organization determined that the balloon was not Chinese, but rather a privately owned civilian balloon registered with the Federal Aviation Administration, the anxiety was noteworthy.

Many citizens and policymakers are concerned about the prospect of spying by America’s number one adversary.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat politician arrested for one disgusting reason


It’s been a bad week for Democrat lawmakers. One Democrat has already been thrown behind bars, and another is poised to join him.

And this Democrat politician was arrested for one disgusting reason.

A former New Hampshire state representative, the first openly “transgender” state member, was arrested last week for allegedly disseminating explicit pictures of children.

Stacie Marie Laughton, 39, was arrested on June 22 when police in Nashua, New Hampshire, raided his home.

“[The police] spoke with reporting parties that indicated Laughton distributed … explicit images of children,” said the local police department’s public information officer.

“Detectives from the special investigations division were assigned to further the investigation. They applied for and were granted a warrant for Laughton’s arrest.”

The Nashua Police Department Laughton, according to Sgt. John Cinelli, “was charged with four counts of disseminating” graphic pictures of children.

Laughton was arrested in connection with his former partner, Lindsay Groves, according to investigators. Groves worked at the Creative Minds Early Learning Center, a Massachusetts preschool.

Laughton has a track record of arrests and legal problems. The former Democratic lawmaker, born Barry Charles Laughton, Jr., resigned twice from the same office due to arrest controversies.

He was the first openly “transgender” person elected to the state legislature in 2012. In 2022, he was re-elected. Laughton quit both times after legal problems were revealed.

LGBTQ activists and media outlets applauded Laughton’s victory. Laughton sought to serve as an example to the “LGBT community.”

“I believe that at this point, the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community will hopefully be inspired,” Laughton said in 2012. “My hope is that now maybe we’ll see more people in the community running.”

“Maybe in the next election, we’ll have a senator.”

After the revelation of a previous credit card fraud case involving him, Laughton resigned shortly after the 2012 election.

Laughton’s criminality extended beyond credit card fraud. Laughton was sentenced to six months in prison in 2015 for falsely reporting a hospital bomb threat.

He was later arrested in July 2021 for providing false information to the police. He was re-elected to the state legislature in November 2022, but resigned in December following stalking charges.

“I’m alive, I’m safe, I’m well,” Laughton said in a Facebook video after announcing his withdrawal from politics in 2022. “I’m not suicidal, and just trying to get by every day with what I’ve been dealt.”

“I don’t know what the future holds but I do know this—there’s a lot of good opportunities out there for me to serve, and a lot of good opportunities for me to still stay connected with everyone and I plan to do that.”

Laughton is being kept in preventative detention and will be arraigned at a later date.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump stuns everyone with announcement of counter lawsuit


Former President Donald Trump is tired of the political games. He’s going on the offensive.

Because Trump just stunned everyone with the announcement of this counter lawsuit.

After a civil trial jury awarded E. Jean Carroll $5 million for defamation, former President Donald Trump filed a defamation lawsuit against her on Tuesday, claiming she fraudulently accused him of rape.

After an extraordinary jury found in May that Trump sexually mistreated and denigrated but did not rape Carroll, a former advice writer for Elle magazine, Trump filed a complaint against Carroll in federal court in Manhattan.

Trump is demanding an apology and unspecified monetary damages and penalties.

On Tuesday, Carroll’s attorneys did not immediately return messages seeking comment.

With both sides trading charges and denials in the press, Trump’s lawsuit indicates his multi-front legal struggle with Carroll is unlikely to finish soon.

Carroll requested an additional $10 million in damages from Trump in May, amending the first of her two cases against him to include his repeated denials during a CNN interview the day after the judgement.

Despite the jury’s decision that Trump “just” sexually abused Carroll, Trump’s petition in that same case on Tuesday cites Carroll’s claims on CNN following the judgment, in which she stated Trump raped her.

Trump, who is vying for reelection as president in 2024 and has a large lead over his Republican opponents, has refuted sexually assaulting Carroll. He is contesting the $5 million damage award against him.

According to Carroll’s testimony, Trump assaulted her in a New York City department store in the mid-1990s and then wrecked her reputation by branding her a liar when she went public with her allegations in 2019.

These new documents are part of Carroll’s ongoing defamation lawsuit against Trump, which she first filed in 2019. The case has been stalled by appeals over whether or not Trump has presidential immunity from being sued for his comments.

