

Trump gets the sweetest revenge ever with one bombshell executive order

It's been a long road. But Donald Trump is finally back in power. And now Trump got the sweetest revenge ever with one bombshell executive...

Pope Francis sent Donald Trump a message that is dropping jaws

As the leader of the largest Christian Church, the Pope has massive influence. Now he's wading into American politics. And Pope Francis sent Donald Trump...

Joe Biden was exposed for committing fraud right as Trump takes over

Biden can't hide anything any longer. The adults are back in charge. And now Joe Biden was exposed for committing fraud right as Trump took...

The FBI is burning documents after being bested by Donald Trump

The federal government isn't interested in doing it's job. It only has been serving the ends of the political elite. And now the FBI is...

Karine Jean-Pierre humiliates the Biden administration right at the 11th hour

The Press Secretary has a tough job. She has to do her best to cover for the clown show of Joe Biden and Kamala...

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