Chuck Schumer went white as a ghost after being caught in this illegal scheme

Chuck Schumer will do anything to keep his grasp on power. But now it’s all coming back to bite him.

And Chuck Schumer went white as a ghost after being caught in this illegal scheme.

After the Midterm Elections, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) thought he was on top of the world.

But Schumer and the Democrats could face campaign finance charges because of an illegal campaign payment.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is closely linked to Schumer and is the official campaign committee for Senate Democrats.

A report from the Washington Free Beacon said that the DSCC may have broken federal campaign finance law by paying an illegal alien for campaign work during the Midterm Elections.

Before the election, the Democrats gave $500,000 to La Machine Consulting in Arizona to do canvassing in three close Senate races.

The consulting firm paid to talk to voters in Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona, which were the three Senate races with the most competition.

Antonio Valdovinos is the owner of La Machine Consulting. He brags about being an “undocumented” immigrant.

Valdovinos has a program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that lets the children of illegal aliens stay in the country. This program was made illegally by former President Barack Obama.

Under federal law, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) thinks of DACA recipients as “foreign nationals.”

Under federal campaign finance law, foreign nationals can’t be involved “directly or indirectly” in any political campaign or committee’s “decision-making process.”

Valdovinos would almost certainly be involved in making decisions as the owner of La Machine Consulting, especially after getting a half-million-dollar payment from the DSCC.

Dan Backer, a campaign finance lawyer who has argued and won cases at the Supreme Court, told the Free Beacon that the payment could break federal campaign finance laws.

“If the DSCC knowingly engaged a non-citizen/resident in a capacity that they are prohibited from participating in for federal election law purposes, then they ought to be held accountable,” Backer said.

Because he is an illegal alien, Valdovinos has had to deal with possible campaign finance violations in the past.

In 2021, the FEC looked into him to see if he had done anything wrong, but decided not to charge him because of “prosecutorial discretion.”

The FEC noted that his company’s work “raises the prospect that the company could provide the type of services that the commission has previously found resulted in prohibited foreign national contributions.”

This is the latest campaign finance scandal involving illegal immigrants and the Democrats.

The FEC fined Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) 2020 presidential campaign $15,000 because it broke the law by hiring three DACA recipients to reach out to Hispanic voters.

Chuck Schumer is starting the New Year with a campaign finance scandal that could hurt Democrats in three important Senate races that the Party won in 2022.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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