After New York established a rule allowing survivors of sexual violence to pursue civil actions even if the statute of limitations had passed, Carroll filed a second lawsuit against Trump for defamation and sexual assault.

The counter suit from Donald Trump is noteworthy because it signals that the Trump legal team is ready to go on the offensive.

The attacks on Donald Trump’s character and integrity can only go on so long before he starts to fight back. And that’s what he seems to be doing now.

It will be interesting to see if Trump tries to take a new approach with regards to his other pending legal cases that are, frankly, way more important than this he-said/she-said case that he is in with Carroll.

Donald Trump’s lawyers could try to go on the offensive in his indictment trial over alleged hush payments from the 2016 election by arguing that the Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg is intentionally targeting him.

In the second indictment trial Trump is facing from the federal government over classified documents that were found at Mar-a-Lago that Trump had allegedly illegally kept and mishandled, Donald Trump’s legal team could try to argue that the federal government was unconstitutionally spying on him.

The reason they raided Mar-a-Lago in the first place was due to surveillance data they had on Trump’s home.

Of course, going on the offensive leaves you more vulnerable if you don’t focus enough on a solid defense against the pending charges themselves.

One thing is certain, Trump’s lawyers do not have an envious job at all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Tragic news about Dianne Feinstein rocks Capitol Hill


Senator Feinstein had one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel for a while. Something had to give.

And this tragic news about Dianne Feinstein rocks Capitol Hill.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has served in the Senate for nearly 31 years and has been paid by taxpayers for all but a few years since 1970 — more than half a century.

The senator turned 90 on Thursday. You’d think the liberal media would shower her with praise, yet CNN published a lengthy report criticizing Feinstein’s poor health and lack of involvement with her job.

The lead was harsh, saying, “Sen. Dianne Feinstein has grown isolated over the years from most members of her California delegation and other Democrats in her home state, feeding a discontent among allies who tell CNN they now wish for a more engaged and energetic senior senator.”

According to CNN senior journalist Edward-Isaac Dovere, CNN interviewed with every California House member, and few had anything positive to say about Feinstein, whom they characterized as aloof and detached from the problems most important to state people.

“They wish she could give advice and collaborate, tackling issues proactively as an active partner in the Senate. They’re bitter about it – and some also tell CNN that the situation means their constituents haven’t been getting the work they elected their senior senator to do,” reporter Dovere wrote.

Feinstein has been off the air for quite some time. Feinstein contracted shingles in March, which spread to her face and neck, causing eyesight and balance problems as well as facial paralysis.

The virus also caused encephalitis, a brain swelling that can cause long-term memory or language impairments, sleep abnormalities, episodes of bewilderment, mood disorders, and difficulty walking.

Feinstein returned to the Senate in mid-May in a wheelchair, with “the left side of her face frozen and one eye nearly shut, she seemed disoriented as an aide steered her through the marble corridors of the Senate, complaining audibly that something was stuck in her eye,” according to The New York Times.

The senator frequently loses track of where she is. When she returned to work, reporters inquired how her coworkers greeted her, but she pretended she’d never left. “No, I’ve been here. I’ve been voting.” Then she pretended to be offended. “Please. You either know or you don’t.”

Feinstein, who has been increasingly absent from public life over the last decade, has long been shielded by the mainstream media. But CNN went after her hard, proving that liberals no longer support her.

Dovere met with a California House member who had been “granted anonymity to speak frankly,” and who stated, “The situation is very frustrating, but also very clear.”

“Californians should have two responsive, active senators,” the member said. “And they don’t.”

State voters are already sick of Feinstein; according to a recent survey, a majority believe she should quit.

According to an Inside California Politics/Emerson College poll, 63% believe she should leave and 37% believe she should stay. According to the same poll, only 22% approve of Feinstein’s job performance, while 48% disapprove.

“Older voters are more likely than younger voters to say Feinstein should resign: 68% of voters over 50 think the Senator should resign compared to 58% of voters under 50 who say the same,” said Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling.

Meanwhile, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) is said to have launched a “soft inquiry” to fill Feinstein’s seat if she retires before the end of her term in 2025.

A “person involved in the conversation” told Vanity Fair that Newsom isn’t actively looking. Instead, the governor is asking: “If somehow one of California’s U.S. Senate seats was vacant, would you be interested in filling it?”

