

Nancy Pelosi may never recover from this shocking attack at a town hall

Former House Speaker Pelosi has been a leading Democrat for decades. But that all came to an abrupt end. And Nancy Pelosi may never...

What Democrats just did could be the end of America for good

The Democrats have gone way too far this time. They've doomed America. Because what Democrats just did could be the end of America once and...

Jim Jordan sent off a letter with huge consequences for Donald Trump

Major House Republican Jim Jordan isn't playing games. He's demanding answers. And Jim Jordan sent off a letter that has huge consequences for Donald Trump. Jim...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets slapped with huge ethics violation

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been caught red-handed. She thought no one would find out.

But AOC has been slapped with a huge ethics violation that could end her career for good.

Dr. Fauci has nowhere to hide after Ted Cruz dropped this truth bomb

Dr. Anthony Fauci's web of deceit is finally unraveling. He got himself into trouble after making a significant statement.

And Dr. Fauci has nowhere to hide after Ted Cruz dropped this truth bomb.

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