Feinstein has previously stated that she will not run for re-election in 2024, hence her tenure will finish in January 2025. The question now is whether she can survive till then, with voters and the liberal media turning against her.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Nancy Pelosi’s supreme stupidity was on full display in this shocking interview


Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi represents everything wrong with DC politics. But she refuses to go away.

And now Nancy Pelosi’s supreme stupidity was on full display in this shocking interview.

Who is more disliked by the average American public? Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Vice President Kamala Harris?

It’s a hard one to pick.

At least Kamala Harris largely stays out of the public eye for the most part. Maybe she’s self-aware of the fact that she is one of the most annoying Vice Presidents we’ve ever had in the history of America.

Nancy Pelosi, on the other hand, refuses to go away. She’s retired from her post as the Speaker of the House for the second time after Republicans took back the U.S. House and installed Kevin McCarthy as the speaker.

At 83 years old, she is still trying to keep her time in the spotlight. The latest example comes from an interview she gave with MSNBC.

Appearing in an exclusive MSNBC interview with Jen Psaki (the former White House Press Secretary for Joe Biden), Nancy Pelosi discussed a ton of topics regarding Washington, D.C. politics.

But one of the exchanges she had made her look truly… dumb. That’s the only way we can describe it.

Pelosi was asked by Jenn Psaki about the issue of abortion and whether she believes that Democrats should try to attack Donald Trump on that issue.

The argument is that somehow Donald Trump is an anti-women and anti-freedom candidate who just wants to control everyone. Of course, if anyone knows Trump, that’s not Donald Trump at all.

But Nancy Pelosi’s response was seriously confusing.

“Is this something Democrats should be hanging around Trump’s neck more?” Psaki asked of Pelosi, referring to the abortion issue.

Pelosi responded saying that Trump’s opinion on abortion is an “hypocrisy of the first order.”

She then said that he was “inconsistent” on this issue, followed by confusing vague comments.

Check out the clip below:

She sounds like she’s drunk in the interview to begin with.

Secondly, what in the world is she talking about saying that eight Republicans voted for women to have contraception? There was no law that was brought up in Congress about banning contraception.

And what hypocrisy is she talking about? Trump has made clear that he thinks this is a state issue, not a national issue.

Nancy Pelosi is insufferable and she showed that yet again in her interview with Jenn Psaki that was supposed to be a softball.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Serious test results made Biden go pale as a ghost


Joe Biden’s future is uncertain. And the picture is even more grim now.

And these Serious test results made Biden go pale as a ghost.

Joe Biden’s ability to lead this country has been in question essentially since he hit the campaign trail three years ago.

He consistently stumbles through speeches and falls over constantly.

If his health wasn’t enough of a concern, Americans are very worried about his policies that hurt their wallets, freedom, and futures.

And a new poll shows just how serious the situation is for Biden.

According to a new poll issued on Wednesday, inflation is the #1 concern for Americans in the United States.

According to a Pew Research Center poll, 65 percent of respondents believe inflation is a “very big problem.” Another 27% thought inflation was a “moderately big problem.”

Republicans were most concerned about the matter, with 77 percent saying so, while Democrats were equally concerned, with 52 percent saying so.

According to the research, seven out of ten Americans believe the annual budget deficit would increase over the next five years.

The proportion of Americans who believe the budget imbalance is a major national issue has climbed from 51% in 2022 to 56% in 2023.

The affordability of healthcare was the next most important concern among Americans, at 64%, followed by the capacity of Democrats and Republicans to work together at 62%, drug addiction at 61%, gun violence at 60%, and violent crime at 59%.

The poll of 5,115 American adults was conducted between June 5 and 11 and has a margin of error of 1.7 percentage points.

Pew Research Center also discovered that 62 percent of voters disapprove of Biden’s job performance.

Among this group, 41 percent strongly disapproved and 20 percent “not strongly” disapproved.”

Under President Biden, the country has seen sky-high inflation, reaching a 40-year high of 8.6 percent in June 2022.

Food, gasoline, and fuel oil prices have reached all-time highs under Biden, with the highest ever recorded national average price for a gallon of gas on June 14, 2022, at $5.016 a gallon.

If Biden can’t find a way to turn around inflation and the image of his administration’s handling of it, then his goose is cooked.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Impeachment push plunges Capitol Hill into total chaos


The worst thing you can do to a politician is take away his job. If they don’t have the spotlight and power, they have nothing.

And this impeachment push plunged Capitol Hill into total chaos.

Joe Biden’s complete failure on domestic and foreign policy has led to murmurs that he should be thrown out of office.

The border been made completely porous with an estimated 17 million illegal immigrants residing in this country, a 16 percent increase since Biden took office.

But one of Biden’s most controversial acts has been his weaponization of the federal government against Trump and everyday Americans.

So far, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate has been raided by the FBI and an indictment has been leveled against Biden’s chief political rival.

Pro-life Americans have also felt the FBI’s wrath, resulting in their homes being SWAT-style raided with their families at home.

Meanwhile, Joe’s son, Hunter, gets a sweetheart deal on tax evasion and firearms charges leading to no jail time.

Republicans are tired of the double-standard of the FBI.

The law should be applied equally whether you’re a Biden, a Trump, or any body else.

And one Congresswoman is standing up for that principle.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) stated on Wednesday that her articles of impeachment against FBI Director Christopher Wray would be offered as a privileged resolution.

Greene’s declaration comes just days after Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden as a privileged resolution.

“Christopher Wray spit in our faces and disrespected our Oversight Committee and our Chairman Comer by forcing us to see redacted versions of UNCLASSIFIED 1023 forms that gave proof of then VP Joe Biden taking a $5 million bribe,” Greene tweeted.

“I’m turning my Articles of Impeachment on Wray into a privileged resolution. Wray is a bad cop hiding Joe Biden’s crimes and must be held accountable. I won’t tolerate this level of disrespect and pure criminal corruption,” she continued.

By making the resolution privileged, House procedures will require the resolution to be voted on by the chamber within two days, even if House leadership does not approve.

Greene presented impeachment articles against Wray last month as part of her “impeachment week,” during which she introduced articles against various Biden administration officials and the president.

“Not only has Director Wray persecuted political opponents in an unprecedented and partisan way, but he has also overseen his agency take actions to shield and protect the current President and his family. A senior FBI official left the agency under a cloud of accusations that he shielded a laptop belonging to the President’s son, Robert Hunter Biden, from a criminal probe,” Greene said in a statement when introducing the articles of impeachment in May.

“It is unacceptable for the Director of the FBI or any civil officer to exercise his power in a way that targets one political class while doing favors for the other,” the statement continued.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Gavin Newsom got exposed as a moron with this one comment on Fox News

California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom isn’t the brightest guy around. But he’s reached new levels of idiocy.

Because Gavin Newsom went on Fox News and got exposed as a moron because of this comment he made.

Last week, Democratic California governor Gavin Newsom gave an interview to Fox News host Sean Hannity in which he boasted that the state’s economy is the greatest in the country. However, a review of the evidence demonstrates such is not the case.

First, we’ll examine Newsom’s most prominent assertions, such as his claim that California is “No. 1 in the nation for new business starts” and his assertion that the state has one of the strongest GDP growth numbers in the world.

Newsom exploits statistical trickery by citing raw statistics rather than per capita figures when discussing the creation of new businesses. By far, the most people live in California. As a result, it will have the most nascent commercial foundations. Contrary to popular belief, California placed no. 29 in business applications per capita in 2022, according to data compiled by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

This method is more accurate because it takes into account the total population.

In these situations, Newsom frequently draws parallels between the Sunshine State and Big Bend Country. However, according to the data, in 2022, Florida ranked third and Texas ranked fifteen in terms of business applications per capita.

Similar nonsense may be found in his assertion that California has one of the world’s strongest GDP growth rates. To get to 7.8%, he had to rewind to 2021, when every state was experiencing a period of rapid economic expansion following the COVID pandemic.

While it’s true that California ranked second in growth that year (behind only Tennessee), a deeper dive into the numbers reveals less rosy results.

The most recent year for which data is available (2022) has California near the bottom of the list of states in terms of GDP growth. In both 2019 and 2020, California also ranked quite low. In reality, red states like Texas, Idaho, Tennessee, and Utah dominated the top of the list in each of those years.

In other words, Newsom had to choose and choose one year out of the last four to make the claim that California’s GDP growth is historic and unique, and even then, his state was not at the top.

Is Newsom correct in saying that California also ranks first in terms of the ease with which entrepreneurs may raise finance and the amount of money tourists spend in the state? Both assertions are true. There is no further information to provide regarding venture capital. It’s the main reason why so many people are drawn to California.

Contrarily, it may not be the most reliable indicator of a state’s economic vitality.

However, more background information is required concerning tourism. It is important to examine tourism data in the same way that we do business startup data: in relation to the size of the state. As Newsom pointed out, California’s population makes it the most populous state in the country, giving it an automatic edge in quantitative comparisons.

However, when we examine trends, we notice something different. According to the latest numbers from the U.S. Travel Association, tourism spending in California has dropped by 12% since 2019. The deterioration in this state is unprecedented. However, Florida’s tourism sector has expanded by 9%.

The California economy is not in chaos yet, but neither is it fair to call it the strongest in the country. The facts clearly reveal that residents of California are leaving the state in droves. And there’s a good explanation for why.

For the first time in recorded U.S. history, the state of California has seen a shocking net drop in population. Millions of people are fleeing the state for more palatable economic situations in other states. Who wants to pay $4,000 in rent each month for the smallest apartment?

This population decrease certainly doesn’t bode well for the future economy of California. California’s economy isn’t toast, as we’ve seen, but it’s not bright like Newsom wants to claim.

Some people thought Newsom “destroyed” Hannity because of how assured and well-informed he came across in the conversation. But that doesn’t prove his claims are accurate.

Newsom’s speech scores highly on flair but poorly on accuracy, according to what we have seen upon closer inspection of the facts. We would give Newsom a dunce hat for these comments if we were in that interview with him.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kevin McCarthy just threw a major wrench in Hunter Biden’s plea deal


Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, made headlines this week for pleading guilty to gun crimes and tax evasion. But House Speaker Kevin McCarthy just turned his world upside down.

And Kevin McCarthy just threw a major wrench in Hunter Biden’s plea deal.

No American who has been paying attention over the past few years can doubt that Hunter Biden and the entire Biden family is corrupt.

And as the most powerful man on earth, Joe Biden should be scrutinized the highest degree over allegations of corrupt backroom deals.

They would do that to Trump if the roles were reversed.

But Democrats won’t. That’s why Kevin McCarthy just hit the Biden’s with a reality check they’ll never forget.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said Tuesday that the Justice Department “should not be able to withhold” any papers from Congress in its investigations of President Joe Biden and his son, claiming a “pending” probe.

He stated to reporters:

My first reaction is it continues to show the two-tiered system in America. If you are the President’s leading political opponent, the DOJ tries to literally put you in jail and give you prison time. If you are the president’s son, you get a sweetheart deal.

Now, this does nothing to our investigation, and it actually should enhance our investigation because the DOJ should not be able to withhold any information now, saying that there’s a pending investigation. They should be able to provide Chairman Comer with any information that he requires.

While the United States Attorney for the District of Delaware, David Weiss, said in a statement that the federal investigation into Hunter Biden is still “ongoing,” a source told Politico that “the plea agreement is intended to be a comprehensive resolution of Hunter Biden’s potential legal liability in all matters investigated by federal authorities.”

Politico reports that:

Those matters include allegations Republicans have leveled in recent years that his business dealings and his well-compensated post on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma amounted to corruption or violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

‘This is the end of it,’ the person involved said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the private legal discussions.

Weiss’s office confirmed some details of the agreement in a press release that added, without elaborating: ‘The investigation is ongoing.’ It was not immediately clear what parts of the inquiry are continuing, but prosecutors could look at potential crimes or civil liability on the part of others who have come under scrutiny in the probe.

In his own statement Tuesday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) stated that the committee would continue its inquiry into the Bidens.

“Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery. These charges against Hunter Biden and sweetheart plea deal have no impact on the Oversight Committee’s investigation,” he said.

“We will not rest until we know the full extent of President Biden’s involvement in the family’s schemes,” he continued.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The DOJ’s war against Trump has backfired against Biden in a big way

Trump’s indictment by the DOJ was supposed to finish him once and for all. That’s what Biden was hoping for, at least.

But the DOJ’s war against Trump has backfired against President Biden in this major way.

When Donald Trump announced that he would be running for President again in the 2024 election, Democrats had to be freaking out.

The odds of Trump winning a rematch against Joe Biden suddenly wasn’t so crazy given how vulnerable Joe Biden’s incumbency is right now with his abysmal approval ratings and worsening health.

Immediately, the Democrats knew they had to do something to take Donald Trump out of the picture or risk seeing Trump win a second term.

Many believe that the corrupt Deep State Democrats first tried to take out Donald Trump when the Manhattan DA office decided to indict Donald Trump for phony charges that Trump paid off an adult entertainment star to keep quiet about an alleged affair during the 2016 election.

That indictment didn’t slow Trump down at all. In fact, more Americans got behind Trump as he raised millions of dollars in the days after that first indictment announcement.

But the plans to attack Trump go back before that. Back in August of 2022, the FBI and the DOJ had raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and said they found a bunch of classified documents that Trump did not have a legal right to be in possession of.

Fast forward almost a year, and now the DOJ are trying to bring Trump down yet again with a second indictment trial, this time for the classified document shenanigans from Mar-a-Lago.

But it seems as though it is yet again backfiring against Joe Biden and strengthening Donald Trump.

A new poll shows that Trump now holds a very comfortable lead over Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 general election matchup for President.

Newsmax reports on the Rasmussen poll:

According to the survey, 45% of likely U.S. voters would chose Trump in a presidential election rematch in 2024, while 39% would vote for Biden. Another 12% say they would select some other candidate.

A staggering finding of the poll was that Trump would get upwards of 40% of the black vote, which would be absolutely unprecedented and devastating for the Democrats’ future.

The poll also found that almost half of voters believe that Biden’s administration is more corrupt than the administrations of Trump, Obama, and Bush.

In fact, only 60% of Democrat voters say that Biden is “better than most recent Presidents”. That’s a shockingly slim majority among Democrat voters.

Joe Biden was likely hoping that his DOJ would be doing him a favor by hitting Trump with another indictment and series of federal charges that carry potential prison consequences.

Surely Trump’s supporters will fall away right? Then Biden can have a golden pathway to the White House come time for the general election in 2024.

That was a big error that the Biden administration has made as it seems the Trump corner is even stronger than ever because Americans can see through these political games being played by the Washington, D.C. Swamp.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden told to sit down and shut up by this key Democrat

Many have wondered who really runs the show in the Biden White House. Now we have our answer.

And Biden was told to sit down and shut up by this key Democrat.

Democrats are fighting like never before to ensure they keep their stranglehold on power.

As it stands, they are barely holding on to the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House is majority Republican.

If they lose the White House or the Senate in the 2024 election, their entire agenda will come crashing down.

And with Joe Biden seemingly the only candidate the party establishment wants to push, the Left is telling him exactly what to do so he doesn’t screw it up – even going so far as to tell him shut up and not let voters see him.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) stated on Sunday that Americans do not want to hear “campaign noise” from President Joe Biden.

During an interview on ABC’s This Week, Whitehouse was questioned why Biden waited 54 days after announcing his candidacy for 2024 to address a campaign rally.

“Does he need to pick up the pace and be a little more aggressive?” Whitehouse was questioned.

“No,” the senator replied. “He’s got a lot of time ahead of him, a lot of runway. I think laying a good, solid base of these strong endorsements like he got out of the environmental community last week, what he got out of the labor community at this big rally, is just the way to go. I don’t know that people are interested in a whole lot of campaign noise out of him, and I think he’s doing it right.”

Despite polls showing that his approval rating is in the low 40s and that most voters do not want him to run again, Biden is running for reelection.

So far, the president has followed the same tactic he adopted successfully in 2020 and 2022, surrendering the attention to Donald Trump and maintaining a quiet profile. Biden has not commented publicly on Trump’s indictment, and has even directed his campaign team and the Democratic National Committee not to.

But campaign operatives and Biden supporters are making the case for him. As Whitehouse indicated, Biden received endorsements from 17 different unions on Friday before campaigning with them in Philadelphia Saturday night.

During the event, he was greeted with chants of “four more years!” and promised to continue supporting unions if re-elected.

“I’m looking forward to this campaign,” Biden said in a speech that did not mention Trump.

“I want you to know why: because you got a story to tell. We’ve got a story to tell. We’ve got a record to run on. And most importantly, we’re not only changing this country, we’re transforming it.”

This just goes to show that Joe Biden isn’t even running his own campaign.

Instead, Democrat politicians, aides, strategists, and donors are doing everything in their power to keep him hidden away.

Is that the kind of weakness Americans want in a president?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.